
Ero Life in the Hidden Dungeon

A crippled man who worked as a gaming streamer wakes up in the world of "The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter!" In the body of Noir Stargazia. With the newfound freedom of a healthy body how will he succeed in creating a harem when the world is not what it seems? Note: If you don't like harems, why bother reading and complaining in the comments? It says in the tags bro. Disclaimer: I don't own "The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter" and this is an Au of that world. I only own my OC's and will be adding my twist to the series. This novel is sorta wish fulfillment but the mc would be working towards his goals and strength. Not everything would come easy to him, otherwise, the story wouldn't be interesting for me to write. Also, it's slow-paced fic. At least at the beginning and would take a while to get into the dungeon itself. Some stuff have changed well before he gets Olivia's skills and acquiring said skills will be a journey since I want to make things interesting/satisfying. This is also an Alternative Universe, so you've been warned. This is also my first time writing, so any constructive criticism would be appreciated. I'm not perfect but I'll do my best to listen to comments, however, I won't stress over having someone's comment implemented if I don't like it or if it's too difficult. So sorry in advance if the story isn't what you think it is. I'll do my best to upload consistantly but since I'm a student in his final year of university, that will change often Hidden tags: Huge Harem, Netori (mc takes other people's wives/gf's), manipulative mc (manipulative but also kind), incest, slice of life, slow start, Au

ero · 漫画同人
33 Chs

First Date Part 2

It was now an hour past midday as the couple were taking a stroll by the canal and enjoying the view. The workers were manning the boats, providing various services such as boat rides to some stands here and there. There was even a boat stand that did fortunes, but it was closed when they got there.

The two of them even got onto a boat to enjoy the view from the rivers.

'Man, I forget how fun going to the city is,' There was a sense of peace in the busy street that Noir never felt before. He's spent a lot of his time in the dungeon lately and almost forgot how calming it was to have the city ambience in the background. Levelling up and fighting is cool and all, but he loved looking at the building architecture and exploring hidden shops in the city.

Once they got off the boat, Emma recalled something as she turned to Noir,

"I think if we go this way we can see some magic item stands. Let's go check them out."

As you could guess from the name, Magic Item Stands is a place where freelanced Artificers sell their magic items to the common public. They're usually items with few or ordinary uses and are usually a way to get themselves to build up a portfolio for themselves.

It's not as dangerous as it sounds as there were regulations for all the items that were being sold there, with a weekly disguised inspector to make sure nothing was happening, among other things to secure the safety of the citizens.

Noir could somewhat recall these details, as well as some of the products his old classmates would buy or talk about, but there was one thing he remembered that he was excited about.

"Weren't there some stands that had challenges that let you win magic items or other stuff?"


Just like in festivals or amusement parks, this world has something similar to arcade games but with magic items. Hearing Emma's confirmation made Noir's eyes shine.

"I never went to them before, let's check them out."

He was a geek and a nerd, so he really wanted to explore that part of the area. The previous host was too poor to go to that area, which made it better for Noir as he rather experience the memories for himself rather than from a second-hand view.

"Alright, let's go," Seeing as Noir was eager for the idea, Emma led the way as the two left the canal area and entered a more lively part of the city. It was a short walk from where they were, but the transition was almost startling to Noir as he saw magic items being sold everywhere.

"Get your magic water bottles! Buy one and get the other half price!"

"Warm up your water with these kettles! We even have these homebrew-flavoured sachets to have with the warm water!"

"Get yourself a freezing unit! It's better than any others!"

The hustle and bustle, along with the display of the tools were on another level from what theme parks or Sunday sales looked like. The streets looked like there was a fireworks festival going on with the crowd constantly moving around. If anyone separates from their group, finding that lost member would be like finding a needle in a haystack.

Seeing as that was the case, Noir wanted to mess around with Emma again.

"May I, M'lady?"

With a small bow, Noir opened his palm to Emma, gesturing for her to hold his hand. He didn't want to startle her unlike before and get her used to holding hands, but he wanted to do it in a fun way.

Some may find it cringe, but he found it entertaining.

"Why of course, good gentlemen."

Seeing how Noir was acting, Emma wanted to play along with him as she accepted his hand. It was smaller than his but softer and slimmer. Something was embarrassing about holding hands to Noir, but he tried his best not to show it on his face.

"Wanna check the food stalls out first?"

"Sounds good!"

