
64: Expanding Territories: Sasame Fuma: Part I 3

"Explain," Koharu said quickly.

"I could teach him, my Execution by Kiss technique," Fuka said calmly, although she felt a bit of excitement at the idea, particularly from practicing it with him. "Whenever he needed to assume this criminal alias, he could siphon a small portion of someone's chakra to disguise his own for a limited time. It would also help him in developing a unique fighting style as he learned to use the different affinities that he would gain."

Fuka saw that her suggestion was met with some positive looks, but before they could discuss the matter Tsunade said, "As Koharu suggested this isn't a matter that we need to come to a decision on today. For now let's continue gathering information on each of the concerns that we already currently face. In the meantime we can see just how viable it would be to create a criminal enterprise to gather information from another angle." Looking at Naruto, she asked, "Do you agree, my Love?"

"I do," Naruto said standing. "Thank you all for your efforts."

The others stood as well as they began to head towards the teleportation room or the other exits that would take them out of the Den. Fuka was surprised as Naruto came around the table to say, "I want to thank you as well Fuka. Your insights were most helpful today."

"Y…you're welcome," she said surprised at the tenderness being directed towards her. "I know it doesn't make up for…"

Naruto cut in softly stating, "You're right, but redemption isn't about just about making up for your past. It is about showing a genuine remorse for past mistakes as much as it is also about improving your present self to prevent yourself from falling into the same destructive habits. I can see you've come to regret who you were, and I hope you will continue to support us in the future."

Staring into his blue she found herself saying without even thinking about it, "You can count on me."

The heart that hadn't beaten for so long suddenly began going a mile a minute as a wide smile split his face while he said, "That's great, because if I do go through with this plan. I'm going to need someone who has lived the life to help guide me through it, but to also insure I do not lose my way. We'll talk more later."

Fuka nodded as she turned to continue staring after the blond as he approached Yuugao. She saw the concern in his eyes that he had for the woman due to the anger she had displayed. She saw that anger fade as Naruto spoke with her before he pulled her into a tight hug. Turning away, Fuka felt her heart begin to ache as it longed to experience the same warmth that she was sure the Anbu Captain was from being in the blond man's arms.


Naruto looked around the dinner table and felt a wave of contentment sweep over as his lovers enjoyed the meal with him. It wasn't as lively as it normally would be since Kurenai was also present, but he had noticed that as time passed her presence wasn't the same deterrent for his lovers to hide their feelings as it used to be. In the aftermath of his mom becoming his lover, it seemed that his Family saw her becoming one of them as a foregone conclusion. Naruto felt the red-eyed woman gaze grow rather inquisitive as his mother snuggled up to him after finishing her meal. Commenting on the lack of Ino's presences at the table, Kurenai said, "I wonder where Ino is at. She almost never misses a meal, especially it seems when you're here Naruto."

Naruto had been wondering the same himself. However, he couldn't sense anything amiss so replied, "Maybe she already ate."

The black haired woman focused on Kushina as she asked, "What do you think Lady Kushina?"

His mom smiled as she leaned forward while replying, "Please, just call me Kushina. I practically feel as if all of us under this roof are family so there is no need for titles." Naruto coughed suddenly as it looked like he had some food go down the wrong pipe from eating too quickly, but the real reason for it was due to his mother placing her hand on his groin as she began to fondle his cock. She looked back over her shoulder to say, "Honey, that's what you get for gobbling down your food without chewing."

Naruto fought back a groan as his dick hardened from his mother's firm but gentle caress, which turned into slow strokes as she began to masturbate him through his pants. Naruto could feel the eyes of his other lovers watching on in amusement as he struggled not to let Kurenai know what his mother was doing to him. He was either extremely successful or Kurenai was just more interested in pursuing the line of question that she wanted answers to as she said, "I don't know, there seemed to be some tension between you and Ino last week. I'm a little concerned she might be avoiding you."

"Oh heavens no," Kushina said while using her index and middle finger of the hand beneath the table to stroke her son's length. "There was some tension last week, but that's all sorted out. Ino forced me to confront some uncomfortable truths that at the time were painful to admit about my relationship with Naruto."

"What kind of truths," Kurenai said her gaze shifting between the mischievous smile on Kushina's face, and a slightly uncomfortable one on Naruto's. Not quite sure how to read the situation she chose to change the subject stating, "It's none of my business. Sorry for prying."

"Not at all," Kushina said pleasantly, "We're family after all. I'm sure it'll all make sense in time."

Even more confused, Kurenai noted the time and stood quickly saying, "Speaking of time, it is about time for me to start my nightly run."

She paused and looked back, noticing that Naruto didn't seem as uncomfortable as before. Although, from her new angle she could see he was sporting a rather large erection, when Kushina who had brought her other hand above the table when she stood asked, "If you don't mind me asking a question Kurenai, why do you insist on running so late at night? Between recently being reinstated to lead and train with your team and staying here until dark, it's like you are trying to avoid moving on with your life."

"T…that's exactly what I'm doing," the kunoichi said quickly and defensively.

"It doesn't seem like it," Kushina said, "It seems like you are trying to avoid establishing new or deeper relationships."

"What do you mean? Wouldn't the ones I've built here be considered new?"

"But you have to interact with the people here on some level," Miya said from the head of the table. "It does seem like you are trying to avoid interacting with people outside of the two places you feel comfortable, here and with your team. Why else run so late or use the training fields when they are often empty?"

"I…I just find that I prefer the quiet," Kurenai said defensively. "Help me out Yuugao."

