
66: Expanding Territories: Yugakure 2

Yuugao pushed the blinds of the motel room to the side. She held back her annoyance as she looked over her shoulder to say, "Was it really necessary for us to come here in person?"

Fuka, who had been walking around the motel room where they had recently discovered six mummified corpses, sighed as she replied, "You were the one that came to me looking for my assistance."

Yuugao not liking a criminal and murderer putting on airs, as she still felt that Fuka was getting off too easily said heatedly, "I asked if your Execution by Kiss jutsu would leave bodies in such a state. You're the one that said that you could help if you saw the room. Yet, we've been here for twenty minutes and you've only walked around it several times."

Fuka refrained from letting her tone match the Anbu captain's as she moved to sit on the bed. "That is because I wanted to see your killer's dumping ground to get an idea of what you were dealing with."

"Yet here we are and…"

"And, it was quite productive," Fuka replied cutting the Anbu off. "For one, I'm fairly sure that your killer is a woman."

"I already guessed as much," Yuugao replied quickly, "The fact that all the victims were male would seem to imply that, not to mention she likely lured them here with promises of sex."

"Not promises," Fuka said standing, "She definitely delivered."

"Speaking from firsthand experience?" the Anbu Captain asked snidely.

"Yes," Fuka answered, although a hint of shame did appear in her tone. However, Yuugao suspected it wasn't so much from the act, but the lives she had taken. "Men are simple… well most men are." Yuugao let a corner of her lip turn up as she recognized that the woman was referring to Naruto and his resistance to her earlier attempts to seduce him. Fuka sighed from the sense of rejection she felt, but continued, "Anyway, I would also be of the opinion the first six bodies you found were among her first victims. Not just since arriving here, but ever. At least in a manner where she relied on her own feminine wiles."

Yuugao was surprised by that so asked, "How do you know that?"

"The order of her victims," Fuka replied, "The motel owner was obviously first and was the oldest, but I believe you are mistaken about the order from there. You have an eighteen year old as the second, but I believe it was the forty-three year old victim that was next."

Yuugao frowned going over the file in her mind before stating, "The victim you are referencing was reported missing a full two weeks after our eighteen year old victim."

"True," Fuka said with a shrug, "But, he was also a loner and unemployed. He was first reported as missing by his landlady when she came around looking for her rent. It just so happens to coincide with when he was supposed to collect his unemployment check. I doubt he had too many visitors before then, but how many people are going to be honest about not noticing a person was gone for a two whole weeks."

"Okay, then assuming you are right, why do you think the older victim was next?" the purple haired woman asked crossing her arms as she leaned against a wall.

"Simple," Fuka said standing before crawling seductively across the bed. Yuugao did feel a desire for the woman stir inside her as the formerly undead Uzumaki gave her a lustful gaze. "If the first victim wasn't the motel owner it was likely the first time she used her womanly charms on a victim. His age and general unattractiveness tells me your killer was unsure of herself. She choose him probably not just to keep from being described later, but also because she knew he would be easy to seduce." Fuka laid down on the bed and rolled onto her back, she then slid her hands down her body seductively while arching her back causing Yuugao's throat to feel a little dry. "Still, seducing an overweight cigar chomping sleezebag is hardly a challenge, so she set her gaze on another easy target. I wouldn't be all that surprised if your loner thought it was his lucky day when she approached him. It was just a stroke of luck that no one reported him missing for so long."

"Then I'm guessing you figure the eighteen year old was just another easy mark, and was just missed sooner," Yuugao said after clearing her throat. Growing annoyed by her arousal from the woman's seductive movements, especially as it appeared she was going to push the material of the sleeveless shirt that she wore to the valley of her breasts to expose them so she said, "Can you stop that?"

"Sorry," Fuka said with a smile as she crawled off the bed, "I just wanted to see if I still had the touch. My charms have no sway over Naruto it seems."

Yuugao scowled remembering a time when the female body hadn't held any sway over her. While she still didn't participate in pleasing women to the same extent some of the other women did and only when Naruto was present, she had begun to entertain a fantasy or two which starred her helping her lover in seducing Kurenai. Returning her thoughts to the matter at hand, she said, "If I'm following your logic right, then I'm guessing you feel the eighteen year old victim wasn't much more of a challenge than the other two."