With that said, the two of them began exploring the food section of the Magic item Stands. Not every part of this marketplace is about appliances. Some artificers liked displaying their cooking skills but in the most extravagant way possible. They would put on a small show, using both their craft and skill to entertain potential patrons then tickle their taste buds later to buy the end product.

There were a few going on in the stalls while they were walking around. After witnessing their first display of a man making some kind of meat with fire magic and his seasonings thrown into the air, the two of them bought some skewers on a stick as they checked the other stands to watch their performance as opposed to buying the food.

Some of the stands would go the extra mile and even perform things like flips or dances, some people in the background performing music to go with the rhythm.

There was laughter, music, entertainment and bright lights everywhere. If Noir saw this in his past life he'd question if there was a festival going on but this was just another day in this part of town.

'This is fun,' There was a smile on his face as he watched someone breathe out ice to cool down a drink. As a poor child to a single father, he didn't have many opportunities to go to these kinds of places. He'd usually reject his friends from going to places for the pure reason of not wanting to waste money.

However if they suggested paying him a meal, then the situation is a different matter.

After exploring the many food stalls, they began looking at the other Magic Item Stands to see if anything catches their eyes or if there were any fun games they could play, one of which caught Noir's eyes.

"Hmm, is that a shooting range stall?"

Something that Noir didn't expect to see in this world. A simple shooting range stall that had toys and sweets on display with thin bottles as targets, as well as very real-looking guns you would expect to see in America or something.

'That's an Ak… what the hell are the gun laws in this kingdom?' As someone who didn't belong to a country with lax gun laws, there was something worrying about adventurers or citizens carrying around guns.

But it seems like it was only Noir who felt like it was worrying as everyone else wasn't even giving it a second glance. Even Emma, who wasn't aware of Noir's thoughts, was looking at the stall with some sparkles in her eyes.

"Ooo awesome, let's check it out," Without being able to contain herself, she dragged Noir's arm to the range before he could even say anything.

'Guess I'll have to learn to get over it. I wonder what's the history of guns in this country?'

Unfortunately, he didn't have much knowledge about guns in this world, but he did take note of it for something to learn in his free time as they arrived at the stall. It wasn't crowded or had a big line to it, but as they were queuing up Noir could see the disappointment in the customer's eyes each time they walked away.

Some were sulky, and others were loud about it, which made Noir question the authenticity of the stall.

'I wonder if they've messed with the guns?' Noir could smell a potential scam and he wasn't looking forward to it. He's heard that people would glue the targets or make the gun faulty just so they could milk the customer. If it was just him alone he'd try it a few times and then leave, but he doesn't know if that'd be possible with how Emma was looking at one of the prizes.

"Look, look. It's a huge Gurabear! Isn't it cute?" Emma was pointing at a giant bear that was about 50 cm high. The top part of it was pink and the bottom brown with stripes of white intersecting, giving it a weird design that Noir didn't know what to think of other than the obvious.

"What kind of creature is that?"

Upon asking the question Noir could feel Emma look at him weirdly as if he asked something inappropriate.

"Huh? What do you mean what kind of creature?"

"Like… Is it a monster?"

A feeling of uncertainty was raised in Noir's chest as he wasn't expecting that kind of response. He was missing something and it wasn't in the fragmented memories of his host.

"Of course, it isn't. It's illegal to make toys based on real monsters, you know?"

There was a lecturing tone in her words that made Noir realise how stupid his words would seem to someone in this world. He was so used to toys in his old world that he didn't realise how much toys could affect someone's perception of monsters in this world.

'I guess they can't sell monster plushies here as opposed to my old world for the fear of someone losing their life to one of the monsters that they adore,' It was weird to Noir, but at the same time it made sense considering that this world has a lot more battles in the open as opposed to in the shadows.

But once he had a basic understanding of the reasons, he quickly made up an excuse and shifted the topic.

"Ah, guess I didn't realise that since I don't have toys. So is this like a new brand product?"

"Not the newest, but it's really popular among the girls."

"Ah, I see."

It was hard for Noir to understand the charm of something like that, but seeing as Emma was interested in the item, there was a part of him that wanted to give it to her as a gift, and another part was curious about the gun itself as he's never got a chance to hold one in his past life.

There were other toys that caught his eye, including one that looked like a mecha and some puzzle games too, but he didn't get a chance to look at them in detail as soon it was their turn to try it out.

"Hello der' youngins. Y'all ready fir' a wild time?"