Yuugao set her bowl down having calmed down from the meeting earlier in the day thanks in part to time spent with Naruto, not to mention the several orgasms he had given her in her office after Ibiki had left. Studying her friend, she said, "I think you are at the same place I was after losing Hayate. You're trying to lose yourself in work and training."

Kurenai was slightly shocked at her friend's assessment and feeling uncomfortable from the worried gazes being directed her way quickly waved off their concerns stating, "Honestly, you guys are just overthinking it. I just found it's easier to enjoy a nice quiet jog at night. I'll see you all later."

Kurenai quickly exited the dining room to go put on her shoes, but looked at the stairs as she noticed someone coming down. Her eyes grew wide as Tifa appeared yawning sleepily while wearing just a white half shirt that looked as if her breasts were straining to pop free and some skimpy white underwear. "Um, Naruto is in the dining room," the Jounin said figuring the woman was going to grab a bit to eat before the start of her shift.

"Mmmm, that's nice," Tifa responded sleepily giving the impression that she hadn't quite comprehended what she had been told.

Kurenai also knew that it could just be that the waitress just didn't care about parading around in skimpy attire in front of the blond Uzumaki as seemed to be the case with almost all the women that lived at the Hidden Eddy Inn. The jounin shrugged, as she let the matter slide although as she stepped outside, she found a part of her wondered if Naruto would react upon seeing her take up the dressing habits of the other women present. She found the idea intriguing as it might help her understand why he didn't seem flustered by the other women parading around in skimpy attire, but couldn't deny a part of her felt it would be nice to see a man's gaze look at her with desire again.


"Good morning," Tifa called happily into the dining room as she opened the doors. She was met with a chorus of responses although her lover could only groan as currently his mother's head was in his lap sucking his cock. She shook her head at the sight, but knew it would be one she was going to be treated to over and over again. Noticing the lack of the Yamanaka that had helped bring the mother and daughter together, she said, "No Ino again. I figured that she would want to be present for such mother and son bonding."

Naruto placed his hand on the back of his mother's head stating, "I'm coming Kushina."

The red-head moaned happily before she began gulping madly in order to swallow all of her lover's seed. Once he was finished and she had properly cleaned him she tucked his softened cock back into his fly before sitting up to say, "She's sleeping in preparation for tomorrow's mission. She hasn't been around this week because she was getting ahead on paperwork so she could go on the mission with Naruto and Kin."

"You could have just said that to Kurenai when she asked," Yuugao said.

Kushina shrugged as she replied, "True, but how else were we going to approach the subject that she is avoiding moving forward by using work and training as excuses to avoid people. She is fine when she's here, but according to Hinata, she's rather distant and withdrawn when with clients or in crowds. As I've recently learned sometimes it is better to get a little push then to just suffer in silence."

"Speaking of getting a little push," Tifa said accepting a plate from Miya as she took a seat, "When are you going to visit me at work Naruto? I told you that once Ibara learned I lived here that she has kept asking about you."

Naruto grew a little nervous as he said, "Well the thing is…"

Kushina had the feeling her son was hiding something so said, "Naruto, spill it."

"I believe he already did down your throat," Mikoto said teasingly causing Kushina to stick out her tongue.

Naruto chuckled nervously as his lovers looked at him expectantly before sighing in defeat as he admitted, "Well, the reason I've avoided going to her bar recently was because I learned that before he left the village D slept with her."

"Really," Kushina said surprised since Ibara had been a student at the academy with her before retiring to start a family.

Naruto nodded as he explained, "It turned out she lost her husband and son to a group of missing-nin that I fought. She was grateful for what I did, and kind of transferred those feelings to D because we looked alike. I've been meaning to tell her the truth… but well she didn't have the highest opinion of me before and learning about what happened might cause her to revert to those feelings again."

Tifa looked lost in thought for a moment before focusing on her lover to state, "Y… you might have to take that chance."


Answering her lover she said, "Well, I've noticed that the longer my shift goes on, the more aroused she seems to get. It starts off slowly often taking a few hours for the first signs to appear, but lately I've noticed her slip away to take care of it."

"Are you sure it is related to your presence?" Kushina asked concerned.

Tifa nodded before saying, "I asked Yuffie to keep tabs on her both while I wasn't around and when I was. She noted the same behavior only appears whenever I work with her or spend time with her. If your clone did sleep with her then maybe she is reacting to my being bound to you."

"I don't know," Naruto said remembering that D did leave some instructions for her to seek him out if she was bound to him. "As she slept, she was instructed to come to me if she was bound. I did something similar with Koharu."

"Perhaps she isn't though," Karin said excitedly sitting across from him as the scientist inside her wanted answers. "You've never tried to bind a woman to you using a clone before. I'm guessing that was why D attempted this seduction. To find out if it was possible." When Naruto nodded she continued, "It's possible that although she isn't bound exactly, by sleeping with your clone she was somehow marked by the Binding as a future conquest for you."

"Wait a second," Sakura said, "Aren't you forgetting that in most cases the effects of the Temptation's Touch wear off in around a week unless a person is exposed multiple times? Since she hasn't been bound, the effects should have faded."

"Not necessarily," Karin said mentally going over the notes she had read from Tsunade's early experiments, "Remember that we believe the Temptation's Touch was actually a technique that Kanji developed. He had hoped to trick Naruto into sleeping with women without knowing all the details of what doing so would entail. He wanted Naruto to grow conceited from the control he gained in order that he would start abusing it." Seeing Sakura nod she continued, "Tsunade in the past has described the binding like a virus, and like any virus it is always looking for a new way to spread itself."

