
30. Target: Yakumo

Naruto awoke to the pleasant sensation of having his cock being tongue bathed. Cracking his eyes open he saw Anko and Kiyomi both crouched on all fours on either side of him while working together to pleasure him. Although it was a scene many men would die to be a part of, Naruto felt a small pang of fear since after dispelling his clones and despite being dead tired his body had still sprung an erection from the mental feedback of his clones' experiences. But since all his lovers had been just as worn out he had no way to get rid of it except through his own efforts and he had been just too tired to do it. Fearing that using his K-clones in such a way had resulted in one of the side effects he had seen warn about in advertisements for certain pills for men with erectile dysfunction. Knowing that a person should see a doctor if he experienced an erection for more than four hours his eyes immediately sought out one of the medics in his harem but he need not have bothered as Tsunade said, "Don't worry. Those two teased it awake hoping you'd follow."

Naruto began to sit up but as he did so Tsunade moved behind him before pulling him back down to rest his head against her naughty pillows. All the while the two women pleasuring him continued, leaving the blond in amazement that one of his dreams had literally become a reality. His focus was pulled away from the two bathing his manhood in their saliva by Tsunade saying, "Relax, today you're on light duty." Naruto nodded with a small amount of relief as although his body healed quickly even he was rather sore and felt what he was currently experiencing was about the extent he would be comfortable with.

"What time is it?" he asked still feeling sleepy now that initial shock of pleasure from the light double blowjob was leaving his system.

Tsunade played with his hair watching the two women as they seemed to practically worship the stick that had given them so much pleasure the night before. Shaking herself from the temptation to join in she replied, "Early, but I'm afraid today is going to be a busy day so it can't be helped. We have a lot of fires that need to be put out but first I think it would be best if we all know where we stand on the thing that set all of this in motion."

Naruto was confused but apparently his lovers knew what to expect as Shiho got off of the pillowed ledge that extended around the room and was where his clones had pleased the women that had not joined him on the bed. Completely naked, she came to a stop at the center of the chamber before smiling nervously. Naruto remembering how immodest she had been the night before due to the memories of the clone she had been with chuckled as he supposed at the time she doubted anyone was really paying attention to her. But now she appeared rather nervous since she had the room's undivided attention as she said, "I've translated the scroll. Well actually I did a couple of weeks ago...but I felt it prudent to wait until everyone could hear it. I already told what it contained to Tsunami and Karin since they needed to get back to Wave. Since... well almost everyone is here I figured now is as good a time as ever."

Naruto felt his mood drop since he knew the kunoichi was referring to Ino, but pushed it aside to focus on Shiho as she began to say, "The scroll was written in the final days of the Kingdom of Zu."

"Should we have heard of it?" Koharu asked sitting on the edge of the platform completely naked but still giving off a stately presence as she sat with her legs crossed.

"Not really," Shiho said looking over her shoulder, "It was an extremely small kingdom located in Hot-Water Country's current border." Turning to face Naruto she said, "It's important to us though as that was the birthplace of the Temptation's Touch and The Binding. The scroll was written almost sixty years after those jutsu's creation and tells the story of one of the first women to be enticed by it."

Tayuya, whose entering the room had prompted Anko and Kiyomi to begin waking Naruto with the blowjob and which was continuing still, said, "You're saying it's basically her biography then."

Shiho shook her head in the negative before answering, "You could consider it her last will and testament. It was written after it became apparent that the Zu Kingdom was finished. The man who had used the jutsu on her had died in battle facing the threat that imperiled his kingdom. What that threat was the scroll is a little vague on as it focuses on the threat that was facing the Zu kingdom sixty years before, The Gelel Empire."

Naruto sat a little straighter forcing Anko and Kiyomi to adjust their positions to continue in their efforts to get their morning protein shake. With a small hitch in his voice from the pleasure he was feeling he asked, "You mean that Kingdom those nomads that were guarding the stone are descended from."

Shiho nodded saying, "Kingdom doesn't exactly fit what Gelel was though. They were on verge of conquering the entire continent. Their territory covered all of what are modern Wind, Fire, and most of Earth Country. Their force which was called the Hollow Army was all but invincible."

Temari who was lying on her side resting her head on her fist, asked, "Why was it called that?"

"I'm not sure where the name came from," Shiho admitted, "Although it is likely tied to the process by which the army was created, it didn't explain all the mechanics of the process only highlighted how the army was unstoppable. Although to be honest I felt it was likely just hyperbole."

"What if they were truly unable to be killed?" Naruto asked recalling the armored force that Haido had used in his search for the ancient mine of the Gelel Stone.

"What do you mean?" Yugito said wearing the ruined Cat Suit that she had rented and would likely own due to the stains it now sported.

"He means the suits of armor that we encountered during the Gelel incident four years ago," Sakura said thinking along the same lines as Naruto. "But they weren't invincible Naruto. Sure they could take a lot of damage, but eventually the life force powering them would be exhausted."

Naruto nodded letting out a little groan as Anko began to lick the head of his cock as Kiyomi concentrated on his balls. Shaking his head at the absurdity of how blessed he was as well as to refocus his thoughts he said, "True, but they took all that damage from Jutsu hundr..."

"Thousands," Shiho said cutting in and correcting him.

"...thousands of years after the means to create them was invented."

"I don't know," Temari said sitting up in interest, "The machine those Armors came from seemed pretty modern."

"Haido may have simply automated the process," Koharu suggested. Directing her gaze to Temari she asked, "I take it Suna began some research into creating invincible soldiers of their own."

Temari nodded, feeling a little uncomfortable about giving up secrets on her home, but committed to Naruto's ambition and her own feelings for her fellow blond said, "Yes, but this all happened before Gaara became Kazekage. Also, Suna's interests laid more with the transformations Haido and his lieutenants were capable of. From the autopsy of the woman Gaara killed we learned it was linked to the shards of stone imbedded in her body."

"So then why was there all that interest in the machines that were used to create the Hollow Army?" Matsuri asked having needed to catalog many of the captured items from Haido's brief assault on Wind Country.

Temari smiled at the girl remembering how inquisitive she had been at the time and upset at her lack of clearance as the older kunoichi had responded to her questions with, "That's classified." Focusing on Naruto she said, "Haido used volunteers he had conned on his home continent to supply the souls necessary for his army. The volunteers would reside in a sphere and would rest atop of a glass ball. Inside each of those balls was a shard of Gelel stone. Those balls amplified the shards power and bound the soul to a seal located inside the armor. It's likely that thousands of years ago The Gelel Empire could use whole chunks of rocks to power this bonding process making it a more permanent transfer."

