During his training trip, Naruto is given a scroll which holds the secrets in how to seduce and ensnare women. A scroll he uses at first on the women and kunoichi around him but soon on the Shinobi... The NARUTO story is not mine all credits are to be given to the author Lemon Sage. Enjoy this Story.
The Past: Day 1: D's creation
Naruto D sprang into life along with B and C as A, the true Naruto, showed off his new jutsu for Tayuya. Naruto had created an extra clone to begin a long-term mission to try and heal the bad blood between the people of Fang and Claw. During the period where Naruto had pulled away from his lovers as a result of Kanji's insistence that they were only with him due to the effects of the Binding, he had begun to turn his attention to places he had felt were potential fires that might grow out of control. The difficulty faced by the alliance between the Land of Fang and Land of Claw, which he had inadvertently helped forge by accidently sending a faux copy of Jiraiya's Make Out Series to the Daimyo of Fang Country, was probably one of the most pressing.
As a result of that peace, the two leaders had agreed to build a joint city on the section of the border where most of the bad blood between the countries had been born as they had fought for the rich mineral deposits that were located there. They had named the new village Paradise and had quickly changed it to Paradise City as the small starter village had bloomed into a large urban area. The reason for the quick growth was due to the fact that with a treaty in place and no fighting taking place it was soon learned that the mines they had been fighting for contained just a fraction of the wealth to be had. The mining rights were quickly and fairly divvied up between the two countries and as the mining town boomed, other businesses began to set up shop to support it.
That wasn't to say things had been easy as generations of hate and mistrust didn't evaporate over night, but in order to keep the wealth flowing the town leaders found a way to resolve the occasional flare-ups that happened. Yet in recent months it had come to Naruto's attention that the tensions in Paradise City were reaching a boiling point. Naruto suspecting that Iwa might be trying to create a situation where the old feuds would explode into violence so Earth Country could step in and annex both countries to expand its border so decided to act.
He couldn't do so overtly, as it appeared that the other Four Elemental Countries were not interested in what was going on along Earth Country's Western Border. More to the point, the Fire Daimyo had expressly forbid Tsunade from doing anything either overtly or covertly using the reasoning that Konoha's involvement could inflame the situation more. But Naruto was convinced that if nothing was done it might erupt into a conflict which could pull Konoha or the other shinobi villages into it and thus make it harder to complete his ambition. D's mission therefore was to put an end to the growing tension in Paradise City, especially since it was a place that both Fang and Claw claimed ownership of and thus would most likely be the place where an event that could trigger a war between the two countries would happen.
Still, Naruto hadn't assigned the task to any of the clones that he had just created to please Tayuya. As the smoke from their creation began to thin D decided that he would take it up, which seemed to suit B and C fine as they remained still. Grabbing the backpack Naruto had been carrying for the occasion the nude clone disappeared into the bathroom as Tayuya upon spotting Naruto and his clones said, "Don't tell me you..."
"Too much?" Naruto asked.
D heard the devilish smirk in Tayuya's response of, "Maybe not enough."
D watched the three Naruto share an amused look before they walked deeper into the hotel room to begin pleasuring the former Sound-nin. D looked into the bathroom's mirror as he tried to ignore the sounds coming from the room as Tayuya basked at being the center of attention of Naruto and his clones. Knowing he needed to change his appearance, he applied Tsunade's henge to his features so that his hair began to turn brown, and the whisker marks which Naruto sported disappeared. He made a few tweaks to his face before he combed his hair forward hoping that the different style and color would help to prevent people from identifying him as Naruto. D knew he could change his looks more, but didn't want to keep being startled every time he passed a mirror.
Looking in the pack D found money and clothes but not much else in the way of supplies. D figured that since another part of his mission was to see just how long a K-clone would last on its own, he figured Naruto had left the money so D could take care of his needs as they came up. Pulling out the clothes, he dressed in the two toned pants that had grayish white legs that turned dark grey mid-thigh. His shirt was a collared, button-down black shirt over which he pulled a white short-sleeve with intricate black stitching. Pulling the black shoes with red laces on last, he found them a little constricting as they were not the open toe design favored by shinobi.
Now dressed, D glanced out of the bathroom to see that Tayuya was otherwise preoccupied so taking the backpack proceeded to leave the room. D took the elevator down and as he walked through the lobby noticed that the young woman named Ami at the front desk seemed a little flushed. Recalling from Naruto's memories the show Tayuya put on in the elevator on the ride up after letting it drop in front of the purple haired woman just what they were going up to the room to do, he wasn't surprised. For a moment he wondered if his fellow clones perhaps weren't getting the better deal in pleasuring the feisty red-head, but knowing there was little point in complaining about his choice now he pushed the thought aside.
Looking at Ami, D recalled the arrogant bully she had been, but admitted to not being able to see such a trait in her currently. The woman still wore the same asymmetrical haircut she had in the academy with the bang on the left side of her face being longer than the rest of her hair which was chin length. She looked up as she likely sensed his watching her and when her brown eyes met his, her cheeks grew slightly brighter. D gave her a warm smile as he considered perhaps trying to seduce her since he knew Naruto still had some intention of doing so. In fact, one last objective that D had was to attempt to seduce a woman to see if The Binding took hold.
Naruto didn't necessarily think that it would since while his tainted chakra had been shown to be able to affect certain women with sensor abilities; it had yet to be shown to be able bind them to him. But, he felt it was best to make sure while his clone was on its long term mission. However, D decided not to target the woman if only because of her past with Sakura and the awkward position it would put both women in should she find herself bound to the jinchuriki.
Leaving the hotel, D spent a moment considering his options, finally deciding to enjoy himself before starting the serious work he would be performing in Paradise City. Heading to Konoha's Entertainment District which appeared rather dead, but that wasn't necessarily unexpected considering the current late hour and that it was the middle of the week. Finding a place called Seventh Heaven, D decided to see if the place lived up to its name.
The Present:
Fuka suddenly moaned before cursing as she pulled her hand away from the junction between her legs having found it had once more moved of its own accord to tease her pussy through her drenched shorts. She looked at the young man chained to the wall and felt a hunger that she hadn't in centuries. She struggled to remain where she was leaning against the wall as she so desperately wanted to feel his manhood buried inside her. She knew she should likely drain off more of his chakra as it had been several hours, but doubting she'd be able to maintain control she decided to remain in place at the opposite end of the cell.
She tried to force her mind to focus on analyzing what had happened to her. She already figured that somehow the jinchuriki's chakra had returned the spark of life to her current body. Moreover, her soul had detached from her hair and now resided inside of it. She had learned that as she had tried to use her Color Course Change only for her hair to remain in place causing the bald spare body to hit the ground lifelessly. This startled Fuka, who was now trapped in a body which predominately used Water Chakra. She quickly resealed the spare away as she wondered what it was about Naruto's chakra that had returned her truly back to the land of the living.
She knew she could simply reapply the Forbidden Technique that had made her more a ghoul than a human for the past several centuries, however the idea of forcing herself back into the senseless existence she had known before was a difficult pill to swallow. For now though she decided to simply make do as she couldn't even be sure the effect would be permanent which made her desire to explore her body all the more pressing. Cursing once more as she caught her hand trying to move between her legs like it had a will of its own, she instead tried to calm her body by turning her thoughts to the last time she had let passion take over.