Sakura understood where Karin was going, but countered, "I get what you are saying, but Naruto has been to Ibara's bar since creating D. If she was trapped in some kind of state between being bound to him and not, then wouldn't she feel compelled to get closer to him even if he was henged at the time as Kakami Takayama."

Naruto thought it over as he recalled the various times he had entered Seventh Heaven as the persona that he used to date his lovers in public. Although, Ibara had been friendly he never would have imagined that she was secretly harboring some kind of desire for him. But Karin had a hypothesis which she explained, "But keep in mind that Tifa says it takes time for the signs of Ibara growing aroused by her presence to appear. I'm thinking this delay is due to a combination of both how the jutsu was applied and perhaps it in a sense it knowing that the effects it created would not be able to be acted on right away. Hmm, for the lack of a better term let us call this the Dibble Stick jutsu for now."

"That's a pretty strange name for a jutsu," Yakumo said with a smile. "What is a dibble stick?"

"It's a tool much like a sai that is used to poke holes in fertile soil in order to plant seeds," Naruto said calling upon the knowledge he had from his own interests in gardening. Focusing on the spectacled Uzumaki he asked, "I'm guessing that in essence you see the clone as a sort of dibble stick by making it easier for me to plant my seed, and bind a woman to me."

"Precisely," Karin said pleased her lover understood, "Obviously if you used a clone it would help speed up the seduction process as you could work multiple…"

"I'm not too sure I would want to make my seducing a target into an automated process," Naruto said with a wry smile. "I try not to rely on clones in my relationships with all of you because it would become easy to do so. It wouldn't be right to do the exact opposite with a woman I'm asking to eventually join our Family."

"Then why did you seduce Ibara in such a manner," Tifa asked.

"I originally created D as a means to both investigate the situation going on in Paradise City, but as a test run of establishing other aliases so I could slip into places that might need a substantial back history to infiltrate."

"Such as Iwa," Kushina said causing her son to incline his head.

"Yep, and one of the things that I thought it prudent to check before creating a dozen or more was to make sure if they found themselves in a situation where they bedded someone that person wouldn't be bound to me."

"Planning to cheat on us with clones were you?" Mikoto said teasingly.

"What no," Naruto said quickly causing a few of his lovers to giggle, "It's just these clones were going to be in the field for years and well I figured sooner or later they might decide to enjoy themselves. As D showed me, these clones would eventually develop their own bonds and desires the longer that they remained separate from me. Bonds that I might one day find myself responsible for if and when they dispelled so I could assume their identities."

The Blond Uzumaki could see his words caused some of his lovers to respect him even further, but although Tifa was one of them, she asked, "Why did you settle on Ibara? Was it because she thought so poorly of you as a child?"

Tifa noticed that Mikoto winced from her words, which she quickly regretted as Kushina angrily said, "What do you mean?" Tifa began to stutter as Kushina's hair began to rise up like tails behind her as she repeated darkly, "What do you mean?"

The moment faded instantly though as Naruto turned her face to him and kissed her softly stating, "It doesn't matter any longer, mom. Ibara had a pretty low opinion of me because she saw me as the monster that she believed I carried as opposed to who I actually was. She no longer feels that way."

His mother sighed accepting her son's feelings that she let the matter drop, so he returned the conversation to the topic at hand, "What I don't understand though is that if the Temptation Touch only lasts a week and the binding is permanent, then why would Ibara still be feeling the effects now? If it is not going to stick then the tainted chakra should fade."

Sakura realized why as she said, "That is why it takes so long for Ibara to begin showing symptoms of arousal. It goes into a dormant state until Naruto or one of us comes around."

Karin nodded in agreement stating, "Yes. I believe that what happens is when a K-clone cums inside a target it in essence is injecting an unstable chakra molecule into the woman's chakra network. Now as we all should have learned in school and unstable molecules wants to become stable so until such a time that the conditions that this becomes a possibility appear it remains dormant."

"Hold up," Tifa said unconvinced, "The last time I checked I'm lacking the equipment to make her stable."

"I can concur with that," Naruto said cheekily, "I've very thoroughly checked her."

"But what you do have is the ability to perhaps get her to who can give her what she needs," Karin replied. "All of us bound to Naruto would after all have the completed chakra molecule and since the Bindings main goal is to get a woman to give herself to him, by having her grow aroused in your presence it increases the likelihood of her being brought to your attention. After all, that is exactly what you are doing now."

"You almost make it sound like the Binding is alive," Miya said.

"I'm not implying that there is any actual intelligence at work," Karin replied. "It's just easier to explain it in such terms. After all, fire burns because that is what it must do. Sex feels good to get people to procreate. Nature has evolved certain causes and effects in order to create outcomes and that is in essence what I think is happening here. The temptation touch is a derivative of the Binding, it works so quickly and burns out faster exactly because when it is being used, the person that the Binding is active in is in a position to secure their target. However, as the Shadow Clone of a person capable of using the Binding could be operating miles away from him, it would be imprudent for it to burn so quickly or even at all if there was no chance for them to become Bound. Therefore, the unstable chakra element remains inactive until the conditions for such a coupling can become possible, usually as indicated by the presence of those with the stable chakra element."

"I guess I need to have a talk with her then," Naruto said with a sense of dread at what her reaction would be.

"Actually, if possible I would like you to hold off," Karin said quickly. "There are some questions that I would like to get answers to about my theories. You might not intend to use it again, but I think exploring how the Dibble Stick Jutsu works could give us a greater understanding to the Binding itself."