"I see," Koharu said, "You took the shards from the machines you captured to further your experiments in how to create those second forms Haido and his enforcers were capable of."

"That was the plan," Temari said with a smirk, "But when Gaara was made Kazekage he shut the project down." A full blown smile appeared as she added, "He did that by destroying all the shards and machines we had collected."

"I imagine the council was less than pleased by his decision," Tsunade said with no small measure of amusement.

"I believe it's one of the reasons Joseki is so opposed to Gaara," Temari said but paused as Naruto groaned before he erupted and coated the two women pleasing him in his seed. She squeezed her thighs together feeling herself getting aroused but concentrating on finishing her tale said, "It was his pet project. I believe he's never forgiven Gaara for taking away his means of avenging himself against Konoha and Iwa from him."

Everyone remained silent except for Kiyomi and Anko as they made a great show of cleaning themselves of Naruto's essence. Shiho though tried to ignore them as she said, "That would explain a great deal of why the Prince created The Temptation's Touch and The Binding."

"The Prince," Shizune asked confused.

"That's what I call him," Shiho explained turning to the medic, "I'm still having trouble with some of the names and places. Therefore I'll call them by the role they have in the tale. The woman whose story the scroll tells I've taken to calling the Priestess."

Naruto sat back into Tsunade again and closed his eyes as Shiho began to layout the tale. Listening raptly and letting his imagination run wild as he heard her say, "The Priestess was a newly minted member one of the three ruling castes of the Gelel Empire. She was from the religious caste. The other two were the warrior and noble."

Naruto opened his eyes as Anko and Kiyomi moved to either side of him and hugged him tightly. Kissing both women gently he again closed his eyes to listen although he imagined Kiyomi as the woman Shiho was calling the Priestess. He reasoned that if the Prince was trying to save his home then at some point his and the Priestess must have had a rather adversarial relationship. Shiho continued, "Each caste had some connection to the stone that gave Gelel the edge in its conflicts. The nobles could control it to some extent, but their true claim to power was that they were masters of the jutsu that could destroy the mine. The Warriors were able to harness the power of the stone to transform their bodies in order to increase their power." Shiho paused and adjusted her glasses, when she was about to speak she appeared to have lost her place in her story so ran back to where she had been sitting earlier. She began searching for something as she threw the pillows about until exclaiming, "Ah, found it." Turning around to face Naruto she began flipping through the pages of the notebook she was holding. Adjusting her glasses again she said, "To be honest I got the feeling that the Religious cast was the newest of the three."

"Why do you say that?" Tsunade asked as she continued to stroke her lover's hair lovingly.

"Well it isn't explicitly said, but the Religious caste was responsible for performing certain ceremonies and the Priestess was only like the third or fourth generation. However my research showed that the Gelel Empire had existed for centuries before its collapse."

Yuugao, who although naked was standing near the door in a relaxed but prepared manner said, "I take it this tale tells of Gelel's downfall as well then."

"Yes," Shiho said with a nod to the woman before turning her head back to Naruto, "As I was saying the Religious Caste was in charge of certain ceremonies, one of which was overseeing and blessing the spoils of Gelel's conquests. This was a cover of sorts although the Priestess didn't know that at the time. Like I imagine most people in her position would be she was proud and arrogant. She also was a true believer that the gods had blessed her people with the Hollow Army to spread Gelel's teachings across the globe." Shiho smiled as when she had first translated the tale she had pictured the hero of it, The Prince, to be her lover. She imagined quite a few of her fellow harem members were doing the same and although she had originally cast herself as the Priestess now saw herself as a character yet to be introduced. "During the blessing ceremony the religious caste would divvy up the spoils as it were. This included the people brought back as slaves and that is where she met the Prince."

Shiho paused as several of the women adjusted their positions as their interest peaked. When they had settled in again she continued, "The Prince had allowed himself to be captured during the fall of a neighboring country in order to use the technique he had created to try and destroy Gelel from the inside before they could target his home of Zu. It was likely the next target since the country that had buffered Zu from Gelel was the one that had just fallen."

"How could he be sure that he would be placed in a position to do that?" Hinata asked.

Shiho turned to face the Hyuuga noble before answering, "I'm not sure if he was. But at the time Gelel was a rather opulent and indulgent society. What I mean by that is they enjoyed their physical pleasures to the extreme and the ruling castes would often take the most attractive slaves on as lovers. Basically there were four ways the conquered people were divided up. Personnel slaves for the ruling groups, slaves for the overseers of the Gelel mines who also served as the Noble Castes enforcers, fighters for the gladiatorial games, and finally a group that only the leaders of religious caste new what happened to after the ceremony. The Prince was described as being incredibly handsome so probably figured he'd end up in one of the noble houses as a personal slave. The Priestess writes that he was an accomplished fighter as well so would likely have been okay if he ended up as a gladiator and could still influence one of the noble women since they often took lovers from the Pits."

"The Pits," Naruto asked in interest.

"That is what they called the arena where the gladiators fought," Shiho said. "The most prominent gladiators would often be visited at night by noblewomen looking to fulfill a fantasy or two." Taking a breath, Shiho paused to let the others digest some of the information she had already shared before continuing, "The Priestess was immediately infatuated with the Prince, but tried to ignore it feeling he was below her. Her mother who was a highly placed leader in the Religious caste noticed though so arranged for the Prince to become one of their slaves."

Shiho paused again as she prepared to introduce the character she saw herself as. Picking up her story she said, "After bringing home their acquisitions the Priestess immediately headed to her room where she confided in her long-time servant who had been with her since they both were children about how upset she was by what her mother had done. I guess she didn't know how to process the feelings he aroused in her. It made her question the feelings for the man she had been pledged to marry a cruel man I call the Warrior."

"If he's such a bastard why the fuck would the Priestess love him?" Tayuya asked feeling horribly overdressed considering the lack of clothes the other women had on.

