During his training trip, Naruto is given a scroll which holds the secrets in how to seduce and ensnare women. A scroll he uses at first on the women and kunoichi around him but soon on the Shinobi... The NARUTO story is not mine all credits are to be given to the author Lemon Sage. Enjoy this Story.
The Present:
It had been a long time since Tsunade had felt the desire to drink until the world became a spinning blur and she was too drunk to stand. But this day would be one. The reason being that at least then the pain she was feeling would also be numbed. She heard laughter coming from a bar as she passed outside the front of it and paused a moment to look inside feeling drawn like a magnet. Yet, she tore her eyes away to look up at the brightly shining moon in the cloudless sky before moving once more, less she give in to the temptation. It did become easier though as more laughter erupted as it felt almost mocking considering how she felt so miserable. Even the fact that it was a truly beautiful night seemed out of place since she felt it should be raining if only to hide the tears that leaked from her eyes occasional despite her holding them back.
She wiped her palm against her eye to remove one such tear as she fought the emotional pain she was feeling. In order that she could at least look the part of a Hokage who needed to perform the duty of informing those with the need to know that someone they cared about had fallen. Having performed the duty many times, she could honestly say that although each time did come with its own set of emotions. This was the first time it hurt her personally to have to be the one to deliver the news.
Staring up at the moon she thought sadly, "And everything was going so well," before allowing her mind to wander to recent events as her feet carried her to her destination.
The Past: 2 weeks prior
Tsunade sat behind her desk as she read a file the Head of the Torture and Interrogation Department had placed on her desk. The man stood waiting for her to finish with his hands clapped behind his back. Turning to the last page she grimaced as it had the name and pictures of the prisoners that had managed to escape during the riot. Her pained look was due to the one that Ibiki had listed first, Mizuki.
Ibiki guessing at her reaction said, "That he managed to slip by is troubling, especially considering it was likely from his body that Akame was able to recreate the animal curse mark. More troubling is the fact that all of the rebels finished research into it has also gone missing."
"I take it you believe Mizuki has it?"
Ibiki nodded glumly as he replied, "Yes. As a person that was at the very least a research specimen, he would have known where most of the research was done on the punishment level. Plus, we know for a fact that he pointed the Brothers at Konoha to cover his escape. Considering that Seven wasn't too gentle when she opened the entrance to the secret tunnel leading from the prison. I theorize that Mizuki while looking for some bargaining chip to barter his way into a hidden village likely stumbled on to the tunnel. But in the end it doesn't matter how he got out, only that he is out there."
Tsunade nodded grimly, as she was quite aware of Mizuki's hatred for her lover. Ibiki surprised her a moment later though as he requested, "Lady Hokage, I'd like permission to have some men watch over his lover Tsubaki."
"Wouldn't that be ex-lover?"
Ibiki shrugged noncommittally as he answered, "Perhaps, but she may still have strong feelings for him. Or at the very least Mizuki may harbor some for her."
"That seems rather hard to believe considering what we're hearing from some of the females that joined with him."
"You're referring to how he had used the women that joined him as sex objects in exchange for his protection." Tsunade inclined her head prompting the Jounin to respond, "Be that as it may, he may still harbor some form of attachment if only a type of possessiveness that she is his woman. I still feel it is worth a shot. Even the Inuzuka have found no hint of where he may have gone."
Tsunade leaned forward as she folded her hands in front of her face while resting her elbows on her desk, "What about how Tsubaki may feel about us watching her? She may come to think we don't trust her. I will permit it, but only if you get her permission first."
She could tell that Ibiki wasn't exactly pleased by her decision since she was certain that on some level the man didn't trust her. However, in the end he nodded his head while saying, "As you wish."
"Is there anything else?"
Yes actually," The scarred man replied, "I've spoken with those in charge of the prison where Amachi is serving his sentence and they assure me that he is still there. I could send some men to verify this."
"Don't bother," Tsunade said not surprised at the news but worried about what it could mean for the future, "If they are sticking to that story then he is likely there. Which means that Danzou has some powerful connections in Sea Country..."
"Or, Seven lied about Amachi's involvement," Ibiki said as he inserted his own theory but then lapsed into silence until she motioned for him to continue which prompted him to ask, "Are you sure we can trust those three?"
Tsunade kept her annoyance at the question to herself aware that the man was merely doing his duty of being vigilant for potential enemies. So replied calmly, "Ibiki we've been over this. My plan to stop the revolt wouldn't have succeeded if we couldn't. They can be trusted."
The special Jounin nodded, but still said, "That might have been true when your goals aligned. But, what about now that they might not? For instance, a considerable number of those prisoners which are listed as missing or unaccounted for are supposedly dead. However, since Yoruichi saw fit to burn away all evidence all we have is her word."
"What are you suggesting?"
"She may have seen a chance to turn a profit and let some escape. Disposing of the rest in such a manner would make it impossible to tell."
Tsunade looked through the list again, stopping upon the pictures of the three Taki kunoichi. She was aware that those three were currently alive and well. She was also quite aware that it was a major point of contention between Naruto and Kiyomi at the moment. Rin's story of being aware even while being controlled had only made matters worse between them, especially considering Kiyomi didn't seem inclined to view that her actions were similar to Joseki's. Naturally, Naruto wasn't exactly buying the argument that because she had taken them during a fight it wasn't the same thing. However, considering that at the moment Tsunade had Naruto restricted to bed rest. He had yet to take his case to his Bijuu lover in order to convince her further of the wrongness of her actions.
Yoruichi however was aware enough to know that at the very least those three Taki Kunoichi might come back to haunt her if she had claimed them dead, so instead had said they escaped. Reminding her department head of this she said, "I doubt that. First off, most of these prisoners probably didn't escape with more than the clothes on their backs. And two, she did admit that three Taki-nin managed to escape from her."
"I just thought I might put forth another theory," Ibiki said causing Tsunade to smile admitting his distrust was what made him excellent at his job. The Department Head having given his report bowed and prepared to exit her office. He stopped at her door and before opening it said, "I believe you are making a mistake in waiting to deal with Danzou. It would be prudent to deal with him first and worry about the evidence later."
Tsunade although a part of her agreed with the jounin, especially considering how he had tried to use Rin to incite a war, however she replied, "Believe me I have considered that. But I will not allow Danzou the luxury of being dealt with in the shadow."
"Milady, with all due respect we are shinobi and that is how..."
"We may have handled things in the past," Tsunade said cutting Ibiki off her tone indicating she wouldn't entertain his point of view. Explaining her she continued, "If I did what you recommended and sent in the Anbu to handle him, then we'd create a situation where we could be portrayed as the villains. No, Danzou will be dragged into the light where he will answer for the enormity of his crimes. Men like him can only do the horrible things that they do because they believe that when they are caught we will deal with them quickly, quietly, and efficiently. Thus while they may die as traitors, their legend remains intact. It may be the more dangerous path open to us. But when this matter is put to bed, I don't want any other people lining up to become the next Danzou."
Ibiki stared at his Hokage and although he still felt dealing with Danzou in a way the created a minimal fuss that the other villages could exploit would be best. He couldn't deny the resolve he saw in his village leader's eyes. Turning to leave the room once more he said, "As you wish Milady. I'll continue to personally vet the people on the list we compiled of those likely not to have ties to Root."
"Make it a priority," Tsunade said as she stood from her desk to look out on the village. "Things will likely come to a head sooner rather than later."
Ibiki nodded, but replied, "True, but if we are going to do things in the light. We're going to need hard evidence linking Danzou to the rebellion."
"I already have someone working on that," Tsunade said allowing a smile to appear on her face as she thought of Komachi's mission to find such evidence.
Joseki returned to his home, and immediately went to the roof. He saw that the several pigeons he had directed another of his activated puppets to release with the instructions for the Kumo-nin he had sent after Rin had returned. The young Suna genin, who he had activated with a wind up messenger bird puppet, would never know what he had done. He stared at the cages which identified the birds by numbers since he had never bothered to name them. The reason being that much like the puppets they activated he held no attachment to them.
Pulling the bird that would activate Rin from its cage. He patted it's head for a moment before quickly sliding a small blade under its wing and into its heart. The bird barely tensed before passing. He cleaned the blade and stared at the birds of the Kumo-nin. However, he decided to save eliminating their birds until he received some sort of intelligence from the Village Hidden in the Clouds. He knew the Anbu Commander was resourceful and may even retain his position depending on how the situation played out.
Heading down to his basement, he was greeted by the glassy eyed stare of dozens of other pigeons that had been stuffed. Moving to a table to begin the process of stuffing the one he just killed, he set it down to look around the room to get some inspiration on how to pose it. Settling on one he felt fitting, he was about to start his little ritual of honoring those that had served Suna, even if they hadn't necessarily wanted to.
He stopped just short of making the first cut as his senses began to tell him he wasn't alone. Getting the feeling that something was creeping up on him. He dropped the bird and spun holding the knife in a ready position. Not spotting anything outright, he continued to scan the room looking for any sign of something out of place. Yet, when nothing presented itself he relaxed figuring the Danzou's getting one over on him was playing on his paranoia.
He tensed though when he felt a presence appear behind him. Before he could react though, a string was pulled around his neck as his attacker appeared between him and the table. His attacker brought a knee up into his spine while using the table as leverage to pull his upper body back. He dropped the knife he held due to the extreme pressure exerted on his lower back, as well as a desire claw at his throat in order to breathe again.
His attacker was revealed to be a woman as she said, "Don't struggle! It'll go easier for you that way."
Recognizing the voice he said surprised, "Sari!? How..."