Not comfortable with the idea of experimenting further on Ibara without her knowledge, but aware that there was another woman he was semi-bound to in a similar manner out there, he didn't dismiss it out of turn so asked, "What exactly would you like to learn?"

"Well for one, is the time for the first symptoms to appear conditioned on just how long it takes for the unstable chakra to become active, or is it dependent on the number of people around her who are fully bound," Karin said eagerly. "I would think it is the latter and the easiest way to test that would be to surround her with more of your lovers. The upcoming meeting of the Allied Mom Force would be a perfect opportunity to do so."

"The what?" Naruto asked confused.

Kushina smiled at her son's response so explained, "It is just a nickname for the shinobi reserved units that Konoha deploys in the event of a war. Since a great many kunoichi retire after having children it is comprised mostly of mothers or retired shinobi. I guess it was a nicer nickname then the geezer force or something along those lines."

Karin nodded as she was a member as well do to her unique situation and her past contributions to the village. "If I'm not mistaken both you and Mikoto were invited to attend the meeting."

"You'll have to count me out," Mikoto said uncomfortable at the idea as she was sure that she'd be subjected to a lot of looks that would practically scream, "What is she doing here?"

Kushina frowned as she said, "Miko, you should go. You were friends with some of the members as well."

"Yeah K," Mikoto said sadly, "But that was a lifetime ago. You should take Tsume though."

It was Kushina's turn to look uncomfortable as she made the excuse. "She's not a member. She is still on active duty."

"True, but that isn't exactly a reason for her not to go, and it would allow you two to clear the air between you."

Naruto watched his mom bite her bottom lip. He knew there was a story there as he had known that at one point his mother and Tsume had been friends. As such he had found it strange that even after learning his mother's spirit was inside of him, the Inuzuka had never asked to converse with his mom. Based on the way Tsume had quickly leapt at the chance to berate Mikoto that morning for not revealing the stone monument that the Uchiha had possessed and his mother quickly leaping to her defense he suspected it was somehow tied to his mother's friendship with the raven-haired woman. A theory that he suspected was correct as his mom said, "Then wouldn't it be all the more necessary for you to come with."

"Tsume and I will settle our differences after you two talk," Mikoto said quickly. "There is not much me and her can do except but to agree to start over. You and her were the ones that drifted apart."

Kushina nodded before agreeing, "I'll go ask her then. I'm sure she'll at least agree to come if the meetings were anything like the ones we used to attend."

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked.

His mother gave him a smile as she answered, "Just an excuse for us ladies to get together and rag about the men in our lives while soaking in a hotspring and drinking sake."

Karin smiled as she confirmed that much had changed, "Don't worry, you'll feel right at home then."

"Hey, I hope you aren't going to go there to talk poorly about me," Naruto said.

Kushina gave him a seductive smile before replying, "Then you better make sure that before you leave on your mission tomorrow I have a big old smile on my face. " Looking around the room, Naruto could see it was a sentiment shared by many of those present so standing said, "Challenge accepted. But the order will depend on who gets to the Den's bedroom first." He Hiraishined away leaving the women staring at each other for a moment before they all scrambled to reach the secret entrance to the Den in the basement.

Tifa smiled as she watched the last woman run out the door, sighing that she would be able to join in as she had to leave for work. She nonetheless looked forward to when she and the woman that she worked for would be joining in on future scrambles.


Naruto sat at the door preparing pulling his sandals on so that he could leave for the Hokage Mansion where the mission office was located. There Ino and he would be assigned the task of escorting Kin through the Land of Rice Paddies in search of her sister. That would at least be the official reason, but unofficially it was to deal with the bandit activity plaguing the area. Something that was quickly causing tensions to rise in the area, as the rulers of the nearby countries were growing angry at what they perceived was Rice Paddies lack of action. Naruto couldn't say he blamed the other rulers as from what he had seen it almost seemed as if bandits were using Rice Paddies as a base of operations for their raids on caravans in the other countries with the Daimyo's permission. The one thing preventing people from outright stating as much was caravans in Rice Paddies were just as prone to attack, but also because the Fuma clan was doing everything they could to prevent them from happening. However, he had the sense that they were vastly outmanned by the legion of bandits.

The current troubles being experienced by Rice Paddies was just further evidence that Sasuke truly only cared about his own circumstances and needs, as from what he had gathered they were the former prisoners of Orochimaru which he had let loose when he recruited Karin and the rest of his team. Finding themselves in a land where the preeminent power had been killed, these bandits had originally been more of a danger to themselves then to the citizens around them as they warred over turf. However, over the past year that period had come to an end as a man named Ahiko the Lizard had united the remaining bandit groups, and as his successes grew bandits from other areas began flocking to his banner.

The Leaf had made several attempts to capture the man in the past, but it was rather rare for him to leave the Land of Rice Paddies, but on the few occasions that he did he always managed to escape by fleeing back across the border. The Leaf had been unable to follow due to the Daimyo's refusal to allow any such taskforces from operating in his borders.

Worse still though, the bandits also tended to brazenly assault caravans traveling in countries as far from Rice Paddies as Waterfall. Adding to the tension, was the fact that Iwa was using the Taki-nin's inability to protect certain cargo from Earth Country moving through their borders as a reason to station more shinobi in Waterfall Country's territory. The increased Iwa presence and the recent discovery that they had been manipulating events in the Land of Claw and Fang in order to annex them, was causing the leaders of Taki to question the wisdom of the treaty that they had signed with Iwa after ending the one that had existed with Konoha due to Fu's near abduction and Leaf's refusal to return her.