Shiho looked towards the red-head before answering, "I may have gotten ahead of myself a bit. To her and her people he was a great hero. He was a great man and treated her very kindly but much like the Gelel Empire beneath the surface was a sinister truth. In his case he was merely using her to fulfill his ambition of uniting the Religious and Warrior caste against the Noble. It was his belief that the Nobles were garnering the greatest amount of wealth for the least effort since he believed they had essentially lucked into the mine that housed the Gelel Stones. The Warriors were the ones that fought and bled and it was the Religious Caste that supplied the Hollow Army."

"The Religious caste," Yugito said surprised, "Then that fourth group of slaves was..."

Shiho nodded, "The souls used to create the hollow suits of armor that were the key to Gelel's success in battle." Picking her story back up Shiho said, "The Priestess's personal servant a woman I took to calling The Maid assured her that the feelings would pass and that her mother had bought him since she knew from personal experience how empty an arranged marriage could be. The Priestess took her slave and friend's words to heart but still was rather antagonistic towards the Prince as a way to deny her feelings. The Prince never seemed to let it get to him, but that made her all the more flustered especially as she noticed the Maid becoming closer to him."

"Let me guess," Tsume said with an amused smirk, "She was the first to become bound to him."

"Yes," Shiho answered, "As a personal long-time slave to the family she had far more freedom than any of the others. The Priestess and Maid were especially close and at times had even slept in the same bed, since although arrogant she did see her servant as more than a slave. But since the Prince entered their home she felt as if her friend was pulling away. One night she decided to confront her and saw the two of them in the act. Shocked she had retreated back to her room but wrote about how the images had continued to haunt her."

Hana sat up next to her mother to ask, "Why not target the mother? Wouldn't she make a more influential member of the Religious Caste to use The Binding on?"

"I believe the Prince intended too," Shiho replied, "But the mother spent most nights away from the home. She was known for having many affairs and did little to hide them. Plus I guess she viewed the Prince as her daughter's toy to play with or hoped he would prove to be an adequate replacement for her future husband." Shiho paused and seeing the confused looks her last sentence had created said, "Sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself. But before we get to what I meant by that, the Priestess one night asked the Maid to spend the night with her. The Maid refused claiming she didn't feel up to it, but the Priestess didn't buy the excuse so stayed up. She caught them together again, and in her anger threatened to tell the guards and have them locked up in chains. This hurt the Maid who accused her of being a monster like the rest of her people after all. Hearing her closest friend call her that threw a bucket of ice water on her anger for a moment but then when it returned accused her servant of being an ingrate as she lived better than most of Gelel's citizens." Shiho paused to search through her notes and finding what she sought began again, "That is when the Prince stepped in. He pointed out that the Maid had never been given a choice since she had been taken as a slave when she was but a child. He explained that a cage no matter how pretty always remained a cage. The Prince then told her the secret of how the Hollow Army was made and that developing the technique that bound the souls to the armor with the power of the Gelel stones was how the Religious Caste came into being. He told her that all the comfort and wealth she was used to was due directly to all the suffering and death of free people from all over the continent. Naturally she tried to deny this, but the Prince took her to where the slaves chosen by the Religious caste became the Hollow Armor."

Fubuki whose lap was serving as a pillow for her princess said, "Clever, he had been using the freedom his relationship with the Maid gave him to search out the secret of the Hollow Army."

"That's right," Shiho said with a nod, "The Priestess was horrified by what she saw. But she then learned there was another secret being kept from her. Her fiancé and mother were seeing each other behind her back having formed an alliance to destroy the noble house."

"I don't get it," Tenten said her head hanging back over the edge of the pillowed dais as she stared at the upside down Shiho, "If all the strength of the Gelel Empire was in the Warrior and Religious Castes then why sneak around. They should have been able to crush the nobles."

Shiho was about to answer when Naruto said, "Because if they did it too brazenly and screwed up the Nobles would destroy the Stones and the source of their powers. They must have succeeded since the mine had been sealed but not destroyed."

"Not quite," Shiho said after a moment, "As you would expect, seeing her mother with the man she was supposed to marry as well as from the desire she had been fighting since meeting the Prince she ended up begging him to take her. She would later learn of the control he gained over her as a result and when she asked him why he didn't just take what he wanted by force. He had explained he felt it was best if those who joined him did so at their own behest. That night she became one of his lovers and they began to plot the destruction of the Gelel Empire. They knew the thing they needed to set it about was for the Warrior to believe the Nobles Caste couldn't activate the technique to destroy the stone. Therefore the next to join in the Prince's revolt was a woman from the Noble Caste. She was a pacifist who often preached against the militaristic ways Gelel interacted with its neighbors."

"After she came aboard as it were," Shiho paused as a few of the women snickered at her pun she continued, "The next to join was a woman from the Pits. She was a top gladiator and they planned to use the slaves in the pits to take out whoever won in the conflict between castes. They set their plan in motion by having the Noble approach the Warrior. She offered to seal the mines to prevent any other nobles from entering and activating the Black Hole technique. The Warrior was suspicious since her desire for peace was well known, but she explained the Nobles were too greedy and so long as they held power peace would never win out. The Warrior accepted, but remained weary right up until the seal was in place. He gave the order to attack and planned to kill the Noble as well but was stopped by the Prince. As chaos erupted in Gelel's capital the Prince explained how he had played the Warrior as a fool. The two battled in the cave as the fires of battle began to spread throughout the city. The Overseers of the mine a sub-clan loyal to the nobles kept interfering in the battle between the Warrior and Prince. In the end though, the Prince managed to kill the Warrior. He and his noble lover managed to escape the remaining overseers and left the seal in place to prevent anyone else from gaining access."

Pausing Shiho rubbed her throat, but then caught a bottle of water which had been thrown by Yugito and had been stored in a one of the ice filled buckets around the room so the women and Naruto would remain hydrated during their night of love making. Drinking the contents, she sighed in contentment before saying, "Meanwhile the Priestess confronted her mother about the Hollow Army. The two argued over the ethicalness of it with the mother claiming that the people whose souls had been used were lower beings any way so didn't matter. The Priestess realized that if not for the Prince she would have turned out the same way vowed to stop her mother from activating any more. After a battle the mother managed to activate several dormant Hollow Armors only to learn her daughter had modified the seals that removed the controls that kept them loyal. As you can imagine it didn't end well for her. Without the Hollow Army to help the warriors had a much harder time dealing with the Overseers than they expected. In the end most of the nobles were killed, but the warriors suffered far more casualties than expected. That is when the Gladiator struck with her fellow slaves. The remaining warriors were slaughtered and when the dust settled Gelel's capital was in ruins. With the head of the beast decapitated the other remaining kingdoms soon launched an assault which decimated the Gelel Empire. Zu did not participate as the Prince returned with his lovers to assume the throne and made them his queens. Over time Zu grew stronger and bigger which I suspect was due to the Temptation's Touch and Binding. But it all ended when a mysterious army appeared. The elderly Prince rode out to meet the threat head on but was killed. Soon his country followed and his many lovers scattered to the winds. The Priestess remained in the capital sealing herself in the ruins where her scroll was found."

