During his training trip, Naruto is given a scroll which holds the secrets in how to seduce and ensnare women. A scroll he uses at first on the women and kunoichi around him but soon on the Shinobi... The NARUTO story is not mine all credits are to be given to the author Lemon Sage. Enjoy this Story.
Karui walked through the lobby of the Hidden Thunder Apartment Complex after a long but satisfying day, especially as she had been informed that she had aced her ANBU exam. She nodded to some of the people that she occasional made small talk with here and there as she passed through. She reached the elevators as one of them opened for a few people that had been waiting and then stepped to the back while she waited for the other residents to reach their floors. When the last person reached their floor, she entered in her code which told the elevator to raise up to the penthouse.
Knowing the elevator wouldn't open for any more passengers she relaxed some to bask in her success as it traveled up to the three floors that comprised the Hidden Thunder Inn. Already wearing her new uniform, she pulled the mask of it from her pouch, and would admit that she wasn't a fan of the tengu design, although the female version was birdlike rather than the long nosed version worn by the men, but she reckoned she could change it after she assumed command of the Anbu Division, especially considering the commander wore a personalized mask. Yet aesthetics aside, she had never really aspired to become Anbu primarily due to her feeling that her career as a jounin contained the proper amount of risk to reward. The Anbu Division despite seeing more dangerous missions, didn't see a considerable raise in pay to go along with them. As such, Karui had always felt it wasn't worth pursuing as a career path.
She smiled about how that had all changed after a single massage. With the reawakened passion to raise to the rank of Raikage, she knew that she would need to make some bold and even risky choices to make it a reality. Some of her good cheer faded as she thought of her fellow Family member, Yugito, who was also providing an inspiration for her decision. Especially as in the months since Konan's meeting with Ay, the former host of the two-tails had transformed from the once disciplined and exemplary kunoichi into a rather disrespectful malcontent. Karui definitely could understand where Yugito was coming from, especially considering how Mabui had described the meeting. The red-head felt her respect for the Raikage had taken a severe hit as a result. Moreover, since she knew the whole argument was moot considering the two-tails was already free of Yugito. Karui actually felt it was ironic that in trying to tighten his grasp on the kunoichi, the Raikage had succeeded in just the opposite. Not only that, but Yugito was likely far more powerful now than when she had actually housed the Bijuu.
But still, she felt tat the whole affair was rather difficult to just pass judgement on the Raikage and call it a day. After all, she could see where he was coming from since it was foolish to ignore the obvious tactical realities of the situation. He may have phrased it inconsiderately, but Yugito had been made a jinchuriki solely to become a weapon in Kumo's arsenal. The one thing that separated Naruto from his Kumo jinchuriki counterparts, was that Tsunade had entered office with a vastly different view of what he would accomplish for the village. Not to mention that had been long before they had become lovers.
Karui essentially believed that it did show the key differences between what Ay wanted from the Alliance as opposed to what Tsunade expected from it. Ay was likely a believer in the philosophy that the times of peace were when leaders made the moves for the next war. He was also likely just as aware as anyone that Iwagakure was setting itself up to be instigator that kicked off a new Shinobi War. Members of Kumo's intelligence network believed that Iwa was behind many of the instabilities afflicting the governments that shared its Western Border. This was also confirmed by sources from Suna and the J.A.I.N network. It was believed that the Tsuchikage was using such a method to accommodate his Daimyo's desire for expansion. However, an open invasion would likely result in one or more of the other shinobi villages being called in to stop it, which would quickly escalate into a full blown war. A war that the current Alliance practically guaranteed would be three on one. Coupled with Kirigakure likely desiring vengeance against Iwa for its betrayal during their short lived alliance, it would likely further tilt the odds against them.
Kirigakure could still decide to work with Iwa, especially if it feared the Alliance would target them at some point. Kin and Rin had visited the Land of Water to gather intelligence that would help Naruto bring the Family's ambition to its shores. The pair had reported that the Mizukage stated quite freely that Iwa was pushing them to join forces, and her advisors also seemed open to the idea. Still, there didn't seem to be any signs that the two villages were coming together, making Karui suspect that the Mizukage felt that considering what happened last time, trusting Iwa out of the fear of what the Alliance might do was foolish. Kin also seemed to believe the Mizukage wasn't one to enter into relationships blindly, and would only do so if she was sure she could turn the tables on Iwa should it try to betray them again.
That the Alliance might desire to attack Iwa and eventually Kiri wasn't exactly an unfounded fear. At least that was what Karui believed the Raikage might have in store for it. His admittance that he wasn't repentant for his kidnapping attempt against the Hyuuga, and his desire to hold onto Yugito at all costs showed her that he was only interested in the Alliance for the tactical advantages. Granted, Gaara, Konan, and Tsunade would never allow him to initiate such a war. But much like Iwa had been caught doing, there were ways to inflame a situation to get a desired result without doing so publically.
Her fear that the Raikage would eventually proceed down such a path in order to use the Alliance to remove Iwa or Kiri as threats was one of the reasons that she had joined Kumo's Anbu. She figured any such plans would begin with the Anbu forces, and thus she could warn her lover. She found it strange how quickly she had come to believe in the Family's ambition, especially since if she was caught it would be treason. Yet, the fear of getting caught didn't compare to the fear that she had that because the Raikage didn't value the Alliance for its intended purpose. She might one day find herself on the battlefield facing those she deeply cared for, and a man that she may someday claim that she loved.