"How'd I get past your guards...with some help of course," the Suna kunoichi and Gaara's girlfriend said. Sensing that Joseki was about to do something foolish she channeled some of her chakra element into the wire that she was using to constrict the Elder's breathing.
Joseki convulsed until the calm and collected voice of the Kazekage said, "Sari. That's enough."
Sari ended the chakra coursing through the wire, but didn't relax her grip. Gaara stopped in front of the elder, but then allowed his eyes to look about the room. He brought his gaze back to Joseki, yet before he could speak the elder said, "What is the meaning of this? I demand to know..."
"You're in no position to make demands," Gaara stated as he cut the elder off. "Joseki, you are charged with aiding and abetting a group dedicated to overthrowing the Hokage." The young Kage watched as the elder's face registered his surprise that Gaara knew of his recent alliance with Danzou.
Although Gaara's face didn't show it a frown threatened to appear as a smile appeared on Joseki's lips as he said, "So, that old warhawk managed to tie me to this after all. It pleases me that you at least can act like a proper shinobi when the need arises. Have your woman finish it."
"You are mistaken," Gaara said crossing his arms over his chest. "You will be brought before your peers and be judged. Furthermore, the list of crimes you will be facing will include kidnapping, blackmail, and murder. That list may grow as we attempt to contact those you have been using the birds on your roof to control. The only reason Sari and I came personally to handle this matter, is because at the moment I cannot be sure who've you been manipulating via your jutsu."
"What!" Joseki shouted as best he could, since he leaned forward causing the wire to dig deeper into his throat. "Don't be a fool. Our enemies will undoubtedly..."
"Be silent," Gaara said his voice rising in one of the few times he appeared to be having difficulty keeping his composer. Joseki lapsed into silence although it was mostly due to Sari tightening her grip on her strings. "It would not be our enemies fault for turning this calamity to their benefit. But yours for creating it in the first place. You are not going to be dealt with in some musty old basement, but in the light of day where you and perhaps Suna will need to deal with the effects of your actions. Think about that as you await your trial."
He made a hand gesture and Sari let him go causing the elder to sink to his knees. A moment later two Suna jounin that had been inspected for Joseki's false persona jutsu entered the basement pulling him to his feet. They began half dragging and half carrying him to a cell after applying a chakra suppression seal. He glared at the Kazekage as he said, "Mark my words Gaara. You're going to regret not dealing with me here and now."
"Not as much as I expect you will once your reputation lies in ruins and your crimes are known to all.
"What I did, I did for Suna."
"No," Gaara said sadly looking away, "You did it for yourself and to avenge your lost loved ones. The problem is, even if you had killed every person responsible you'd never have been satisfied."
Joseki glared at the former Jinchuriki before saying, "Who are you to judge me?"
"The Kazekage," Gaara replied indicating for the jounin to take the elder away.
He was left alone with his girlfriend who said, "Well that went well."
Gaara nodded, but commented, "Indeed, but he nearly detected you."
Sari pouted, but a small mischievous smile appeared as she said while adding a sultry whisper to her voice, "Well that just means you'll have to give me more one on one instruction."
Gaara felt his cheeks turn red as despite having dated her for almost half a year they had yet to engage in more than some heavy petting. Yet that didn't stop him from pulling her close so that they could enjoy a deep kiss. Sari wrapped her leg up around his hip giving the young man the hint that she was ready to go further. However the sound of someone clearing their throat had them separated in a flash.
Kankuro smirked as he saw his brother trying not to let his embarrassment get the better of him, but took a step back as he saw Sari's expression. He feared he was about to be attacked so was somewhat grateful when Gaara asked, "What is it?"
"Um, we've found several shinobi within the village that had the needles associated with the Memory-Concealing Manipulative Sand Jutsu imbedded in them. It's going to take some time to sort out if that was to keep their true personalities concealed or to let them loose. Also, what do you want me to do with the birds on the roof?"
Gaara began making his way to the stairs out of the basement as he said, "Secure them. Joseki may find a way to activate one of his sleeper agents to dispose of them so that we can't learn where any of his other victims reside. We will do all that we can to make this right."
Kankuro nodded but felt a measure of annoyance when Sari added, "By that he means watch those birds personally."
"Hey I don't take orders from you."
"A good suggestion Sari," Gaara said allowing a small smile to grace his lips that neither of the others could see due to his leading the procession out of the basement. "I will see that you are relieved in due time."
Kankuro stopped on the stairs muttering, "Crap."
Once Sari cleared them, she linked her arms around one of Gaara's as she said, "Now that he's taken care of. Let's say we continue where we left off."
Although Gaara was tempted to do so, as well as to progress his physical relationship with Sari, he felt the same level of nervousness that had prevented him from doing so thus far threaten to take hold. Glad for the excuse he said, "I'm afraid that as enjoyable as that sounds. There is still much for me to do. I will need to call a Shinobi council meeting to alert the other councilors of the charges facing Joseki."
"Right...sure," Sari said crestfallen wondering why it was Gaara appeared so hesitant to take the next step with her. "Can I tag along? I still have yet to hear how you learned about what Joseki was up to."
Gaara nodded as he said, "I would like that. However, for the moment my sources must still remain confidential."
Pouting Sari said, "Why? I won't tell anyone."
"I know, but they aren't my secrets to tell."
Tsunade used the teleportation seal located in her bedroom to appear in the Den. The seal she appeared on was used by many of the Harem members that resided outside of the village or those inside for whom entering the abandoned apartment building that resided above the tunnels might attract too much attention. Stepping into the hallway, she marveled at how the Den truly had become a home away from home for some, her in particular. It was many a night that she as well as several of his other lovers would huddle together with him on the massive bed that made up the Den's Master Bedroom. It had become such a regular occurrence that outside of date nights, where he would shower attention on one of his lovers, he had taken to sleeping in the Den full time, often using a clone to occupy his apartment in case someone paid him an unannounced visit.
She passed her medical bay on the way to the master bedroom and was tempted to go over the test results of Rin's medical evaluation again. However, she doubted she would find anything of value so ignored the urge. Still it didn't completely disappear since although every test she had run confirmed the kunoichi Naruto had brought back was Rin. That still left the burning question of whom or what was buried in her grave.
Tsunade found it frustrating that she was essentially shackled in the same way that Danzou had been over the matter. After all, he had known that what the Fourth Hokage had buried in such a hurry was not Rin, but couldn't call for an investigation without having people question why he wanted to look into the matter. Tsunade had contemplated digging up what was there secretly, but had quickly abandoned the idea for two reasons. The first was she didn't want to create a panic among the denizens of Konoha that some crazies were digging up their deceased kin. But also because when she had learned that Kabuto was seemingly robbing graves to perform Edo Tensei, she knew the past heroes of Konoha would make a tempting target so had increased security around the graveyard. Pulling that security now would have people questioning why, especially since word of someone desecrating several graves in Suna had reached the Leaf Village.
Tsunade entered the Harem's Master bedroom and paused as she looked around it. She knew many a Daimyo would give a mountain of gold to have such a set up. Her gaze traveled over the pillowed platform built into the walls of the round room where those waiting their turns with Naruto would entertain themselves or each other. Breaking the platform into sections were slightly higher countertops where when a planned orgy would breakout buckets filled with ice and bottled water would be placed so as to keep them hydrated as the night of lovemaking would often last until morning. The front of those counters housed a cabinet where toys and other lovemaking aids could be stored.
Her gaze finally landed on the master bed which easily had room for Naruto and a half-dozen of his lovers. Considering he was currently sitting in the center of it alone, it tended to give the illusion it had been designed for a giant. Although It wasn't so much in how long it was but how wide.
She felt a smirk appear on her face since standing across the front of it was Karin, Rin, Shizune, and Sakura. Once Naruto had returned to the Den with Rin, Tsunade had demanded a report. Naruto had told her all that had happened, naturally leaving out how he had been skewered by a senbon. A detail Rin had added as any medic would. As a result Naruto had found himself promptly thrown onto the bed and informed that he would be on bed rest for the next week or two. She had only counted to two mentally before he had protested, but she had remained firm. He had finally relented when she informed him that she could still put him on a month's rest due to how beaten up he had been after his fight with Hiruko and his shinobi, which had only been the week prior.
Therefore, he had found himself under the tender medical care of the best medics that Tsunade believed could be found anywhere. Even Karin, whose experience in actual medical jutsu was relatively small, fell into that category due to the extraordinary nature of her chakra. But in truth Tsunade would admit that Naruto didn't actually need the bed rest for physical reasons. Rin's care in the cave and having a Bijuu that was also his mother assured of that.
Instead her reasons were tied entirely to his mental health. She had heard the worried concerns from several of his lovers, as well as having had some herself. She knew that ever since the plot in the prison had first been discovered, it must have seemed like his life had become putting out one fire after the other. Coupled to that his taking on more and more lovers and thus greater and greater responsibilities as the head of his growing family and she was quite aware that if he didn't get a moment to step away from everything he could break. Therefore she had confined him to the Den, where except for a few urgent issues he wouldn't concern himself with outside matters.
However, Tsunade was quite well aware that lying around resting wasn't a skill Naruto had developed. And although she didn't doubt for a second that he was just as aware of his need for a break as everyone else, that didn't mean it made it any easier to keep him in the bed. That was what his lovers were for after all.
Approaching the bed, she smiled in return when Naruto looked up at her from a notepad he was writing in. He then looked straight ahead and his eyes grew distant giving her the impression he was talking to his mother in the seal. He then snapped back to reality and began writing in the pad again. The pattern repeated several more times until he said, "I think that's it."
Tsunade took the pad from Naruto and looked it over before asking, "So these are the memories that your mother erased when she made Rin younger."