"Thank you, Shiho," Tsunade said with a small nod of her head as the kunoichi finished her tale, "Now let's turn to..."

"Wait," Naruto said stopping Shiho as he sat up in the bed pulling away from his lovers. Sitting at the edge of it he stared at Shiho studiously before asking, "How did Kanji learn the techniques? Were they listed in the scroll or did he somehow learn it from the story."

"The means to learn the Temptation's Touch were listed in the scroll. The Binding was what it was called when the woman targeted submitted so never was really explained by the scroll. This is why I think Kanji had no idea he could just force a woman to be with him in the beginning. But why does it matter?"

Naruto sat there for a moment before saying, "You said this scroll focused on the Priestess. While it mentioned his other lovers it probably didn't go into much detail about them did it?" Shiho shook her head in the negative causing Naruto to say, "I thought as much."

Tsunade crawled down the bed and pressing herself to his back asked, "My love what is it?"

"Shiho said it herself. His other lovers scattered to the winds," Naruto said gravely, "What if each of them carried a scroll? Each detailing their history with the man that they were bound to, but which also listed how to learn his technique."

"Why would they do that?" Yoruichi asked confused.

Koharu though was the one that answered saying, "To spite their enemies. You believe they knew who their enemies were?"

"I believe they had an idea," Naruto answered the deaged elder, "Why else go to such lengths to protect their story. Plus if I'm guessing correctly much of Zu's history was destroyed in its fall."

Shiho nodded, "Yes, much of what I know was learned from that scroll. Whoever destroyed Zu was very thorough. Are you suggesting there are others out there capable of the Temptation's Touch?"

"I don't know...but there may be other scrolls."

Tsunade pulled away from Naruto to get off the bed and moving to the center of the room said, "In any case I believe that is a matter for another time. While the idea is rather shocking... if there are other scrolls or masters of this jutsu they've been out there for years. So before we go worrying about them let's focus on our own matters first." The other women all nodded in agreement so Tsunade turned towards her lover and said, "Naruto with the details we've learned from the scroll as well as our own experiences I believe we have an excellent understanding of just how it works now."

Naruto leaned forward in interest as did quite a few of his other lovers, although a few relaxed not caring how it did what it did. Tsunade waited till everyone was situated before beginning, "As you know you learned the jutsu by changing your chakra until it reached a specific frequency."

"Yeah, it was really hard. I had to meditate for something like six hours or something," Naruto said recalling the night he learned the Temptation's Touch from the scroll Kanji gave him. "I knew I had done it though when after channeling chakra to my hand and placing it on water so many ripples were produced in a minute."

"Ha," Anko snorted from behind him causing Naruto to look over his shoulder. Seeing the question in his eyes she said, "It took Kanji something like eight months to do what you did. The journals I managed to take from his study were very enlightening." Her eyes softened as she added, "They also listed his victims."

Tsunade nodded before saying, "Which is why Kin is not in the village. She's taking over Tayuya's position by acting as a bounty hunter. For now though she'll be looking in on those victims to see how they are readjusting to life." When Naruto nodded at her statement she change tracks back to the previous subject as she said, "Now as you know when you direct your chakra into a target it causes a spike in arousal and desire. What you probably don't though is that the arousal they feel is rather specific in that it focuses their attention on the one who used the jutsu."

Tsunade grew a little worried when Naruto's face grew pensive as she had debated with herself about adding that detail. Her worry spiked when he asked, "So you're saying the women this jutsu is used against never really have a choi...o-o-OUCH!"

It disappeared to be replaced with a smile as Anko grabbed his ear and twisted it as she said, "She's saying it focuses a person's desires. But it doesn't direct them at least in the low douses."

"Precisely," Tsunade said amused as Naruto and Anko bickered before focusing on her, "Remember how we experimented on Anko using it. Well when the number of hits Anko took grew too much and she snapped we learned about this homing feature since all she called for was you. We also learned about how the jutsu seemed to respond to your desire for her to regain her composer when you calmed her without sleeping with her, remember?"

Naruto nodded but asked, "Wouldn't that seem to suggest thought that my desires to some extent..." He trailed off as he needed to fend off another attack to his ear from Anko.

Tsunade shook her head as she said, "No, she only calmed after you touched her. The reason being is that with your touch and desire for her to calm a signal was transmitted due to the small amount of chakra that is often transmitted through such means."

"I didn't know that chakra was transmitted that way," Naruto said genuinely surprised.

"Not many people do," Tsunade said with a smirk, "But it is one of the reasons why certain people's touches are comforting while others would fill a person with disgust. I suppose Karin would be able to explain it best after all it was her ability that caused her to fall under your sway before she met you."

"Huh?" Naruto said confused as he tilted his head in his old habit while he also squinted his eyes. "But I didn't even touch her well until..."

"True," Tsunade said when he trailed off, "but your chakra did. Think of a sensor as being like the sense of smell. In order to smell something the particles of that something need to enter your nose. This is why freshly cut grass has a scent whereas you'd have to get down on your knees to really notice it before. When Karin uses her abilities she in a sense samples the chakra and some of it enters her own system allowing her to get a reading of that. Therefore she experienced the Temptations Touch without you needing to consciously channel your chakra into her. Now before you begin to worry if you're manipulating others just by touching them, Karin had needed to keep her ability active to track you. Therefore the Temptation's Touch does require a constant application to take hold." Naruto nodded so Tsunade continued, "But it isn't something you can turn off either, which is how you ended up using it on Tayuya when you healed her."

Naruto's gaze shot to Tayuya, but she replied with a look that shouted if he tried to feel guilty about accidently using it on her then she'd kick his ass. Shivering slightly from the frosty look he asked, "Then do I have to worry about Sensor-nin?"