Several Centuries in the Past:
Fuka Uzumaki ran through the forest as she left the Land of Whirlpools behind. Clutched to her chest was a sealed scroll which contained forbidden jutsu using some of the Uzumaki clan's sealing techniques. Her bright red hair flowed behind her as the moonlight illuminated her way to the man who had captured her heart. She felt giddy as she thought, "Soon I'll be in your arms again."
Despite her apparent happiness a part of her felt guilty as she knew she was betraying her Clan for selfish reasons. But she had tried to reason with them, yet they had followed her father's pig-headed example in rejecting the offer of alliance that the Hagoromo Clan had made. The young man they had sent, Eiji Hagoromo, had been extremely passionate in his desire for the Uzumaki to join with them. A passion he had shared with her during the ceremony her father as the Uzumaki Clan head had hosted for him. Fuka had been charmed as Eiji had spoken longingly of a day when the Uzumaki and Hagoromo could exist in peace. He had also made it apparently clear that he was quite smitten with her, something she had more than reciprocated.
For a full week after the ceremony Eiji had tried to convince her father to enter into an alliance with his clan. Her father however had not been willing to turn his back on the ancient pact that the Uzumaki shared with the Senju. Fuka, who had taken to sneaking out of the village to meet with Eiji had surprised many by entering into the debate on the visitor's side. Her father had not been swayed as he had pressed Eiji on the final day of negotiations, "Tell me boy. You come here asking that we abandon our generations old alliance with the Senju. Yet what of your own with the Uchiha, can you tell me that we can expect you to abandon them?"
Eiji had inclined his head proudly as he said, "There is something to be said for the faithful service our two clans have given the clans that most would proclaim as the strongest. Still I wonder how strong can they truly be considering that they have bled us and many other Clans dry in their untold millennia old disagreement. Can any here tell me why they have been at each other's throats for so long? Do any here think they even know themselves?" Eiji leveled a pointed stare her way which Fuka felt contained the longing to be with her that he had expressed in their nightly trysts as he asked, "Does anyone here know why we must be enemies in a conflict that truthfully has nothing to do with us? True, the Hagoromo Clan has hurt you the Uzumaki Clan countless times; just as the Uzumaki have wounded us as my father was killed by your very hands." Fuka's father did look regretful especially as Eiji added, "Yet I harbor you or the Uzumaki no ill will. I understand that it was a result of the pact that you made with the Senju that led you into battle that day, just as it is for us and the Uchiha. But, I must hope that there are those among both our clans with the bravery to cast aside those ties, which keep us at one another's throats for a conflict not of our own making."
Fuka was proud of Eiji as she could see his words had indeed touched quite a few of her clansmen's hearts. Long had there been talk among the Uzumaki as to why they should continue to aid the Senju in there almost never ending war. Fuka had never given it much thought before as she had always just assumed it was the natural order of things, but having only ever interacted with a few outside clans she had never imagined that people they had constantly fought against might wish to be friends and perhaps more. Eiji returned to his two bodyguards one of whom was a woman who sent Fuka a harsh glare. Fuka smiled as she figured that it was because the woman desired Eiji for herself and she viewed the bond between her and him as a threat. Recalling the night of passion she had shared with him the night before Fuka knew the woman was concerned for good reason, especially as she couldn't see how her father could turn Eiji down.
Therefore, she was shocked as he stated, "I'm afraid that any offer of alliance must be rejected so long as a term of it is to toss aside our honor and loyalty to the Senju."
"Father..." Fuka began.
Yet she was harshly cut off as her father said, "Be silent! Your words are well-crafted boy, but in them I hear the soft promising whisper of a devil. You come her applauding our loyalty and yet ask us to toss it aside. Only devils are so bold as to offer such fawning praise while hoping to get people to lower their guard enough to give up something of value. The bond between Uzumaki and Senju is more than just an alliance of convenience, it is a bond of friendship that has not been forged in battle, but tested by it. I too have asked why we fight, why it is this clan an enemy and this one a friend. But I have never asked that of the Senju, because when I do look upon them all I see are friends. And if my friends are convinced that the Uchiha must be opposed, then they can count on me to oppose them. I am not sure how you have bound yourselves to the Uchiha, whether it be that they have promised you land or power should you help them crush their foes matters not to me. But you may be surprised to know that there is no official accord between us and the Senju such things are not needed between the truest form of allies, friends."
Fuka expected some sort of anger, but was rather proud as Eiji said diplomatically, "It pains me to hear you think so little of me. But hearing your words on the strength of your bound with the Senju only fills me with more respect. It also makes me twice as determined to prove to you what a boon it would be for us to become allies and as you say friends. But for now we shall take our leave in the morning with your permission."
Her father inclined his head so Eiji collected his party and left. Fuka followed her father out of the Clan Building and waited till they were alone to ask heatedly, "Why would you treat him with such disrespect when he's done nothing but praise our clan?"
Her father scoffed as he said, "Praised...hah. You should open your ears Fuka so that you hear his words for what they truly are. That boy has nothing but the destruction of our clan as his life's goal. We have survived these turbulent times only because of our close ties with the Senju. To throw them away for promises written on paper would shame us all. If you weren't so blinded by his serpent's smile you'd see that."
"Don't speak to me like I'm some foolish child," Fuka said agitated. "You're the only one who is blind. Blind to the fact that the Senju use us to continue in their quest to destroy the Uchiha, a quest which cost you your wife and my mother."
Her father stopped in his trek to their home to face her as he said, "I hear the devil's words coming from you, Fuka. Do not think me so blind as to not know where you go at night?"
Fuka's eyes grew wide, but she asked, "I... if you know then why have you made no move to stop me?"
"Were you not just telling me that you are no longer a child? Some state that it is our time as children where we make the mistakes and learn the lessons that help us grow into who we will become as adults. However, the truth is all of life is that. We are not bound to the path which our childhood would seem to be leading us; life is about learning and constantly changing." Her father's eyes grew hard as he stated, "Mark my words though; you have entered the stage of your life where the decisions you make can have lasting and terrible consequences. I know you think me a foolish old man locked in his ways, but trust in my experience when I say the sweet words that man whispers to you are solely for the purpose of spreading discord."
"You do not know Eiji," Fuka stated angrily.
"For your sake, I hope you are right."
The Present:
Fuka felt a deep sadness as she began to blink several times unsure of what was wrong. Reaching up to her eyes she felt the trails that marked where her tears had escaped one of which she caught looking at it in surprise for a moment. She rubbed her eyes as she pushed away the memories while trying to get control of her emotions again. She pulled a kunai, and pressed it against her breast as she once more contemplated ending this new existence so she could return to the simpler one she had enjoyed for centuries. While it had been bereft of anything resembling pleasure or pain unless an opponent managed to graze her hair with a jutsu, it did have the benefit of her having been in complete control of her emotions. Still, for a moment she hesitated as her apparent return to the land of the living promised her so much more. But, in the end she decided to cast aside such promises in favor of the life she had known so much longer even as she knew calling it living was a stretch.