The other reason, was because she was of the belief that if she was going to become the Raikage. Then she needed to find a path which allowed her to distinguish herself as a potential candidate. Not necessarily an easy thing to achieve. The first issue was obviously that in the past, the title of Raikage had passed between father and son. However as Ay had no children. The next Raikage would be the first not to follow this tradition. Yet, it was apparent that he favored Darui. This led into the second issue that Karui had expected to face, namely that since Darui was head of Kumo's jounin forces. She would be trying to distinguish herself to her biggest rival.
She didn't necessarily believe that Darui would try to sabotage her if she began to make inroads to her ambition. But, she decided it would be better not to be in a position where he might be tempted to. Plus, with Anbu missions being assigned directly by Ay or the head of the Anbu forces, Tosen, there was little chance favorable reports of her successes might be downplayed. Granted, she didn't know a great deal about Kaname Tosen, but he was a rather devote believer in peace which made his decision to be the head of Kumo's black ops division rather strange. Yet, Karui wondered if perhaps he had chosen the position for the same reasons that she desired it. But, one thing was clear Tosen didn't exactly enjoy playing politics so she felt her achievements would be better reflected in reports he prepared.
Karui knew that she was perhaps looking down on Darui, especially since she knew he was extremely loyal to the Raikage. Yet, she feared that loyalty also stemmed from a shared belief that the Alliance was only a means to an end. She also knew that despite his lackadaisical demeanor, he was a tireless worker when it came to advancing Kumogakure's agenda. Therefore, it wasn't just Ay that favored him to be the next Raikage. If she was going to become the frontrunner than she was going to need some platform that would differentiate her from him. Her hope was that by the time such a decision was going to be made, she would be the Head of the Anbu division and thus in a better position to offer Kumo a clear alternative for the position. She suspected one thing that would definitely set her apart was her support for the true purpose of the Alliance which was to bring the Shinobi Villages together.
She got a firsthand example of what a wondrous thing such a world could be when the elevator doors opened to reveal Naruto standing there holding a cake for her while flanked by women from throughout the Shinobi World, although the women were keeping their distance, while he shouted strangely alone despite the presence of his other lovers, "Congratulations!!!"
Karui rather than being happy with the surprise followed her first instinct which was to jump back to create room between herself and the perceived threat. She then produced a kunai from her pouch, and had positioned herself to throw it, when it finally dawned on her that she was about to toss it into the skull of the man who had provided her with the motivation to chase her dream again. With her heart still beating a mile a minute she said, "What's the big idea scaring the life out of me?"
She heard several women laugh, and knew they had kept their distance since they had expected such a response from her. Shizune, approached him taking the cake after kissing his cheek to state, "I told you it was a bad idea."
Naruto sighed as he replied, "Honestly, you women really suck the joy out of surprising you all."
Shizune began walking away to put the cake back in the kitchen as she replied, "We love surprises, just not the kind that trigger fight or flight reflexes. Spending the evening pulling a kunai from your forehead would probably have dampened the festivities."
Karui tucked her kunai back into her pouch asking, "What's going on?"
Shizune turned back around showing off the cake allowing Karui to read the lettering which she had ignored while she had been zeroing in on her lover's forehead. She smiled upon seeing it said, "Congratulations for making ANBU!"
She felt her heart grow fonder for the blond shinobi, but stated, "How did you know? They just told me the results today."
Naruto chuckled as he answered, "Well, I do have a contact in the Raikage's office." Karui's gaze drifted to Mabui, who smiled in amusement. But, she soon focused on Naruto when he held out his hand to her stating, "Come on, let's get this party starter!"
Karui took the hand before replying, "Yes, let's." Although aware there was still a long road ahead of her, she couldn't help feeling that traveling it would be worth it. Especially if it would allow such nights as the one she was about to enjoy to become an everyday occurrence.
Yugito watched from the third floor of the Hidden Thunder Inn while Karui talked with Yuugao and Kashike. The three were in the largest common areas on the main floor that had two couches and chairs arranged as a rectangle around a coffee table. Karui was sitting on Naruto's lap while he sat in a chair at one end of the furniture formation. The two Anbu were sitting at the end of the couches closest to him while the other spots were occupied by women from both Konoha and Suna.
The former host of the two tails could tell Karui was basking at being the center of attention, made all the better by the fact that Naruto had been at her side all night. She figured the newest member of Kumo's Anbu division was picking the other women's brains to see what she had signed up for, since one thing many of the women of the Family had learned was that despite coming from different places many of the challenges that they faced were the same.
Yugito felt a wave of fresh depression as she reflected that it appeared to be the case for Jinchuriki as well. The feeling was quickly replaced with anger, especially as she recalled telling Naruto upon their first meeting that Kumo treated their jinchuriki better than the other villages. Now though she realized that it had only been better at masking that it truly had only valued her as a weapon. She gripped the railing that she was holding onto angrily, but it faded when a calm voice said, "I feel that I must once again apologize for what happened during my meeting with the Raikage."
The blonde kunoichi, sent her lover a soft, but forced smile when he looked up at her before turning to face Konan to reply, "And like I told you the first time. I'm not angry about it."
Konan approached the woman taking a spot next to her to peer over the railing. She focused on Naruto, and smiled softly while Karui used him for a cushion. He then whispered something in the red-head's ear, before kissing her cheek as she got up to allow him to stand. She watched him walk away and assumed he was going to get some refreshments.
Her gaze then drifted to a smaller common area on the second level to see a clone of Naruto sitting on a couch. Kneeling before it was Samui, who was massaging its cock with her breasts. Despite enjoying the titfuck it was receiving the clone was having a hard time focusing on just her due to the fact that sitting next to it was Kushina, who was in a make-out session with Mikoto.
The blue-haired Amegakure kunoichi felt her pussy begin to grow moist watching her future teammates getting frisky with each other so turned away to focus on the woman who if things had turned out differently would have been a victim of hers, not a person she now considered family. Sending her lover, a mental thank you for saving her from her darkness, she said, "Perhaps not at me. But you are indeed angry."