"Do you know very many eighteen year olds who would turn down sex with a beautiful woman?"

"No, I suppose not. But what makes you believe she is attractive? So far your profile of our killer would have suggested someone not confident in her looks."

Replying to the Anbu's question Fuka answered, "Your next two victims actually. They were both rather close in age being around thirty years. The only true difference was that the fourth was single while the fifth was supposedly happily married. They were also both pretty successful in both social and business circles. The first three victims were about giving the killer confidence in herself. I would imagine that before she started this killing spree, she likely didn't have much experience with the opposite sex. Likely a wallflower, someone who viewed herself as rather plain or ugly. Whether that was the case or not is hard to judge, but I doubt she looks similar to how she used too."

Yuugao filed the information away deciding to have her squad look into people that had any kind of facial work done. She frowned as she realized that list might include Kiyomi due to the story that they had first created in order to explain her resemblance to Mito. Figuring that she could just have herself or Komachi look into the Bijuu should she pop up through the records search she questioned the formerly undead woman, "Alright, so then you're saying she felt confident enough after killing the fourth victim to try and lure the married man away, our fifth victim. Not to sound down on love, but what if he wasn't as happy as his wife was making it sound."

Fuka shrugged before stating, "It doesn't really matter. The risks for him would still be the same. I've been the cause of making both men and women cheat on their lovers. Does love play a difference? To a degree it does, but what I think you will find is that more often than not, what does stop most people is whether or not they believe the risk is worth it. If your fifth victim was happily married then he likely felt he had received an offer he just couldn't refuse. Perhaps he felt that she was a woman who was way out of his league or it was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Even if he wasn't happy though, it would just mean that the risk of displeasing his wife didn't play as big a role in his decision. In either case, I'd be willing to bet it was his first time cheating since your investigation didn't turn up any previous affairs. It's also probably why your killer likely begun moving onto shinobi."

"You make it sound like there might be more than one," Yuugao said surprised. "To date there was only the sixth victim."

"That you know of," Fuka countered. "Plus, I believe these victims aren't necessarily her first kills, but the first inside the village. They were also as I stated the first where she didn't use the crutch of a jutsu or some other means to lure in her victims. These six were about gaining confidence in herself and not just as a killer. I also do believe that killing is something that she needs to do, but not to survive per se as was the case with me."

Yuugao was hating the fact that she had to admit Fuka was proving to be worth her weight in gold in regards to her insights, especially if they panned out. "What do you base that on?"

"Well if it was similar to my execution by kiss jutsu then they wouldn't be in such a mummified state," Fuka explained moving to one of the back walls. Yuugao watched the maroon haired woman knock on it as she continued, "Her method of killing takes all bodily fluids along with the chakra. As you well know, there wouldn't be much of a point to create a jutsu to drain a person of their fluids if there wasn't a reason for it."

Yuugao nodded before asking, "What do you imagine she would need it for?"

"It is impossible to say really," Fuka responded turning away from the wall she had been inspecting, "I would imagine you will find out soon enough though. I would also suspect that she was or is a member of the Leaf with a score to settle."

Yuugao gave the woman a disbelieving look as she asked, "Did the wall tell you that?"

"In a manner of speaking," Fuka said letting a smirk appear on her face. Indicating the wall she knocked on it again before explaining, "I believe your report states this motel had a habit of harboring spies. I can certainly see why, these walls are thick enough and have been soundproofed to prevent the neighboring apartments from overhearing what is going on. There is also a stairway that leads down to the back alley which would allow people to come and go without being seen. Your killer knew all this, but she wouldn't be an enemy shinobi as why would she risk burning such a valuable place from which to spy on the village."

"She could be a missing-nin looking to settle a score and no longer care about making things inconvenient for her home village," Yuugao pointed out.

"True, but just how many good hiding places like this exist for enemy shinobi to use?" Fuka asked. "I would think there is not an overabundance of them. For her to be willing to burn this one so quickly upon arriving means one of two things, one she is not going to be here long, or she is building up to something. I would think it is more the latter. Have there been any further disappearances?"