Pulling the blade back ,she began to pull if forward into her heart but a voice telling her, "Stop!" caused her to pause like a statue. She looked up at the jinchuriki whose voice it had been, but thought she had imagined it as he still looked unconscious. She watched in surprised fascination as the still unconscious man said, "Good, now first put that kunai away." Fuka tried to resist but ended up placing it back in her pouch. As soon as she complied, the unconscious man said, "Now just so you don't try that again you are to let no harm come to yourself through your hand or any other. Furthermore, you are not to alert any of your comrades as to the hold my so... I mean Naruto has over you. Nod if you understand." Fuka tried to once more resist the Voice's power but finally nodded her head. Whoever was controlling Naruto seemed pleased although it was difficult to gauge as his face remained slack. After a moment the voice commanded, "The only exception to maintaining your own safety is should Naruto be in danger. You are to guard him with your life. Now then come here and remove the seal."
Fuka didn't bother putting up much of a fight as it appeared the Jinchuriki's hold over her was absolute. After removing the seal she was ordered back to where she had been standing moments before and was told to await further instructions. Fuka did as instructed with a single bright spot to her current situation being that now that she was under the jinchuriki's control her wandering hand seemed content to stay put.
The Past: Day 1
D sat on a bar stool in the bar Seventh Heaven as he enjoyed the plum wine that he had ordered. To his surprise though, although he was on his second bottle he didn't seem to be feeling any of the effects that he thought he would be. He looked over at the only other customer, an old man who looked like he was a regular, who smiled at him before raising his glass like offering a salute and then downing it. He stood shakily as he dug in his pocket for some money before placing it on the counter as he said, "Well that's it for me tonight Ibara. You take care of yourself."
The woman behind the bar smiled as she said, "You too Masa."
"You know Ibara it might have been a weekday but this place was still rather dead. How's an old coot like me supposed to have any fun in a place that's as quiet as the grave? You know what this place needs is some fresh face waitresses. Preferably ones with giant..."
"Don't make me tell Ume to come pick you up now? If you're looking for an end to the silence I'm sure she would love to hear about your suggestions for my bar," the owner of Seventh Heaven said amused, especially as the old man shivered.
"You'd do that to your most loyal customer?"
"I would since the reason it's so quiet here is probably due to how some lecherous old man keeps scaring away the other customers."
The old man laughed before waving exaggeratedly before stumbling towards the door. She wiped down the bar where he had been sitting before sending a look to see how her remaining customer was doing. D noticed she bit her lip for a moment as if considering asking him something, but then seemed to reject the idea. D held up the empty bottle causing Ibara to approach him after scooping up the money that the old man had left and asked, "Would you like another?"
"Sure," he replied handing it to her. The woman turned away and D took a moment to study her reflection in some of the liquor bottles she was facing. The clone admitted that without the cold look that she had always directed towards Naruto whenever he had seen her collecting her son from the academy that the woman was rather beautiful. She turned back towards him to place the refilled clay bottle back in front of him before turning away to put the money she had collected in the cash register. D noticed that her gaze drifted to a picture of her standing with her son and he guessed husband sitting atop of it. She bit at her lip again so D asked, "Is something bothering you?"
"N-no why do you ask?"
D shrugged as he answered, "It might just be my imagination, but I get the feeling that there's something about me making you uneasy."
"I'm sorry," Ibara said quickly. "I certainly don't want to make a paying customer feel like I don't want him around." D was a little surprised at how fast the woman was to put him at ease. He had feared that he hadn't changed his appearance enough to fool her and that his resemblance to Naruto was behind her apprehension. And while he knew Naruto's star was on the rise in the village, he was especially surprised as Ibara added, "The truth is that you resemble someone in this village who I've wronged in the past. I was kind of hoping that you were him but just in disguise."
"What makes you think this guy would need a disguise to come here?"
Ibara gave a sad smile as she stated, "Because when he was just a kid I used to be pleased whenever I heard how he failed in the Academy. I'd even go so far as to speak just loud enough for him to hear while talking to my friend."
D kept calm although he felt some of the anger he imagined Naruto would feel knowing that the woman had intended for him to hear many of the hurtful things she had said. "Why tell me this?" he asked since he found her sudden confess rather strange.
Ibara sighed before she admitted, "I'm not sure. Maybe it's because you do resemble him. I doubt I'll ever be in a position to actual talk to him myself, and considering how opinions have changed since back then he'd probably think I'm just trying to get on the right side of history. My son used to tell me that his dream was to be Hokage. Well when it happens, there are going to be a lot of people who are going to be worried about him looking to return the favor for how he was treated growing up."
D shook his head as he pointed out, "I might just be visiting Konoha, but from what I heard about the previous Hokage, anyone looking to rise to that position just to settle some grudges isn't going to be worthy to hold it."
Ibara nodded in recognition of his statement but said, "Still, we'd deserve it."
"Well since I look like this guy, why don't you tell me what you'd want to tell him? Who knows, maybe someday your feelings might reach him."
The dark-haired woman gave a knowing smirk as if guessing that he was just looking for some gossip, but deciding why not gave a small shrug although she said, "Sure, but not here. Would you like to continue this conversation upstairs?"
D nodded in agreement so helped Ibara close down for the night by placing the stools and chairs upside down on the tables and bar while she locked up. She then grabbed a bottle of liquor before guiding him to a set of stairs that lead up to her living quarters. Upon entering D noticed that although it was as big as the downstairs was, the room only seemed situated for a single occupant. Ibara moved to the kitchen taking off the cloth headband she wore and tossing it on the counter said, "Make yourself at home."
D did as she suggested sitting on a large couch where Ibara joined him sitting on the opposite end after giving him a glass and pouring some of the dark brown liquid into it. She poured some for herself and downing it sighed as it burned its way down. Tucking her feet under her as she faced her guest she smiled as she noticed him eyeing it suspiciously and asked, "Too strong for you?"
Hearing the challenge in her voice D downed the contents in a single gulp and gasped as it burned his throat like a misfired Fire Jutsu before replying hoarsely, "Not at all."
Ibara laughed a musical sound which again surprised D considering how all the memories of her that he had received from Naruto were of a face with a constant frown and cold eyes. She quickly covered her mouth as she said, "Sorry."
"Don't be," D said just as amused, "it's a little strong."
The woman nodded as she poured herself and him another glass before saying, "Thank you." D looked at her in confusion for a moment prompting her to explain, "It's been a while since I've laughed like that."
"You seem cheerful enough with the customers," D pointed out.
Ibara smiled as she explained, "A trick of the trade. There's an old saying that a bartender is a more effective person to unload your worries on then a spouse or member of the religious cast. If we're going to be a person's confessor than we can't look like we have burdens of our own."
"Sounds exhausting."
"It can be," Ibara admitted looking a little tired. But pushing some of her hair behind her ear she added with a tone of amusement, "But it lets you hear a lot of interesting thing."
D gave an amused chuckle as he asked, "Still, who listens to the bartenders worries?"
Ibara smiled before replying, "Well, that is why I brought you up here."
Returning the smile, D said, "So it is." Adjusting his position so that he was facing her, he asked, "Now then, what would you tell this person who you say I resemble?"
Despite the lighthearted atmosphere that had been established, it vanished in a similar manner as the sun being blocked by storm clouds. Ibara placed her glass down on the coffee table near the bottle of liquor, before turning behind her to grab a photo from the end table. She ran her fingers over the picture in a longing manner which D guessed was likely a copy of the picture of her family that was down in the bar. D saw tears begin to gather at the woman's eyes before she looked at him and said, "If you were him... I... I'd just want to thank you. To thank you for not letting a mean spirited and horrible person like me stop you from becoming a shining example of what a shinobi of Konoha should be." D's look of utter surprise drove the woman on as she found it easy to imagine that the person she wanted to confess to would wear a similar one. Finding it easier and easier to picture D with blond hair and whisker marks she explained as if talking to the person she wished was sitting across from her, "I... I doubt you realized it, but my son graduated at the same time as you. You never interacted with him which was due to my insistence... but I wish you had. I wish I hadn't been such a fool as to judge you for what it was that you ca..."