Yugito sighed before admitting, "You're right. But for the record, I'm glad your meeting helped me to see the light. If I'm angry at anyone, it is myself for being so blind."
Konan could understand since she had felt similarly, especially after seeing the truth that Tobi had manipulated her and Nagato's weakness to assume control of Akatsuki. Stating as much she said, "I know where you are coming from. If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know." Yugito nodded, and then looked like she wanted to say something, but thought otherwise prompting Konan to ask, "What is it?"
Yugito still seemed conflicted, but then asked, "That spot on Akatsuki… did you really mean it when you said you weren't going to fill it?"
"Of course," Konan said quickly, "I one day hope that you will be able to take it."
"W… what if I took it regardless of what the Raikage said," Yugito said causing Konan's eyes to go wide in surprise at what she was suggesting. Seeing the blue-haired kunoichi's reaction, and knowing the position it would put her in Yugito quickly said, "Forget I said anything."
She was about to quickly retreat to her room, but Konan stopped her by grabbing her wrist. Yugito looked back at her about to tell her to let go, but the words never appeared when she said, "If that is what you truly wish… I would honor it."
The blonde kunoichi knew she was asking a great deal, since it would likely cause a major incident that could tear the Alliance apart. Moreover, it could cause the very war that everyone had been working so long to avoid. Knowing that, she said, "Forget I said anything. I'm just thinking selfishly."
She could tell Konan was rather relieved since supporting her desire would put the leader of Rain in a difficult position. Not to mention everyone else. The Blue-haired woman pulled Yugito into a hug and told her, "I'm sure we'll come up with a way for us both to get what we want."
The Kumo-nin melted into her embrace, but both of them stiffened when Naruto said, "If you ask me, if you really are that unhappy here, then you should leave."
Both women turned to face him with Yugito quickly saying, "Naruto, the Raikage will never let me join Akatsuki. He's made it quite clear that he views me as Kumo's weapon. Nothing more. If I let my selfish desire guide me here it could tear apart everything that we have all worked so hard for."
Naruto smiled at her before reaching up to cup her cheek as he replied, "I've said it before Yugito, a world at peace but requires my lovers to suffer to maintain it isn't worth having."
Konan could feel Yugito's feelings for Naruto intensify like she was standing next to a fire that was suddenly burning much hotter. She didn't doubt her own was reacting to his words in a similar manner since she felt the eyes of several nearby women focusing on them. She could see Yugito badly wanted to just accept his statement, but was aware of the dangerous situation it would create. Giving voice to what she imagined the kunoichi was thinking she explained, "Naruto, if she was to become a missing-nin, the Raikage wouldn't rest until she was returned. He made that much clear already. I doubt the current Alliance would stop him from invading Ame to recapture her."
Naruto nodded in understanding as he crossed his arms before replying, "That is true. But, this is a fight that we will likely have regardless at some point either now or in the future. Don't forget, it was the village of Konoha that decided when Mito would die so they could seal Kiyomi into my mother. Eventually, that would be something which Kumogakure might decide as well. Especially, if someone continues to be the little troublemaker." Yugito blushed but smiled more genuinely from his teasing her about her recent attitude with her superiors. He grew serious as he added, "I believe Karui will become the Raikage. But even if she does elements in this village will someday demand a new host be selected. They are going to be mighty angry when they find out Yourichi is no longer sealed. Really, the best course of action is to remove Yugito from their grasp beforehand. If it is going to be an issue, then let's get it taken care of now. But, those are just pros and cons. The simple truth is that it will make the both of you happy, so we'll find a way to make it work."
The two women shared a look before stepping closer to Naruto and each took turns giving him a passionate soulful kiss. The women both move the hand they had on his chest down south making it apparent that they wanted to make his body feel as good as he had just made them. But, he stepped back giving them a disappointed smile and said, "Sorry my dears. But tonight I'm promised to Karui. We can pick this up tomorrow to discuss how we will make it work."
Giving a seductive purr, Yugito said, "Then create a clone for us to entertain in your place."
Naruto created the clone, and watched with a fair degree of jealousy as his two lovers led it off imagining the pleasure it would be receiving. He turned to look over the railing and marveled at what a lucky man he was while watching his lovers and the clones he had created at the start of the celebration mingle. He did begin to feel some concern that his promise to Yugito would cause the very conflict that their actions had all been geared towards avoiding. But, it didn't last long as he knew it was the best decision in the long run, and not just for his Family. The Raikage had made it clear to Konan that he only valued the Alliance for the tactical edge and financial benefit it gave him.
He had wanted to slug the Raikage upon hearing how he truly viewed Yugito, which also was why he needed to support her in whatever she decided less he become a hypocrite. Not that he needed such an incentive as his loyalty and feelings for his lovers trumped that which he had for his ambitions by an incredibly wide margin. He imagined that Jiraiya would understand so didn't feel any guilt associated with the thought. Plus, he figured what would make the future he envisioned worthwhile was that it wasn't built using shortcuts. The Raikage proved that at least from his perspective the Alliance was a means to an end. Building his ambition on it under such circumstances was similar to building a house on quicksand. Meaning it wasn't built on a firm foundation to begin with.
He felt that was perhaps where a great deal of those that came before him claiming to want to create peace went wrong. Which was that they were too quick to take the gains that they had made, rather than willingly go back to square one. Naruto wondered if it was perhaps the fact that he was effectively immortal now which was behind his willingness to see everything they had built over the years torn apart for Yugito's happiness. After all, he had never exactly been known for his patience when he was younger, but outside of the concerns that it could possibly endanger his friends and lovers, he was truly at peace with starting over.