The person at the till was a middle-aged man with black hair and a beard with some greying parts, a scar below his lips and was speaking in some kind of southern accent. His top was grey with cream-brown trousers, a black trench coat and a cowboy hat to fit with the theme.

'Old school western vibes, huh,' Something was amusing about the sight to Noir. he didn't know much about the cultures in this world, but some parts had an easy resemblance to his old world that made him wonder what other traditions and cultures are there in the world.

"Yup, we aim to get the big prize!"

"Haha, I see, I see. Justta let ya know since sharpshooters are comm'n in these 'ere parts, we've gone outta the way to enchant these 'ere rifles with inaccuracy to give it a fair challenge. Hope that ain't bothersome to ya."

Before even talking about the prices for the bullets, the cowboy had a business-like expression as he informed the two of the conditions for the stall.

'A negative enchantment, huh? Or a curse as some people would say. Sounds interesting. Though it makes sense why they'd do this since adventurers are common in the kingdom, some of which are trained marksmen. That explains the people from before.'

Instead of being deterred by the rigged system, Noir was more intrigued than anything. Especially towards the school of magic that does such a thing. What are the requirements for enchantment magic and how does it work in this world?

But remembering where he was, he paused his geeky brain from going overboard as responded.

"That's fine. Let's test our luck. Shall we?" He turned to Emma with some expectation in his eyes as he wanted to try it out. He was also a fan of fps games, so it had a slight effect on him trying it out, with or without the enchantment.

"Let's try it. How much are the shots?" She agreed as her eyes sparkled from Noir's request. She hadn't seen him look so interested in something before, which caused a natural smile to form on her face as she leaned in closer to Noir.

'Looks like the guns have caught his attention. Did he always have an interest in them or is it thanks to the enchantment they have?' Lately, Emma's been noticing the same sparkle in Noir's eyes whenever something interested him. It could be something enchanted with magic or something common and like a child Noir's eyes would always look at it as if it was the most amazing thing ever.

'It's a bit weird but I guess I can't blame him,' Considering how unhappy he was before, she didn't blame him for having an almost second life experience to the things she knows. Sad to say it is a second life to the current Noir as he was paying attention to the cowboy and not the look she was giving him.

"Haha, these bullets ar rubba, so they're cheap! Three shots are only 200 Eru," The cowboy gave him a thumbs up with a friendly smile as Noir thought the price was decent. A simple piece of bread costs about 150 Eru, but the main income is most likely made from the number of times someone misses.

For some foreknowledge of this world's currency, the kingdom uses the following: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum coins. One silver coin was worth 100 bronze coins and one gold coin was worth 100 silver coins. The same applies to platinum coins, but only nobles use them.

In other words, If a bronze coin was worth a penny (1p), a silver coin would cost a pound (£1), a gold coin would cost £100, and platinum would cost an astounding £10,000.

'The Sundae cost 25 silver, which costs a lot for my family's situation,' If it wasn't for Noir saving up his money in the past, he wouldn't have even had that amount considering the amount of debt and payments the family has stacked upon them. It may seem stupid to some for him to use his money like this, but that wasn't the main worry for him.

'This time and money are meant for relaxing. I still live with my parents so I don't have bills or rent to worry about and I still get a monthly allowance of 5 silver, even if it's barely anything. Becoming is always an option if the Olivia thing takes too long as well,' with many backup options to get money in the near future, Noir didn't mind spending this amount on a fun day out.

"We'll take 4 silvers worth," Noir put four fingers up before handing over almost a month's worth of allowance, but he didn't feel bad. Instead, there was a twinkle in his eyes as he was looking at the gun. Considering there was nothing like this where he used to live, he was rearing to have a shot at it.

"6 rubba bullets comin' right up. Here ya go, lad and lass," As for the cowboy, he simply smiled at having another customer try out his cursed guns before handing a simple-looking rifle, one to Emma, one to Noir.

"May the best shooter win," Emma had a competitive look on her face as she challenged Noir, who simply challenged her back with a smug look.

"You're on!"

They both held the guns at an amateurish position, with the butt of the gun on their shoulder and the least dominant hand on the handguard for support, they tried shooting without a firm stance.


The bottle was unscathed and only a loud noise came out. Behind the glass bottles seemed to have a wall made to withstand the impact of the bullets, which made sense considering what they were doing.

'That would be awkward if someone got hit by one of these. I heard they're still painful, even if they're rubber,' with that brief thought, Noir shot twice more, getting closer and closer with each shot but he still ended up missing all of his shots

'It veered to the right this time, what the hell?' Even if there were some improvements from luck, the shot always seemed to move in a random direction. The shot before it went to the left and before that, it went above the target.