Ibara stopped suddenly from breaking the Third's law, since although by now the entire village was clued into Naruto's jinchuriki status. The woman wasn't sure if the taboo applied to visitors to the village and while she doubted the Anbu would suddenly appear, she didn't want to take the chance as she knew she was skirting a thin line already. However, she saw the man before her as a rare opportunity to lessen some of the burden she carried as a result of the guilt she felt about her past actions. D surprised her as he apparently played along by pretending to be the person her words were meant for as he said, "I'm guessing you're referring to my burden." She nodded so he channeled what he suspected Naruto would say, "Ibara, you don't need to apologize for..."
"You're wrong," Ibara said forcefully. "I was wrong and I pushed my son to ignore you as well. B...But despite that if you didn't rise above it then..." She looked down at the picture she held the gathered tears began to fall from her eyes onto it.
D wasn't sure what to do at first, but settled on closing the distance between them and pulling her into a hug. He felt her stiffen and feared he had crossed a line, but after a moment she began sobbing into his chest. He held her until she settled down before saying, "You don't need to go on if you don't want to."
"I...I want to continue if you don't mind," Ibara said pulling her head from his chest. Looking down at the picture again she continued, "My son after graduating went on a handful of D-ranked missions. After several months he begged his father to take him on a C-ranked mission. My husband agreed and they took a job protecting a rich family's home in the Land of Forests. There had been a few violent robberies where entire families were wiped out. But at the time the mission was still C-ranked because no one knew that there was any shinobi involvement at the time. That changed when the Shinobazu targeted the family that my son and husband were assigned to protect."
She trailed off again so D recalling the group that Naruto had encountered said questioning, "They were killed by them?"
Ibara nodded again and looked on the verge of losing control of her emotions once more so he placed an arm over her shoulder to pull her back against his chest. She melted against him before finishing her tale, "The family escaped at the cost of my son and husband's lives. But they were able to alert the authorities of the Shinobazu's existence and thanks to the man you resemble they were finally brought to justice." Ibara sighed as she added, "I wish I had the courage to tell this to his face."
D smiled warmly as he tilted her face up to meet his eyes as he said kindly, "I'm sure your feelings will reach him one day, until then, thank you for sharing it with me."
Ibara smiled as she replied, "Thank you for listening. It did feel good to share it with someone other than Tsubaki."
D was about to suggest that he should get going, but then he suddenly received a burst of pleasure. Having felt something similar when the clones he had been created with disbursed after their time with Tayuya. He stiffened as he felt the memories of a recently created and terminated clone begin to assail him. He quickly learned that Naruto's lovers had gathered to further show their devotion to him. The clone's memories that he had just absorbed had been one of the many Naruto had created to help please his lovers as he entertained Kiyomi and Anko. As such, he had a flash of Tsunade staring up at him lewdly before cumming in her throat as she swallowed the clone's cock all the way to the base. Having succeeded in milking her clone of its seed several times already it hit its limit and disappeared after falling back causing its dick to pop out of her mouth.
As a result, D felt his own manhood quickly swell which didn't go unnoticed by Ibara as she watched the outline of it appear along his right thigh. "Oh my," she stated as she watched him harden, "Don't tell me you have a thing for weeping older women."
An embarrassed D quickly replied, "I'm sorry about that. It kind of has a mind of its own sometimes. I guess you could say it's something of a medical condition."
Ibara found the red tinge of D's cheeks cute as she said, "Don't be embarrassed, it's called being young." Noticing it straining as it was trapped she said, "It looks uncomfortable."
"A little," D stated believing he was developing a case of blue balls due to the earlier hardon he had experienced when the clones with Tayuya had dispersed while in the bar. He feared that if he didn't take care of it soon as the rest of Naruto's clones disappeared he'd cum in his pants which would be far more mortifying for him. He prepared to excuse himself but the words to do so were replaced with, "Ibara...what are you doing?"
Ibara having placed her hand on D's groin pulled his fly down and reached into his pants to pull out his cock. She stroked in gingerly a few times before looking up into his blue eyes to say, "Y-you've been so kind to me. Let me help you now." D considered rejecting the offer since he wasn't sure what would happen if a clone slept with an unbound woman, but figuring that Naruto would welcome the woman into his Harem should the need arise decided since it was one of the objectives of his creation to enjoy the moment.
And enjoy he did as she lowered her mouth to his dick causing him to grown as she swirled her tongue around its head before swallowing it. Her head bobbed in his lap causing D to place his hand on the back of her head as he groaned appreciatively. After several minutes of this though and wanting to explore her body, he moved his hand from her hair and began to squeeze her rump through her dress causing her to moan around him as she energetically sucked his dick. Lying down on the couch on his side, he turned Ibara so that she was lying similarly in order that he could hike her dress up and stick his head between her thighs to begin licking her pussy through her underwear. She moaned once more as they stimulated each other's loins as D slide her panties to the side to enjoy the fluids her body was offering up directly.
D felt a familiar tingling in his body telling him that he was approaching his climax and although thanks to the recent memories of the clone that had just dispelled he knew he was good for at least four or five climaxes before he would need to worry about sharing a similar fate. He suspected that he might actually be good for more as he believed that the reason the alcohol that he had drunken before didn't affect him was because it had all been converted into chakra to sustain his existence. However, he didn't wish to test such a theory so he knew he needed to be rather conservative with his releases as she could literal suck the life out of him. Therefore, he began to target her clit with his tongue as he buried a finger inside her. It had the desired effect as he slipped from Ibara's mouth as she gave voice to the pleasure his actions produced within her.
"Oh...gods...if you keep doing that... I'll..."
Ibara didn't finish her sentence as her pussy tightened around the finger he had been using to stroke her inner walls She whined softly as her climax racked her body, which although she had given herself plenty in the several years since she lost her husband as well as taken a few lovers. Yet for whatever reason, the one she was currently experiencing seemed far more intense than any of the previous ones. She suspected it was due to the fact that a part of her was pretending it was Naruto who she was with.
She felt a little guilty, but suspected that D knew she was using him in such a way as she fully expected him to be gone by morning. She received some confirmation that this was the case as D asked, "Is that enough, or would you like to continue?"
Ibara hesitated for a moment, before replying, "Let's continue."
D gave her a kind smile which contained a hint of the lust coursing through his veins as he said, "I was hoping you'd say that. Now, why don't you show me exactly how you'd like to thank Naruto."
Ibara stood even though she found it a little strange how he had mentioned the container of the nine-tails. To her it had sounded almost like he was confirming that was indeed who her confession earlier had been intended for and perhaps who she was seeing as she offered up her body. Still, with the unspoken words now out in the open she felt her guilt about pretending D was the blond jinchuriki fade. She figured that it must have showed on her face or in her body language as the smile D was wearing grew bigger. Mentally thanking the man for letting her express her emotions in such a way she hiked up her dress before stepping out of her panties. Turning away, she knelt before her coffee table and then laid her torso over it.