Although, he knew perhaps not all of his lovers would be okay with letting Yugito defect, Ino proved not to be one of them as she said due to having monitored the conversation, "You make me so proud to have been your first conquest."
Naruto looked back over his shoulder as the Yamanaka approached while looking like a goddess due to setting sun behind her. She turned to watch the sun disappear behind Kumo's mountains while leaning against the railing. He smiled at her while replying, "Not exactly a romantic way of describing our first time together."
"But an accurate one," she replied before taking a sip of her champagne. "You are a conqueror after all, you just plant your seed in your conquests instead of a flag."
Naruto chuckled before jokingly saying, "Well it could get rather painful and messy if I did."
"Don't kid yourself," his Yamanaka lover said flashing him a brilliant smile, "It can be plenty messy using your methods as well." She groped his dick through his pants adding, "And it was a bit uncomfortable when you planted this big boy inside me the first time."
He leaned over to kiss her after which he said, "But, you loved it."
"Mmhmmm," she said enjoying the fading feeling of his lips against hers, "And still do." Ino met his blue eyes to state, "But, what you just said to Yugito just proves how lucky we all are."
"I'm the lucky one," Naruto said with a smile before turning to again look out upon his lovers spread throughout the Hidden Thunder Inn.
Ino ducked under his arm so she could come between him and the railing. She cupped his face while tracing one of her fingers over the whisker marks as she corrected him, "No, luck doesn't describe it at all. The decision you just made wasn't an easy one. But, you made it without hesitation, because you promised us a world where we were miserable yet it was at peace was not one worth having. Many a man or leader has made such promises before, only to forget them so as to not lose what victories they have already achieved in regards to their heart's desires. Describing what you have achieved with us as luck, well that just belittles the tough choices that you make to keep that promise."
Naruto caused her love for him to grow even more as he replied, "That's because what my heart desires is right in front of me. I'll never lose sight of that."
Ino wasn't really aware of what happened for a few seconds following Naruto's heartfelt reply so couldn't fight her response, not that she would have, but even she was surprised when she realized she was kissing him. In a sense, it was as if his words had just prompted an automatic response from her. She hooked her leg around his hip as the kiss grew deeper and more passionate. While her tongue danced with his, she reflected that she was truly the lucky one. She had been lucky that though a process of elimination that he had selected her to test his jutsu on. Then lucky enough to have been born into a position where she could become Clan head to be of use to his stated ambition. Granted, she had worked hard as well to rise to her current position, but she knew without her lover's influence she wouldn't have bloomed as radiantly as she had.
The two of them heard someone clearing their throat behind them prompting Ino to pull away to look over Naruto shoulder. Karui was standing behind their shared lover with her arms crossed, and addressing her said amused, "I know you aren't trying to jump my claim on him tonight."
"Normally not, but he just reminded me why I can't wear panties around him anymore," Ino said as his words and the kiss that followed had really gotten her juices flowing.
Karui nodded in understanding while Naruto turned to face her. Occupying his left side as Ino held onto his right she replied, "The entire night has been that for me. Although if I wasn't wearing them right now my new uniform would already be stained." She then pulled him into a kiss, before zeroing her gaze on the Yamanaka to add, "I'm going to go have my world rocked, and if you can wait your turn then I don't see why we both can't get what we want tonight."
"Let's go get this party really started then," the Konoha kunoichi said with a smile.
Despite Ino's words about luck, Naruto couldn't help marveling at what a lucky man he was as he was guided by the two women at his sides to Karui's room.
Tsunade watched from a second floor common area as Naruto was led away by the two women that she assumed would be sharing a bed with him that night. She felt a frown threaten to appear due to her belief that the conversation he had with Yugito moments prior was going to put her in a difficult position.
Still, it was difficult to completely focus on her concerns since a few feet away Anko was wearing a dildo and was assfucking Haruna. The Vegetable Daimyo was laying on top of the coffee table that the couches and chairs she and the others were using was centered around. The Leaf Jounin was standing and pressing on the back of the woman's knees to raise her hips up while she drilled the orange cock into the woman's ass. The Hokage took a sip of her drink, and sighed as it helped ease more of the concerns that she now held for the future. Yet, as always she would follow her lover's lead particularly since she knew that in many ways Yugito's situation mirrored her own from when Koharu had discovered her relationship with Naruto. Tsunade felt this was the case since it had been her station as Hokage which had been one of the reasons for the Elder's objections to it.
The Hokage smirked as she looked out of the corner of her eye to see that Koharu was massaging one of her breasts while watching the show that Anko was putting on. Tsunade felt a warm flush come over her while remembering how Naruto had put her happiness above his ambition. She was proud of the fact that he appeared to be doing so again, even while she worried about what the fallout would be.
Yoshino leaned in from the chair to her right since she apparently had arrived at the same conclusion as her from watching their love's exchange with Yugito. "It appears that we'll have to deal with the fallout of a jinchuriki going rogue soon enough."
Tsunade nodded, and replied, "The Alliance was nice while it lasted. But, I don't think it will survive that."
To the Hokage's surprise Yoshino stated, "It might, but the key will be to make sure she does go rogue before the Chunin Exams."
"You expected this," Tsunade said a little shocked despite the woman's reputation.
"I calculated the odds were a little better than eighty percent that Yugito would wish to go rogue once the Raikage refused her request to join Akatsuki," The Nara said before turning her gaze back to where Haruna was now on all fours while Anko crouched behind her on the table and was fondling the Daimyo's tits while she drilled the rubber phallus inside her. Having enjoyed anal with her husband, Yoshino began to wonder what it would be like with Naruto, causing her to shiver while her mind conjured the possible scenarios. She turned her gaze back to the Hokage to add, "The possibility rose to one hundred percent once Naruto got wind of her desire."