Knowing that he was stepping into a complex situation, Naruto wondered how he would solve it and really hoped it wasn't another plot of Iwa's. He was sure that if Iwagakure was behind the recent turmoil, the leader of the other Five Great Elemental Countries wouldn't be so quick to sweep the entire affair underneath the rug as had been the case with Fang and Claw.

Standing after adjusting his sandal he smiled as his mother said, "Okay, do you have everything."

"Not yet," Ino cut in as she approached, "He's leaving behind an extremely sexy blonde Kunoichi."

Naruto was about to turn to tease that it was only because she was taking so long to get ready, but the words never appeared as he was struck speechless by her beauty. He quickly realized that the reason Ino hadn't been a dinner the night was due to her having changed her appearance slightly and her wanting to keep it a secret. The right side of the Yamanaka's face was veiled by her hair and her usual pony tail was gone as it hung loosely behind her reaching her calves. Naruto had the impression that his blonde lover was mirroring his mother's style while giving it her own flair. However, how she wore her hair wasn't the only change as while she still wore a purple-halter top it was shorter, stopping just beneath her breasts, and her short skirt had been replaced with one that reached all the way down to just above her ankles. On her feet were shinobi sandals that reached all the way to her knees from what he could see as she walked. Her eyes twinkled happily at the effect her change in appearance had on him as she said, "What's the matter lover? Cat got your tongue."

"In a matter of speaking, "Naruto said still slightly star-struck. "You look amazing. But why the change?"

Ino smiled as she replied, "With so many more mature beauties surrounding you, I thought it would be nice to update my own look. I'm not a sixteen year old chunin anymore like when you first came back, but the leader of the Yamanaka Clan with a seat on the Clan council."

Naruto nodded accepting a kiss from her before turning to his mother to say, "Alright we're off."

"Good luck on your mission," Kushina said giving him a motherly kiss on the cheek which surprised him. But his surprise turned to arousal as she then pulled Ino into a passionate kiss as she said, "And as for you naughty girl…" Ino quickly reciprocating kissing her just as deeply as their tongues danced around each other. She moaned when Kushina began to fondle her tit through her shirt before then sliding the hand down the exposed flesh of her stomach and under the waist band of her skirt. Ino clutched onto his mother's shoulders as she slid a finger inside stirring up her insides until they began to grow wet with arousal. She then pulled away causing the Yamanaka to whimper as the red-head finished her sentence, "That's just a preview of what is in store for you and to let you suffer a little until you get back." His mother then licked her finger clean of Ino's essence as she gave her a lust filled look while adding, "Until then naught girl."

"Oh fuck," Ino moaned as Kushina gave him a little wink before heading up to the apartment. Looking at her lover and wanting to experience the pleasure Kushina had promised while being fucked by her son, she stated, "Come on Lover, let's get this mission over with."

Naruto chuckled as Ino began dragging him outside, but she relented as he began walking beside her. The blond Uzumaki found the change that had come over his mom was one of the things he enjoyed most about their new relationship. He liked it how one moment she was as loving as any mother, but then with a flip of a switch she was a passionate woman who enjoyed sex as much as he did. One moment she was giving him a kiss on the cheek and the next she was making out with one of his lovers. Ino likely sensed the direction of his thoughts as she leaned over to say, "You're welcome."

Naruto smiled at her wishing he could pull her into a similar kiss as his mother just had. "Thank you, Ino. I would have truly regretted if my blindness caused me to miss out on starting such a relationship with her. I… I don't know how to properly thank you my beautiful blossom."

"Oh, don't worry about that," Ino said with a smile, "There will be plenty of chances on this trip for you to do that. But you do not need to thank me for doing what it is that a blossoming flower does."

"Which is?"

"To produce edible fruit for your consumption, Lover," Ino said softly in a tone filled with devotion. "I teased Sakura and the others for only having helped you seduce Shion. If I had been there you would have been much more successful."

Before, Naruto could respond the two of them turned onto a busy street as they neared the Hokage mansion. The blond man looked at his lover caringly which warmed her core, even as she seemed to attract nearly every male and quite a few females passersby's' gazes. She soaked it all in like a flower basking in the sun, but it wasn't the look of desire she could see in the gazes directed at her, or even the look of jealousy she noted on a few others that she enjoyed. It was the knowledge that what they desired or were jealous of already belonged body and soul to the man walking by her side, and because she had reached such a place of happiness through him she saw it as her life's mission that more women could discover the same joy that she had.

"Ah Naruto, long time no see," a pleasant and familiar voice said pulling Ino from her thoughts.

"Iruka-sensei," Naruto said happily, "I'm sorry we haven't gotten together in a while, but well it seems something always comes up."

Iruka nodded as he replied, "Sadly, that does always seem to be the case, but here's hoping the future will allow for a few more peaceful moments."

"Don't worry Iruka-sensei, I'm sure it will," Naruto said brightly causing his former teacher to smile in return.

Grabbing a scroll marked as a C-ranked mission, he opened it while explaining, "This mission is a relatively simple one. It turns out that during the Sand/Sound invasion a genin defected to the Leaf. She provided some valuable intelligence on the workings of Sound so has been in protective custody for the last several years. With Sound all but defunct and the recent unrest in the Northern countries she has requested permission to go in search of a sister that might still be in the Land of Rice Paddies. This is considered a C-ranked mission, but can easily move to A depending on the situation."