"None that we would link to being possible victims of our killer," When the Uzumaki frowned at her answer Yuugao asked, "Why?"

"It has been what… about a week and a half since you discovered the bodies?" When the Anbu Captain nodded Fuka said concerned, "You found them a few days after the sixth victim disappeared, and in about a span of a month she killed all six victims. Yet, she has not killed anyone in a week and a half."

"As far as we can determine," Yuugao answered. "Are you suggesting that she might be ready to unleash some sort of plot on the village?"

"I'm not sure," Fuka replied, "It's possible the she is moving onto a new phase that requires her to feed less often. If she even needed to in the first place that is, she may have just been gathering the material that she needed for a part of whatever plan she has in the works."

"But you are certain there is some plot?"

"Yes," Fuka said with certainty, "I imagine you might find a few more bodies along the way, but she is not going to just move on. She definitely is here for a reason and no longer feels that she needs to lay low like she had been when staying here."

A little surprised at how cooperative the woman was being, but grateful she said, "We'll operate under the assumption that our killer might be more than your typical psychotic. I'll also station more guards around secure facilities. Thank you for your insights."

"My pleasure," Fuka said seemingly genuinely happy for the acknowledgement.

Yuugao suspecting an ulterior motive being behind her desire to help asked, "I take it you want me to tell Naruto just how helpful you've been."

The woman surprised her by answering, "Actually, I would prefer you not mention it to him."

Yuugao didn't reply as she moved to the door to make sure the cost was clear before motioning for Fuka to leave. The woman ducked down the back staircase that led down to the alley before easily blending into the late afternoon crowd as people began leaving work to return to their families or go out in pursuit of a good time. The Anbu Captain felt a sizeable shift in her attitude towards the woman as she figured that Fuka realized that helping only to make people think that she had changed wasn't the same as actually helping because it was the right thing to do. Feeling slightly more comfortable about the possibility of sharing the same lover one day, Yuugao headed the opposite way to return the room key and to finish preparing for the upcoming Anbu testing which would add to her available roster as she suspected that if Fuka was right she would need every shinobi she could get.


Kushina felt a little nervous as they left the hot springs where the women of the Allied Mom Force had gathered after the official meeting. Kushina smiled though as Karin seemed oblivious to the slight tension between her and Tsume while she mumbled to herself and made notes in a small book she had brought. The elder Uzumaki suspected that her clanswoman was drawing all sorts of conclusions in regards to Ibara's reaction to the women of the Family's presence. She heard the glasses wearing woman mumble "Hmm, so it seems the maximum distance one can be from the target would be about fifteen square feet. Anything outside that the Dibble stick jutsu will not activate. This was shown as we were outside that area during the official meeting, but moved into during gathering afterwards."

Kushina was eager to get back home as she felt her son's presence having just returned from the Land of Rice Paddies. She was looking forward to welcoming him back, and so was her body as she felt the wetness beginning to dampen her panties in anticipation. Karin surprised both women as she said, "I should go check to see what the cool down rate is?"

"What does it matter?" Tsume said as Karin began heading towards the entertainment district of the village.

"Well if you figure that the Temptation Touches effects lasted for about one week or one hundred and sixty-eight hours, then the length of time the Dibble Stick might be similar. It just might seem longer due to it not happening all at once. I've calculated how long Tifa has worked there and I believe I can determine about when it would…"

"We get it," Tsume said having quickly lost interest, "you found a squirrel that you want to chase down. Don't let us stop you."

Karin smiled at the analogy before leaving to visit the Seventh Heaven bar that Ibara owned. The two kunoichi that remained stayed silent as they traveled in the same direction. Reaching the end of her patience Kushina said, "Are you just going to ignore me all day?"

"You've been as silent as me," Tsume pointed out. "Considering that you asked me out to help with Karin's little experiment I'd say the emphasis is on you to fill the silence."

Kushina made a face which showed her annoyance which grew as a smirk appeared on Tsume face. "Look," the red head said coming to a stop due to the street being relatively deserted providing an opportunity to hash out their differences, "I know you feel slighted because you felt I choose Mikoto's friendship over yours."