D smirked as he watched the woman while she ran her fingers through the trimmed fur between her legs to spread her pussy lips for him. "Please accept my body as a means of making amends for how I treated you in the past and as thanks for what you've done for me."
D slipped down behind her from the couch. He ran his dick against her slick folds teasingly before leaning down her body to whisper in her ear, "I accept your body and gratitude in his place. But if you ever find yourself in a similar situation with him you should know that he doesn't hold a grudge against you and is glad his actions helped."
Hearing honest sincerity in his voice she wanted was about to ask how he could know that, but instead moaned as her pussy was spread around his cock. D took a moment to enjoy the feel of Ibara's wet warmth which he was now immersed in. He then began to slowly withdraw causing the bartender to moan in loss before just as slowly returning to his starting point. His pace was slow and deliberate until she begged, "Please fuck me. Stir up my insides with your dick."
"Very well," D said as he began moving his hips faster and faster until he was slamming his hips into her ass. Grabbing her by the shoulders, he pulled her body off of the table so that her back was resting against his chest. Turning her face towards him, he asked, "How is it? Are you enjoying my dick?"
"Yes," Ibara hissed out before being pulled into a kiss which stole her breath away. Her tongue sought out his and was met halfway where they began rolling around one another. She moaned into his mouth as his hands rose up to her chest where he squeezed her breasts through her dress. Ibara couldn't believe how incredible it felt to be in the young man's arms or to have his cock buried inside her. A part of her felt that it was due to a feeling of pride that such a virile young man found her attractive enough to sleep with. But another part felt it was also due to his words which almost seemed rather prophetic in that by expressing her gratitude and feelings now they would somehow reach the person they were meant for.
A particularly powerful thrust caused Ibara to break the kiss as she gasped in pleasure. She became aware that D was close as she felt him growing even larger inside her. Nearing her end as well she placed her hands on her coffee table and began pushing herself back against his increasingly erratic thrusts.
D although it was a part of his mission to see if he could bind someone felt it was right to alert Ibara of his release. "I'm about to explode... it could have some rather..."
"Inside," the woman pleaded, "I want to feel you filling me up. It's okay today's a safe day."
"T-that's not...fuck," D said losing his battle to contain himself as he began filling Ibara's womb with his seed. She screamed out loud a heartbeat later as she climaxed along with him. D pumped himself inside her gripping walls several more times as they continued to milk him before sliding free as he fell back against the couch.
D felt weak, but not in a dangerous kind of way as he guessed he had probably used up less than a quarter of chakra. Still as he watched his seed begin to slowly appear from the dark brown-haired woman's satisfied quim, he knew he shouldn't get carried away as he could find himself near chakra exhaustion before he knew it. Luckily it didn't appear that Ibara was in any condition to continue as she had yet to stir from her release. Getting up so that he could see her face, he noticed her eyes were closed as she had passed out from the pleasure.
D took advantage of the situation as he whispered some instructions into her ear in case she had been bound to him. However, even as he finished instructing her to visit Naruto in the morning if she were, he knew that she wasn't as whenever Naruto used The Voice it seemed to apply a sense of command to his words. Not feeling the reverberation that normally passed through the jinchuriki as he used it, D guessed that although he was made using Naruto's tainted chakra it wasn't enough to bind the woman. He wondered why, but suspected it was due to his origin as a copy of the original. He theorized that since Tayuya had claimed that she could feel the difference between Naruto's chakra and Kanji's when the later had tried to bind her to him. That each user of The Binding had their own sort of unique chakra code and although D was a copy of Naruto made of his tainted chakra that code or more accurately the complete code wasn't transferred to him.
D figured he was rather close to the truth, but knew thinking on it more at the moment was pointless. Picking up the woman, he carried her to her bed which he placed her on. He smiled gently as he was struck again by her beauty as she slept peacefully, hoping Naruto would also get to see her face without the ire she had directed towards him as a child he left her a simple note which read, "You're feelings will reach him someday." He then left her home as he began his journey towards Paradise City.
The Present:
The seal Fuka had removed had only been gone for a few seconds before a panicked Kiyomi made contact as she mentally said, "Kushina! Naruto is he..."
"He's fine," Kushina said almost able to feel the relief that Kiyomi gave off at her statement. The Human Bijuu's concern ramped back up as the Uzumaki added, "He is currently being held by a monk named Sora and several shinobi intent on trading him in for a bounty."
"We need to discuss your definition of what fine means," Kiyomi replied agitatedly.
Kushina calmed Kiyomi by explaining, "I meant he isn't hurt physically. He had a seal placed on him likely to keep him from Hiraishining away as well as to seal his chakra. I'm guessing it also dampened your ability to feel his presence."
"It did," Kiyomi confirmed. "How did you remove it?"
"A woman named Fuka made the mistake of siphoning off his chakra it looks like she bound herself to him in the process."
"Then what are you still doing there," Kiyomi asked angrily.
"Naruto is still unconscious and despite the fact that the drugs they used to subdue him have burned off due to how fast acting they were, he has yet to wake up. I'm not sure why," Kushina said the last part tinged with concern.
Kiyomi quickly said, "Then take control of his body and get the hell out of there or heaven help me I'll..."
"Calm down," Kushina said her calmness in the face of the danger her son was in being the only reason his lover listened. "It appears that they need to keep Naruto alive otherwise they would have already killed him. I tried to gather what intelligence I could about who placed the bounty but thus far it appears that they don't know either. I'm guessing it was placed with one of the underground organizations that handle such matters."
"It could be anyone," Kiyomi said irately, "What does it matter?"
"If someone is looking to kidnap my son I think its best we know who," Kushina said losing some of her composer. "We need to know where to focus our energies in combating this threat because as you pointed out it could be anyone. Perhaps Tobi is making a move against Naruto."
"Without the statue it would do him little good," Kiyomi informed her lover's mother. "We were unable to return it to its original resting point but without the Rinnegan it is beyond Tobi's ability to reclaim it."
"Then it could be another shinobi village for all we know," Kushina countered.
Kiyomi was about to reply that she doubted that was the case, but even with the current good relations between Kumo, Suna, and Konoha. She couldn't deny that perhaps Iwagakure or Kirigakure would try to abduct Naruto to claim his Bijuu as their own. Especially since currently along with Suna, they were also villages without a jinchuriki putting them at a severe disadvantage militarily. Although Kiyomi doubted that the other villages would turn to a third party to handle such an important mission, she could understand their doing so in order to have some plausible deniability. It was after all a tactic that Iwa was suspected of using as they stirred up trouble along their Western Border so they could step in and quell it they annexed their neighbors under the guise of restoring order.
"It is a risky game you are playing Kushina," Kiyomi stated. "What if they turn him over and decide to extract you to create a new jinchuriki."
"Don't worry I won't let it get that far," Kushina stated, "I'm going to make it so they can't extract your power from him."
Kiyomi had an idea of what Kushina was saying so began to say, "Don't tell me..."
Interrupting the woman she said, "Anyhow, what of Kakashi and the others?"
Kiyomi frowned but let the matter drop as she answered, "Once Naruto went dark it was all we could do to stop Tsunade from sending half of Konoha into Vegetable Country especially as it seems Kakashi and the others are fighting for their lives. However, those unaligned with a particular village are under no such obligation. Sage and Naruko are near their position now. I imagine now that Naruko can feel Naruto she will be more motivated than ever to deal with the threat Kakashi's squad faces. I will inform the others of what it is you have planned, but do not let this ruse last too much longer or else I will step in to extract Naruto myself."
