During his training trip, Naruto is given a scroll which holds the secrets in how to seduce and ensnare women. A scroll he uses at first on the women and kunoichi around him but soon on the Shinobi... The NARUTO story is not mine all credits are to be given to the author Lemon Sage. Enjoy this Story.
Naruto wearing just his underwear sat on an examination table in Tsunade's lab which was located in the Den. The sun was probably just rising over Konoha since his having made Ibara a member of his Family, and despite the strange way the night had ended, the bar owner hadn't expressed any regrets even as they had been poked and prodded. He attributed it to some of the understanding that she may have gleamed after his lovers had explained that the reason for their concern had been due to the unexpected outcome that had resulted upon his use of The Binding on her. That being how Ibara's chakra hadn't been the only one to shift colors as a result.
So while Ibara's chakra had shifted into the dark green range, his had also changed so that it had become a similar yellow that it took when he was using his Bijuu chakra cloak. Creating a rasengan and watching it glow yellow instead of blue, he thought it resembled a miniature sun. He ended the jutsu as Karin having just dismissed Ibara so she could begin to open her bar said, "There appears to be nothing out of the ordinary with Ibara in concerns to her chakra shift."
Taji and Tsunade looked up from where they had been studying the results of the blood tests that they had run on him. Tsunade seemed disappointed as she asked, "Well then I guess that means your theory about it being a result of the Dibble Stick Jutsu is out the window."
"Perhaps, or perhaps not," Karin said a little annoyed since she had been wrong while the two medics that weren't currently working a shift in the hospital or attending other duties had believed she was chasing a dead-end hypothesis from the very beginning. When Tsunade gave her a knowing smirk she relented. "Although I have to agree his chakra shift was likely not a result of his claiming a woman under the effects of it." She gave Naruto an amused smile as she said, "Speaking of which, she says you owe her at least a complete night of lovemaking before she'll forgive you again."
Naruto chuckled before stating, "She seemed pretty forgiving last night. Although, I'm sure learning Hinata was monitoring us might have come as a surprise."
"Or she's angling for another night with her new virile and young lover," Taji said amused as she walked up to him. She sealed her lips to his and they began to kiss passionately until she pulled back to add, "Something I can completely understand."
"I think we can all do that," Tsunade said amused. "Still, I would like to at least have a valid hypothesis before we get carried away."
Taji stepped away and replied, "I wouldn't call it getting carried away, as much as preparing for our vigorously exploring all the avenues for gathering data."
Tsunade licked her lips as she had developed a possible hypothesis as to what had happened and looked forward to testing it. But following her own advice said, "Since it doesn't appear that Ibara's chakra has changed any differently than any of ours then I think it is safe to assume the change in Naruto's chakra might be related to the number of lovers he has taken."
Taji frowned and although she still doubted the Dibble Stick Jutsu had been responsible, but didn't believe they could dismiss it completely as she suggested, "Perhaps it is due to the length of time she was under its effects. Like she had built up a sexual charge that when she was bound caused a change in Naruto's as well."
Karin though was the one to close the door on the theory as she said, "That would be possible if Naruto was perhaps draining us of chakra. Perhaps like he was feeding off of it." She saw a look of concern appear on his face so quickly said, "That definitely isn't what is happening. I do believe the answer can be found in how Ibara would react to Naruto's presence or women bound to him."
"Explain," Tsunade said eagerly.
Karin moved to an open notebook on a nearby desk and was the one in which she had recorded her notes about Ibara's time while influenced by the Dibble Stick Jutsu. Flipping through several of the pages until she found the one she wanted she said, "I believe that the Dibble Stick Jutsu proves the theory that on some level every single person is able to sense another's chakra. What varies is the person's ability to perceive that chakra. This has been shown in the field plenty of times where a shinobi who has documented zero chakra sensing capabilities might suddenly be able to sense an attack or a dangerous enemy targeting him at the last moment. We always attributed this to a kind of sixth sense, but it is likely just a person picking up on the subtle shifts in the chakra around them. Particularly when it is directed at them."
Taji nodded but seeing Naruto was getting lost asked for clarification on his behalf, "I'm guessing you determined this from how many women were present, and how close Ibara needed to be before she would react?"
"Not to mention, how long," Karin added quickly. She smiled as she added, "Plus from personal experience in regards to my own inclusion. Being an extremely proficient sensor. I essentially fell under the sway of the temptation's touch while miles away from Naruto."
Tsunade folded her arms beneath her breasts and smiled as she saw some movement in Naruto's boxers as it had been for his benefit. Focusing back on the conversation she said, "Then that means the effective range of the Dibble Stick reacting to people under the Binding's sway is entirely dependent on the individual it was used on and their ability to perceive chakra. All the data we collected from Ibara would be useless if applied to someone else."
"True," Karin said, "But, I think it is beneficial to know that even non-chakra sensing individuals are capable of being influenced by chakra fields around them. The implications for jutsu is incredible. For example, a healing field that can be applied to an area rather than just an individual might not be out of reach."