Tsunade smiled since she couldn't fault the woman's conclusion but asked, "I'm guessing that if you already had considered the possibility then you have suggestions on how we should proceed."
The Nara nodded before detailing, "First, the defection needs to happen before the Chunin Exams. The Raikage will obviously threaten to withdraw from the Alliance unless she is returned, but due to the very nature of the agreement between villages for how Chunin are selected. If he withdraws, and then holds a quick exam to promote a bunch of Chunin, people will automatically assume he is preparing for war."
Koharu was now paying attention to the conversation as well, although still sending glances towards the two women enjoying themselves before them. Focusing on Yoshino she asked, "What's to stop him from doing that even if he decides to remain a member until after we hold the joint exam?"
"Nothing," the Nara said sending a quick look towards the two women due to Anko pulling Haruna to her feet, and then laying back on the table. The Daimyo quickly moved to a crouch above Anko and began raising and lowering herself on the toy buried in her ass. As Haruna was facing away, it gave the Nara a clear view of how her sphincter was clinging to the orange dildo. She tore her eyes away to explain further, "But, if he waits until the Chunin Exams, and then tries to leave the Alliance to settle the matter. We'll quickly be able to cast him as an opponent to peace."
"Something tells me that he wouldn't care all that much one way or another," Tsunade said, while shifting slightly due to her pussy growing moist from the sight of Haruna fucking herself on the plastic copy of her lover's cock.
"True," Yoshino admitted, "But, being cast as the aggressor does put him at a disadvantage as far as Allies that he can turn to. The biggest threat is that he would turn to Iwa to form an alliance. Yet, Iwagakure has been working to convince the Mist Village to forget its past betrayal of them to join forces. It appears the Mizukage has been resistant to the idea, partially because she doesn't know if she can trust them. But, she also has to convince people her regime isn't as bloodthirsty as the one it replaced. Meaning, she might also be hesitant to join Iwa due to the rumors stating it is behind the conflicts allowing the Land of Earth to expand westward."
Koharu saw where the Nara was going with her explanation so stated, "Meaning that if the Raikage does turn to Iwa and everyone sees him as driving force to a new round of conflicts, then…"
"The Mizukage may very well come to us offering to take Kumo's spot in the Alliance," Yoshino said finishing her point.
Mabui had listened with half an ear, from where she sat opposite the three Leaf-nin. But hearing the conclusion they arrived at she gave them her complete attention to ask while frowning, "Yet, what of us who call Kumo home. Are we to going to be forced to leave in order to prevent becoming enemies?"
Yoshino shook her head quickly before answering, "No, there is only a ten to twenty percent chance that Kumo withdraws from the Alliance. The factors we just discussed are exactly why it is so low. The Raikage has shown he only values the Alliance for the current benefits it gives him. Provided, Yugito defects before the Chunin Exams, he'll be forced to calm his anger and will recognize this fact."
Mabui wasn't convinced and so quickly stated, "You do not know the Raikage as I do. When he loses his temper, or feels slighted against, he does not just let it go."
Yoshino grew deadly serious although the moment was somewhat downplayed due to Haruna gripping her breasts as she cried out in release and was soon joined by her mistress. The woman fell back onto Anko, who wrapped her arms around her while she also recovered from her release. The women not taking part in the conversation began clapping, but the Nara caused everyone to stop what they were doing due to her stating, "I'm aware of that as well. Which is why he'll definitely try to have Naruto killed."
Mabui found she wanted to refute Yoshino's statement, but she couldn't deny that she truly had no idea how the Raikage would react should he lose one of his jinchuriki. She wondered what made the Nara so sure, but then quickly understood that it was why Yoshino was so insistent that Yugito defect before the Chunin Exams. "You're counting on that desire to keep him in the Alliance."
"Exactly," Yoshino said with a grave nod.
Haruna sat up having heard bit and pieces of the conversation. She let out a little moan due to the toy still buried inside her before asking, "Why would a desire to kill Naruto keep the Raikage in the Alliance. Wouldn't such a thing cause it to fall apart?"
Tsunade answered the nude woman by stating with obvious concern, "Normally yes. But the Chunin Exams would give him a chance to do so without reprisal. People getting killed during the exams are an unfortunate byproduct. In this case, Yoshino believes that the Raikage would put some ringers in and target him, perhaps with the goal of extracting the nine-tails."
"Then wouldn't it be in everyone's best interest to convince Yugito not to go through with it," Haruna said quickly.
Although now filled with even more concern about what the future held, Tsunade proudly answered, "It would be in everyone's but Yugito's. Therefore, to Naruto the outcome is unacceptable."
"But…" Haruna tried to debate moving to stand, but she was stopped by Anko who pulled her back down onto her rubber cock.
The Daimyo moaned out while the Special Jounin pulled her Toy back into her chest and then said, "You'll understand in time my Toy. My Master isn't willing to let someone he cares for languish in misery to protect the status quo. If a fight needs to be had to let Yugito live the life that she wants, then he is going to have it."
Haruna wanted to talk about the matter more, but Anko began really bouncing the Daimyo on her rubber phallus. Aware that her mistress was trying to recapture the mood from before the conversation began, she allowed herself to be swept away by the pleasure she felt. Both from the rubber cock pounding her ass, and from the lustful gazes Naruto's lovers were directing her way. She could still see the concern that the women felt, but also a belief that whatever the dangers that the future held were, together they would triumph over them.