Kiyomi ended the communication as Kushina looked down at her still sleeping son hoping he'd wake up soon so she could say her good-byes before the situation got too out of control.
Kakashi sent a fireball down the mostly destroyed stairs that led from the first level of the castles base down to the ground. His jutsu destroyed several of the Zombie like creatures before hitting the base of the stairs. A Watari kunoichi next to him then threw several kunai through the gap he had made in the zombies' ranks and buried themselves into the stairs at the same spot his jutsu had hit. The exploding tags affixed to them went off creating a good size crater as well as blowing several more zombies off their feet and off the side of the stairs.
Kakashi spared a moment to look at the young woman dressed in light beige outfit similar to the rest of the Watari except appeared more personalized which the jounin suspected was due to her rather spunky personality. Instead of typical shinobi footwear, her feet and ankles were tightly bandaged showing off her toes and heels. Her blackish hair was done up in a topknot which extended down to her waist. He chuckled as she pulled down her eye in an insulting manner towards still advancing horde she called out, "You better think twice if you are going to try and eat the great Ibuki."
"I don't think that eating us is their goal," Kakashi stated kicking one of the zombie's away before it could attack him. He looked around to see the other Watari throwing shuriken or firing jutsu into the creatures' ranks as they tried to ascend the badly damaged stairs. Kakashi upon realizing that the Watari had been betrayed considering that some of the Zombies facing them were dead Watari which he suspected had been killed during the Flower Village Raid, and that the rest were now trapped in the Village along with the seeming undead creatures had offered them an alliance, since he figured they'd need every person available to defend the castle and civilians from the seemingly unending horde.
Luckily thus far the creatures appeared to have none of the skills or talents of the shinobi that had been killed to create them, but he had little doubt that the true purpose of the jutsu was simply to wear them down. He looked behind him and had to amend his opinion slightly as he saw Sakura healing a Watari that had been a little too careless in attacking some of the creatures and as a result had his arm ripped out of its socket. He spared a moment to study his student and he was proud of her composure considering he had learned that she had thought Naruto had been killed. Luckily, some of the Watari that had witnessed the altercation between Naruto and Sora had informed them that it appeared he had still been alive as they had carried him off.
He noticed that his student seemed calmer now making him wonder if perhaps she was now able to ascertain that the Watari had been telling the truth. "Hey old man, pay attention!"
Kakashi turned his gaze forward in time to see Ibuki leap over him kicking the zombie that was about to grab him in the neck crushing its windpipe and then in the face before flipping back over him. "Thanks," Kakashi said appreciatively. The zombie regained its footing so he quickly slapped an exploding tag to its back before tossing it into several of the ones following in its wake. The group of zombies toppled back down the stairs before exploding into a fireball.
A Watari shinobi fell back as the zombie he impaled through the chest with his sword kept advancing. He was saved by Toka, who kicked the handle of the sword propelling it and the several zombies behind it backwards. The Zombie with the sword stuck through it hit the stairs causing the sword to stick in the ground, but the zombie undeterred raised itself up tearing a vicious looking hole through its chest before trying to climb towards them again. The Watari Toka saved ran back from the frontlines crying out about how hopeless their position was.
Toka took up the person's spot in the defense line as she reported, "These creatures have surrounded the castle but appear too dimwitted to climb up the rear."
"Let's be thankful for small miracles," Kakashi stated creating a mudwall midway up the stairs. The zombies trapped on the same side of the shinobi were quickly destroyed giving the Konoha shinobi and Watari time to catch their breaths. The wall soon began to break under the relentless pounding of the undead against it, but the few minutes were needed as Kakashi ordered those that had been fighting for the past few hours to pull back so that fresher shinobi could take their places.
Following Toka as a Watari took his place in line and braced for the wall to come down he asked, "What about the contingency plan?"
"We've rigged the stairs up to the second level of the castle to explode," Toka informed him. "We could simply pull everyone up there now."
"Yeah, but then it leaves us in the perilous position of having nowhere else to go," Kakashi stated. "I think it is likely that whoever cast this jutsu may still be nearby. He's also likely a strong earth user, if the barrier jutsu and the description the Watari gave us about where these creatures came from is accurate. If that's the case he is likely toying with us and could simply create some land bridges to help their assault."
"That he hasn't, could also mean he's gone and this jutsu is meant simply to delay us while they make their escape... although that doesn't seem to be the case."
Hearing something in Toka's voice he asked, "I take it communication had been reestablished."
The Senju inclined her head as she said softly, "He is currently stationary so I'm not sure what his captors are waiting for."
"Well let's hope it's simply a sign that things are falling apart on their end as well," Kakashi stated taking up a spot to watch the Watari and to shore up any holes in the defensive line that appeared as he tried to rest and recover some chakra.
Fuka watched as the jinchuriki remained motionless for what seemed like an eternity, Unable to move from the spot she had been directed to take, she let her memories return to the past.
Several Centuries in the Past:
Fuka paused for a moment as she neared the small clearing near port village she had sailed to where Eiji had said he would meet her. It had been several days since her defection from her home, and in the time she had studied the old scroll that housed some of the Uzumaki Forbidden Jutsu. To her surprise, it had only contained two jutsu both of which appeared to be connected but first required the castors death. She wondered if that was why she had yet to notice any sign that her fellow Uzumaki were pursuing her as her father had likely considered the scroll of little value. A part of her hoped it was her father also giving his tacit approval of her choice but doubted that was the case.
Yet, despite being a few steps from her future happiness, she hesitated as she felt the guilt of her actions settle on her shoulders. Recalling Eiji's final night in Uzushiogakure she remembered telling him, "It's not fair. Why does my clan have to be so pig-headed?"
Eiji had held her gently as he said, "It's hardly only your clan, my dear. There are many who opposed my coming here in my clan as well."
Being in love and wanting to spend the rest of her life with him she said, "T-then let's leave them. W-we could start a clan of our own."
Eiji smiled warmly but said, "Nothing would make me happier, Fuka. But we both know that doing so would only ensure that we are hunted down by both clans. That's not exactly how I envisioned our two clans coming together for a common purpose."
Fuka sighed as she knew he spoke the truth so said sadly, "Does that mean I'll never see you again?"
Eiji sighed disappointedly as he admitted, "Most likely. It took me calling on a lot of old favors owed to my father for my Clan leader to agree to even let me come her to negotiate. Now that my efforts have been rebuffed, I'm afraid that there is little chance he'll agree to my trying a second time. I will never forget you though Fuka."
"I don't want this, I want to be with you forever. W-why don't you stay here and join my clan?"
Eiji stroked her fiery red-hair as he stated with a little criticism, "Fuka, do you honestly think your father would take me in? He's made his dislike of me abundantly clear. No our paths must part here... although..."
He trailed off prompting Fuka to ask, "What is it? Is there a way for us to be together?"
"Why don't you come with me Fuka?"
"Do you honestly believe my situation would be any different in your village then yours would be here?"
"It's possible," Eiji said after a moment of thought, "My leader although skeptical did at least let me try to bring our villages together. I'm sure you would be welcome... but it would require a show of loyalty to us so as to quiet any thinking you might be a spy for the Uzumaki."