Tsunade's eyes did light up at the idea, but a look of concern appeared which was mirrored by the other women present as Naruto said, "It likely also explains why I haven't needed to use the Temptation's Touch anymore. Much like with you, I'm using it without even trying."
Luckily Karin was prepared with a reply since she expected Naruto might jump to a conclusion which would downplay his achievements with his lovers. "That is in some small part likely, but it is also solely because of the type of loving man that you are that it would affect them in such a way. Which also brings us to the heart of your chakra's color shift. I believe it is a reward. Like a perk you have unlocked in a roleplaying game."
"That does make sense," Taji said understanding where Karin was going.
Naruto although put at ease by his lover's words asked, "What do you mean?"
Taji wishing to see if her thoughts on the matter were correct said, "Basically, it explains the whole point of the color shifts in your lovers to begin with. We already know that they are in fact tied to our feelings for you, which also lends itself to the notion that you do not need to exert controls over us. But, it stands to reason if our chakra is changed to react to our feelings to you, then it is keyed to your chakra. What Karin's theory about how even non-sensors are effected by the chakra fields around them suggests, is that there is in essence a communication traveling back and forth between us constantly via chakra. Your color change is likely a result of this communication and the wholly positive feelings we have towards you."
"Precisely," Karin said excitedly as she pictured various tests that she wanted to run, not to mention experiments to perform, although she doubted that Naruto would go along with some of them since it might require his using the Dibble Stick Jutsu again. "I believe that Ibara was just the woman that put you over the top so that it became noticeable, which makes sense considering Hinata reported your chakra changed when hers did."
"But what purpose does this change serve," Naruto asked some concern slipping into his voice, "Are women suddenly going to start throwing themselves at me in the street?"
"No more so then they have because of your pheromones," Karin said placing a hand on his knee. "Your chakra works on the same principle, which is why I feel it is a reward."
"That reward might not just extend to you either, My Love" Tsunade said approaching him. She reached into the fly of his boxers and pulled his flaccid dick free before leaning down to run her tongue along it. She then took him into her mouth where she stretched his length as she sucked and moved her head up and down. Naruto groaned as his cock grew firmer and longer in his lover's mouth as she also swirled her tongue around the head. Finally, when he was standing fully erect she let him go and said, "Now we're ready to begin."
"Begin wha...aww shit," Naruto tried to ask but couldn't finish because of the pleasure he felt as his Hokage lover swallowed his cock to the base. He groaned as her throat muscles worked around him before she pulled back for air before plunging down his length again.
Tsunade delighted in the sound he made as she deep-throated him and began quickly bobbing on his dick eager to taste his cum. Which she would admit that she was always eager to do, but she believed that if she was correct then she would be even more so going forward. Having proved time and again that she was deserving of the title of the Legendary Sucker and actually quite proud of it since she held the record for making Naruto cum the quickest, it didn't surprise her when he gripped the back of her head to tell her that he was cumming.
Normally she would have swallowed his entire length as she enjoyed feeling his cum being injected almost directly into her stomach. But, this time she pulled back so that he exploded into her mouth. Her cheeks bulged and she spent a moment to marvel at just how much seed her lover produced despite or more likely because of his overactive sex life. But, then her mind exploded into pleasure as she tasted it.
Naruto watched somewhat concerned as Tsunade stepped away with a mouthful of his jizz and she began to quiver. She then swallowed and moaned, "Oh...oh shit..."
"Are you ok?" Naruto asked as he prepared to get up from the table.
He stopped though as Tsunade seemed to recover and flashed him a smile as she said, "Mmm, yes. I just came from the taste of your cum."
Taji and Karin, shared a look before they both moved for his cock and began licking it in search of any of his seed which Tsunade had left behind. Naruto groaned from their tongues as she explained, "Remember our previous conversation where we talked about how your semen had a chakra charge to it. I thought if that was the case then it was likely that chakra would further react with mine now. Not only did it cause me to experience a nice little climax, but..."
"It tastes like chocolate covered strawberries," Karin said as she swallowed some of the seed that she collected, although she didn't have an orgasm even though a pleasant shiver passed through her.
"I'm tasting a citrus flavor," Taji said after swallowing audibly. "Also, my reaction was nowhere as strong as yours."
Tsunade smiled as she replied, "Well I did drink the lion's share. Not to mention I tasted a sweet sake. But that is simple enough to explain as being due to his chakra infused in it making us imagine a favorite flavor to increase the pleasure we felt."
Taji stripped out of her Anbu uniform and climbed into Naruto's lap as she stated, "I believe we need to test if there are any other potential changes in our reactions to his semen." She then raised up enough that she could guide him inside her as she sank back down. She shivered as she was fully impaled on him, and stated, "I just came a little, but it just might be because I'm still not used to having such a big dick inside me."