"This is harder than it looks," Though even if it seemed unfair to newcomers, Noir had to admit it was exhilarating to fire a gun. Once he got enough income he was buying a magic gun as soon as possible. It'd be a good way to train with Luna, the gunslinging healer, too.

"Unlucky ther' lad. Want another 'ound of shots?"

The cowboy noticed that the two were out of bullets so he made the suggestion, but before Noir could even say anything, Emma intercepted.

"Give us both 6 more rounds each," She gave a confident look to NOir, who didn't say anything but gave another smug smile as he found it cute that she was competing against him.

"Comin' right up."

With a reloaded rifle, Noir got back into position as he tried to predict where the gun would fire the next bullet. He tried shooting slightly above it to see if it followed a basic algorithm of some sort, but instead, it curved to the right once more. There were times when he thought he'd hit the target, but instead, he'd miss. Though he was noticing that the shots were getting closer every time, he wasn't sure if there was a pattern or not.

'Tiny adjustments. I'm getting close,' He was already out of his 6 shots at this point but continued paying the silver coins, until one moment he felt like he got something.

*Ping,* as if it was some kind of epiphany, or maybe it was beginner's luck, Noir finally hit the target after his 11th shot as the rubber bullet bounced off the empty glass bottle and knocked it over. There was no sound of it shattering, but Noir didn't care about that as a wave of endorphins kicked in

"Let's gooo!" With a loud yell that surprised the nearby people, including Emma and the cowboy, Noir celebrated without a care about the looks that he was gathering.

While he was celebrating, Emma was slightly disappointed for not hitting the target, but seeing how happy Noir was she felt bittersweet about losing.

'I guess seeing him smile was worth it,' Of course, Noir wasn't aware of Emma's thoughts as he looked at her with a victory smile and then looked at the cowboy for his prize.

"Well, I'll be. Good going 'ere, Sonny. Not many're able ta adapt that quick."

"Thanks, mister."

There was a mix of amazement and disappointment in the look he was giving to Noir, which secretly fueled his ego as a former troll. From what Noir saw earlier the previous customers spent a ton of silver coins on the game and didn't even get a single prize.

"Looks like I lost…" As for Emma, she was happy but disappointed that she lost. She's just like Noir and likes a good challenge but losing is always woeful for her as she puffed her cheeks and crossed her arms.

There was some hinge of sorry for Noir, but he didn't let that bother him in his high spirits as he instead messed around with her more.

"Poke, poke," Seeing her behave like a child gave him a big urge to poke her face, which he did a few times before she got even more annoyed.

"Hey!" Emma glared at Noir before lightly hitting him in the chest, but he felt more amused than hurt as he barely felt anything and there wasn't any serious intention to harm him.

"Hahaha, you two make a fine couple. Now then, what prize would you like to get?" Seeing the two of them act so close together, the old cowboy looked like he was enjoying the show, but business was still business and he saw a new group of people lining up.

"The brown and pink Gurabear please."


To Noir's nonchalant reply, Emma was surprised that he picked that one.

"That's the one you wanted, right?" There was a moment of worry as he thought he messed up from how surprised she was acting, but that worry quickly disappeared once Emma cleared it up.

"Yeah, it is. I thought you wanted the mechanical one?" Emma tilted her head as she pointed towards the mecha Noir was looking at before and realised what she was thinking.

"Haha, I was only interested in the design. I think you'll have more uses for the bear than I would for that one," Truth be told, he thought it'd be nice as a background ornament or something, but he didn't want to focus on his bedroom aesthetic while on a date so he focused on getting Emma a gift instead.

"Thank you, Noir!" Emma said as she nuzzled against his arm, immediately giving him a quick reward from the sudden contact, but he still remained conscious of his surroundings as he waited for the prize, which was bigger than his torso.

"Arigh'. Gurabea' Comin' right up! 'Ere ya go!"

"Thank you!" After receiving the bear plushie, Emma immediately buried it within her bosom as Noir gave the bear a short glance and smiled at her childlike self.

"Have a nice day."

"You two 'ave a nice, ya hear?"

"Loud and clear."

With a short wave, the two of them left the stall and had to end their fun early as it was approaching 22:00, which was only 7:00 pm for this world's unique time difference. Emma was able to get her curfew extended but there was only so much she could do at such short notice.