Naruto nodded as he replied, "Yeah, Joseki never made contact except with the bird. The only times he would outside of that was when he needed to tweak her responses in order to get her to respond to a new bird upon the old one's passing."
Out of the corner of her eye Tsunade saw Rin shiver which the Hokage believed was due to her instinctually knowing the horrible things she had been tasked with doing. "Okay, I'll have Anko and Yuugao look over this and send a copy to Gaara" Tsunade said moving to the nightstand that separated the bed from the first platform.
She placed the notepad down as Naruto said, "Good. Um...I know we agreed that I would rest this week but everything considered, I think it would be best..."
Tsunade shook her head as she knelt down to open the cabinet door located on the front of the stand. Finding a radio, she pressed play on the tape she had placed in there earlier causing a song popular in most of Konoha's dance clubs to play. Moving to the beat she said, "Now Naruto. I'm the Hokage and I assure you I have everything under control. You take this time to rest in order to comeback at a hundred percent on all levels." Tsunade could see that her words reached Naruto as they let him know his lovers were aware of his mental exhaustion from all he had been through lately.
Still his tendency to need to lead from the front showed through as he said, "I appreciate that...I do. But it's kind of hard to forget Danzou is still out there. Not to mention..."
She pressed up against Shizune, who began moving and writhing against her teacher. She then kissed her first apprentice, making sure to leave just enough space for him to see how their tongues clashed and danced around each other which effectively caused Naruto to lapse into silence. Ending the kiss, she moaned as Shizune immediately pressed her lips to her collarbone. Looking deeply into her lover's eyes Tsunade said, "Don't worry, my love. We'll help you forget."
With that said the other three kunoichi present climbed into the bed and surrounded Naruto's lap as they pulled the blanket he was under away. Naruto who had long grown used to sleeping naked, groaned as the kunoichi quickly began licking and kissing his dick now that it was uncovered.
Naruto fell back into the large pillows of his bed due to the pleasure being sent through his cock from his lovers exuberant actions. Once he was fully erect Sakura, Rin and Karin began to each please a side. Rin from her position between Naruto's legs ran her tongue up and down the underside of his shaft, while Sakura did the same from his left and Karin from the right. Occasionally one of the kunoichi would take his shaft into their mouths, in order to envelope his length in the warm wetness as they applied suction. When that happened the other two would busy themselves by showering attention to another portion of his body, only to return when the one currently swallowing his sword would let him slip from her lips.
To say that Naruto was in the midst of a sensory overload was an understatement as he truly didn't know where to rest his eyes. Therefore his eyes kept darting from the three kunoichi enjoying his manhood to Shizune and Tsunade who were dancing to the music as they continued to make out. His hands weren't idle either as he rubbed both Karin and Sakura's clothed backsides. He then pushed up the skirt Sakura was wearing along with the rest of her civilians clothes to reveal that she wasn't wearing any panties. With his other hand he gripped Karin's tight shorts and pulled them down as much as her kneeling posture would allow but still giving him access to her snatch as well. He then began to finger both kunoichi causing them to moan happily.
Rin looked up feeling a little left out, but due to Naruto's fingering of the other two kunoichi found herself able to more fully enjoy his cock as Sakura and Karin's efforts slackened due to the pleasure they were feeling. Giving his shaft a long lick from base to tip, she then kissed his cockhead before swallowing a third of his length. Unable to comfortably take more than that, she applied some suction while using both of her hands to jack off the rest of his pole. Naruto groaned from her efforts, but also because Sakura and Karin upon conceding their claims to his cock began to lick and kiss along his chest and stomach.
To go along with his physical pleasure was the show Shizune and Tsunade continued to put on. The Hokage having loosened the sash holding Shizune's kimono closed pulled one side of it down to expose one of the dark-haired woman's breasts. Tsunade began to suck on it even as Shizune rubbed her pelvis against the knee Tsunade had placed between her legs as they moved to the music. While one of Shizune's hands reached up to cradle the suckling Hokage's head, her other hand was rubbing Tsunade's crotch through the thin pants she wore.
Naruto's view of the two women was blocked though as Rin stood on her knees to position herself over his cock. Hiking up her skirt, she then pulled her panties to the side before positioning his dick against her pussy and then letting gravity due the rest. Both Naruto and she moaned as she was fully impaled on his cock. His attention was pulled from the look of bliss on Rin's face as he became aware of a new weight joining him and his other lovers on the bed. Looking over to his left he saw Sakura make room, letting his fingers slip from her pussy, while Shizune laid down on the bed next to him. Tsunade climbed onto the bed between her legs and then pulled her panties from beneath her loosely tied kimono. The Hokage then spread the black robe revealing the raven haired woman's shaven pussy before lowering her head between her apprentice's thighs.
Naruto moaned along with Shizune as much from the sight of the Hokage eating out her apprentice as from Rin beginning to slowly rock her hips. Naruto focused back on Rin as he reached up to squeeze her tits through her shirt. Feeling her nipples hardening, he was about to push her shirt up to tease them directly, but suddenly was enveloped in the sight and smell of female arousal as Karin, having removed her shorts, knelt over his head. Aware of what the red-head wanted, he moved his hands to grip Karin's hips so he could pull his face into her soaking pussy. She moaned deeply as his tongue began to probe her insides as he drank in her cunt's secretions. She leaned forward as she spread her legs wider to give Naruto more access to her lower lips in order that he could drink of her deeper. It also allowed Naruto to see that Sakura had positioned herself over Shizune's head in a similar manner.
To Naruto it was an image that was instantly seared into his brain due to the highly erotic sight of seeing a master eating out her first student, who in turn was eating out the second. It only grew more so as Sakura fell to her side causing Shizune to rotate. The pink haired kunoichi then crawled towards Tsunade forcing Shizune to bend as her lips never left Sakura's pussy as she worked the Hokage's pants down so that she could begin licking the blonde woman's snatch thus completing the chain.
He was forced to concentrate on pleasing Karin again as she pushed her mound back against his mouth since he had begun to slack off. Giving her his full attention again, he began to tease her clit as he began to feel Rin rocking her hip violently to fuck herself on his love muscle. Grinding his hips against hers, it wasn't long before she tensed and let out a loud yell as she began to cum. Naruto resisted the urge to do so as well even as he pressed his tongue into Karin's clit setting her off also. Riding out both women's releases, he drank in Karin's nectar before extracting himself from beneath her and sitting up he gave Rin a deep kiss.
With his dick still rock hard he was tempted to begin pounding away at her again, but she slipped from his lap to take a position on his side between Shizune and him. With Karin following suit on the other side, they then began to both clean and shower his cock in affection as they once more tried to coax his cum from him with their mouths. Having just barely prevented his release before, it didn't take much for him explode which he did just as the other three kunoichi began to achieve their own orgasms.
Naruto catching his breath sat back and watched as Karin and Rin kissed in front of him to share his seed between them. Watching the two soon had his dick back to its previous hardness. Yet before he could even contemplate his next move his head was gently turned as warms lips pressed against his. Able to taste Shizune on his lover's lips he allowed Tsunade to lower him back to a laying position, even as the kunoichi that he was tasting positioned herself over his dick. Tsunade moaned into his mouth as he reached up to fondle one of her breasts while Shizune began to rotate her hips after fully inserting him into her.
Sakura, Rin and Karin soon joined in as they kissed, licked, or rubbed their lover's body in order to fulfill their directive to make Naruto forget about the outside world for a while. It was a strategy that succeeded beautifully, although soon the pressing business they needed to face would have to be confronted.
Rin's return to Konoha was both enjoyable as it was disconcerting, The feeling of being home was overpowering even though due to her memories being wiped of her time as Joseki's agent to her it felt like less than a week had passed since she had last been there. But that also led to the unease she felt when wandering the village, albeit disguised as the Snow Country kunoichi persona that Naruto's lovers had created so that he could take them on dates with himself henged as her civilian lover. This was due to how much the village had changed over the years while for all intents and purposes she had not.
In the seven days she had been back, she had experienced a roller coaster of emotions ranging from happiness to the bitter sadness of loss. For example learning that her Sensei and Naruto's father was dead had been a heart-wrenching blow. She at times wondered if she had learned of it as Joseki's agent and if so had it affected her at all. But in the end she figured it would be better off not knowing. Her also learning that several of her classmates had died from the hazards of being a shinobi, Hayate being but one example, had only magnified that sadness.
But luckily she had not only Naruto's support, but those of his lovers as well, primarily Yuugao and Anko. Catching up with them had truly helped her accept those losses as she was able to see how they had held it together. She had enjoyed hearing their tales even as a part of her was sad about having not been present to experience them. Still, a part of her couldn't be completely depressed about it since when not henged to travel the village she was in the Den with Naruto. Her being a part of what Anko had dubbed his Sexy Medic Squad had allowed her unrivaled access to the blond since Tsunade had tasked her with making sure he didn't leave the bed as his other lovers attended to their normal duties. As expected, that often ended up with her in the bed as well with any combination of his lovers who would stop by and visit him when they could.
Yet, she would be lying if she said that despite how much she was enjoying her new lease on life, a part of her still was wondering, what if? Namely most of those thoughts entailed what her life could have been with a silver-haired Jounin. Considering that was who she was on her way to meet she couldn't help feeling a little nervous.
Despite her wearing a light purple sweat shirt with a hood that was up and a surgical mask to cover her lower face she guessed it showed as Sakura asked, "Are you feeling a little jittery?"