"That's because you did," Tsume replied quickly rounding on the woman as a little of the anger that she felt at having been pushed aside in favor of the Uchiha began to appear.

Kushina responded to that anger as she said heatedly, "Only because you made me. I could have…"

"I made you," Tsume said her voice rising as well, "I told you I didn't trust her, and low and behold I was right. Her entire clan resented the village, just like she did."

Tsume found the calm that came over Kushina after her statement rather surprising; especially due to how she knew the Uzumaki had a temper as fierce as hers could be. "Did you ever think that maybe if more of us reached out to her or her clan that they wouldn't have wanted to rebel?"

Tsume scoffed before countering, "That's a two way street. They didn't put much effort in bridging the gap either. It was instead easier for them to plan a rebellion."

Kushina sighed, while acknowledging the Inuzuka's point with a nod. However, she did counter by stating, "Well someone had to be first. I know there were a few on both sides that tried, but because of my friendship with Miko, she tried to stop the rebellion while balancing her actions with loyalty to her clan. She also allowed herself to get roped into Danzou's plot in order to protect Naruto from the inside. The only mistake I made was in not trying harder to explain why I felt it was important to be her friend to you and not fighting harder to keep being yours. But you aren't exactly without any blame either."

Tsume held Kushina's gaze before stating, "Fair enough," before walking away.

"What," Kushina said shocked at how quickly the Inuzuka seemed willing to surrender to her point. Remembering how back in the day the two could argue to the point of nearly coming to blows, she raced to catch up with Tsume asking, "Since when do you just give up?"

"I'm not giving up," Tsume replied as some combativeness entered her voice at the suggestion that she was, "I merely recognize that you do have a point. I was the one that gave you the ultimatum and you chose. It might have felt like a betrayal for you to choose her, especially considering how you dismissed my concerns. Which were right by the way. But, in the fullness of time it turns out you were the righter of the two of us. If you hadn't have reached out to her then who knows how things would have turned out. We probably would have still learned about the rebellion through Itachi, but he might not have spared her."

Kushina looked surprised at what the Inuzuka was suggesting. "What makes you think he spared her?"

"He stabbed a non-combative woman in the back," Tsume replied confidently, "and missed her heart. I doubt that was just him being sloppy." The Inuzuka smirked as she added, "Whenever I looked at Itachi, all I could see was his love for this village. He was the only Uchiha that I worked with that never made me feel like I needed to watch my back around him."

Kushina couldn't deny that Tsume's estimate of Itachi was accurate, and she supposed that she could see why he had stabbed her. In part because she had sided with the clan over the village, and likely figured that Danzou would want to keep an Uchiha around, especially one with a connection to Sasuke he could exploit.

Sounding a little nervous Kushina returned the subject back to them as she asked, "Where does that leave us then?"

Tsume shrugged before answering, "We'll find out, won't we? Truthfully, I'm no longer angry. I just wasn't going to let the matter go before we talked about our history. Considering I was his lover first, as the new bitch, it was your responsibility to insure your entering our Family didn't cause any issues."

"Well to be fair entering wasn't exactly something I planned on," Kushina said letting a slight smile grace her lips.

Tsume gave a feral grin as she stated, "Lucky for you, Ino made sure to gauge what your joining would do to the Family. Including running it by me as she knew there was some potential bad blood between us."

"What did you say?"

"I said that you had as much right as the rest of us," Tsume replied before letting her feral smile grow wider as she added, "I also might have mentioned how it was apparent that it probably didn't matter what we felt about you joining because it was obvious your son made you a bitch in heat."

Kushina giggled as she jokingly said, "Well it takes one to know one."

"It certainly does," Tsume said as the scent Kushina was giving off due to her anticipating welcoming her son home was making the Inuzuka's pussy begin to moisten.

"Then what say you to us going and having my Honey give us the proper fucking we both desire?"

"I think we'll have to get in line," Tsume replied sensing the newest member to the family along with Ino and Mikoto's in close proximity to their shared mate.

"Oh, I don't mind waiting," Kushina said with a smirk, "I need to properly thank a naughty girl first anyway."