Karui had guided Naruto and Ino to her room and as soon as the door closed behind them wasted no time in pressing herself against Naruto to lay claim to his lips. Ino stepped away to watch while Naruto encircled his arms around his dark-skinned lover's waist to pull her tighter against him. Karui moaned into his mouth when his hands gripped the cheeks of her ass, and pulled her into his hardening cock. Karui pulled her lips away and looked at Ino to ask, "Would you mind taking over for a moment so I can slip into something more appropriate?"
The Yamanaka quickly slipped into Naruto's arms to occupy the position the Kumo-nin was relinquishing. While Karui moved to her bedroom, Ino called after her, "I don't know if I'll be able to hold myself back."
Karui could understand where the blonde was coming from so called back, "Go nuts, just so long as my pussy gets to feel his first release."
"I think that is doable," Ino said before sealing her lips to Naruto's.
Karui moved to her room so she could strip out of her Anbu uniform since she only had received the one at present, and didn't need it stained as she had to be ready early the next morning. She slipped out of the pants and could hear Naruto grunting in pleasure so figured Ino had wasted anytime in going for their lover's dick. Karui didn't rush though since she knew the blonde would let her have first crack at it in terms of getting to have it buried deep inside her. She pulled her panties down next, and shook her head at how soaked they were just from being in Naruto's presence and the few kisses they had exchanged throughout the night. Tossing them near her hamper, she then peeled off the white flak jacket, and shirt which she hung up in her closet with her pants.
She considered heading back out in just her birthday suit, but decided she wanted to wear something which would accentuate her natural beauty. She quickly moved to her lingerie drawer which although she had owned a few risqué items prior to getting involved with Naruto, her collection had really grown after her joining the Family. She selected a white corset, which left her breasts exposed, and then put on a white garter and stockings. She decided not to bother with any panties knowing they wouldn't be on for long.
Stepping from her room, she was glad that she hadn't bothered with the panties since her pussy practically flooded upon seeing a naked Naruto sitting on her couch with a mostly naked Ino kneeling before him. The only clothing that she still wore being her purple blouse which she had unbuttoned so she could wrap her breasts around Naruto's cock.
Karui called from her doorway, "Looks like you could use a hand."
Naruto looked over and Karui felt a flash of pride due to his mouth dropping open at the sight of her. She particularly found such moments to be rather charming, since it showed that even while getting a tit job he didn't take the women around him for granted. Ino's look also had an effect on her particularly as it left little doubt that she found her just as attractive as Naruto.
The Yamanaka's gaze drifted back down to the cock between her breasts as she stated, "I don't need a hand, but could use another pair of tits since I'm not as stacked as some to envelope this bad boy."
Karui strutted across the room while Ino repositioned herself to the side of their lover's lap. The Kumo-nin knelt opposite from her, and then pressed her tits against the blonde's stating, "I think together we can get it covered."
The two kunoichi then began moving as one causing their breasts to massage the dick sandwiched between them. Naruto groaned in pleasure, especially after the two women hugged each other tightly and began making out wetly while also sliding up and down his shaft. His lovers eventually pulled away from each other although they made sure to keep his cock surrounded by their flesh. They then used their hands to press on the side of their breasts, before beginning to once more rub his manhood with them. Although, it didn't generate as much pleasure as when he had been tightly packed between their mammaries. He enjoyed the points of hardness that were their diamond like nipples. He suspected that they enjoyed it as well, as he noted their moans had increased. He luxuriated in the feeling, but soon felt the first signs that he was going to erupt. Although, he would have liked nothing better than to coat his two lovers in his seed, considering Karui's multiple statements that his first release was meant for her womb stated, "Ladies, if you keep that up you're going to be wearing my cum in a few moment."
Much as he figured, Karui said, "We can't have that." She then quickly climbed up into his lap, but rather than bury his dick inside her. She let it rest against the crack of her ass to instead pull him into a covetous kiss.
Ino stood and although tempted to begin sucking his dick due to it sitting there not being used, she refrained since she figured Karui was letting him settle down some. As such, the Yamanaka busied herself with removing her blouse so that she was completely nude. She folded her and Naruto's clothes before turning back to the couch. She sauntered over just as Karui spun in Naruto's lap to face away and then raised up to guide his cock inside her. Ino knelt next to her lover and wrapped her arms around his neck to seal her lips to his while Karui worked just her hips up and down his pole.
Naruto groaned into his Yamanaka lover's mouth and he rested his hands on the cheeks of Karui's ass while she made his cock appear and disappear. He sank his head back into the couch after Ino relinquished his lips to begin kissing his neck and chest. Her tongue soon began circling one of his nipples while her fingers tweaked the other. The sensation of which caused him to buck his hips causing Karui to let out a sudden deep moan.
The Kumo-nin stopped moving her hips after Naruto took over pumping his cock inside her. She moaned contently, and felt a tongue run up her back before reaching her ear. Where Ino whispered to her while reaching around her to grope her breasts, "Your pussy is making such naughty sounds. You must have been dying to ride his cock from the moment you stepped out of the elevator."
Karui moaned from the Yamanaka pinching her nipples and rolling them between her fingers. "W…why wouldn't I get like that?" the recently promoted ANBU asked looking over her shoulder to stare into Ino's eyes. "How could I not get worked up knowing his cock would be stirring me up tonight?"
Ino smiled before replying, "That's an excellent point." She then leaned forward to kiss the red-head, while she ran her right hand down her body to begin rubbing her clit. Naruto groaned from Karui's sudden tightening around his dick. The added resistance as well as the sight of the two women's tongues circling around each other as they made out wetly caused him to reach his limit. He pushed his cock deeply into the Kumo-nin until it was pressed up against her womb and released his seed. Karui's eyes went wide as she was filled with his warm essence, and then leaned back into him as she climaxed.