She began to bounce in his lap while Karin wrote down her observations. Tsunade though had removed her clothes and pressed her naked tits into Taji's back as she began to fondle the bouncing woman's breasts. "N...no," Taji moaned while the Hokage pinched her nipples, "Y...you'll corrupt the test data."
"Now, now, you should be more honest," Tsunade said with a smirk, "You don't care about any test at the moment. You just want to ride his nice big cock, and know I'm trying to make you cum so I can as well."
Taji looked over her shoulder before admitting, "Well you have been able to enjoy it much longer than me."
Tsunade nodded as she dropped to her knees as she said, "True, but that doesn't me that I can ever have enough." She then began to lick where Naruto and Taji were connect causing the two of them to moan louder in unison.
Karin moaned as well as she abandoned trying to record anything useful that she might have observed in favor of sliding her hand into her shorts to rub her pussy. She had to move her notebook though as Naruto stood and carried Taji to the desk she was at. He placed her down on it and with her ankles on his shoulders began slamming into her. Karin leaned in to kiss the moaning medic, while Tsunade moved to behind Naruto in favor of pressing her flesh against his. She kissed along his neck as her hands ran over his upper body, while she moved her hips with his to help drive him deeper into the Anbu kunoichi.
Taji tried to resist coming, but due to Karin's fingers teasing her nipples and the feeling from Naruto's dick repeatedly stabbing her womb, it wasn't long before she let out a cry of pleasure. It grew in volume as he buried himself completely in her and she was flooded with his seed. She exploded into a second climax, but she couldn't truly say it was any more or less than the others she had experienced from him. But, before she could testify to that effect, her legs slipped off his shoulders allowing him to lean forward and kiss her heatedly. Still dazed she heard Tsunade whisper something in Naruto's ear and a moment later he pulled away. Taji let out a soft moan as almost immediately she felt Tsunade's mouth clamp over her well fucked cunt and began to drink the seed Naruto had just deposited.
Taji began to return to the world as Tsunade's talented tongue began to cause her to build up to another orgasm which was aided by the pressure she would exert against the Anbu's mound as a result of Naruto pounding the blonde Sannin from behind. Karin smiled as a delicious idea occurred to her, so began to undress while the Hokage moaned in between licks of Taji's cunt. Soon though the Hokage was crying out in pleasure as Naruto stiffened behind her indicating he was filling her womb with his seed. The Hokage made sure to take Taji to the same orgasmic plan as her as she began to rub her clit. Taji's cries joined in as she raised her hips up off the desk and her release coated the Hokage's hand.
Naruto sighed contently as he slipped out of Tsunade due to her dropping to her knees. He was about to take a seat himself, but saw Karin was already kneeling in one while facing away from him. She looked at him sultrily from over her shoulder and then reaching behind her pulled one of her asscheeks to the side as she said, "In the interest of science I think I need to experience an orgasm from a method we haven't tried yet."
Smirking Naruto said, "Really, you're going to give me your anal cherry for science."
Karin smiled as she replied, "It's as good a reason as any."
Naruto chuckled as he crouched behind her, and kissed her over her shoulder. He then began to rub her pussy causing her to moan into his mouth. Finding her drenched, he slipped his middle finger inside and worked it within her for several minutes causing her moans to increase. Then he withdrew the drenched digit, and began rubbing it around the rim of her asshole. Karin tensed for a moment, but relaxed as his finger simply continued moving around outside.
When Naruto sensed that she was relaxed enough, he pushed his finger inside causing Karin to make a soft moan making it clear she wasn't quite sure how to react. Eventually, though the unfamiliar feeling did begin to give way to pleasure. Once her reaction to his probing digit made that clear, he added a second finger causing her moans to deepen. Believing she was loose enough for him, he withdrew his fingers and then pressed his cock against her anus. The tight ring of her butt resisted for a moment before the head of his cock slipped inside. She moaned from the intrusion and it grew louder as he continued to feed more of himself into her.
Naruto started off slowly, with short strokes and slowly built up to where he was rocking the chair forward with each thrust. Karin, moaned loudly as her but tightly gripped the shaft sliding inside her. She looked over her shoulder to tell him how good it felt, and her lips were immediately seized by his. She met his tongue as it slipped past her lips and began to swirl it around his. The kissed continued on even as Naruto lifted her from the chair so that he could more easily pound her ass with his dick.
She broke the kiss as she felt her stomach begin to tighten in the familiar way it did just before she would climax. Naruto seemed to sense as much so simply turned them and then sat in the chair. Karin waited for a moment expecting him to begin sliding inside her again, but he remained frustratingly still causing her to take matters into her own hands. Placing her feet on his knees she began raising and lowering on his dick. As she worked her ass over his pole, Naruto's hands reached up to begin pinching and rolling her nipples. He then began raising his hips to meet her butt as she would bring it down on his shaft. Karin cried out while she allowed him to set the pace as he began to rapidly piston his cock within her anal passage. She brought herself closer to climax by beginning to rub her snatch.