Rin turned her gaze to look at the medic escorting her to where she believed Kakashi would be, since Naruto was currently in River Country with Tayuya, Fubuki, Karin and Koyuki as part of his mandatory downtime. Karin was hoping to convince one of the Great Tree Shipping Company's old customers to come back so had rented a penthouse. Due to the size of the penthouse, and its location at the top of the hotel, when Karin had convinced Tsunade to let the jinchuriki go, Naruto had also decided to bring along another workaholic in Koyuki. Naturally as the Spring Country princess had to balance both a career as an actress and as a ruler of her own country she could always use some downtime as well.
"Is it that apparent?" she asked in return.
Sakura shook her head in the negative before answering, "I guess that's just what I would be feeling if I was in your shoes. Yuugao and Anko both say that you had the biggest crush on Kakashi-sensei. Considering that as far as you are concerned you've only been gone a week, I guess I just supposed that those feeling are still there."
Rin looked away seeing her sensei's face carved into the mountain as she said, "There are some of those feelings still. How strong they are...I guess I'll find out soon. But, I don't exactly feel that I've just been gone for a week either."
Obviously surprised Sakura asked, "What do you mean?"
Rin had a hard time coming up with the words to describe what she meant, but eventually said, "It's true that according to my memories I have only been gone a week. But in all honesty there is just a larger overall sense of....displacement. It's kind of hard to explain...but its like what my mind tells me is the case and what my eyes tell me so differ from one another I feel the weight of the missing time. For instance when I left on the mission...Sensei's face was just being carved into the mountain. Now there's Tsunade's as well...not to mention the crack running down the Third's. Everything feels older than I remember it too. I mean that restaurant Naruto loves so much Ichiraku...that had just opened up a few years before I...was taken. Now it's an established business and the bar counter that I remember being brand new is worn from thousands of bowls and customers." Rin turned her head towards Sakura again as she said, "I'm guessing that might be what I expect to feel when I see Kakashi again. That's why although I'm sure he's grown into a handsome man, I believe my feelings will have that same nostalgic like feel to them. Then again, I might just start acting like I used too. It's kind of hard to say."
Sakura nodded in understanding as she thought about her own history with Sasuke and the last encounter she had with him. Remembering the disastrous mission at the bridge when they tried to apprehend the spy Sasori had told her about, she recalled encountering Sasuke, who had appeared with Orochimaru. Despite her having already decided she wanted to start a relationship with Naruto, when Sasuke had appeared she couldn't help remembering her old feelings for the Uchiha. For a moment she had returned to her young genin self, but that had ended when she had met his eyes to see them devoid of any warmth for his old comrades. Therefore she could understand what Rin was saying so asked, "What if you find your feelings haven't faded or lessened?"
Rin looked towards her fellow medic, before looking ahead again and despite the surgical mask she was wearing Sakura could tell her face had a warm smile as she thought of the new man in her life. After several seconds the Brown-haired Kunoichi said, "I brought it up to Naruto before he left. To be honest I was surprised he didn't. I kind of thought he might want to know if I would abandon him for my old feelings. But, when I brought it up he simply shrugged before telling me that in the end only I could decide who I wanted to be with and that all he wants for me is to be happy."
Sakura watched as Rin brought a hand up to her heart and she wouldn't have doubted if there was a little golden aura surrounding Naruto in the kunoichi's reimagination of the event. Having experienced quite a few of those moments herself where the Blond man she loved would say just the right thing to hit her right in the heart she said, "He is something special."
Rin looked at her and nodded before an amused twinkle appeared in her eyes as she said, "And he's a great fuck too."
Sakura and she shared a laugh as they stepped on the forested path to the memorial stone before the pink haired medic agreed by saying, "Well there is that also."
They chuckled on and off until coming to the path's end and entered the clearing where the three posts stood just before the stone. Both kunoichi had a flashback to the day they had taken their genin exams there. Both also thought about how during those exams they had so badly wanted to impress one of their teammates while ignoring the other. For Sakura, she couldn't help feeling ashamed of the kunoichi she had been and was eternally grateful Naruto had been so patient with her.
Rin however didn't feel any shame about it since although she had cared deeply for Obito, she had never thought of him as anything but a dear friend and teammate. Kakashi had always been the only one that had made her heart beat faster. Yet, as the silver-haired man began to turn upon noticing his student and her presence, she couldn't help but compare him to Naruto. She found that although the girl she had been before her abduction was practically drooling over the man Kakashi had become. The woman that was aware that a considerable amount of time had passed found that although he was a fine physical specimen. She truly craved the emotional connection she had already established with Naruto.
But both parts of her would admit to being shocked when upon his gaze landing on his student his lone eye appeared to light up. Rin couldn't help feeling a little jealous at that considering that the one gesture conveyed more emotion than she had ever seen coming from Kakashi outside of the tragedy of Obito's death. Walking towards them, he put his hands in his pockets as he said, "Hello Sakura. I wasn't aware we had an escort mission today."
"I wouldn't be surprised by that if we did have one Kakashi-sensei," Sakura replied both with a hint of amusement and annoyance. The annoyance was more predominate as she added, "If we were to get a mission today, Naruto and I would likely still be waiting for you to show up only to hear some lame excuse when you did."
Kakashi chuckled as he replied, "Now, now, I can't help it if my path to the meeting point is filled with old ladies that need help."
Rin hadn't been able to stop herself from sending a shocked look Sakura's way upon hearing Kakashi of all people was constantly tardy. In a sense that also helped her come to the understanding that the man standing in front of her while familiar was for all intents and purposes a stranger. That bit of understanding caused the old Rin to fade into her memories as she decided to embrace the new life she found herself living. It also helped her decide on how she planned to help Naruto's ambition move forward. Sensing Kakashi's eye on her obvious waiting for Sakura to make the introduction she beat the pink haired girl to it by saying, "Hello Kakashi...it's been a long time."
She noticed him stiffen almost immediately at her voice and watched as his eye grew wide in surprise as she pulled the mask away from her face. Looking like he had seen a ghost, she wasn't surprised as he said, "I-it can't be...you're dead."
"So I heard," Rin replied, "Why don't you fill us in on the details?"
Kakashi knew that in the world of shinobi the saying; expect the unexpected, was quite often the best way to describe the day in and day out experiences of ninja. Whether that be from surprise enemy attacks or demons returning to the world to resurrect their stone armies, for most ninja it was just another day at the office. Still, when he had woken up that morning the last thing he could have expected was coming face to face with Rin, who looked almost exactly as she did on the disastrous mission where he had thought he needed to choose between his promise or his village.
To say that he thought he was losing his grip on reality was an understatement. Despite her asking for details about her "death" it had been Kakashi that had bombarded her with questions. In hindsight he realized he must have sounded quite manic as Rin had taken a step away from him as Sakura appeared between her teacher and his recently returned teammate.
He had then begun directing his questions towards Sakura, but she simply told him that out in the open wasn't the place to have the discussion. Both kunoichi had then turned to retreat down the path they had appeared from with Kakashi naturally following behind. To his surprise, they led him to a rundown portion of the village as they approached an abandoned apartment building. Kakashi recognized the area since due to his time in the Anbu, he was quite aware of what had happened in the tunnels beneath the building. Although most of the details had been kept quiet, enough had reached the populace causing a mass dissertation of the neighborhood. Over the years he had heard quite a few rumors that some of Orochimaru's monstrous experiments roamed in the sewers of it. Kakashi knew this wasn't the case as Orochimaru's experiments while in the village had tended to lean toward dissecting and better understanding the mysteries of the human body in order to achieve immortality. Still, whether the rumors were true or not, enough people had considered it a possibility causing the once trendy area to fall into disrepair.
Just before entering the apartment building, Kakashi caught sight of a gang marking he knew belonged to some of the local hooligans. Although as a shinobi village most crimes tended to lean towards acts of passion or premeditation, it still had to contend with the type of problems that most cities experienced from youth's with too much time on their hands while being too lazy to make a go at honest work. But as one would expect, they tended to keep a low profile since any organization that got too big for its britches and tried to graduate from simple purse snatching and vandalism to the more serious crimes would soon find itself facing down a squad of genin in most cases. Those that didn't get the hint would learn that Tsunade didn't have a graduated scale when dealing with troublemakers as they would next find themselves face to mask with the Anbu black-ops.
The reason the marking stuck with Kakashi was because he had heard that in recent months that the gang that had called the territory home had started pushing into another's turf. As one would expect, this caused the two groups to quickly escalate into violence. But, Tsunade simply crushed both groups with the Anbu. When the gang members that had started the problem by moving the other's had been questioned about why, they had replied that it was because some monster seemed to have awakened. Although it had been the consensus of everyone involved that it appeared to be a case of the gang members using the drugs they were smuggling into the village to sell, an investigation had still been called for. However Yuugao had, after a quick but through inspection, given a report that dismissed the claims.
Watching the two women as they walked in front of him, Kakashi wasn't so sure that the report the tunnels had still been sealed was entirely accurate as it appeared at the very least several people outside of them had entered the building recently. Once they were inside, Sakura told him it was okay to talk and then quickly began filling him in on Rin's return. To say Kakashi had been riding an emotional rollercoaster wouldn't have been an exaggeration. He didn't think he could get any more surprised till he asked why it was Rin was so young if she was the real deal. Yet he found a new level when Sakura had told him that Kushina had deaged her when she had wiped her memories of her time as Joseki's agent.
Needless to say that had required Sakura to go off on another tangent when she had needed to explain that the Bijuu that Naruto had been containing was now free and its original form was now occupied by the spirit of Kushina. By the time they had reached the basement Kakashi didn't think anything would shock him at that point. But when Sakura pressed a stone that caused a hidden door to slide open, he was again caught unprepared when instead of an underground tunnel in need of repair he found himself looking on a hall that looked like it could have been transported from a high-end palace or building. He followed behind while coming to the conclusion that he must still be sleeping as that was the only explanation he thought could explain all the twist and turns that had been revealed to him, even though he had the feeling that something was being held back from him.