Naruto, after returning to Konoha and then Harishining to grab Sasame, was sitting in the apartment that he shared with his mother while lost in the pleasure of being the center of three beautiful women's attention. He had intended to show Sasame the Den, Kiyomi's mansion, and his Family's private hot-springs after teaching her how to use the teleportation seal that he had left in her apartment. However, he had gotten as far as touring his apartment before Sasame had decided to postpone it in favor of more pleasurable activities. He imagined the good vibrations that he had been sending through the network of his lovers via their foxmarks was what had attracted Ino, Sakura, and Mikoto.

The three younger women were currently kneeling on pillows before the couch that he was sitting on while running their tongues up and down his manhood. All three women still wore their tops although they had divested themselves of their bottoms. He looked away from the mesmerizing sight of the three women staring up at him with eyes filled with lust as they bathed his cock in their saliva when he noticed the door to the apartment open silently.

Mikoto looked over as well from the chair that she was sitting in while rubbing her pussy as she took in the show and was about to welcome Kushina and Tsume, but didn't as Naruto's mother held a finger to her lips. Mikoto smirked as Kushina slowly crept up on the three women and knelt to the right of Ino. The Yamanaka gasped as the red-head reached behind the blonde and began to run the fingers of her left hand over Ino's slit. The Yamanaka looked back to see which of the new arrivals was teasing her cunt only to be pulled into a kiss with Naruto's mother.

When the kiss came to an end a thin trail of saliva connected the two women before breaking as Kushina said, "Welcome home Naughty girl."

Ino smiled before letting loose a sexy moan as Kushina pushed her middle finger inside the blonde kunoichi. The red-head again kissed the woman that had helped push her over her reservations about becoming her son's lover. As their tongues swirled around each other's for the viewing pleasure of the man they both now shared, Kushina maneuvered Ino onto her back before lying atop her. They continued to make out while the female Uzumaki began to unbutton Ino's top to expose her bra encased tits. Kushina smirked against Ino's lips as she could tell it was the kind that latched in front so with a quick twist cased it to pop open and expose the blonde's luscious breasts.

Tsume watched Kushina begin to kiss down Ino's neck in order to begin rolling her tongue around one of the Yamanaka's hardened nipples. The Inuzuka smiled as she imagined the surprise that would appear on the blonde's face when she saw what lay beneath Kushina's dress as they had stopped in the Den's Master bedroom before heading up to the apartment. Her gaze moved from the two kunoichi kissing heatedly to the couch to watch Sasame and Sakura taking turns to swallow Naruto's manhood. The Inuzuka's smile morphed into a smirk due to how Sasame's face took on a look of amazement as the pink-haired medic could deepthroat the male Uzumaki all the way down to the base.

She considered joining the two, but her gaze moved to the one woman sitting off to the side. Mikoto didn't notice her stare as she focused on Kushina and Ino while the red-head took up a position between the Yamanaka's thighs. Tsume turned away as Kushina's tongue began swiping against the blonde's slick folds causing her to moan out as her hands buried themselves in the Uzumaki's crimson locks.

The brown haired woman began stripping as she moved towards the Uchiha while she diddled her snatch while resting her knees on the arms of the chair. She could feel Naruto's gaze watching her so she looked at him out of the corner of her eye. She wasn't sure if he knew she was watching him discreetly but she could see the approval in his eyes as he likely sensed her intentions. She focused on Mikoto, who hadn't noticed her approach as she was engrossed in the show happening before her. Therefore, the raven-haired beauty gasped in surprise as Tsume dragged her nails lightly across the exposed skin of Mikoto's calf. The woman's dark eyes locked with hers as Tsume leaned in to give the woman a tender kiss on the lips.

She pulled back and felt an urge to laugh at the startled expression Mikoto wore. Explaining herself the Inuzuka stated, "It's no secret I never much liked you. Something always warned me about trusting you completely. However, that doesn't appear to be the case any longer. So let me fully welcome you as a member of this Family."