Her moans grew in volume, and mixed with those of Tsunade and Taji who were on the desk slurping out the cum that Naruto had deposited inside them. Karin looked over her shoulder and pressed her lips to his. Their tongues danced until she pulled away as she cried out in climax. It was followed by a feeling of warmth as Naruto pushed deeply into her and began filling her with his cum. The feeling of bliss began to fade so she collapsed in his lap with his dick still buried inside her.
She spent a few moments watching the other two women continue to munch each other pussies. Glad they seemed preoccupied she pulled herself from his lap and then dropping to her knees began sucking on his dick. Naruto groaned as her tongue ran around his still sensitive cockhead. Confident he wasn't going to wilt she met his eyes and said, "Well now that the control experiment has been concluded, it's time to see if your cumming inside my pussy results in a more powerful orgasm then usual or similar to your just cumming inside my butt."
"What does that prove?"
Karin let out a sigh as she straddled his lap and began sinking down on his shaft. Reaching out to encircle his neck with her arms, she began slowly riding his dick as she explained, "Mmm, well I wanted to see if having an orgasm from anal would result in a superior feeling then normal. Now I need to see if that is the case from having one after you fire another hot load of your cum into my pussy." She gave him an amused smile that was mixed with the pleasure her riding his cock was generating in her as she added, "Trust me, it's science."
Naruto wasn't exactly sure if that was true, but it wasn't like he truly needed a reason to want to fill one of his lovers with his seed so gripped her hips and began urging her up and down his shaft. Karin's moans began mixing in with those of Tsunade and Taji again, and although he was pleased his lovers might benefit from the change in his chakra, he would admit to feeling slightly uneasy at how it might make future women even easier to seduce.
"That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard," Kiba said causing his drinking partner to send a glare his way as they sat in secluded corner of the Seventh Heaven Bar. "I mean are you actually complaining about how easy you have it with women."
Naruto sighed knowing he should have expected a less than sympathetic ear from the Inuzuka. "I'm not complaining, it's just..."
"Look let me stop you right there," Kiba said since he was having a hard time not rolling his eyes. "Do you know what I would give to be able to bust a nut and have my ladies clamoring to drink it down because it tastes like whatever they are craving? Instead Yuffie never ceases to complain about how it tastes."
"That is a perk just for women that I've already have been with apparently," Naruto said causing Kiba to raise an eyebrow. Knowing the Inuzuka was looking for details he said, "Let's just say a woman got a taste indirectly, but didn't report it as tasting like anything special." Leaving it at that, he had actually been surprised to learn that Karin had recruited Yoruichi to test her theory that only women bound to him experienced the benefits of his chakra change. Yoruichi had helped by sleeping with him and then had asked Soifon to drink the cum from her snatch. To his surprise the woman had eagerly complied with the request, although he suspected that it was because Soifon looked for any opportunity to please the Two-Tailed Bijuu..
"Honestly, then what are you bitching about? It's not like your chakra is going to make seducing women any easier than it was before."
Naruto frowned as he replied annoyed, "I'm not bitching. It's just that my chakra might have been making it too easy." He could see Kiba was about to reply with a less than helpful statement so quickly explained, "If Karin's theory about how chakra is passing between people even that aren't sensors, then that means even without using the Temptation's Touch, I've been using it. Women might just be falling for me because I'm around them. How else can I explain my recent successes?" He sent a look over his shoulder to see Ibara chatting happily with one of her regulars and then turned back to Kiba to add, "Ibara for example had every reason to be pissed at me, and yet despite that..."
"Blah, blah, blah," Kiba said snarkingly. When Naruto frowned he added, "Maybe she forgave you, just like you forgave her for how she treated you in the past. You don't exclusively own that ability you know. But, why the fuck are you telling me all this? Shouldn't you be telling them."
"I have," Naruto said, "And they tell me the same thing."
"So then what is the issue, you're afraid your chakra is affecting them?"
"No," Naruto said unsure how to put his concerns into words. After a moment he said, "I guess what I'm concerned about is what if my chakra is subconsciously affecting them."
"Like I said that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard," Kiba said with a shake of his head. "Of course it is." Naruto looked at him confused so he explained, "Your chakra is affecting everyone in this room, just like mine is, and everyone in turn is effecting you as well. Your chakra perception ability sucks, and mine isn't much better. But, Akamaru's is top notch, and do you know how he describes your chakra. Like basking in the sun on a clear day."
"So," the Uzumaki asked not seeing the correlation.
"So," Kiba said leaning forward, "Do you know how he described Gaara's back during the Chunin exams?" Naruto shook his head so he stated, "When he was calm, Akamaru described his chakra felt like being in a dark still room with a blood thirsty monster."
"What about when he wasn't?" Naruto asked still unsure of what the Inuzuka was trying to say.
"Then like being in the same dark room except with a very active monster," Kiba answered. But seeing his point hadn't reached his target yet, clarified, "What I'm saying is that Akamaru wasn't fooled by Gaara's calm demeanor. That's because his chakra was communicating what was hiding behind the surface."