Kakashi shook his head as he stopped recalling just how he ended up in his current situation. To be frank he hadn't ruled out the idea that he was still dreaming. In fact, considering he found himself sitting at a large round table that also had an amazing assortment of beautiful women he knew sitting at it as well, even if some of them were only through the Bingo Book detailing shinobi of Kumo, he believed he was about to experience another dream inspired by his beloved Make-Out series although he really hoped that Elder Koharu morphed into somebody else before that happened. But that feeling came to an end pretty quick due to the looks he was receiving from them which ranged from disinterest to concern. The room also had an atmosphere of unease giving him the feeling that not everyone was on board with his being let in on the little secret society springing up beneath Konoha. The unease and silence lingered until with a red flash, Naruto appeared with Koyuki, Fubuki, and a red-head he didn't recognize.
Upon Naruto's appearance it looked to Kakashi as if to all the women present the sun had peeked in from the clouds that had seemed to be gathering. He also noted that Rin's own face began to break out in a soft smile that had at one point been reserved solely for him.
"Hey Kakashi-sensei, I'm glad you decided to come," Naruto said chipperly which caused a few of the gathered kunoichi to chuckle in amusement.
Despite all the turmoil he was feeling, even he couldn't keep the smile from his tone as he replied, "Well you certainly knew the right way to get my attention."
Naruto inclined his head before sending a concerned look towards Rin, but seeing no trace of conflict on her face he turned back to his teacher. Sitting down opposite from the Jounin the Jinchuriki said, "I'm sorry about the melodramatic way you were summoned, but I felt it was the best way to open you up to the crazy things you were about to hear. Sakura explained everything to you, right?"
"I believe I got the condensed version, but enough to realize that you've been at the heart of all the strangeness going on in the village recently." Kakashi paused as he took in the kunoichi from Sand and Lightning. Focusing back onto his student he corrected himself by saying, "Make that villages."
Naruto smirked before noticing that two of the seats were still empty. Commenting he asked, "Where are Komachi and Yuugao?"
Koharu was the one that answered as she said, "They said they needed to attend to some pressing business. They say that they will try to be here before the meeting ends."
Naruto was about to ask if it was related to Danzou, but stopped when Kiyomi said, "Speaking of missing people. Where is Karin?"
"The meeting in River Country didn't go as well as she could have hoped. According to her, although the man she met with spoke highly of his past dealing with the company. Its recent track record makes it impossible for him to trust that his shipments will be protected. He isn't pleased with the higher costs of the competition. But measured against the Great Tree shipping Company's competitors, he doesn't believe that with the lower prices Karin quoted him that she will be able to hire enough protection to insure his cargo reaches its destination. Karin was hoping to try again over dinner where after some drinks he might be more amicable to switching companies." Naruto kept the frown he felt from his face as he finished since to him, his tone had sounded strained. He was still quite angry with Kiyomi over what she had done to the Taki kunoichi, but knew that now wasn't the time to air those grievances. Kiyomi did frown though, as her eyes let a little of the worry she was feeling to appear. But then she steeled her emotions causing her face to become an unreadable mask.
Naruto refocused on Kakashi as the jounin said, "Naruto, on that day we talked in front of the Memorial Stone. You knew Rin was alive, didn't you?" The Jinchuriki could hear a hint of betrayal mixed into his teacher's voice. When the younger man nodded his head Kakashi said angrily, "Why didn't you say anything?"
Tsunade stepped in quickly from her spot next to the jinchuriki as she said, "Kakashi it was my decision."
However, Naruto leaned forward as he said, "No, it was mine." Tsunade looked back at her lover concerned prompting him to smile as he said gently while placing his hand on hers, "You're the one that says I'm the head of this family of ours. You may have recommended we not say anything, but in the end I was the one that agreed."
Kakashi was as surprised by Naruto referring to the gathering of women as a family as he was by the loving gesture his student had shown to the Hokage. But still let it slide in order to ask, "Why? Why would you keep something like this from me?"
Naruto sat back in his chair to stare at the ceiling for a moment. When he looked back at his teacher, Kakashi was surprised by the seriousness and maturity that shown in the young man's eyes. "Probably for the same reason my being a jinchuriki was kept from me. Or that I'm actually the son of the Fourth Hokage and Kushina Uzumaki. While I did want to tell you when we received the first hint that she was alive after we analyzed how Nadare had been healed, Tsunade explained to me why it would be best for us not to. In the end I agreed with her that the knowledge would do you more harm than good, especially since we had no idea of the particulars of her return. For all we knew at that time, she could have been a missing-nin that had faked her death. Considering the lack of information my dad and you left in regards to the mission where she "died," we didn't have much to go on to form a theory on why she would heal Nadare."
"I take it that the reason I'm here now is to fill in those details," Kakashi said still feeling somewhat betrayed, but in light of the fact Naruto now knew his parentage could understand where the blond was coming from.
Naruto nodded, but before Kakashi could start talking said, "But first would you mind indulging me in letting me hear where things stand currently. I've been kept out of the loop by my medical advisors and would like to be caught up. It should also give you some insight into what I'm hoping to achieve."
Kakashi inclined his head causing Naruto to look around the room for someone to start. The kunoichi that as far as the Bingo Book had been concerned until Tsunade and Naruto's mission to Kumo had simply been Mizukage's assistant, since the name that had been provided earlier had been proven wrong, spoke up first saying, "The Raikage has received the letter from Tsunade and the Kazekage." She smiled widely as she said, "He is still in shock that two Kage would openly admit to a plot that could be said to originate in both their villages. However, he has agreed to keep quiet about our Anbu Head Captain's death in order to allow you to put your houses in order. That plus he was grateful for the information on how Joseki's agent entered our country undetected. Also the information that the Head Captain was a traitor whose true allegiance was concealed by the jutsu has panned out. We've found several hidden accounts that he was embezzling funds too. We believe that a portion of this money was being sent to Joseki to fund his own black op missions."
Temari spoke next saying, "Gaara has arrested Joseki for his involvement, although officially he is being detained for the murder of a Wind Country village leader and her son. With the information Lady Kushina was able to provide about Joseki's agents movements. We were able to find a connection to Joseki and a local land owner. It turns out he discovered a source of gold on his land and wanted to keep it to himself instead of reporting it. He tried to bribe the village leader, but she refused so for a small percentage of the fledgling mine's revenue. Joseki, using an agent as a proxy, was hired to deal with the woman before she could report its existence to the Daimyo's tax collectors. But Joseki got greedy and had another agent kill his client so he could discreetly purchase the land to fund his schemes. We believe he was planning to build an organization to rival Root's to get revenge on Danzou."
Temari paused before directing a soft gaze towards Rin as she said, "If you would like to come forward to face your abductor we are building the case against him. We have already made contact with several people he was using in the same manner as you. He'll have to face the people he's used so horrendously as he tries to defend himself."
Rin looked down to her lap for a moment before looking up and saying, "Thank you, but if it is all the same I do not want my survival to be known to the world." Seeing the surprised looks on many of the women present faces she continued, "In truth I guess you could say I'm one of the lucky ones since I don't recall any of my time as his pawn. But that may also be why I can't just return to the village."
"If it's a matter of your age I could just advance it some," Kiyomi supplied helpfully, "Or you could use Tsunade's henge."
Rin shook her head in the negative as she replied, "It isn't just that. But everyone I knew moved on with their lives. Even if I came back they would effectively be strangers with friendly faces. Plus if I did rejoin the village then I would just be another kunoichi with some medical skills"
"Don't sell yourself short," Tsunade said, "You were able to transplant an eye in the field and were responsible for finding a cure to Iwa's poison that they were using to great effect against Sand. You have some exceptional skill."
"Thank you," Rin said earnestly since it wasn't everyday one got praised by a Sannin, "But I want to help Naruto move his ambition forward. Therefore, I was thinking maybe I could be one of his...um talent scouts. I understand that was the role Tayuya was filling, but her taking over as Koyuki's manager has limited her time in the field."
"Don't fucking remind me," Tayuya said with an exasperated sigh. "Those pricks at the studio just keep calling for meeting after meeting. They really want to get started on the new Princess Gale movie."
"Then tell them to stop sending such weak scripts," Koyuki said.
"You don't think I have," Tayuya said annoyed, "I literally set one on fire on the executive producer's desk. But due to how much money the last film made they've all got their panties in a twist to get the next one made. Not to mention you got three other fucking directors looking for you to star in their next film."
Koyuki smiled apologetically as she said, "I'm sorry. If you want to get back out there I'll try to find a replacement."
Tayuya nodded, but said allowing an amused smile to appear on her face, "You ain't going to find anyone that can fill my shoes. Besides, it might be a pain in the ass, but I'm working an angle that might get us some access into the Land of Earth. Better still they'll be the ones inviting us."
"Really that would be something," Koharu said leaning forward in interest.
"Um, excuse me..." Shiho said raising her hand. When everyone's attention was on her, she asked, "What's wrong with the current scripts?"
Koyuki collected her thoughts before replying, "They want to just sort of skip over the events of the last movie. I'm not sure if you saw the last one, but my remaining two retainers died. But I was saved by a masked shinobi. The studio wants to gloss over the deaths of my retainers while I want the next one to deal with the grief and sadness I feel Princess Gale would feel. I've been playing her since I was a kid and they practically raised her. She wouldn't just get over it and continue on. I think it would be a struggle for her to continue at all."
Shiho nodded before nervously asking, "D-do you think it would be alright if I took a shot a writing a script for it."