She leaned in to kiss Mikoto again, and this time she poured all the passion that she felt not just for Naruto, but the other woman that she was bound to through him into it. The Uchiha responded in kind as she met the Inuzuka's tongue with hers. They clashed fiercely until Tsume broke the kiss upon grabbing the hand that Mikoto had been using to pleasure herself with. The Inuzuka held it before her and sniffing the intoxicating sent that coated the drenched digits felt her juices begin to leak down her thighs. She then began licking the Uchiha's cream from her fingers until she could no longer find any trace of it. Desiring more, she dropped to her knees before the chair and buried her face between Mikoto's outstretched thighs.

Naruto watched on pleased as Mikoto began moaning from Tsume's tongue exploring inside her. He groaned as he buried his hand in Sakura's pink hair as she eagerly sucked his cock. He began pumping his hips as he feed Sakura his dick while Sasame climbed up onto the couch to kneel next to him as she pulled him into a kiss.

Even as Naruto made out with the orange haired Fuma-nin, he kept one eye on his mother and Ino. He watched his mother climb to her feet to stand before the blonde kunoichi, who rose up to her knees. His mom raised the hem of her skirt and Ino's eyes grew wide as she caught site of the orange dildo that the red-head was wearing attached to a harness. She undid the snap of the cloth that had held the fake phallus down against her thigh causing it to jut out from beneath her dress. Kushina smirked as she cupped the Yamanaka's cheek to guide her mouth to the toy as she said, "You might want to get this toy you made of my son's cock nice and wet as I plan to fuck you with until you can't see straight."

Ino gave a smile which showed lots of teeth as she said, "I see they've decided to add it to their product line, because I'm pretty sure the original is still in your night stand."

Naruto chuckled causing Sasame to pull away in order to ask, "What are they talking about?"

The blond man looked at his newest lover as he explained sounding a little embarrassed, "Ino brought a mold of my junk to a sex shop and had a custom sex toy of it."

Ino having begun to bob on the plastic toy let it slip from her lips as she said, "How could you call your beautiful cock junk? This beauty might be generating a nice little side profit for us to run some off the book operations or purchase things we need for the Den."

"What do you mean?" Naruto said sounding surprised.

Ino giggled as she said, "Well, when owners of the shop saw the mold, they might have inquired about adding it to their product line. I told them that for a small percentage of the profit I could see letting them do so. They even told me they had the perfect name for it."

"They're calling it The Hero," Kushina said while sending an amused look her son's way, "It seems Kiyomi bought one of the first production batches as there were quite a few boxes down in the Den. That's where I got this little beauty." The red-head punctuated her sentence by beginning to pump her hips. She moaned from the base of the toy rubbing into her mound due to the resistance of the blonde woman's lips wrapped around it. She pulled the green dress off over her head leaving her white undershirt on before she began to fondle her tits through it.

Sasame noticed that Naruto seemed a little uneasy at the idea that a copy of his dick was now being sold as a marital aid. She turned his gaze away from his mother who was moaning as she pumped the orange toy into Ino's mouth, towards her to say, "I'm going have to pick me up one of those before heading home."

Before Naruto could respond Sakura let his cock pop free of her lips in order to say, "While settle for an imitation when you have the real thing here?"

Sasame giggled as she responded teasingly, "Maybe because I didn't think you were going to let me have a turn." Sakura smiled in response and waved the Fuma-nin towards the tower of flesh. The orange haired kunoichi maneuvered herself so that she was facing away from Naruto as she sank down on his cock and moaned from being split in half until it was all inside her. She began to slowly grind her mound into her lover as she laid her back against his chest and let his head rest on her shoulder so he could watch as his mother pulled Ino to her feet and faced the Yamanaka away from her. The blonde Yamanaka moaned as Kushina inserted the doppelganger of her son's dick all the way to the hilt. Holding Ino's arms behind her, she then began vigorous pumping her hips causing the moaning kunoichi's tits to sway with every forward thrust.

Sasame found the sight rather hypnotic, so was caught by surprise as she suddenly let out a large moan when Sakura took a kneeling position on the floor between the two connected lovers and began sucking on the Fuma-nin's clit. The added stimulation caused Sasame to seek out more so she leaned forward to place her hands on Naruto's knees as she began to raise and lower her pussy over his shaft. Naruto let out a groan of pleasure from the orange-haired woman's changing things up, but it grew in intensity as Sakura switched from sucking on Sasame's pussy to his balls.