"Yes, although not for the reason you think. They won't be able to tell what is happening exactly only that they are feeling aroused due to how good your chakra feels." Tsunade looked at Tayuya before saying, "How did you put it? Ah yes like a warm sunny day. That is something we can all attest too."

Naruto looked around the room and saw all his lovers beaming brightly at him. Focusing back on Tsunade he listened as she said, "Kanji's on the other hand felt to both Anko and Tayuya like something slimly crawling under their skin. I wish Karin had been present during the raid as that could have provided some interesting data."

"But wouldn't she have fallen under his Temptation's Touch?"

"Yes, although according to Tayuya she would have been immune from it. Apparently by becoming your lovers we are immune to others using the Temptation's Touch. But it still remains to be seen if being with you makes us immune from the Binding being used against us."

"I don't understand aren't they the same thing?"

Tsunade tried to think of a way to explain it in a way her lover would understand. Sakura though suddenly said, "Yes and no, much like how your Rasengan changes when you add your wind element. Structurally it's the same jutsu, but far more potent. In this case it has to do with the angle of attack."


"What she means is that the Temptation's Touch works from the outside in. The Binding works from the inside out. Think of it this way, the Binding is permanent because the kunoichi targeted has allowed you to inject your chakra into her most vulnerable spot. The Temptation's Touch is something used to help get her to lower her defenses and if fails is meant to wear off with time. Hinata please show him what I mean."

The Hyuuga stood moving to Tsunade and then activating her bloodline knelt in front of her. Staring at the Hokage's stomach she said, "If you could see her chakra network you would see the center of it resides right here." Hinata showed it by tracing her finger around Tsunade's stomach in the spiral pattern where all her chakra originated."

Tsunade sighed at the gentle touch before saying, "Do you understand? When we allowed you to cum inside of us you injected your chakra and seed into our wombs and like a virus it multiplies thus changing our chakra as well. Due to the homing principle we become bound to you thus giving you the ability to control us. This is also why our chakra changes color to reflect our feelings for you. In a sense it is reacting to the master virus to reflect just how much control, if any, is needed. Naturally the darker the feelings the more control a person would need to keep a person under the Binding's sway in line."

"A virus you say," Naruto said causing Tsunade to curse herself for the choice of words due to its negative connotations. Before she could say anything however, he asked, "Is there a cure?"

"Naruto nobody here is worried about such a..."

"You're right...nobody here." Naruto paused as all of the women present understood he was referring to a certain blonde that although in the village was not with them at the moment. "But I am," he said pushing past the sadness thoughts of Ino brought recently. Standing, he moved towards Tsunade due to her worried look and cupping her face said, "I'm not asking because I would want any of you to use it." Smiling, he added, "I just spent several weeks worrying about whether or not your feelings for me were real or contrived through this jutsu." His face grew serious though as he said, "However, what does worry me about this jutsu is me." He could see many of his lovers were confused by his words so as he spoke he made sure to look at each of them while saying, "All of you have put your lives in my hands...but what if I change and no longer am worthy of them or your feelings."

Hinata having remained near Tsunade stepped forward saying, "Naruto... don't say such things."

"But it needs to be," Naruto said facing his lover giving her a small smile, "The road before us is a hard one and there is a possibility that by the end I might become something unrecognizable by you all. I need to know..."

"Stop talking like that shithead," Tayuya shouted angrily looking like she was ready to deck him in the stomach again.

"He's right though," Yuugao said from her position by the door. Quite a few of the women looked at the Anbu captain like she was a traitor until she continued, "Think about it logically. If he did lose his way we wouldn't be able to fight for him to return to his senses at our best because he could simple control our actions. Plus there is the real possibility that someone could use a jutsu to control him. There are forbidden puppet techniques in Suna that can allow a person to create a whole new identity for a person that falls under its sway. I doubt The Binding would recognize if Naruto is in his right mind or not."

The others recognized the truth in her words and Tsunade finally said, "I'll begin looking into it... I think the problem will be finding a volunteer though."

Thinking of Ino, the jinchuriki replied, "Maybe not as hard as you think."

Tenten took control of the meeting before thoughts of the missing blonde could distract them by saying, "Hey wait a minute. You said Naruto's cum needed to reach our wombs before we'd fall under the Binding. But when we first had sex he came in my ass."

"It was the same for me," Koharu said with a blush.

"And he pulled out with me," Yuugao said a second after the elder pushing off of the door to stand straighter.

"True, however Koharu and Yuugao you both had both been on the receiving end of the Temptation's Touch before sleeping with him." Directing her gaze to the elder she continued, "Koharu, you received a concentrated blast before submitting to Naruto." The Hokage then turned her gaze on Yuugao saying, "Add you received small doses over the week that you were training with him." An amused smile appeared on her face as she said, "Only Tenten hadn't been on the receiving end of it before sleeping with him. As a result she never became bound to him until her return to Konoha."

Tenten's jaw dropped before shouting, "What!?"

"Well that's my theory at least, although it seems to make the most sense," Tsunade said her smile still in place. Turning to Naruto see explained, "Let's use my example of calling these jutsu a virus. Now as you know a virus can have multiple ways of infecting a host. However that doesn't mean they are all equally effective. Now both the Temptation's Touch and Binding have but one goal to bind a woman to the man they sleep with. If the Binding is used correctly, in other words when a man cums inside of a woman's womb it can bind a woman by itself. The Temptation's Touch could possible due the same thing according to my theory but it would require the man to reach her womb from the inside."

"Like fisting her," Anko said having been researching some of the more extreme sex acts for her earlier encounter with Naruto that had ended disastrously. She noticed quite a few uncomfortable looks at the mention of the technique so looked down in embarrassment.

Although rather turned off at the mention of such a practice Tsunade said, "Exactly. Just as Sakura said it's the angle of attack that matters here. Now the reason that matters is because the human body has created natural defenses against attacks from the outside. Deadly bacteria for example can live on a surface that a person touches daily but doesn't become harmful until it enters the body."

"But doesn't the Temptation's Touch channel chakra into a person?" Haku asked. "Once inside wouldn't it be enough to bind a person."

"Not by itself," Tsunade said, "The reason for that is because it uses up a great deal of its strength bypassing our defenses such as our skin that by the time it enters us it can only really increase our arousal. When Naruto has anything but vaginal intercourse then you can simply say that he is simply using the Temptation's Touch with his dick" Tsunade could see she was losing some of her audience primarily Naruto with her explanation so said, "Kin is the prime example of what I mean. She and Naruto have fooled around some and yet she has not been bound. But she has ingested some of your cum has she not?"