Koyuki smiled as she said, "Not at all."
She began going into more detail for what she wanted but Naruto gently said, "I think we're getting a little off track." Directing his warm gaze at Rin, he said, "You don't need to do this as some way of..."
"It isn't just for you Naruto," Rin said cutting her lover off. "It's also for me. You want to build a world where people can get along together. A place where what happened to me might not happen again. I want to help with that by locating and scouting for potential allies you could convince."
"Convince how though?" Kakashi said speaking up.
"He fucks them obviously," Anko said bluntly causing blushes to appear on the other women's faces.
Kakashi's lone eye grew wide as he suddenly realized why all of Naruto's allies were female as he wondered just what kind of stud his student was. He then shot a look towards Koharu whose old wrinkled cheeks were also turning red. Upon noticing the Jounin's slightly stunned and repulsed gaze she replied, "Oh for heaven's sake. Grow up Kakashi." She then dropped her henge revealing the woman in her early twenties that she currently was causing the Jounin to once more consider the possibility he was dreaming.
Naruto cleared his throat slightly in part due to the awkwardness he was feeling as Kakashi lone eye turned towards him. Rubbing the back of his head he said, "Yeah, well moving on. How about you fill us in on what really happened during Rin's last mission?"
The Past during Third Shinobi War: 12 Months After Kannabi Bridge Mission:
Kakashi continued to follow Rin as she had taken the lead after their run in with the Prajna. Not quite sure how the kunoichi was moving so confidently through the treetops in an area that to his knowledge Konoha's forces had yet to accurately map he asked, "Are you sure this is the best route to take towards the main camp?"
"Positive," Rin said looking back over her shoulder, "What's the matter Kakashi? Don't you trust me?"
"I'm just concerned," Kakashi said defensively, "Our latest intel says that Kirigakure forces have taken up residence in the area and that they equally attack both Iwa and us."
"Which makes it all the better place to go in order to avoid the Prajna. You saw that note in the Squad leader's jacket. Somehow they know the route we are going to take. If there are any more of them out there looking for us and they figure out we know they are targeting us. Then they'll assume we'll take the safer avenue by moving through territory we control."
"I'm not arguing with your logic," Kakashi said having a difficult time moving at the speed necessary to keep up with Rin while being aware enough of the area they were moving through to detect potential ambushes. "Just with your lack of discretion, I don't think I need to remind you Kirigakure shinobi excel at ambushing their opponents."
"Quit worrying," Rin said as they approached the end of the trees they were leaping through. Picking up her pace she said, "Relax, I know exactly where all the Kirigakure shinobi operating in this area are."
Instead of answering, she kicked off from the last branch spinning in the air to land in the middle of the clearing while facing where Kakashi would appear from the canopy of leaves as well. Following suit, he landed opposite from her intent on asking again. But as he straightened his stance, he found himself surrounded by Jounin and Anbu level shinobi from Kirigakure. Quickly assessing the numbers against them he turned to look at Rin again to see her smirking darkly as she said answering his question, "That's because I invited them here."
"What?!" Kakashi said, but was forced to move as a masked Anbu moved to attack him. Blocking the man's sword with a kunai, he leapt forward over the man attacking him in order to avoid a sword swipe from behind. Pulling several shuriken, he threw them at a pair of shinobi moving to intercept them. They stopped to deflect the thrown weapons with their blades which allowed Kakashi time to pull his headband up to reveal the Sharingan. He quickly dispatched several opponents as he noticed Rin casually strolling from the area while being protected by a pair of Kiri-nin.
Kakashi created a shadow clone that moved towards his teammate. He deflected another sword swipe as several Kiri-nin blocked the path of his clone. He opponent tried to overpower him, but Kakashi allowed himself to be pushed making his opponent overextend himself. As the man began to move pass him, he wrapped an arm around his throat and twisted snapping his neck. Kakashi then pulled the corpse in front of him just as his clone reached the line of shinobi blocking its path. It exploded raining the area in shuriken and kunai. The Konoha jounin tossed the kunai riddled corpse he had used as a shield away before charging through the gap.
"Rin!" he shouted, "What's going on? Why are you betraying the Leaf?"
"Why not," the brown-haired woman answered picking herself up from beneath the corpses of the two shinobi that had protected her from the projectiles, "It's not like there's anything to keep me tied to it. Kirigakure is offering me quite a sum of money to transport the Synthetic Hero Water for them."
"But... but what about Team Minato?"
"What about it," Rin said coldly. "As far as I'm concerned you and Sensei can go join Obito in hell."
Kakashi hearing Rin mocking Obito who had loved her felt an anger overpower his sense of reason. Plus since he knew he couldn't allow Kirigakure to get its hand on the Hero Water, he allowed the anger he was feeling to kill the strong emotions of friendship he had with his teammate. Upon regaining his reason again, he was standing in front of her with his hand in her chest and her staring at him sadly as she whispered weakly, "...Kakashi..."
"I fell unconscious after that," Kakashi said ending his recollection. "According to the shinobi that found me the Kiri shinobi were butchered by some third party." He looked at Rin before explaining, "I couldn't explain that especially since Rin's...the corpse was still there. But I did tell them that Rin had been killed by a Kiri shinobi and left out everything related to... well whatever it had been working with the Kiri-nin."
"What was this synthetic Hero Water they were after?" Tsunade asked confused. "I never heard of such a thing."
Koharu was the one that spoke up as she said, "I'm not surprised. You had already left the village at that point. Basically though the leader of Waterfall at the time gave us a small sample of the Hero Water to analyze in an attempt to make a man-made version that wouldn't have such horrible side effects. To my recollection the project was a failure."
"For all intents and purposes it appeared that way," Kakashi said, "However, one of the researchers claimed that a recent batch that went missing had the desired effects with none of the negative ones."
"That's right," Koharu said with a nod recalling the memory due to Kakashi's reminder.
"Do you remember who?" Tsunade asked.
"No not offhand, but the revelation forced Sensei's hand. I had told him the truth about what happened. Neither of us wanted to believe that Rin could be a traitor. With the sudden clamor about the missing batch of Synthetic Hero Water, he decided to quickly bury Rin without calling for a proper investigation. He also did it to protect me since a medical examiner would likely recognize the wound as the type Chidori would leave revealing my deception."
"I'm guessing that since the missing batch didn't show up on her person. Both you and Minato were of the opinion that Rin had ingested it."
Kakashi nodded to Tsunade's question as he further said, "Yes, which was the other reason that we circumvented the normal autopsy required. We were afraid it would reveal that she had taken it."
Rin was touched as she said, "Kakashi, you'd do that for me."
The silver-haired jounin nodded as he said, "Yes, both Minato-sensei and I couldn't accept that you would betray us or Obito's memory. But we couldn't prove it since there wasn't anyone with the necessary medical skill that Minato-sensei trusted to perform an autopsy in secret. Neither of us wanted to take the chance of your reputation being ruined especially since we believed that even if it had been you that you must have been controlled in some manner." Letting the guilt he had carried for so long show he said, "Rin, I'm so sorry. If I hadn't been so quick to putting the mission before you none of this may..."
"Kakashi," Rin said softly, "You have nothing to be sorry about. You did the right thing by ensuring that an apparent traitor was dealt with while protecting the village. If that thing did have the Synthetic Hero Water and it got to Kirigakure who knew what damage it would have done."
"If that was indeed the case," Kiyomi said looking up having been deep in thought.
Despite the recent rift between them, Naruto asked, "Are you suggesting the fake Hero Water wasn't the objective?"
"I'm not sure what the objective was," Kiyomi replied hoping his engaging in a conversation with her meant he was moving pass their recent tiff. "Thanks to Komachi, we know that both Joseki and Danzou had their hands in this affair and that this mysterious broker orchestrated it."
Both Rin and Kakashi at the same time said, "Danzou!"
"He was the one that leaked your route to the Prajna," Koharu said before motion Kiyomi to continue.
"Precisely," Kiyomi said, "Danzou leaked the route to gain an audience with Hanzo to hammer out an alliance. Joseki gained Rin's skill to bring Suna's medical program closer on par to Konoha's. Now also according to the memories that Rin still has, The Broker did all this to gain the location of the Jinchuriki housing Koku...erm the Five-Tails."
Yoruichi smirked at Kiyomi's nearly using Kokuo's name since it showed that her sister was truly coming around to accepting her fellow Bijuu as family again since she had often just referred to them by their tails. However not seeing where her sister was going asked, "What is the point you are getting too?"
"The point sister is that everything this Broker did seemed to move Akatsuki's goals..."
"Not Akatsuki," Naruto said interrupting the Bijuu he had once contained as he corrected her, "Back then Akatsuki was working towards a peaceful Rain. Konan said they would only align with the guy calling himself Madara after the death of its leader and founder Yahiko."
"Regardless of what it was called then the fact remains that the current incarnation of Akatsuki is using the information the Broker secured to gather the Bijuu together." Kiyomi looked towards Fu as she added, "Thanks to their attempt on Fu, we also know that at least the White half of the shinobi Konan says calls himself Zetsu was working for the Broker. We also know that apparently there is more than one as well due to what Rin does remember of her abduction. At this point I'd be more willing to believe the old man calling himself the Broker was more likely to be Madara Uchiha then the current masked man. However, it is likely that the man who also calls himself Tobi is in some way aligned with Madara."
"What do you base that on?" Mabui asked looking concerned since before she had thought the man calling himself Madara was just some nut with delusions of grandeur.