Naruto sat back and thought for a moment as he recalled how Tayuya had described his chakra in similar terms. Also, recalling how Anko and she had described Kanji's in a similar manner he guessed that the reason Ibara and his other lovers, tended to accept his feelings so readily was because they could sense his sincerity from this unseen communication. He began to feel less concerned about this latest change so said, "Thanks Kiba."
Kiba waved it off as he downed the last of his drink, and upon setting it down asked, "So, are you going to have to henge your chakra like my mom and sis?"
"No," Naruto answered. "Tsunade says it would be too difficult for me to maintain the illusion. Basically, she says it would come unraveled the first time I used a rasengan."
"How so? I mean my mom describes it as place and forget. She honestly forgets she has it on sometime," Kiba said surprised.
"Well basically Tsunade said that it is because I would have to be able to extend it to a rasengan, and even if I could control the illusion to such an extent it would be impossible to maintain if I ever throw one."
"Not to mention you would have to do all that in a combat situation in most cases," Kiba stated with a shrug. "I guess I can see why they wouldn't think it wise. But how are you going to explain it?"
"Well first I need to take it easy for a while," Naruto said seeing Tifa and waving to her to replace Kiba's drink on his tab.
"So no missions?"
"No not that kind of take it easy, but for the time being my seducing women for the sake of my Family's ambition is put on hold," Naruto explained. "They want to see if that will cause this change in my chakra to fade. There is still a small possibility that it was brought on due to how Ibara joined."
"I believe I just heard a collective sigh of relief from all the unattached men throughout the shinobi world," Kiba said good naturedly. "That means for the time being they don't need to worry about you seducing any women that they might have their eyes on. Are you going to be able to do it though?"
"What do you mean?" Naruto asked while wearing a confused expression, "I'm capable of being around women without sleeping with them, not to mention I have my Family."
Kiba chuckled as he responded teasingly, "I don't know. Take me for example, before I was with Aeris and Yuffie most women barely gave me a second look. But as soon as I began dating them, I've had more women approach me for one night stands than ever."
Naruto saw Tifa was working on filling a glass for Kiba so said, "I would imagine that even one woman doing so would be something worth noting as being more women than ever before."
"Ha, ha," Kiba said sounding unamused, before adding, "And true, but the point remains having a pair of hot girlfriends is like having a ring for a married man at least in terms of acting like bait towards attracting women."
"But are these women really worth having?" Naruto said with a shrug, "You know it is part curiosity and partly an attempt to prove something to themselves."
"I know," Kiba said with a dismissive wave, "Besides there's no way that I'd screw up my relationships by betraying their trust like that. But it is kind of an ego boost since I don't have lovers who are pushing more into my bed."
"Something which isn't going to be happening for an unspecified period of time," Naruto replied sounding thoughtful.
Kiba mistook it as his being wistful so asked, "Does it bother you?"
"No," Naruto answered immediately. "In fact I'm kind of relieved."
"That's a strange reaction to the sexy fun times coming to an end," Kiba said looking away and was glad to see Tifa approaching with his refill, but frowned as some drunken lout grabbed her to attract her attention.
"They haven't really though," Naruto replied with an amused shake of his head both from Kiba's words and his noticing Tifa's situation. But he did grow serious as he added, "I believe my lovers are testing me. For the better part of three years I've been allowed to do as I please, and heck at times as you mentioned my lovers have seemed more of a driving force to my Family's ranks swelling then I have."
Kiba could see that Naruto was monitoring what was happening behind him, so wondered why he didn't seem bothered by the man obviously propositioning his lover. Not to mention was doing so in a way that made it clear he expected her to say yes, especially as the man grabbed a handful of her rear. He looked like he noticed something as his eyes grew wide, but then he found his chair swinging to face the waitress as she hooked her foot in the leg of it. She then smashed the fist of her free hand into his chin so that it bodily lifted him up, and then spun so that she could use the same fist to hit him in the chest. The second blow caused him to go sailing until he hit the opposite wall near the entrance where he collapsed like a tossed sack. His buddies all equally drunk, still had enough sense to want to flee rather the confront the waitress. But, before they managed to fully get out of their chairs they froze as she asked, "Where do you think you're going?"
"Um..." the most articulate of the bunch said unsure of how to respond.
"You better not be trying to pull a dine n' dash on me," Tifa said making it clear they would be joining their unconscious friend if that was the case.
Kiba noted a smirk appear on Naruto's face as he watched the men pull out cash by the handful to dump it on the table from the reflection in his glass. Now understanding why, the Blond hadn't felt the need to step in he returned to the subject at hand. "So, what makes you feel it is some test since as you point out they had no problem with recruiting other members?"
"I guess just they want to see if I can be monogamous," Naruto replied having given the matter some thought.
Kiba laughed as he said, "I'm pretty sure that word doesn't apply to your situation."