Ino moved so that the dark-skinned woman could press her back into Naruto chest, who turned her face towards his so he could kiss her while filling her womb with his cum. She moved to kneel before them, and Karui upon recovering some asked, "I'm guessing you want me to move so you can get a little Uzumaki in you."
Karui slid over so she could sit next to Naruto as she expected Ino to leap into his lap. However, instead the blonde kunoichi lunged forward and began eagerly licking her pussy. Karui moaned as her still sensitive quim was lapped at while Ino began drinking the cum their lover had just deposited.
Naruto watched his blonde lover eagerly tongue Karui's snatch, and marveled at how lucky he was to witness such a sight. Ino though wanted less reflection and more showing so pulled her mouth from Karui's quim to say, "Don't just stand there holding your cock Lover. Especially when there is nice wet inviting pussy it can be buried in."
Naruto smiled as Ino quickly buried her face back into Karui's muff and he quickly slipped from the couch so he could crouch behind her. He caused her to moan when he began rubbing the tip of his cock against her drenched pussy lips. Then with practiced ease he slipped inside of her. He groaned out loud due to her cunt's squeezing down on him as soon as he was fully enveloped by her. Gripping her by the hips, he began to pull back causing her to moan in turn while her inner muscles tried to prevent his withdrawal. When just the tip of his cock was still inside her, he suddenly reversed course causing Ino to pull her mouth away from Karui's mound to cry out. The dark skinned woman quickly leaned forward to capture the Yamanaka's face between her hands, and began kissing her. The taste of her and Naruto's combined fluids drove her wild, which was aided by Ino beginning to rub her cooch.
Naruto quickly reached full steam, and began pounding Ino's snatch with long deep thrusts. She moaned into Karui's mouth, and caused the Kumo-nin to also moan when she slipped two fingers inside her. She was aided in her fingering of Karui's snatch by Naruto's powerful thrusts which every time he bottomed out inside her drove her fingers that much deeper. Karui had to lean back as Ino's actions drove her wild, due to her being still somewhat sensitive from her previous orgasm. Ino only added to when she used her now unoccupied mouth to begin sucking on Karui's clit.
Naruto turned up the pressure on her as well as he reached around to her front and began rubbing her clit. Ino moaned deeply and he felt her alright tight pussy begin to coil around him. He pressed on her pleasure button which caused Ino to stiffen just before exploding into a powerful climax. She rode the wave of pleasure, and was determined to bring Karui with her. Several swipes of her tongue later, Karui was also crying out as she climaxed. Ino quickly withdrew her fingers and clamped her mouth over the Kumo-nin's muff. The combined essence of her release and Naruto's still warm cum caused her to have a second more powerful climax, especially as he buried himself inside her to fill her with even more.
Karui watched Ino rear back as her second climax tore through her. It almost seemed to happen in slow motion allowing her to see the way Ino's face display both the ecstasy and then the lethargy that seemed to follow after reaching the heights of pleasure. Karui moved to the side as Ino slumped forward and rested her face in the cushion that she had just been occupying.
Naruto pulled out of her, and almost immediately some of his seed began to drip out. He stood up, and Karui was amazed that his dick still stood strong. She was tempted to begin sucking him, but wanted to do something new with him. Standing before him, she wrapped her arms around him before sealing her lips to his. Naruto proved he was still ready to go as one of his hands immediately began fondling one of her breasts while the other gripped the cheek of her ass. She pulled away leaving a small trail of saliva connecting them until she said, "Let's continue this in the bedroom."
Naruto nodded and then picked her up in his arms. He had no trouble finding it since he had helped her move in, although he had posed as a moving company. He set her down gently, but she quickly scooted away. She then raised her legs and spread herself for Naruto. She quickly hooked her arms inside her knees so she could pull back on them. This caused her to raise her hips up to display her exposed anus. She felt a thrill as Naruto eyed it, before looking back at her to which she said, "After enjoying a pair of climaxes, I figure you'll need a nice tight hole that you haven't enjoyed yet to fuck."
Suddenly the pair heard Ino scramble to her feet as she figured she would get to watch another woman enter the backdoor beauties club. Naruto climbed onto the bed while Ino took up a position at the side of the bed, and rested her head on her hands like she was watching her favorite television show. Karui smirked at how strange her life was where she was about to get her ass fucked by one Leaf-nin while another watched.
Karui moaned as Naruto cupped her mound and began rubbing her pussy before sliding his middle finger inside. He stirred it around, and after getting it nice and slick withdrew it. He then pressed the cum coated digit against her rosebud and slid it around the rim before pushing it inside. Karui moaned at the intrusion, and cooed as he began working it in and out.
Although, Naruto wouldn't be the first man to fuck her ass. She did believe she would find he would be the best, since he was taking his time to make sure she would enjoy it. Karui's first time being penetrated had been anal, since she had not wanted to take the chance of getting pregnant. This was because too many kunoichi that she had known had ended up getting knocked up and then quickly abandoned by the man. This was typically a result of the mentality that many male Kumo-nin like Darui preferred to play the field rather than settle down. Some of the more repulsive to Karui's thinking were the ones that almost seemed proud to have fathered several children with different kunoichi. Naturally this put an unfair burden on the women particularly since their careers began to stall due to the hardships of raising a child by themselves. Sadly, it was a problem that was becoming more and more of an issue as male children from these pregnancies inherited many of the same thought patterns of their fathers.