"When he released me from Kushina and managed to control me I felt Madara's chakra. This is why for a time I bought into this man claiming to be that vile Uchiha when we learned of that fact from Konan." Kiyomi paused for a moment before saying, "However, if in fact this Broker was indeed the real Madara then it would explain his extreme need to know who the jinchuriki of the Five-Tails was. It also highlights that it was very likely he was aware that his time was running out."
"But it doesn't explain why you believe there was something else behind the Hero Water going missing," Anko said throwing her feet up on the table.
"Again, I'm not so sure the Hero Water is anything more than it appears. A reason for Kakashi to have to deal with Rin in such a way that it would put Minato and him in a position to instigate a cover-up." Kiyomi began drumming her fingers on the table before asking, "Naruto would it be possible for Konan to slip away for a time. There is something she said that is bothering me, but I can't quite remember what it was. Something about what drove them to joining with this Tobi character."
Naruto shook his head no answering, "I'm afraid the best she has been able to do is send a few status updates via her paper butterflies. But what are you thinking?"
"Everything this Broker did appears to have had some reason behind it. His helping Joseki was to learn of the Five-Tails whereabouts. He apparently arranged for Danzou and Hanzo the Salamander to form an alliance. There had to be a reason for that...just like he must have had a reason for wanting everyone to believe Rin was dead. I believe the answer to that may lie in what happened after Kakashi lost consciousness."
Temari having assumed a thinking pose said, "Komachi said that the alliance between Hanzo and Danzou didn't last very long. Perhaps, what the Broker was hoping to use it for was already achieved."
"We can ask him when we haul his ass to jail," Tsunade said. "But first we need to find some proof of his activities." Directing her attention to Temari she asked, "I don't suppose Joseki has been kind enough to finger Danzou in anything."
Shaking her head the blonde Suna kunoichi answered, "No, thus far he isn't sure what we know and what we don't. I don't think he's in any hurry to incriminate himself further by admitting to working with him. Besides, it would only further damage his reputation with his remaining supporters."
"Shit, there has to be something," Anko said, "He isn't half as smart as he thinks he is."
"That's more accurate then you know," Yuugao said entering the room with Komachi in tow. Kakashi directed his gaze to the woman and wasn't too surprised to see that she appeared far happier than she had been the last time they had talked. From the way she favored Naruto with a smile it was pretty easy to understand why.
"Where have you two been?" Tsunade asked.
"Getting you the evidence you wanted," Yuugao said before indicating the still masked woman behind her. "Komachi here was kind enough to give me a guided tour of the Root facility."
"Yuugao that was pretty risky don't you think," Shizune said worriedly.
"I know that," Yuugao said quickly, "But if some punk Sound-nin could walk around the village with impunity by simply wearing an Anbu mask. Then I sure the hell could do it in a facility filled by shinobi wearing them." Reaching into her pouch she said, "Besides, when you see what I brought I think you'll all agree it was worth the risk."
She produced a bottle which she rolled towards Tsunade, who picked it up and began looking at it. Naruto who was sitting next to her leaned forward and after examining its contents said, "I don't get it. It's just an eye."
Tsunade corrected him as she said excitedly, "Correction it's an eye that has the Sharingan."
Naruto still far from impressed and not understanding why a majority of his lovers appeared to be joining in on Tsunade's excitement said, "So..."
"So," Tsunade said gracing her lover with a smile, "I'm betting that this is the counterpart to the eye that was given to Akame."
Komachi nodded her head as she said, "Yes, as I was looking for evidence to link Danzou to something that we could bring against him. I came across a lab that housed several such eyes. Due to what Yoruichi told us and with the blood evidence collected from her jacket from when she blinded that eye, we were able to link the original owner to the eye Akame had as being Fugaku Uchiha. That eye is the other one."
"How can you be sure?" Koharu asked.
"The original container was labeled, as were the several others that he had. I'm not sure why."
"Most likely so he could gauge the abilities," Kiyomi supplied.
"What do you mean?" Tsunade asked looking away from the jar and towards the Bijuu.
"Obviously certain eyes have greater value than others," Kiyomi said simply.
"That makes sense," Mabui said. "Certain members of the Uchiha did appear to possess abilities that other would not."
"But wouldn't our removing it mean we can't use it as evidence anymore," Naruto asked in confusion. "I mean I understand that with that eye and the blood evidence on Yoruichi's jacket we can link Danzou to Akame. But by it being in our possession doesn't that invalidate its usefulness. The Bastard will just claim to have never seen it before."
"Don't worry he won't be able to claim that," Yuugao said.
"Ah, you used a chakra identification seal," Kakashi said impressed.
"A what?" Naruto said still confused.
Chuckling at his student's face the Jounin explained, "Considering that we live in the age of shinobi who thrive on spreading disinformation. A Chakra Identification Seal is used to support a shinobi when they say they found some incriminating evidence without a warrant. By placing it at the location where the evidence was found it shows that they were there and is often used with the understanding that what found wasn't tampered with by them."
"How do you insure that?" Sakura asked.
"Simple, if the evidence is found to be tampered with then it will obviously reflect poorly on the person whose seal is there." Kakashi directed his attention to Yuugao as he added, "Plus it can't be removed by anyone but the person that activated it. Well, at least not without leaving some hint that it had been there. For instance if placed on the floor the only way to remove it would be to cut the section it was applied to up. Most skilled individuals place it in a spot where it can't be found easily but would also make removing it extremely difficult."
"Like say a central support beam to an underground complex's secret laboratory. Unless Danzou makes it a habit of inspecting the beams hidden behind the ceiling tiles he isn't going to find it anytime soon," Yuugao said proudly.
"Perhaps not, but we shouldn't give him time to start," Tsunade said standing. "It's only a matter of time before he begins to get paranoid over Kumo's lack of reaction to his last plot. Kakashi, meet me in my office. Yuugao go summon Ibiki we're putting an end to this." Naruto stood to follow causing her to say. "I'm afraid you are going to have to wait until we put the force together, my love."
"What, but why?"
"It would look a little out of place for a genin, even one as skilled as you to be sitting in on a planning session," Tsunade replied slightly apologetically aware that Naruto was growing more than a little frustrated by his low rank.
"You could just promote me you know," Naruto said hesitantly not wanting to appear to be trading on his relationship with her. "I think I have more than enough high ranking missions to justify it."
"I can't disagree with you on that," Tsunade said proudly. However, the apologetic tone returned as she added, "But, I'm afraid the statement you made about going from Genin to Hokage is more accurate then you know. I can't promote you to Chunin without your passing the exams."
"Well she could," Kakashi added dryly, "But I don't think you would want to be promoted under those circumstances."
"Why?" Naruto asked facing his teacher.
"Because it would mean we are already at war or preparing to go." Kakashi wasn't surprised Naruto and the women present from his age group didn't realize that truth. Slipping into his teacher role he explained, "Have you ever wondered why we hold the exams in such a public fashion?"
"Sure the old man explained that," Naruto said, "He told us it was to showcase the skills of the village in order to attract customers. Plus to simulate the type of combat situations Chunin would deal with."
"True, but the exams you experienced only truly featured shinobi from Rain, Suna, Grass, Sound, and of course Konoha." Kakashi could see his student didn't see where he was going so continued, "The other shinobi villages participating were only a recent addition due to the alliances the Third Hokage forged. Now considering that leaves three other villages that we could still potentially end up fighting wouldn't it be counterproductive to show off the up and coming talent of our village. After all, all a shinobi from say Iwa would need to do to see what they may potential face in the field one day would be to buy a ticket. You might not realize this but those other villages hold their own exams in a similar public manner as well. There are even scouts who travel from exam to exam and sell the data they gather to shinobi villages. Now returning to my question, why do you think we hold the exams in such a way."
To his slight surprise, Kakashi could see that Naruto was analyzing what he had been told. To an even greater extent he was shocked when the Blond said after his deliberation, "It's so the villages can see if their rivals are operating on a similar playing field as them."
"Exactly," Kakashi said proud to see his student had matured into the type of person a Hokage needed to be. "Since Chunin are the workhorse of any shinobi village, it stands to reason that their numbers are monitored more closely than even Jounin or Anbu. If a village was to suddenly begin promoting Chunin outside of the exams it would make the other villages begin to suspect they were gearing up for something big. In most cases it turned out to be a precursor to war."
Kakashi could see that Naruto was disappointed, but he brightened when Temari said, "There's the one being held in Suna in a couple of weeks."
"But I thought the participants for that one had already been decided months ago," Naruto said confused since he had escorted Temari to her village with the list of the Leaf's participants.
"True, but people drop in and out all the time based on all manner of circumstances. If you really want to improve your rank it shouldn't be an issue."
"Alright," Naruto said excitedly, "I'm definitely going to make Chunin this time."
"I'll make the arrangements," Tsunade said, "But first it's time we deal with Danzou and Root."
Kakashi watched as the women in Naruto's life left to prepare for the task in front of them. Approaching his male student he dug in his jacket to pull out his copy of Make Out Paradise: Tactics. Naruto stared at him in confusion as he held it out towards the young man prompting the jinchuriki to ask, "What are you doing Kakashi-sensei?"
"I was hoping you would sign my book for me," Kakashi said sounding almost worshipful towards his student. "It's obvious that you are the one Jiraiya envisioned when he wrote these books."
Rin stared on in surprise having seen the little green book as well as the previous orange one being sold in bookstores. Finding out that Kakashi carried a copy on his person and was now staring at her lover awe struck finding the current Kakashi was so radically different from the one she knew couldn't help but exclaim, "He's a pervert also."
Hearing his teammate, he looked a little bashful as he said, "Well, a lots happened while you've been gone."
"Tell me about it," Rin said with a growing smile before turning mock serious as she added, "But I'm starting to wonder if maybe I wasn't the only one replaced by a copy."