"Then how about faithful," Naruto said with a shrug. "The point is that while our ambition has provided cover for my expansion for a lack of a better term. There has to be a point where they feel enough is enough, and they want to see if I can stop."
Kiba was surprised by the notion, so asked, "So you're telling me that if the current Mizukage strolled in here, sat on the table and told you to take her then you'd have to refuse."
"Yes," Naruto answered simply. "But, that isn't likely to happen anytime soon. Besides, I see it as a positive thing. If things continued on at their current pace we might end up overextending ourselves, both in terms of our ambition and my relationships. I'm going to take this time to make my bonds with them stronger. Plus, it will give the Alliance time to grow stronger as we get to know the other villages better."
Kiba smirked as he added, "It might also allow us to have a Chunin Exam before another new village joins, and forces everything to be rescheduled to accommodate them."
Naruto nodded as he stated, "That is the other part of it. We've achieved so much in such a short amount of time that if we aren't careful then what we build will be weak and flimsy. For now, we'll focus on improving relations with Kumo and Suna, and I'll be doing the same with my lovers."
Kiba chuckled as it dawned on him that as Naruto's love life went so too did the shinobi world. Tifa although she hadn't spilt the beer she had gotten for Kiba, had made sure the table she had cleared collected their friend and paid their tab so waited until they left to deliver. Placing it on the table she said, "Sorry about the ruckus. So what have you boys been chatting about?"
"A little of everything," Naruto replied with a smile. "Do guys give you trouble like that often when I'm not around?"
Tifa smiled as she answered, "No, most know much better than to mess with me. Those bastards were new to the village, and work as escorts for a group called the Oboro Forbearance Company. To my understanding, the president of the group has recently relocated to Konoha and sells her company's services to protect trade shipments."
Naruto nodded, and frowned as Tifa pointed to the other reason his lovers probably felt it was best to slow things down, which was there growth was facing more and more competition. The company that his former Taki-nin lover had mentioned being but one example. They had appeared recently and begun selling their services at even cheaper rates then the Great Tree Shipping Company that his lovers supported could afford. The new rivals were able to do this because they just provided the security leaving the client to arrange transport. The group had an excellent reputation for success, and as such on more than one occasion a client had hired the Great Tree's services to provide transport while hiring their rivals for security.
This coupled with the fact that a great deal of the Great Tree's money was being dedicated to repairing the port that they had purchased in Wave, and were also trying to secure one in the Land of Rice Paddies meant the company wasn't expanding like before. As such, the current slowdown in his ambition was to give the company time to better deal with the current economic situation so that it wouldn't overextend itself. After all, more than just his ambition rested on the company doing well, the people that worked for it who were unaware of his Family's goals also counted on its health. Furthermore, it would give Karin, Kiyomi, and Mito time to go through some of the assets that they had secured from purchasing the Gato Corporation to sell those holdings not generating profits to get more cash on hand.
Tifa demanded his attention back in the present when she placed something in his lap and whispered, "I'm going on break, and could use some company."
As she walked away, Naruto looked down to see her white panties sitting in his lap. He had little problem seeing her state of arousal so quickly tucking them in his pocket discreetly said, "Something just came up, so I'll see you later."
Kiba had smelled the lust the busty waitress was giving off so had little doubt as to what she had whispered to Naruto. He gave a dismissive wave as Naruto pulled out a wad of cash to cover both their drinks, not to mention leave a hefty tip before deactivating the seal that allowed them to have their conversation in such a public place in order to quickly make it like he was heading to the washroom. The Inuzuka shook his head at the strange direction his life had taken upon finding out his mother was in a relationship with the Uzumaki. Still, upon hearing how Naruto intended to use the current injunction on taking new lovers to spend more quality time with those he already had, he could understand why his mother was so loyal to him. Hoping to follow his example, the Inuzuka left the bar to spend more time with his pair of mates.
A dark-haired bespectacled woman frowned as she watched the Inuzuka leave since despite her best efforts she had been unable to truly tell what had been happening at the table that he had been sitting at until the end. It made her realize that they had likely been using a seal of some sort that muddied the mind of those trying to concentrate on their conversation. That fact made her curious as to what they would talk about while wishing to appear inconspicuous. But a part of her suspected that she already knew what may have been discussed since she had believed it was tied to the strangeness that she had noticed in the Shinobi World, particularly its women. She had at first suspected Kiba was the source due to his recent luck with women, and although she knew the culprit would have needed to act in secrecy, she figured his ego was getting the better of him as it had for so many more before him. However, her estimate had change as she watched the waitress of the establishment particularly as she had snuck off to the back and Naruto had moved to follow her.
Her frown deepened though as Naruto reappeared moments later looking as if he had just used the washroom, and not like he had snuck off for a passionate rendezvous as she had suspected. Still, she couldn't help but feel she had finally located the spider at the web of the changes she had noticed in the women of her village, and she suspected outside of it. She realized the reason she hadn't suspected him was likely because of the deep seated gratitude she and most of the village felt towards his many accomplishments on its behalf. But he wouldn't be the first monster to hide behind the face of a hero. Now certain her village was compromised by a user of the Binding, she knew that she couldn't go to those in power since even the men would likely not believe her. Therefore, she made plans on how best to confirm her suspicions and then eliminate the threat, just as many had done before her.