"Don't worry we can handle it," Naruto said confidently.

"I know," the academy teacher said with a similar level of certainty. Focusing on Ino, he asked, "Ino, technically you would be the commander of this mission. But with them working on the final details of the new joint Chunin Exams, I was wondering if you might allow Naruto to head up the mission to help him gain some leadership experience."

Ino smiled letting a seductive tone enter her voice as she replied, "I have no problem with being under Naruto. I'm sure he'll take very good care of me."

She struggled not to laugh as Iruka's face colored substantially from her innuendo. Naruto also struggled not to react as he said, "W…ha…where should we meet the client?"

"She'll be near the front gate," Iruka said regaining his composer. "Good luck."

"Thanks," the blond man said giving his former teacher quick wave before pulling Ino after him as she was getting lost in her imagination of working under Naruto, or on top of him, or in front of him so began to squirm where she stood.

Iruka missed the signs of arousal, although he had noticed how more and more kunoichi had begun to stare at the blond man in a similar manner as the starry eye fangirls did in his classes towards the popular boys that they had crushes on. He was glad to see all of Naruto's hard working in earning him such looks was paying off as he knew there was no one more deserving of them then him. An opinion that if he didn't know better he would believe was something both he and Ino shared.


Soifon hated the annoying blond man standing in front of her. She hated the sound of his voice, she hated his annoying laugh, but most importantly she hated that currently Yoruichi was draped over his shoulders in her cat form purring contently. A sound that always grew louder when Naruto would reach up to rub his finger through the fur of her scalp. Hearing the telltale sound of him doing so again, she glared at his back and felt a measure of satisfaction as he shivered. Yoruichi lifted her head to ask in her male sounding cat voice, "What's wrong?"

"I'm not sure," he replied, "It kind of felt like someone was plotting to do me bodily harm."

Yoruichi looked around for any signs of trouble, but finding none asked, "Do you think it is tied to your malice detecting abilities?

Naruto shrugged as she resettled around his neck and shoulder while replying, "I don't think so. I need to activate my chakra cloak to use that ability. It's probably just my imagination."

Soifon sighed as she let the anger she felt fade since it was good to see Yoruichi happy. Still, she had been so excited just a few days before as she had been paired with Yoruichi to guard a shipment heading into the Land of Rice Paddies. For Soifon it had been the first time she had been assigned to what the Great Tree Shipping Company referred to as Gold Shipments. Shipments designated such were always assigned to one or more of the kunoichi that the company had displayed during the battle tournament to showcase their strength.

After Pain's Invasion, Soifon had been unable to continue in here career as a Leaf Kunoichi. It hadn't been due to any trauma that she had suffered, but after seeing Yoruichi fight couldn't claim her first priority was to the Leaf Village anymore. She knew some would say her decision reflected poorly on her, yet such things didn't even faze her as she had been filled with a need to be recognized by the woman that she had considered being the pinnacle of kunoichi. To that end, she had accepted the owner of the company's offer to work for the Great Tree Shipping Company in a similar capacity. Still even though she had impressed in the tournament, those running the company weren't going to let just anyone protect a Gold Shipment and so she had been assigned to those where the customer had paid for less protection.

That wasn't to say those shipments were under protected though, as she was amazed at just how much security even shipments that fell under the Bronze plans warranted. However, there was little doubt that if a customer paid for a Gold Plan one of the women assigned to it would ensure its safe arrival. That had been her goal since first getting hired so she could work side by side with her idol. An objective she had achieved through almost fanatical dedication to seeing it become reality. What had made the promotion even more special was that Karin was trusting her to help guard the first, and to date the only Gold Shipment heading to the Land of Rice Paddies.

While the Great Tree Shipping Company hadn't suffered any losses to the shipments traveling north, Soifon knew the main reason was primarily due to most of the northern shipments were to help with the increased trade flowing between Kumogakure and Konohagakure before heading south to Sunagakure. At presents the Bandits hadn't attacked anything that far east, but Soifon doubted that they would at least until they became much more brazen as she was sure it would lead to them becoming enemies of three ninja villages at once. Yet the bandits had played havoc on just about every other companies' shipments. There were no exact numbers, but she knew that the Bandits had caused great economic harm to the neighboring countries and even to certain districts in northern Fire Country. However, so long as the Daimyo of Rice Paddies refused to accept any help from outside his country the bandits would be free to pillage at their pleasure. At least until one of the countries being effected took a more drastic form of action, which could spill into armed conflicts between nations.

But truthfully, none of that had mattered to Soifon as she had seen it as her chance to be close to Yoruichi. At least until Naruto had spoiled her moment of triumph by being at the gate as she and Yoruichi had been about to set off on their mission. A small part of Soifon was suspicious of the encounter as she couldn't even calculate what the odds would be that he would have a mission heading in the same direction and at the same time as the first Gold Level Shipment would be leaving. In fact, from Yoruichi's wry grin she had felt as if the entire encounter had been staged. She knew on some level she might just be letting her annoyance get the better of her. Not to mention her jealousy at just how close it appeared the dark skinned woman and he truly were.

Her suspicions also stemmed from the fact that she had seen him hanging around the Headquarters of the Great Tree Shipping Company, and witnessed him interact not just with Yoruichi but the other woman that had been hired along with her. Moreover, he seemed to also be on especially good terms with the owner Kiyomi and the president Karin, and as such she couldn't help but feel that there had been some kind of conspiracy in play which would insure Naruto would help protect the shipment.