"W-what do you mean?"
"There is a scroll which contains a jutsu I know my clan leader is interested in. If you could bring that scroll then I know he would allow us to be together."
Fuka frowned as she pulled away from Eiji as she asked him, "How can you ask me to betray my Clan like that?"
"I'm not asking," Eiji said surprising her, "I'm simply telling you what I think would be necessary for us to be together." He came up behind her as he whispered in her ear, "I know it is a difficult thing to think about. So banish it from your mind, let us make this last night a memorable one." He began to kiss her neck as his hands snaked around her hips pulling her back against him, "But, I will wait in the clearing near Fisherman's Bluff every night of the full moon hoping that you find your way to me again."
He then reached up to cup her breasts causing Fuka to moan as they sank to the ground to once more show their affections for one another.
Fuka blushed at the memory, and unable to deny herself her happiness had only waited until the near arrival of the first full moon since Eiji had left to steal the scroll and abandon her village. A part of her feared that Eiji had already moved on and that she had betrayed her home for nothing, but she heard a twig snap causing all doubts about her actions to be banished from her mind as she called out, "Eiji."
Rushing towards the noise she smiled gleefully as she saw the man she had abandoned her home for giving her a pleased one in return. She ran into his arms as he said gently, "You brought the scroll. I'm glad you came."
"Me too," she said kissing him passionately.
She gasped in pain moments later as she felt something stab her in the back. Looking behind her, she saw that Eiji's female bodyguard was the one holding the short sword buried in her back. The woman ripped it free causing her to fall from Eiji's loose grasp although he made sure to grab the scroll that she held. Already dismissing Fuka, he indicated the small cut in his clothes as he said, "Dammit Kagerou you nearly stabbed me as well."
His bodyguard smirked as she said, "You're lucky I didn't aim lower. Do you know how angry it made me watching you seduce that cow?"
Fuka tried to grab Eiji's foot but only managed to weakly snag his pants leg as she asked, "Eiji why?"
"Come now Fuka, have some dignity at the end and realize you were fooled and like the poor mouse to my cat now that I have what I want it's time to end this."
He reached into his clothes to produce a kunai which he intended to use to slash her throat, but Kagerou stopped him by grabbing his wrist as she said cruelly, "Let the bitch suffer."
Eiji gave the idea some thought before putting his kunai away. Kissing his true lover in front of Fuka, he ended the kiss to say, "I suppose traitors do deserve to die painfully. Thank you Fuka, I would never have been able to complete my mission without you."
Fuka watched the two leave as she cursed them both although too weak to give voice to her anger. As they left Kagerou asked, "So what do the Uchiha want with that scroll anyway?"
Eiji shrugged as he replied, "I have no idea. Although our leader believes that it might be the key to sealing a Bijuu inside an object, perhaps even a person."
Fuka smirked darkly as she thought, "Oh it's so much more than that," as she used her blood to draw the necessary seal that would seal her soul into her hair. As a sign of her using the Forbidden Technique she had seen in the scroll her fiery red-hair darkened as it absorbed the chakra remaining in her body before detaching itself. She floated along in the air as she followed silently intending to have her revenge and undo her mistake.
The Past: Day 96: Shortly after Naruko's visit
D sat across from a pair of youths although they were older than even Naruto was. However, despite that he did see himself as an old man in spirit if for no other reason than he was the oldest clone he knew of. Not that D thought of himself as solely a clone of Naruto any more since with each new day he developed along his own path. A fact he hoped he had conveyed to Naruko during her short visit even though he knew his would end differently than hers.
D sighed as he looked at the two youths while wondering how to proceed considering what he had caught them in the midst of doing. He wished it was something cute like sneaking out for a midnight coupling, which considering their fathers were the respective leaders of the two factions fighting over control of the town would be a headache in its own right. But seeing as he suspected the two geniuses before him had hit on the same plan to sabotage the other family's mine he doubted it was a coincidence even though he found it sad that it appeared their parents hatred had been inherited by them.
Thinking over the situation he had been fighting against the past several months, D knew that most of the really bad blood was well in the past. The current tension in Paradise City was like embers of an old fire just waiting for the right wind to come along to blow them into some dry grass to ignite them once more. Naturally should that happen it would likely not remain contained in the city. Both fortunately and unfortunately the Daimyo's of Claw and Fang seemed to genuinely have gotten over their past rivalries due to their mutual love of the Make-Out Paradise series. It was rumored that was why they had indeed named the joint city the way they did. As a result the Daimyo wanted to see their city grow and flourish so were trying not to add fuel to the situation by sending in their armies, since they likely believed there would be more bad blood between their two forces then could be mustered by the city's residents. As such it did allow D quite a bit of leeway in trying to quell the fights that broke out between the two groups and he suspect that the Daimyo were secretly rooting for him.
Unfortunately, without a strong authoritative presence the two factions had taken it upon themselves to fight for their respective country's pride. Usually this was demonstrated in block wide brawls in which D would show up to stop usually resulting in both groups attacking him. Luckily thus far outside of a few broken bones no one had died from any of the fights.
The same unfortunately couldn't be said about what D viewed as the source of the conflicts the mines which each side controlled. Back when Paradise City had first been founded, things had been tense between the citizens of Fang and Claw, but had been tempered by both wanting their mine to thrive so for the most part they stayed to their respective side of town. A far cry from the vision the Daimyo had imagined but given time things would likely have improved.
D looked towards the bar and the woman who owned establishment around which Paradise City had been built. Otose was a woman who wore her age proudly and from the few pictures hanging in the bar had been a stunning woman in her youth. Although D had a hard time believing it especially as there was always a cigarette hanging from her lips or between her fingers. The woman was a citizen of Fang country, but had married a man from Claw. Her husband had earned the respect of the miners on both sides of the border before the City had existed as he had acted as a constable for both sides in order to keep the occasional border disputes from growing. He had died before Paradise City had been built having been murdered by a group of bandits that preyed on both mines, but he like his wife had both hoped such a place would one day come to be.
It's was for Otose more so then Naruto that D was working so hard to make it the type of place they would have loved. It had started as a result of her saving his bacon by offering him food as he had laid face down in a gutter after barely making it to the City having fought some of the bandit members of the group which had murdered Otose's husband. But as the months had passed he had generally come to see the woman as a type of caring grandmother although he'd never tell her that to her face.
Turning back to the two, he began to drum his fingers on the table. He knew that the relatively fragile peace between the residents of Paradise City had been disturbed by what had started as minor mishaps in the mines which both sides had experienced. As a result it wasn't long before they were blaming each other for them, which culminated in a major collapse in the mine on the Claw side of the city. Several people had died in the incident which had nearly had the town erupting into a full-scale conflict, but D had recovered much of his strength by then in thanks to Otose's cooking and quickly put it down.
As a result he had been a target of both sides, which suited him fine as the longer he could keep them focused on him the less they bothered with each other. Tonight had nearly resulted in another catastrophe but luckily due to his patrols to catch who he actually suspected was behind the trouble it had been averted. The one behind it though said, "You can't hold me here. When my dad finds out that you have me he's going to kick your ass."
"He's tried before," D said cockily, "and yet my ass remains unkicked." The woman named Mila scowled at him, but D smiled in reply as he added, "And while he's stubborn enough to try again I'm sure. I think he's going to be more concerned as to what you are doing out so late at night."