Naruto nodded so she continued, "Yet she has never been on the receiving end of the Temptation's Touch which should mean that Tenten and Koharu should not have been bound because you had anal sex with them. However there was no doubt that in the morning after her being taken Koharu was bound to Naruto."

Hana snapped her fingers saying, "You're saying that the ground work was already laid by his using the Temptation's Touch so he didn't need to hit his mark exactly."

"Preciously," Tsunade said turning towards the Inuzuka, "That's why Yuugao and Koharu were bound because as a result of his using the Temptation's touch on them beforehand the Binding didn't need to use up as much of its power before changing their chakra as they absorbed what seed he had deposited already. In Yuugao's case his precum was likely enough even though he pulled out and in Koharu's due to his using the Temptation's Touch beforehand when her body absorbed the chakra changing elements of his cum they still packed enough of a kick that it reached her chakra network's center."

Tenten was still confused saying, "But... Naruto came inside my ass even in Konoha when I agreed to join his harem. You were there."

Tsunade nodded her amused smirk returning as she closed with her newest apprentice. Placing her hand on the kunochi's fox mark located on her thigh she said, "Indeed I was. Tell me Tenten after your first time with him how did you feel."

"After I woke up and he explained his goal I felt angry."

"So there wasn't a feeling of warmth afterwards?"

Tenten shook her head in the negative before saying, "The first time I would say I felt something like that was..."

Tenten trailed off as her eyes grew large so the Hokage finished, "After that time with you, me, and him in the hotsprings correct. He had just deposited a large load in your ass and then you had him place his mark on you."

"I...I thought it was because I could feel his...everyone else..."

"I don't doubt that was part of it," Tsunade said pulling away from the kunoichi, "But it was also because when he placed his mark on you he channeled his chakra into you and that coupled with the cum he had just deposited fully bound you to him." Smirking she added, "All the frustration you felt in Wave wasn't due to your being bound to him. But it was because you weren't and were denying yourself some great sex along the way that your peers weren't."

Tenten nodded and was about to comment about how she was glad about having come around to experience the warmth the other women had described but Koharu cut in saying, "Now how about we move onto the pressing business of our ambition about to collapse in on itself."

"What?" Naruto said surprised, "What's going on?"

Koharu was the one that filled him in on Yakumo's dire condition as well as the recent unrest in the Training Force that was made up of Konoha and Suna shinobi which was keeping the impending revolt brewing in the nearby prison in line, although most of its members were ignorant of that fact. Naruto took it all in before saying, "First we'll help Yakumo, and then I'll deal with the instigators in the Training Force."

Although pleased at how confident he sounded Tsunade asked, "How? Yakumo is watched constantly. The only way we could even temporarily cure her would be by using the chakra wave again. Doing that could have Danzou asking questions that might point to us?"

Naruto nodded but was undeterred as he replied, "I know. Even using one large enough to cover the village would likely cause him to question the timing." A large grin grew on his face as his gaze landed on Yoruichi while saying, "That's why we need to think bigger."


Karin sighed internally but didn't let it show on her face as a business man continued to make small talk with her. Looking around the room she could see the other men and women interested in purchasing the Whirling Tides Manor. Although the actual auction was still several days away the Mayor of Wave was holding the get together to feel out the various business leaders. She got the feeling he was doing it in hopes of preventing another Gato from showing up in his town. The mayor spotted her and nodded towards her holding up his glass in a gesture which she returned while keeping the smile she felt from her face. She had already met with the man several times before her return to Konoha to discuss Naruto's withdrawal before coming back to Wave. "Excuse me," she said when the man talking to her paused for a breath, "I need to freshen up."

Making her way towards the bathroom to give the appearance that was where she was going she waited until the man began boring someone else before heading for the snack bar. "Man, this sucks," Konohamaru said from behind her acting as her shinobi bodyguard while his teammates protected Tsunami during her return obviously moving much slower than Karin had needed to travel.

"His breath wasn't all that pleasant either," the red-head replied.

"Then why bother talking to him?"

"Information and disinformation naturally," she replied with a smile getting the feeling she was talking to a copy of Naruto from several years in the past. "That's all this gathering is after all. A chance for those interested to feel out the competition, take the man I was just talking to for example. His company sent him out here to see if there was any potential for the hotel. He sees some but isn't willing to put too much on the line for it. Meanwhile I gave him the impression I wasn't too sure either."


"That way I can hopefully keep the bidding low and make it seem like I'm just trying to pick it up on the cheap but wouldn't be too upset if I couldn't."

"I guess that makes some sense. But what if someone really wants it?"

"Then I play up the flaws the hotel has hoping that they see it as being too much of a hassle to bother with," Karin said before shushing the young man's next question due to several of her rivals being nearby. She stepped up to the table with all the refreshments and snacks. She smiled towards one of the rivals she had already talked to before searching the table for something to eat. She had just settled on what she wanted when a cultured voice said, "Excuse me but you wouldn't happen to be the representative of the Great Tree Shipping Company would you?"

Karin turned to respond but found she had to crane her neck back due to the man's height. She was also struck by his extremely good looks but shook off her daze to reply, "Why yes I am. I'm Karin Uzumaki."

"Charmed," the man said taking the hand she offered and bent down in order to kiss her knuckles, "My name is Vega, and I'm a representative of S. I. N."

"Sin, what an interesting name," Karin replied taking in the man's bodyguard a muscle bound dark skinned man that appeared to have once called Kumogakure home.

"Indeed, although it stands for the Shared Investment Network," Vega replied politely.

"Ah yes, you're interested in tearing down the hotel to erect a casino," Karin replied with renewed interest seeing him as her biggest rival.

"That is one of the plans we are currently floating around," the man replied with a smile. "I believe I'm not the only one to be doing so either. I heard you've been speaking with the mayor multiple times over the past few weeks. You've made quite the impression."

Karin fought back a grimace and wondered if the man before her had been meeting with the mayor as well during the period she had been in Konoha. If so then he likely knew how interested she was in the property. "That's good to know," she said diplomatically, "I'm hoping to renovate the hotel in order to restore it to its former grandeur."