Noticing the late hour, Soifon said, "Lady Yoruichi perhaps we should make camp for the night. We are nearing the territory that the bandits have been active in."

"I suppose you're right," the woman transformed as a cat said leaping from Naruto's shoulder as he stopped causing the oxen pulling the wagon to as well.

Soifon quickly ran to the back as she knew that any moment the dark skinned woman would release whatever technique she used to turn into a cat. She grabbed the purple-haired woman's clothes and coming back around blushed as she saw that she was too late. She spent a moment to admire the naked woman's backside as she continued to chat with Naruto, who despite being able to view what Soifon viewed as the perfect female form didn't seem to have much of a reaction. Getting ahold of herself she ran between the two and holding out Yoruichi's clothes said, "Please get dressed Lady Yoruichi." Turning to Naruto, she said angrily, "And you should overt your gaze."

"Why," Naruto said nonchalantly, "It's not like I haven't seen her naked before."

W-what…" the young woman said as she tried to sputter a response.

"Relax Soifon," Yoruichi said amused pulling her clothes on, "you could stand to learn a thing or two from Naruto about having a more adult reaction to nudity. This is the third day that we've been traveling together and he's seen me change forms several times on this trip alone. You keep acting like it's the first time."

"It's just that you could stand to have a little modesty, Lady Yoruichi," Soifon said defensively.

"Is that a rebuke?" the golden eyed woman said amused.

It faded though and she sighed disappointedly when the sixteen year old kunoichi looked away replying, "N-no, of course not."

"Too bad," Yoruichi said confusing her. Addressing Naruto, she asked, "Should we take shifts?"

"I don't think that will be necessary," the blond replied. "We are near the area where the Bandits have been active in Fire Country, but we likely won't reach their territory till late tomorrow morning. I'll create some shadow clones to set up a perimeter. Let's all get some rest tonight as it might be a rough few days until we reach Club Kitty."

Soifon scowled as she asked, "Why are you insisting that we head to suck a disgusting establishment?"

"Because it is on the way to the capital, where you are ultimately heading, and it at one time served as the Fuma Clan's headquarters," Naruto explained. "The Fuma have moved their headquarters to the capital since Orochimaru's death, but I have it on good authority that a few members still maintain the club. It was also the last place I saw Kotohime so would be a good starting point for finding Kin's sister."

"Which is your mission," Soifon said annoyed, "not ours."

"Oh relax," Yoruichi said stepping around the kunoichi to run her finger along the blond man's jaw before stepping behind him, "It's nice to have some male company on this trip." Kin and Ino smiled at each other due to Yoruichi's statement as they began setting up the camp along with the others.

Soifon sighed as she experienced the other reason she was not pleased to have Naruto around as they ate dinner around a small campfire. Mainly that what she had imagined would be a bonding experience for Yoruichi and her had in fact made her feel as if she was a fifth wheel of a wagon, since even Naruto's client Kin seemed closer to the dark-skinned woman then she was. As such, as the others joked and enjoyed each other's company she sat in silence poking at her meal. Hearing Yoruichi laugh at a joke Naruto made proved to be the last straw causing her to stand abruptly to say, "I'm going to bed." She received several polite good-nights in return, but wasn't surprised no one else planned to turn in. Retiring to her tent, she listened to some of the conversations with half an ear before falling asleep.

Her dreams weren't anything spectacular as they consisted of her finally receiving her idols praise. But they ended abruptly as her eyes snapped open. She wasn't sure what woke her at first as she couldn't hear anything amiss. But then she realized that in truth she couldn't hear anything. Scanning her surroundings without moving she wondered what was behind the unnatural silence, as even though there was still some light from the fire she could hear the cackling of the burning wood. Finding the whole experience unnerving, she sat up cautiously aware that anyone watching might notice her shadow moving in the tent. But, the situation became stranger as she noticed that the likely reason for the silence was the privacy barrier that someone had applied to her tent.

Unsure as to what was going on, she opened the flap and immediately sound returned to her. She looked around the campsite for any sign that the other tents had been tampered with but found none. More importantly, she realized that she was also the only one in the camp site. Confused, she was about to call out, but stopped as she saw some movement in the bushes. She moved stealthy across the campsite to where she had thought she had seen the movement but frowned as she could find no sign. She was about to call out again, but paused as she heard whispered moans deeper in the woods. She silently slipped into the brush as she moved closer to the sounds. Which when she finally saw the source of them, her eyes grew wide as lying at the center of a clearing was Naruto, Kin, and Yoruichi. The dark-skinned woman was lying naked on her back with her legs spread with an equally nude Naruto's mouth placed firmly against her snatch. The blond man was turned on his side so that Kin had easy access to his cock which she sucked on energetically.

Soifon wasn't sure what to do, but her hands made the decision for her as she reached up and began caressing her breasts. A part of her wanted to get angry, but it died as Yoruichi moaned, "Oh yes Naruto more! You eat my pussy so fucking good."

The reason she couldn't grow angry or even annoyed was because the only thing she could see on her idol's face was pleasure and joy. Yet, while it ached that she wasn't the one causing those feelings in the golden-eyed woman, she suddenly felt a sense of gratitude towards the blond man that was.

Watching her idol rub her pussy against Naruto's face, her fingers began to poke and tease her nipples which had hardened as a result of her self-teasing and arousal. She pinched and pulled one, nearly moaning out and would have if not for a hand clamping around her mouth. Her eyes showed their surprise which gave way to embarrassment and panic as Ino's voice whispered in her ear, "What have we here? Don't tell me that you are getting off on watching your idol have her pussy eaten out."