A voluptuous woman with violet-red hair had also shown a passing interest in the table that Kiba and Naruto had occupied. Although she had failed to notice the barrier that had protected their conversation since her interest had laid along more primal desires. Particularly as she was definitely the type that mixed business and pleasure. But sadly, she knew neither man would prove particularly useful to her in either category since her objective was to keep tabs on the village of Konoha and what it may have uncover as a result of the Heavenly Kings attack on her business rival.
She hadn't had anything to do with it, but had accepted a contract to keep tabs on how the village responded to it. Her client knew his cohorts had been given the task to not only achieve the goal of destroying the tablet, but also to likely lead Konoha to his doorstep if the attention that action and others grew too dangerous to the Cult that his church was an offshoot of. All in all, petty politics between the woman in charge and the man that wanted to usurp her. Still, the woman didn't care so long as the money cleared and she could have a little fun in the meantime.
But she did respect Ibiki Morino too much to take him lightly, and so would need someone that could infiltrate the Torture and Interrogation for her, and report on what they learned. She knew finding such a person would be difficult, and more than likely she would have to create such a candidate. She smiled as she thought of how she would go about it, but not seeing any potential marks that would be suitable for her purposes paid for her drinks and left confident someone would appear that suited her tastes.
Naruto had headed to the washroom where he created a clone to handle the task of leaving after a few moments. He then slipped out to head towards a backroom where he found Tifa sitting on an upside-down keg with her legs spread open invitingly as she rubbed her pussy. She smiled at him as he closed the door behind him and leapt to her feet as she said, "I'm glad you accepted my invitation."
"Not many men would refuse it, as that display you put on reminded me. If I don't keep my woman happy there is a line of people willing to push me aside to do so," Naruto said as he wrapped his arms around her.
Tifa laughed softly before pecking his lips and replying, "True, but something tells me that you didn't need a reminder of that." She stepped back from him and pushed her shirt and sports bra up causing her tits to slide free as she said, "Not to mention, I don't need a reminder of what a stud you are." She dropped to her knees and freed his cock before drooling on it and then wrapping it in the flesh of her heavy breasts as she added, "Although receiving constant reminders never hurts."
Naruto groaned as she massaged his love muscle with her breasts. He began sliding his cock between them and shivered every time the head of his cock poked free it would find her warm mouth waiting to swallow it. He basked in the feeling of her marshmallow heaven, and was eager to paint them with his cum. Sadly, Tifa aware of the clock pulled away to stand as she said, "Sorry, but right now I only have time for a quickie and I really need to feel you here."
Having turned away and grabbed the keg she had originally been standing on, her skirt hiked up to reveal her drenched quim. To punctuate her sentence, she reached between her thighs and spread her lower lips making it clear where she wanted him. Naruto was glad to accept her latest invitation, so quickly undid his pants and pushed them down to his ankles. He gripped her hips as he pushed his dick inside casing both to groan in delight. He wanted to take a moment to savor the moment, but Tifa had other plans as she began pulling away almost immediately. He quickly moved forward not wanting to be deprived of having his length caressed by the wet warmth of her pussy, and a moment later found it hadn't mattered as she slammed back into him. He remained still, allowing her to fuck herself on his cock while he leaned forward to begin fondling her swaying breasts. Tifa bit her lip to keep from moaning, and despite the situation she found it drove her lover on. To fuel his desire to hear his lover's moans of passion, he began to meet her thrusts and soon began to overpower them as he tried to force his cock further inside her.
With his hands teasing her nipples, and his dick kissing her womb. All Tifa could concentrate on was the building pressure and her need not to give voice to it. But, it proved too much when he pulled on her aching nubs sending a jolt down her spine that seemed to run right into her clit. She was about to cry out, but found Naruto's hand quickly clamped over her mouth. Not that he relented in any way since he continued to pound her pussy mercilessly.
As such when he suddenly completely withdrew, the sudden loss was almost painful. Yet, she turned around and picked up to be set down of the keg he had originally found her on. Tifa found the cool metal was a stark contrast to the head she was feeling, especially as Naruto slid back inside her. He the rubbed his cock over the pleasure buds of her cunt like a man trying to start a fire with a large stick and wet lumber. But despite the fact his actions just made her wetter and wetter, they definite were about to start a fire within her. Tifa had to bite on her finger to stop from screaming as Naruto leaned down to bite down on one of her nipples. She screamed into her knuckle as the pain exploded into pleasure which seemed to intensify as her cunt was filled with his seed similar to how beet reacted when sake fell into it like the Sake Bombs she served.