"I've heard," he said politely giving her a knowing smile that when it came time the last two vying for the hotel would be them. "Good luck in the coming auction."

"Thank you and I hope you won't think too poorly if I don't wish you the same."

"Not at all," he replied before taking his leave.

The bodyguard grunted as he turned away either in disdain or simply as a goodbye and Konohamaru said, "Man I wouldn't want to fight that guy."

Karin watched Vega before turning away and replying, "I'd be more wary of the man he was supposedly guarding." Konohamaru looked back towards where the man had been standing in surprise only to see he was nowhere to be seen."


Yakumo felt exposed since she was sitting in front of her uncle naked from the waist up even though he was standing behind her. She was sitting on the mat that served as her bed in the room she had barely left for several years due to her illness. She felt a pad being taped to her back and shivered due to the cold ointment on it as the kind voice of Sakura said, "There, wear this for a few hours and it should help ease some of your weariness."

"Thank you," Yakumo said already feeling some relief as her skin absorbed the medicine.

"You're welcome," she replied helping the frail young woman cover herself with her robe. Her voice lost some of its warmth as she turned to Unkai Kurama, her uncle, to say, "You know I could do more for her if you'd allow her to visit the hospital. You've trusted me with your secret and I could guarantee only I would see her. Not to mention it's stupid to keep pretending it's to protect a Kekkei Genkai that never existed."

"We've been over this already," Unkai replied. "And the only reason I trusted you was because I had no choice. It was either let you gain access and likely learn the truth anyway or let the Council strip Yakumo of her position."

"I'm trying to help prevent that," Sakura said letting some of the frustration she felt bleed into her voice.

"For that you have my thanks," Unkai replied indifferently, "But could you protect her all day and night at the hospital."

Sakura sighed but shook her head no before asking, "Are you even sure there is a threat against her?"

"Positive no," the old man replied, "But several of the more prominent families within the Kurama are already maneuvering in preparation of Yakumo's passing." Sakura directed a quick look towards the woman in question but saw only sad acceptance of her fate on her face. Turning back to Unkai since he hadn't stopped speaking, "Some may wish to hasten her demise in order to prevent their rivals from having more time to prepare. The position of head of the Kurama has been in Yakumo's family since the clan's founding and it will be hers until nature decides otherwise." His face softened as he looked down at his niece but grew fierce again when said woman looked back at him with a soft smile.

"It's okay Sakura," Yakumo replied before suffering a coughing fit.

Unkai was at her side in moments with Sakura not far behind. Using chakra to ease the girl's suffering she waited until it ended to stop. She then began searching through her pouch and finding what she sought handed a netted pouch to Yakumo. The girl looked at it inquisitively before asking, "What are these for?"

"A good question," Unkai said taking it from the girl to stare at the flowers and herbs it contained.

Sakura snatched it back handing it to Yakumo again as she said, "It's something you can put in your bathwater. If it's warm enough it will act as a sort of aroma therapy to help the medicine I placed on the patch."

"Thank you," Yakumo said, "I hope it works as well as the last item you gave me."

Sakura gave a small pleased smile before saying, "I know it will."


"This is so boring," Yoruichi said in the basement of Suna hospital. Directing her gaze to Naruto she added a slight purr to her voice, "Why don't we find some way to occupy ourselves?"

"That wouldn't be a good idea since I'm only a shadow clone and if what you have in mind is what I think it is I wouldn't be around to tell you when to begin."

"You're no fun," the Bijuu pouted.

"We aren't supposed to be having fun," Matsuri said annoyed due to their relaxed attitudes while she was so nervous, "now be quiet both of you."

"Whose idea was it to bring the party-pooper?" Yoruichi replied crossing her arms as she settled back against the wall she was sitting in front of.

"The party-pooper is going to be the one that makes sure you don't end up in a Suna cell so play nice," the clone said amused especially as Matsuri let out an indignant, "Heh!"

"Fine, fine," Yoruichi replied, "But only because you're so cute.


Naruto sat on his bed in only his boxers while in a meditative stance and with a clone watching him from his kitchen table. A tarp was folded in his lap as he waited while prepared to use the Hiraishin jutsu so kept his eyes closed to sense each of marks he had in place. One thing Naruto had learned was that before using the jutsu he got a sense of what was happening around each seal he could teleport to. As a result he was currently connected to each of his lovers and could almost see what they were doing. He saw a man with orange hair walking in front of Konan and from the surrounding scenery could tell they were outside. He wondered if the man was Pain and that thought nearly had him teleporting to her to get some payback for Kakashi and the others. But he calmed himself both since Tsunade had forbid it and since if he needed to retreat it would put his blue-haired lover in danger. He took the chance to look in on each of his lovers but stopped himself from doing so for Ino. Although he doubted she would know, it would be a betrayal of her since all she had asked from him was space.

His attention then turned to a woman that was not his and although he felt like a perv didn't feel much guilt since the woman was one of Danzou's Root members. He had peeked in on her before using the seal that Koharu had placed on her and had even once seen her without her mask. But he couldn't use it much for spying since all he received were images without sound and most of the people she interacted with wore masks. Still he sometimes hoped he'd look in when she was around something with the title Danzou's master plan on it. But thus far he had not been so lucky.

Finally he turned his attention to another young woman that wasn't his. This time he did feel a twinge of guilt since he was hoping to catch sight of her naked, although not for the usual perverted reasons. His body tensed as he found her standing in the bathroom of her home although still robed. She began to undue the knot that held it closed. A moment later she dropped it to the floor and from his vantage point he could see the pad that Sakura had placed on her back and upon which the Hiraishin seal had been applied underneath the medicine. He felt sad as he watched Yakumo stare at her frail body for a moment before heading to the tub. She dropped the herbs Sakura had given her into the water and stepping in closed the sliding screen that had been installed to insure her privacy even when her Uncle was his most paranoid about her safety and would peek in. Naruto saw his moment and disappeared in a flash while the clone turned the dial on an egg timer and waited for an hour to pass before dispelling itself.


Yakumo stood in the water trying not to let her spirits be dampened by the wreck she called a body. As her time approached she often found her thoughts turning to all the experiences she would be denied one of the most prevalent being sex. As it became more and more apparent that she was going to die her mind often created scenarios of passion, but they tended to be more frustrating than anything as she never seemed to have the energy to do anything with the arousal she felt from them. She was just about to lower herself in the water when a flash of red appeared behind her and she sat on something solid. She was about to scream when a hand clamped down over her mouth and pulled her back against a strong and warm chest.