"That's none of your business," Mila said angrily.
Picking up the bag he had caught her with he said, "Oh, I think it is." He dumped it on the table showing several sticks of dynamite one of which he picked up as he said, "It's a little out of season to be carrying fireworks don't you think."
The other youth and the son of the Fang Country leader Kanbei looked at the dynamite as he said sadly, "Mila don't tell me you were going to..."
Mila's hard glare moved from D to the young man Terumi as she said angrily, "You're damn right I was. I was going to even the score. I lost people I cared about in that collapse. I know you Fang bastards were behind it."
Terumi winced from her accusation, although D suspected it was because the young man was used to being teased since he had a rather youthful and innocent face. D knew the young man wasn't a fighter like his father and as such was often teased by many on both sides for being something of a wimp. That was why D had been pretty surprised to find he was the one Mila have been pummeling as they stumbled upon each other while heading into their rival's territories.
D focused on the young man and pulling his bag up said, "Well let's see what had you out so late at night."
"Wait don't," Terumi said as D dumped the contents onto the table as well. He frowned as instead of anything useful to sabotage the Claw country mine all that came tumbling out was some drawing utensils and a sketch pad.
D stared at them in confusion having a part of his theory crumble, but opening it up found several nude drawings of Mila which looked like they had been done in a nearby watering hole. D looked up in surprise as he looked at Mila for a moment before saying, "Um, well that's not what I was expecting."
"What!" Mila said standing up to catch a glimpse seeing her nude in the drawing she glared a Terumi as she shouted, "You Fang pervert, when did you draw those?"
She was about to leap on top of Terumi to begin pummeling him again, but D stood pushing her down into her chair as he said, "I think between the two of you, your actions are the ones that should raise the greater concern."
Mila looked down torn between embarrassment and guilt. D sat down as well as he said while flipping a page in the sketchpad, "Now I think we should try and remember... Ouch!" Looking back at Otose who had just hit him in the back of the head he asked, "What's the big idea, Granny?"
"Give that sketchpad back you foolish pervert." D grumbled under his breath annoyed as he began to hand it to Terumi earning himself another rap to the back of his skull as the woman said, "Not to him you idiot."
D sighed handing it to Mila, who quickly snatched and held it to her chest. Clearing his throat D said, "Anyhow, now I'm in a rather uncomfortable spot. I had hoped you both had been morons and were trying to pick up on your fathers' foolishness. Now though since that appears not to be the case I might have to get the Daimyo involved."
The color drained from Mila's face although it was Terumi who asked, "Why?"
D shrugged as he explained, "Up till now there was no hard evidence that one side or the other was behind the mishaps going on in the mine. Now that Mila has been caught red-handed this means that it is likely that your father Kanbei will use this as a means to prove that all the mishaps at his mine were a result Claw country's tampering. Naturally without any other culprits all the crimes will fall on Mila's head, which means she might be lucky enough to escape execution only to rot in jail for a very long time."
Mila didn't say anything in her defense so was surprised when Terumi stood and forcibly said, "Please don't inform anyone of what happened tonight."
"Whoa now kid," D said holding his hands up, "look you're asking me to look the other way here after finding the first real evidence that the trouble here was due to tampering."
"But I know Mila wasn't responsible for all that," Terumi said, "She's a good and kind person."
D picked up one of the sticks of dynamite she had been carrying as he countered, "The evidence doesn't seem to be supporting your statement kid."
Terumi calmed as he sat down and sounding much like his father did during business negotiations stated, "Name your price."
"Hey now. I'm insulted that you think you could bribe me," D said although the smile on his lips gave the opposite impression. Leaning forward he said, "Fine, if you want me to forget what I saw tonight then I need information out of the two of you. Since you want to be the hero and likely don't know anything let me ask, why are you fighting so hard for her? When I came across you two she was in the process of using her fists to rearrange your nose."
"It was a misunderstanding... like this whole conflict... it's like someone is trying to stir up the old resentments."
"True, but you didn't answer my question."
Terumi looked down at his lap before gazing at Mila out of the corner of his eyes. Closing them he nearly shouted, "Because I love her."
Mila was obviously shocked by his announcement, but D chuckled as he said, "Really, considering your fathers' animosity towards each other I find it hard to believe that you have been around her long enough to..."
"I know," Terumi said, "B-but she... she stopped some of her dad's thugs from picking on me once when they caught me sneaking to Hollowed Falls."
Mila looked at the sketchpad she was holding as she commented, "T-that's where I'd sometimes swim to cool off after training with my dad or at night"
"I know," Terumi admitted, "Although I didn't realize that until later. I used to go there whenever I'd disappoint my dad figuring he didn't think I would be brave enough to go to the Claw side of the border to get away from him. I wanted to approach you, but couldn't find the courage. I guess my dad was right and I am a coward."
D shook his head as he said, "Hey, you found the strength now when it mattered the most. That's what counts."
Focusing on Mila, he said, "Alright your turn. What set you off on your little self-appointed mission today? We've exchanged fists in the past, but you never struck me as a would-be murder."
"I wasn't going to kill anyone," Mila said quickly, "I was just going to blow up the entrance of their mine when no one was in it."
"Yeah, but why. The collapse in your father's mine was months ago. It seems rather late in the game to be suddenly angry enough to do something so risky."
Mila looked down as she said, "A...a merchant came to town yesterday. He was selling supplies to our men when I heard him mention the collapse and how he believed Fang was behind. He said he had heard from a fellow merchant that Kanbei had worked out a deal with the bandits located near the city. He says that's the reason so many of our shipments had been hit recently."
Terumi chimed in as he added, "That's not true. They've been hitting us as well."
"We haven't heard anything of the sort," Mila said quickly.
"No doubt because doing so would be showing a weakness to people they didn't want to see it," D said.
Focusing on Mila, he said, "You're lucky I stopped you today, because if I'm right this same helpful merchant supplied you with the dynamite."
Mila nodded as she explained, "He said it was only right that they experience the same setbacks as us."
"I'm sure he did," D said, "But he had far more sinister reasons the he was letting on. You would have placed these charges and lit the fuse only to find they didn't explode. I'm betting he was hoping you'd lose your nerve and leave them there. Although it would have worked out well enough if you went back."
"Why?" Mila asked.
"Well, if you left them there then come morning, they would have exploded on cue likely in the middle of a shift or as people first began entering the mine. If you tried to remove them then they would have gone off then as well killing you and giving Kanbei the hard evidence that his rival was behind his troubles. I'm sure you can imagine what would happen then as both sides went after each other in earnest."
Showing them what he meant, he snapped one of the sticks of dynamite, but instead of gunpowder it had a rolled up tag inside of it. "With this that merchant would be able to detonate them at his leisure. He is probably near the mine right now to see if you go through with it or not." Mila looked sick as the realization of what could have been hit her. D smiled gently as he said, "That's the problem with hate, it lets us see only what we want to see about a situation and causes us to ignore what doesn't fit our beliefs. It also makes it easier for people to manipulate us. There is trouble her in Paradise City, but I believe it is someone operating from the outside hoping to take advantage of the situation for their own benefit."
"But who?" Terumi asked.
"Let me go ask our friend the merchant if he has any ideas," D said standing to see if his guess as to the man's whereabouts was right.