She basked in the feeling although it ended all too soon for her liking so settled for kissing Naruto softly as he brought his lips to hers. She sighed as her internal clock told her that her break was over so pushed Naruto back so that she could stand. She followed him up to make the kiss last until she finally said, "Thanks, but my break should just about be over."
Naruto nodded and after pulling up his pants was about to Hiraishin away, but stopped as Tifa said, "Hey, do you still have my panties?" He nodded and dug them out of his pocket causing her to say, "Thanks, you pumped me so full of cum, I'd be sure to leave a trail otherwise." She pulled them back on, and lead him to the door where she gave him another kiss.
Without warning she opened the door and slipped out, but before it closed Ibara pushed inside. She then said, "Now that she's covering for me, it's my break time, and you still have a year's worth of frustration to make up for."
She quickly dropped to her knees and freed his cock which she quickly swallowed down. Naruto groaned as she ran her tongue around it, tasting her employee's love juices. Staring down at her, as she stared back, Naruto knew some might expect him to be disappointed that it seemed his Family's ambition was entering a slowdown period. But with so many amazing women already attached to him, he knew that although it might appear he was standing still that doing so would move him much further in the right direction. Therefore, he would make sure that when they began to move forward again, his bonds would be stronger than ever.
Getting started on the process and although enjoying the pleasure Ibara was giving him, he pulled his dick free of her mouth. Before she could protest he asked, "So does being the boss give you any special perks, like calling it an early night."
Ibara smiled at him before replying, "I'm not really that kind of boss. But, I've been known to take an extra-long break here and there. Say the type that would allow for several orgasms on a nice comfy bed."
Naruto smiled as he guided her back up to her feet before stating, "I believe that can be arranged," and then Hiraishined them to the kunai in her upstairs apartment.
List of Fox Mark's and Chakra colors
1) Tsunade- Red Chakra, Inner right thigh
2) Yakumo- Green, Back left shoulder
3) Hinata- Red, Right Hip
4) Sakura- Red, Left Hip
5) Ino- Red, Butt
6) Yuugao- Green, Lower Back left of spinal cord
7) Komachi- Red, Lower Lips
8) Tenten- Red, Inner Left Thigh
9) Ayame- Red, Back right shoulder
10) Fuu- Red, worked into old seal formula so not a fox exactly
11) Anko- Red, shoulder where curse mark used to be
12) Tsume- Red, on inside of left breast
13) Hana- Red, On inside of right breast
14) Shizune- Red, On pelvis
15) Koharu- Red, Back Left Thigh
16) Shiho- Green, Butt
17) Karin- Green, Pelvis
18) Rin- Red, Outside Right Thigh
19) Toka Senju- Red, Inner left thigh
20) Kushina Uzumaki- Red, on inner right thigh
21) Mikoto Uchiha- green, inner left thigh
22) Kurenai- Green, small one on ankle
23) Taji- Green, small on hand between thumb and index finger
24) Ibara- Green, back right shoulder
25) Yoshino- Green, inner right ankle
26) Temari- Red, Inner Thigh
27) Matsuri- Red, Back Right Shoulder
28) Maki- Green, Butt
29) Pakura- Green, Butt
30) Yukata- Green, small one on stomach just above left hip
31) Karura- Green, Inner Thigh
32) Quistis- Green, middle lower back
33) Rikku- Green, left butt cheek
34) Selpie- Green, outer left thigh
35) Kashike- Green, pelvic mound
36) Mabui- Red, Right Ankle
37) Yugito- Red, worked into old seal
38) Samui- Red, back part of right hip
39) Konan- Red, Inside mouth on lower lip
Land of Birds:
Toki- not bound
Land of Vegetables:
Haruna- Not bound
Land of Spring:
40) Koyuki- Red, Pelvis
41) Fubuki- Green, Right Shoulder
Land of Rice Paddies:
42) Sasame- Red, Lower back right above her butt
Land of Hot-Water:
43) Chun-Li- Green, Inner Thigh of Right Leg
Mai- Not Bond but aware of the Family
44) Tsunami- Red, Lower Back
Demon Country:
45) Shion- Red, on lower right butt
46) Kiyomi- Red, Back Right Shoulder
47) Yoruichi- Red, Tribal Tattoo on Thigh
48) Seven Chomei- Red, middle of lower back
49) Rangiku- Red, on left butt cheek
50) Tier- red, inside of right breast
Mirajane- not bound
51) Urd- Red, right thigh
Kukaku- not bound
Nel- not bound
Not officially members of any village:
52) Kin- Red, small one on pubic mound
53) Mito Uzumaki- Red, on right butt cheek
54) Tayuya- Red, Back of neck where curse mark used to be
55) Guren- green, small of back
56) Haku- Red, Back of right hip
57) Naruko Uzumaki- red, back right shoulder
58) Tifa- Green, small one on right wrist
59) Sara- Red, small one on right hand between thumb and index finger
60) Seramu- Red, small on right hand between thumb and index finger
61) Miya Asama – Red, base of neck
62) Fuka- Red, Fox Mark on back of neck