Although wishing she had saved it for Naruto, she still felt it had been for the best since the boyfriend she had given her anal virginity to was definitely one of those shinobi. Her even letting him take her behind had been due to his insistence that he not wear a condom, and although that had been a huge red flag. She had been just as curious about sex, and wanted to be able to say she had some experience. It had amused her somewhat that when she had mentioned that she had experienced anal sex. It automatically made the women whom she talked about it with think that she was more experienced then she really was. But the relationship that had been where she first experienced anal sex had quickly fizzled out when it became apparent she wouldn't let it proceed further unless he wore protection. She had found it strange that with Naruto, she hadn't insisted, but felt it was likely due to her having been with Samui, who likely faced the same challenges with relationships that she had. Although, she imagined Samui had enjoyed a higher caliber of prospective partners due to her looks. Many of the men that had been interested in Karui had figured that due to her tomboyish demeanor, that it meant she was prioritizing a physical relationship over an emotional one.
She began to feel a little self-conscious since she had no firsts to share with Naruto. Her lover somehow sensed it so looked up from the breast that he had been sucking on while she had been reminiscing to ask, "What's wrong?"
"I'm just feeling wistful that I gave my two important firsts to other men," Karui admitted feeling her cheeks coloring since her previous partners hadn't been particularly interested in her sharing her feelings, not to mention she still had his finger in her ass.
Naruto smiled at her and leaned forward to give her a loving kiss. He pulled away to meet her amber eyes and said, "That doesn't matter. It is those experiences that eventually led us here. I don't care if I'm first. I just want to be the last to enjoy them." Naruto withdrew his finger and then began sliding his cock against her slit. He then pressed his cockhead against her back entrance and leaned forward to stare into her eyes, "Thank you Karui for becoming mine." He leaned forward to kiss her and caused her to moan into him as he slowly pushed his dick inside.
Karui felt a euphoria wash over her, and realized she had come just from his entering her. She also believed that if her chakra color hadn't changed from green to red upon first finding out he had put the party together for her. His words had just brought it about. She broke the kiss to cry out as he nearly folded her in half with every forward thrust due to her knee resting against his arms. She basked in the pleasure that Naruto's cock easily created within her, and suddenly was glad for her previous experiences as it made her truly appreciate what she now had.
Naruto leaned back, and gripped Karui around the thighs as he continued to drive his length into her back side. Her view of Naruto was obscured when Ino crawled on the bed, and gave her a passionate kiss. It didn't last long, due to Ino wanting the woman to kiss another pair of lips so quickly straddled her face. Karui stared up at the blonde woman's snatch, and felt a deep hunger due to the cum she imagined was still trapped inside. She wrapped her hands around the Yamanaka's hips to pull her mouth into Ino's quim, and imagined that she had put some effort into keeping Naruto's seed inside her as almost immediately large globs began pouring out. The new pleasure increasing properties brought about by Naruto's chakra color change became apparent almost immediately as a new wave of pleasure washed over her. It drove her to eat out the Yamanaka with a gusto that she couldn't imagined herself capable of just moments before, especially considering she had never really considered herself interested in women.
Ino enjoyed the Kumo-nin's tongue licking her wet folds, and wrapped her arms around Naruto's neck to pull him into a kiss. She eventually pulled away to begin licking his chest being sure to tease his nipples with her tongue.
Naruto began to feel the stirring in his loins which signaled a new batch of his seed was about to be injected into his lover. He began speeding up since he wanted to finish with Karui imagining that it would be it for the night due to her having duties to perform the following morning. Not to mention he wanted to speak with all of his lovers about Yugito's situation. Ino sensing his desire, began to rub Karui's cunt causing the woman to pause in her licking to let out a loud shriek. She then quickly resumed her Cunnilingus on her causing Ino to fight back against cumming as well. Karui was determined not to cum first so put all her effort into making the Yamanaka cry out in pleasure. Repeating many of the actions Ino had used on her, she smiled against the woman's cunt when the blonde kunoichi rocked back to announce her orgasm. Karui drank down her release and soon announced hers as well which prompted Naruto to bury his shaft inside her to flood her bowels.
Karui felt she must have blacked out somewhat as she awoke to find herself in the center of a blonde sandwich. Ino smiled before asking, "Are you ready for round three?"
"Only if you want to force me to lose my position because I didn't show up for work in the morning," Karui replied wishing she could spend the night enjoying all the two blondes had to offer.
Ino looked like she wouldn't consider that to be a bad trade off, but was stopped when Naruto said, "Actually, I think it best we call it a night." Then addressing the Yamanaka, he asked, "Ino, would you mind telling everyone that I want to have a meeting with them tomorrow?"
"Is it about…"
Naruto nodded cutting the blonde kunoichi off, who nodded before standing from the bed. She then leaned over to first give her lover a kiss, before then giving Karui one that was just as passionate. She pulled away to stare in the woman's eyes before saying, "Congratulations on the promotion."
"Thanks," Karui said a little surprised by the blonde woman's passion towards her. She then watched while Ino walk naked out of the apartment to perform the task Naruto had requested. Curious she turned her attention to him asking, "What is this meeting about?"
She could tell Naruto was troubled by whatever it was, but then it faded as he focused on her to reply, "Well discuss it tomorrow. Tonight is all about you."
Karui felt a sense of deep satisfaction from Naruto's words and snuggled deeper into his body. She wasn't surprised that his warmth both from him and the seed he had deposited inside her quickly caused her to fall into a deep sleep. Naruto smiled as he watched his lover sleep contently before leaning back to stare up at the ceiling. Although still concerned about what the future would hold once Yugito defected from Kumo. He felt a deep sense of satisfaction with his decision to support it. He looked back to Karui, and knew it might make things difficult for those that called Kumo home. But felt he could convince them it was the right course of action. After all, when he had promised to support and love them, it meant doing so even if the ambition that they were working towards suffered. But, he would let tomorrow's Naruto deal with that as he decided to just bask in the feeling of Karui's naked splendor while it was pressed up against him.