Naruto chuckled and not used to seeing his teacher embarrassed said, "Well if the old Kakashi was really like you described to me. I think we can all agree this one is a much improved version."
Rin laughed as did Sakura who had joined them, Kakashi turned towards Naruto who was making his way towards the door saying, "Hey, what did she say about me?"
"I'll tell you later," Naruto said calling over his shoulder.
"But I want to know now," Kakashi quickly replied as he followed his student out the door.
Sakura looked at Rin with a smile as she asked, "Was he what you expected?"
"No," Rin said shaking her head, "But it makes me happy to see that he found people he could be like that with." Rin followed her fellow medic out of the room while making plans on where she would head first upon starting the role she had selected for herself.
Seven followed behind a man that had introduced himself as acting Warden Izumo Kamizuki. Walking next to him was a man that had introduced himself as Kotetsu Hagane. As they stepped outside the acting warden looked back at her to say, "You know when you were first brought here, I bet you never thought you'd ever be leaving."
Seven having no memories of her body's life before her taking it over simply remained silent prompting Kotetsu to turn towards his friend as he said amused, "Man, she sure has changed, hasn't she Izumo?"
"I don't think Lady Hokage would have been so quick to align with her if she didn't believe her to be capable of changing," Izumo said sounding as professional as his temporary title demanded.
Something that irked his partner as he said, "I don't know why you're trying to sound so high and mighty. When Lady Tsunade pointed and said, you're in charge she was pointing to me."
"Really, then why am I the one wearing the warden pips?"
"Because she didn't specify who she was pointing to, and you won the game of rock, paper, scissors we played to decide," Kotetsu said in a huff.
"Exactly," Izumo said with a smirk, "Which means I'm the warden and you are my lackey."
Kotetsu was about to fire back a remark but Seven interrupted with a voice filled with annoyance, "Not to interrupt your lover's quarrel, but you indicated there were some conditions to my release. I would hate to be returned here because I wasn't informed of some important detail in regards to my parole."
"Um...right sorry," Izumo said quickly. "Well first off I should mention that your place of residence will be the Kiyomi mansion. You may not be aware of this, but she was a fellow conspirator of the Hokage's in putting down Akame's revolt. She has offered you employment as a bodyguard for both herself and apparently some of the caravans her company puts together to ship goods. However, unless on the job you are to remain in the village at all times."
"For how long?" Seven asked not exactly pleased with that condition. Although she and her sisters appeared to be once more on good terms, this particular condition just made it feel like her cage had been expanded as opposed to being set free.
Izumo shrugged as he answered, "I'm not sure. I believe this condition is to prevent you from making contact with your old village."
"What's to stop me when I'm guarding one of these caravans?" Seven couldn't help but asking even though she had no intention of making contact with Iwagakure.
"Simple," Izumo said turning to face her as he stopped in front of the large iron door of the prison that led to the drawbridge out of it, "Whenever you are tasked with one of those escort missions it will be in the company of a Leaf Shinobi. At least until it is determined that you are no longer a threat to the village. I suppose the reason they haven't set a date is because they don't want you just sitting back and waiting for a certain amount of time to pass before going back to your old life."
The Iron door began to open prompting Seven to walk pass the two Leaf Chunin as she said, "There is no fear of that happening. There is nothing in that old life that remains for me to go back to." Her body went stiff in surprise as the opening door revealed two people waiting for her and although she had seen both of them before; it was the first time doing so in her new form.
Izumo noticed her reaction and commenting on it said, "Is everything alright? You shouldn't be surprised we'd arrange an escort for you considering that you aren't allowed outside the village without one." Focusing on the two shinobi he said, "Naruto, Fu, as acting warden I hereby turn over prisoner Seven Chomei to your care."
Fu gave Seven a quick nod and a smile before looking at Izumo in confusion. Then looking to Kotetsu since she had been present at the time said, "I thought Tsunade was pointing at you when she was assigning a temporary warden."
"What! I knew it," Kotetsu said rounding on his friend trying to grab the pin that indicate the warden role, "Give me that!"
"No way," Izumo said stepping away, "I won fair and square."
"So what it's my turn anyway," Kotetsu argued, "We said we'd take turns and it's my turn."
Seven simply began walking ignoring the squabbling chunin as well as ignoring the two that had come to escort her. Naruto and Fu, watched for a moment before moving to catch up with the retreating Bijuu. Naruto wasn't sure how to approach the woman so asked his green-haired lover, "What was that about?"
Fu shrugged as she replied, "After the revolt was put down I was with Tsunade as she toured the prison. When she was about to put someone in charge word reached us that you were returning so she just sort of absentmindedly pointed towards them. They tried to get her to clarify but she was in a hurry to meet you so they couldn't get her to pin it down. I thought it would be funny to tease them a bit."
Naruto chuckled as he looked back while the Iron doors of the prison closed to see the two chunin arguing over who would be the warden. He smiled at Fu who returned it before they both directed their gazes to the woman walking in front of them. Both grew rather nervous since Seven seemed inclined to ignore their presence. Reaching the end of the drawbridge Naruto said, "Um, excuse me...but I haven't had the chance to properly..."
"There is no point in introductions," Seven said coldly looking over her shoulder as she continued walking. "I'm quite aware as to who you two are."
"True," Naruto said as they walked over the blasted earth from the lava crater that the prison rested at the center of, "But we were hoping you would be willing to share who you are. I know you have given yourself the name Seven Chomei, but we would like to..."
Seven was touched as she looked back to see the earnest desire on both Naruto and Fu's faces. Considering that for the many millennia that she had been alive, people had only ever saw her as a set number of tails and a source of power. It had made her truly detest being called Nanabi while cherishing the name she had been given by the Sage of the Six Paths. Still a part of her considered remaining quiet about the fact that she had chosen to use her true name as a part of the new life she was starting. However, she felt it would be disrespectful to their desire to learn more about her so said her voice warming noticeably, "Thank you...my true name is Chomei. I decided to incorporate it into my new existence."
Reaching the end of the rocky terrain as it gave way to a lush forest Naruto said, "It is a pleasure. Although I've already had the pleasure of meeting you before I'm Naruto Uzumaki and this..."
Seven hadn't bothered to look back as she was trying to keep the appearance of being cool and collected. However, that went out the window as she suddenly was hugged from behind and her breasts were fondled. Before she could turn to ask what the person doing so was thinking she learned who it was when Fu said, "I'm so jealous. Seven has such big breasts."
"W-what are you doing?" The Bijuu asked, torn between embarrassment and a growing excitement as her body began to respond to the pleasurable feelings beginning to rise within her. Looking back her brown eyes meet Fu's orange ones that were gleaming at her mischievously.
Seven needed to supress a moan as Fu twisted her nipple through her shirt once the nub began visible despite her shirt. Naruto got over his surprise as he said, "Fu...I don't think...."
The female former host of Seven said, "I'm just trying to thaw the cold shoulder she's trying to give us while returning the favor."
"What favor?" both Naruto and Seven asked at the same time.
Fu brought her lips to Seven's ear as she whispered, "Fu, knows it was you that would make her so horny she'd need release. You were becoming quite insatiable."
Seven felt a blush appear, as much as from Fu then sucking on her earlobe, as from remembering how after Kiyomi had tampered with Fu's seal so that the Bijuu could experience pleasure. She had begun to encourage her host to seek out her mate by using her chakra as a sort of aphrodisiac. Much as Fu ministrations were currently doing to her.
Naruto though not quite aware of that and rather nervous about the questions he would need to answer considering their relative close proximity to the prison said, "Um...I'm not quite sure what is going on here. However, maybe you're rushing things just a bit Fu. I'm sure..."
His sentence died on his lips as Fu grabbed his hand as he approached and pushed it under Seven's skirt. Finding that much like Ino had when she was a genin, Seven used cloth wraps to cover her lower half and that they were currently quite damp he swallowed heavily. He was startled when the Bijuu lot out a loud groan.
Fu giggled as she said, "Naruto...let's take our time going home..."
Naruto moved his hand from Seven's damp crotch and placed a hand on her and Fu's shoulder. He then Hiraishined them to the Den's master bedroom where he stepped back to give the two women some space. Seven seemed to regain some measure of control as she said, "P-please stop..." Fu complied stepping back to give her Bijuu space so getting control over her overheating body she continued, "I...I really have no desire to bind myself to that man like Kiyomi or Yoruichi have."
Fu stared at her a moment before saying giddily, "Oh...okay." She then proceeded to move to Naruto who she then pulled into a kiss as she hooked her leg around his hip.
Seven felt her eyes want to pop out of their sockets as the two lovers began to explore each other's bodies. "W-what are you doing I said..."
Fu lowered her leg and spun in Naruto's grip to face her former tenant. Grinding her ass into his groin she said, "We understand...however...Fu buried a kunai that Naruto can teleport to later...she had wanted to be present when Chomei lost her cherry..."
"My, so that was where you went as we were going to the prison," Naruto said reaching his hands under his lovers shirt to fondle her small and pert breasts, "You were planning to have me teleport us here for a threesome before teleporting back to the path so we could enter the village and sign in."
Fu nodded as she moaned when Naruto gave a nipple a quick tug, "Yes...but Fu doesn't see why we should rush back." Directing her orange eyes to Seven, she said, "If Seven doesn't wish to join then she can wait in another room while we take our time."
"O-of course," Seven said heading towards the door. Stopping just before it she asked, "H-how long do you think it'll be..."
"How long indeed," Fu repeated dropping down to her knees in front of her lover. Pulling his fly down she gasped playful as it popped out to hit her cheek. Rubbing her face against his manhood as she delighted in his manly scent she said, "Probably hours."