Naruto was in heaven as Sasame's pussy and Sakura's mouth continued to pleasure his manhood. His excitement was only driven to greater heights as he watched his mother continue to energetically fuck Ino. His gaze was only pulled away due to Mikoto's cries taking on a much greater urgency due to her nearing the point of no return. He watched as the Uchiha clenched her hands into fists within Tsume's brown hair as she screamed, "Yes…right there… shit…" Mikoto's eyes grew to the size of saucers as she let out a soul-wrenching shriek when Tsume pressed her tongue against the woman's overexcited pleasure button.

It was quickly followed by Ino as his mother came with the Yamanaka her juices pouring down the inside of her thighs as she mawed her tits while the blonde's cunt convulsed around the plastic dick. Ino's knees grew weak so she dropped down to them, before falling forward to rest her head on the floor. However, Kushina didn't give her a moment's respite as she followed the blonde down and lifting the blissed out woman's hips into the air promptly began pumping the dildo inside her again.

He looked back to Tsume to see that the Inuzuka was still licking up the honey of Mikoto's release which was coating her thighs. His gaze drifted down to the Inuzuka's drenched pussy which she was rubbing in pursuit of some release of her own. Wanting to help out, he created several K-clones which broke off to entertain his other lovers as he began matching his upward thrusts with Sasame's downward ones.

Two of the clones moved towards Mikoto and Tsume. The first to reach them crouched down behind Tsume causing her to yelp as it slammed its cock into her. The other took a standing position next to Mikoto and presented its dick to her. The Uchiha began to lazily suck the clone even as she watched Tsume's face contort in pleasure between her thighs.

Naruto began to fondle Sasame's tits as he watched the final clone approach his mother. The clone much like the one for Mikoto stood next to her, and folded its hands behind its back. His mother immediately wrapped her mouth around his clone's cock, and began sucking it energetically while still pounding the rubber version of it into Ino's cunt. His blonde lover moaned as Kushina reached between her thighs and began rubbing her clit with two fingers. Ino stiffened as she let out another cry as an orgasm ravaged her body. His mother smirked lustfully around his clone's cock as she said after she let it slip free of her lips, "Oh my naughty girl, did you just come again?"

Ino simply panted in response so his mother said while pulling the blonde up against her chest, "Now's not the time to be resting. Especially since Naruto's seen fit to create a clone to join us." Kushina turned Ino's face to the clone's groin and the one-eyed beast sticking out from it.

The blonde kunoichi gave a tired smile as she said, "Mmmm, don't worry I can still give him what he needs while taking everything that you can dish out."

"Brave words," Kushina said even as Ino leaned forward to begin blowing the duplicate of her son. She watched the copy's face take on a look of pleasure as Ino began to moan around its cock while she began to pump the toy into her. The clone moved to stand before them as it began to pump its hips to fuck the Yamanaka's mouth with short strokes as Kushina continued to pump the fake cock while fondling the blonde's tits.

Naruto focused back on his situation as Sasame's moans grew louder. Unable to feel Sakura's mouth on his balls he figured his pink-haired lover had switched her focus back to the Fuma's pussy. But a moment later he groaned as Sakura's warm mouth returned to suck on his cum filled testicles while her hands traveled up Sasame's stomach to join his in fondling the orange-haired woman's breasts. Resting her hands on top of his, she interlaced her fingers with him as she began squeezing the Fuma's tits as well.

Sasame threw her head back as the rhythm of her downward thrusts began to become erratic. Her moans grew wilder as Naruto made up for it by increasing the speed at which he drilled his cock inside her. "Yessss," Sasame hissed as she felt her insides tightening in preparation of the sexual release she knew was approaching, "more… I'm so close…"

She screamed out as her vision turned white from her climax as with a final violent thrust, Naruto buried his cock inside her until the head was pressed against her womb and released his tiny soldiers to invade it. Sasame feeling the heat entering her core let herself get swept away on the wave of ecstasy that passed over her until she felt weak so fell back against her lover. She mewed softly as Sakura's tongue traced around the still hard cock inside of her as she scooped up the cum beginning to leak from her.