Soifon tried to deny it, but Ino's hand prevented her from responding not that the blonde kunoichi seemed all the interested in it as she had caught her in the act. She could hear the smile on the woman's face as she said, "You actually handled the discovery better than I expected. I figured you would bust into the clearing demanding that Naruto take his hands off her." Soifon stiffened as she realized that the movement she had detected had been Ino luring her into the woods. She turned her head as best she could to see the blond kunoichi staring at the scene before them in hunger and excitement. Ino looked down to meet her gaze to say, "But you realized that to do that would just alienate you from her, didn't you?"

Both of them looked back as Yoruichi said pleadingly, "N-naruto… you cock….I want you cock inside me." The two kunoichi watched as Naruto pulled his mouth free of his dark-skinned lover's pussy and Soifon could see his lips and chin glistened with the woman's essence filling her with a desire to kiss him. He smiled as Kin let him crawl forward and then helped guide his length into the purple haired woman's tight passage. They moaned out together as they became one, and remained still to bask in the feeling for a few moments. Then the clearing filled with the sounds of slapping flesh as Naruto began pumping his hips into the dark-skinned woman beneath him. Yoruichi wrapped her arms tightly around his neck and crossed her ankles behind the small of his back as she cried out in pleasure.

Naruto buried his head in her chest kissing and alternated between licking and kissing the flesh of her breasts. He groaned as Kin knelt behind him and began fondling his balls as she encouraged them to produce the seed that Yoruichi's cries began begging for.

Soifon watched the scene mesmerized and began squirming in Ino's firm grip as her pussy grew wet with arousal. Ino's voice added to the scene as she whispered, "Beautiful isn't it. The sight of a woman with the man she loves." She felt Soifon stiffen at the mention of Yoruichi's feelings for Naruto, so said, "Does that surprise you? Even with how much you admire her, you had no idea that her heart belongs to him. But then again, admiration is the farthest feeling from truly understanding a person."

Ino lapsed into silence as Yoruichi rolled them over and climbing to her feet crouched over Naruto as she began to slid herself up and down his cock while moaning, "T…this feeling is incredible. Your cock is the greatest… I love it…love you so much."

Naruto reached up cupping the golden-eyed woman's cheek before pulling her down to kiss him while she still rode his shaft up and down. She moaned into Naruto's mouth as Kin buried her face in Yoruichi's backside and began licking her asshole. Hearing her idols stark admission tears began to appear in Soifon's eyes, but Ino said, "There's no need to feel sad. You might not be able to assume Naruto's place in her heart, but that doesn't mean you can't find one there."

Soifon moaned as the hand Ino had wrapped around the dark-haired woman's stomach slipped into the hole on the side of her pants. The Yamanaka began to rub the younger kunoichi's pussy through the bandages she covered her slit with causing Soifon to moan against her hand. Ino smiled as the raven-haired girl began to melt against her body while continuing, "You can earn this place by supporting her, and not trying to impress her with blind devotion. She was looking for you to rebuke her earlier because how can she respect your strength if you don't respect yourself enough to assert it." Ino's rubbing finger began matching the pace with which Yoruichi was bouncing on their shared lover's shaft while she continued, "The truth is you don't know the first thing about her, so how can you say you respect her. What if you learned that the strength you admire now was something you would have feared simply because it took a different form?"

Soifon couldn't really say she was giving the blonde's words much though as she began trying to increase the pressure the woman's finger was exerting on her pussy. But in the back of her head they registered and struck a chord that just as she had never bothered to learn if Yoruichi was interested in someone, she had also never really tried to learn more about her. Instead only blindly following her around every chance she got while never seeking to understand what made the woman she admire tick. The clearing filled with Yoruichi's shout as she impaled herself fully on his shaft, and shook as she climaxed while being pumped full of his seed.

In the same instant, Ino pressed on Soifon's clit causing her to experience a similar ecstasy which caused her to wet herself with desire which soaked the bandages covering her groin and ran down the inside of her thighs. Ino let the woman go causing her to collapse to her knees, as Yoruichi fell forward onto Naruto and peppered his face with kisses before they shared a deep and passionate one. They were then joined by Kin, causing the two to separate so her tongue could mingle with theirs. Soifon watched and for a second imagined herself in the raven-haired woman's place but it faded as Ino said, "She doesn't need a lackey who only wants to follow behind her, you know. If you truly desire a place in her life you have to be willing to stand beside her."

With that Ino stepped into the clearing causing Kin to ask, "Where have you been?"

"Around," she replied with a smile before crouching down and joining in on a four way kiss. Soifon stared on but then watched as when Yoruichi pulled away, Ino pressed the finger she had used to make her climax against the dark skinned woman's lips. The woman accepted the digit and sucked it like a small cock, but then her eyes opened in confusion which she directed to Ino. Soifon couldn't see what the blonde said or did due to her facing away, but Yoruichi eyes traveled to where the Yamanaka had appeared from. Yoruichi spotted her and for a moment their eyes met, before a smile appeared on Yoruichi's face before she made a greater show of running her tongue along Ino's hand making it clear that she knew whose pussy juices it was that she was cleaning them of.

Soifon's face flushed, but she also felt a surge of embarrassment so retreated back to her tent. Where, although she could no longer hear the moans and cries caused by the three women, they nonetheless haunted her for the rest of the night.

Next Chapter: Expanding Territories: Sasame Fuma: Part II

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