Still she was panicking as the stranger's other hand began drawing a small symbol on the screen that protected her privacy and now was likely another barrier from her protection. In the few moments it took the hand to complete the formula for what was shaping up to be a seal her mind began spinning all sorts of nightmare scenarios. She also wished she had taken her uncle's warning about the threats she potentially faced more seriously. The hand completed the seal and her screen flashed blue for a split second and the man she was pressed against whispered, "Shh, Yakumo I'm not going to hurt you."

Her eyes grew wide as she recognized the voice causing her to attempt to face the man as she said, "Naruto, what are you doing here?" But then she was faced with the realization that she was naked on top of the mostly naked young man and was about to scream.

Naruto's hand clamped back over her mouth as he whispered, "Quiet, the seal will cover our voices, but can only block out so much and if you're too loud the guards outside might notice."

Yakumo did calm but her embarrassment was getting the best of her till Naruto pulled a blue tarp out that he had brought with and covered her with it. Her naked and in her opinion ugly form covered she felt calm enough to ask, "What are you doing here? Why have you invaded my home? Y-you aren't going to have your way with me are you?"

Although afraid of the answer she was going to get a small part of her was disappointed when he said loudly, "No, of course not." He cursed at himself for being so noisy and watched the door through the screen and sighed when it appeared nobody had noticed anything amiss. Much more softly he said, "I'm sorry about all this. Believe it or not I'm here to help you."

"Help me?" Yakumo said her tone filled with disbelief, "By appearing in my bath and doing what exactly?"

Naruto gave her a wide grin before replying, "Recently you could say I've learned to harness my Bijuu chakra in some rather interesting ways. One of those ways would be to heal people."

Yakumo's eyes grew wide as she understood what Naruto was hinting at, but just as suddenly the hope that blossomed died as she replied, "Naruto, Sakura was just here and she's one of the best medics in Konoha. If she couldn't do it then..."

Naruto's smile didn't diminish as he pulled the pad that Sakura had placed on Yakumo away causing the girl to emit a yelp. Holding the side the medicine had been applied to Yakumo could see another seal there. Naruto chuckled as he said, "Sakura was the one that arranged our little meeting. Believe me, you haven't been the first I've helped this way. As a matter of fact I've been healing you since just after I arrived."

Now that it had been pointed out to her Yakumo did notice that she felt hotter in a way that had nothing to do with the water. "W-why go about it this way?" She asked feeling a tingling between her legs.

"This is an ability that I don't want advertised to the wrong people," Naruto replied. "It could lead to them asking all sorts of questions that I don't want them even thinking about."

"O-oh o-okay, "The Kurama clan head said in a way somewhere between a sigh and a moan. They lapsed into silence since considering the situation it was rather too awkward for both of them to make small talk.

Naruto closed his eyes and tried to keep his mind distracted from the fact that he was in a bathtub with a naked girl while only wearing his boxers. It wasn't easy since as more and more of his Bijuu chakra was pumped into Yakumo more of his normal and tainted chakra hitched a ride. As a result the young clan head was no doubt growing more and more aroused. Which she showed as she squirmed atop of him. Naruto had little doubt that if he even hinted that he was receptive to the idea of taking her here and now that Yakumo would jump at the chance. However, he was of two minds of the situation and that didn't include the one in his little head either.

It wasn't that Naruto was suddenly hesitant to use the Temptation's Touch to get Yakumo to submit to the Binding that followed during sex. After all, he had already known they were tools to help move his ambition along. His concern had been that the feelings his lovers had showed him had been generated from them. Since his own feelings had not been a result and finding out a woman he had come to love despised him would have been too much for him to handle. Now that he was sure thanks to his lovers' very affectionate way of showing him their feelings he had no problem moving forward.

No the hesitance he felt in this situation stemmed from Yakumo's circumstances. A part of which she touched on as she asked, "Naruto... why are you doing this for me?" Naruto was a little surprised at her question but figured she was asking to help take her mind off of the chaotic feelings no doubt coursing through her.

She adjusted herself to look over her shoulder at him and he held back a groan while she closed her eyes to either calm herself or concentrate on what she felt pressed against her ass due to the boner he was sporting from all of her writhing about. When she opened her eyes again he could see a genuine need to know so said, "I'm doing this because you're an important friend to me."

He could see she wanted to believe him but she looked away asking, "Is that the only reason?"

"Why do you ask?"

Yakumo looked back at him with some suspicion before saying, "I'm in danger of having my title stripped from me. A few days ago Elder Danzou asked to meet with me. Uncle Unkai was against it, but I wanted to see what he would say. He told me that he could make it so that those calling for me to step down would stop. All I needed to do was vote with him on a bill before the council." Naruto didn't react not to say it was easy for him as he felt his anger about ready to explode. He was about to reply to the unasked question until Yakumo did him the favor of asking it by saying, "Everyone knows that the bill he wants killed is the one that Lady Tsume came up with and is sponsored by Lady Tsunade, You're close to the Hokage so are you doing this to get me to vote with her."

Naruto remained silent for a moment, before saying, "What's been going on with the council is why I'm here now. It's forced me to act before you lost what was yours by right. As to how you should vote on the bill all I have to say is. Are you the head of the Kurama clan or aren't you?" He could see Yakumo was surprised by his response so pulled her back against him to take some of the pressure of his dick before adding, "If the answer is you are then you should look at it for yourself and make a decision that you think is best for your clan and home. If you can do that then I'll be happy no matter who you side with."

"Lady Yakumo," a female voice said interrupting what Yakumo was about to say and caused her to sit up pressing her ass against his groin. Naruto let out a groan as she sat more firmly on his cock. "You've been in there for a fairly long time. Perhaps you should get out."

Yakumo looked panicked since with the seal in place her response wouldn't reach them since she figured the seal was one that only allowed sound to pass one way. Naruto placed a calming hand on her shoulder as he said, "Speak directly into the seal."

Placing her mouth directly in front of the seal she said, "I'm fine please leave me be. The herbs Sakura gave me are rather soothing and I will let you know when I'm ready to get out."

"Of course milady I didn't mean to rush you."

She lay back against Naruto, and was really saddened when the blond said, "Sorry Yakumo but our time is just about up."