She felt herself get moved so that she was laid out on the couch and whimpered as Naruto's dick was removed. It was quickly replaced with Sakura's tongue as the kunoichi climbed up onto the couch and buried her face into Sasame's mound to drink the combined essence of Naruto and the Fuma. Sakura moaned into the orange-haired kunoichi's muff as Naruto knelt behind her on the couch and buried his cock inside her drenched quim. She drank thirstily as her teammate and lover energetically fucked her in order to plant his seed inside her as well.

Mikoto's moans were cut short as the clone that had been fucking Tsume pulled out of her pussy and shoved his cock into her mouth. She quickly went to work running her tongue around it while sucking as it pumped its dick through her lips. She moaned around the Uzumaki and Inuzuka flavored popsicle as her pussy continued to quiver under the clone kneeling behind her due to its relentless thrusts as well as from Tsume's tongue as the woman beneath her licked her clit. Mikoto's moans returned to their previous volume as the clone pulled free of her mouth and in a smooth motion buried its cock into the pussy of the woman lying beneath her.

Mikoto decided to return the favor so lowered her mouth to Tsume's pussy where she began to lick the nether lips wrapped around the dick sliding between them. Tsume pulled her mouth away from Mikoto in response to moan, but it was cut short as well as the clone fucking the raven-haired woman withdrew to have the Inuzuka begin sucking the its dick which was now coated in essence of Uchiha.

Mikoto feeling empty began to shake her ass invitingly as the seconds without the clone's dick seemed to stretch on forever. As such she nearly climaxed in anticipation as the clone gripped her butt to steady it in order to push inside of her once more.

It turned out to be a good thing that she was close to release as a moment later she heard Naruto's voice shouting, "Yeah, suck it… shit I'm cumming!"

Mikoto pulled her head from between Tsume's thighs to lock over her shoulder as the clone Ino had been sucking stepped back and began fisting its dick. A moment later it sprayed both Ino and Kushina's faces and outstretched tongues with its cum. A moment later it burst into smoke causing the other Narutos in the room to groan as well. Mikoto, upon feeling her insides being pumped full of her lover's seed, exploded into a powerful climax which was echoed by Tsume. She heard a similar but muffled shout of pleasure from the couch so assumed that Sakura was also enjoying her inside being coated in Naruto's thick spunk.

She let out a weak moan as her clone pulled out before burst into smoke, but almost immediately felt Tsume's tongue press inside her. Following her example she returned her mouth to the Inuzuka's honey pot in order to drink the concoction that was Uzumaki and Inuzuka combined.

Kushina smacked her lips before licking some of the seed coating Ino's cheek from it. She smiled happily as she watched Tsume and Mikoto continue to sixty-nine each other while Naruto rested on the couch watching his cum begin to leak from Sakura's freshly fucked snatch. She stood picking Ino up along with her while continuing to pump her plastic cock inside of the blonde kunoichi. She looked over at Naruto, who feeling her eyes on him looked over with a contented look. "Honey, why don't you and our guests go get freshened up since it wouldn't due for them to leave her smelling like sweat and cum. We wouldn't want them running into Kurenai in such a state." Her voice grew strained as Ino suddenly climaxed again and caused the toy to exert more pressure against her pussy as it became harder to move due to the kunoichi's spasming insides. Resisting the urge to cum herself she said, "Afterwards you can help me tuck in Ino."

Naruto nodded, as he stood helping Sakura and Sasame to their feet in order to guide them to the shower. He watched as his mother carried Ino off to his bedroom and chuckled as a look of concern appeared on his blonde lover's well pleasured face as the prospect of being left alone with his mother donned on her. He watched as Tsume and Mikoto continued to dine on each other's pussies energetically causing his manhood to cease its deflating. Something both Sakura and Sasame noticed as they each reached for it. Linking their hands around it they caused him to groan as they began to stroke him in tandem. Wrapping an arm around each kunoichi, he got them moving towards the shower as he felt it wouldn't hurt to try and get clean even as they continued to get dirty.