"Huu, today's been a busy day," Noir took a deep breath and stretched, feeling a bit exhausted. Other than the sundae and the shooting gallery, everything else was relatively normal, but the revelation that the food industry was better than what he was expecting was pleasant.

'Although I miss out on the chance to get an income by harvesting sugar, I get to eat good food so I call that a good trade-off,' Although there was some stuff Noir knew from documentaries and science, he wasn't that well versed in the topic to actually make a way to get those resources other than suggesting it a group of a specialist when the time arises.

'Even my family has it. So it's not really a luxury by itself in this world. But saying that, I got a few decent ideas I could try out in the future,' For instance, burger joints or Asian street foods could work, but he was never a chef in his past life to be confident enough to make a business through that.

However, if he gained the cooking skill and had a group of chefs, that's another story.

"Thanks for the amazing date Noir!" While semi-focusing on future goals, Emma hugged Noir's arm with the Gurabear joining in, leaving no bosom for Noir to feel but he didn't care about that.

"I should say the same, Emma. Today's been a lot of fun. Let me walk you back home."

"Sounds good to me."

The two of them smiled at each other before walking toward Emma's household. The city was still busy though as it usually quietens down around 9-ish and the sun still had a few hours left till it set. Noir was enjoying the peacefulness of the walk and taking in the sight once more, as for Emma she realised now was a perfect opportunity for something.

'Wait, now's a good chance to do that,' There were still a few hours left and even if she missed her curfew she could get away with it. As such, she proposed to make a little detour.

"Let's take this route."


Emma pulled Noir's arm before pointing to a park. It was a large park that had more trees than patches of grass with pathways and benches here and there. Most people go deeper in the trees to get an experience of nature without the need to go out into the dangerous forest outside of the kingdom which is a common place people have picnics.

The reason being was because one of the previous kings liked nature but didn't like the danger it had so he made one himself.

But after centuries have passed, it was also known in some friend groups as a place for some "fun" activities to spice things up. At least that's what Takoda, Emma's best friend, told her.

"Hmm?" As for Noir, he didn't know anything about what this park was infamously known for other than it's quite popular, nor that it was recommended by Takoda, as he was taken to a forested part of the park.

But instead of thinking something innocent or horny, Noir's first thought was remembering an article he read in the past where a woman took her lover to a forest to murder him for cheating.

'My first thoughts for things are still twisted, huh? But I wonder why she's taking me here? Maybe it's for something raunchy,' Though he was still able to sorta figure out Emma's intentions after thinking for a moment about what they did just the other day, especially after her next words.

With his back against a tree, Emma spoke.

"Let's have some fun," And with those words, Emma jumped into Noir's embrace, wrapping her arms around his body before giving him a heartfelt kiss.


Noir reciprocated by hugging her back and locking tongues with hers as he felt absorbed into their own world, which lasted for a few moments before he pulled himself out of it. While still kissing Emma and hugging her tighter, he multitasked as he asked the Great Sage some questions.

'Oh Great Sage, are you or your original form in any way linked to the god that sent me here?'

[I do not have access to that information]

'No clues huh,' It was another dead end, but Noir didn't let it discourage him. He had already expected that was the case otherwise it would've been too easy to figure it out.

"Haa~ Haa~"

After a few more seconds of thinking about what to ask next, Emma separated her face from Noir's as a saliva string formed and she was panting from going a bit overboard. Her face was already red and warm while looking at Noir with eager eyes to go to the next step as her hands went down to Noir's pants. By now Noir had a semi that was slightly poking Emma's stomach earlier and now she was rubbing it.

"You've been getting more and more aggressive with this kind of stuff. Have you awakened something?" Seeing her being so forward with her actions and desires, Noir was wondering if it had anything to do with him giving her a taste of sex or if that was how her character originally was.

Upon hearing Noir's sudden question, Emma stopped her hand's movement before looking at Noir.

"...Do you dislike it?" She looked more shameful than sad as she said that. She's noticed the change in herself these past couple of days too. It felt like as the days go on she was getting hornier. She didn't know whether Noir would hate what she was doing or not, which is why she picked the forest instead of what she originally planned.

But fortunately for her, that wasn't the reason why Noir was asking the question.

"I don't think there are many guys out there that would hate this. I just didn't expect you to have this kind of side. I'm not complaining though," Noir got closer to her once he said those words and kissed her again. He wanted to take control for a little as he put a little more force into his kiss and lightly grabbed Emma's right breast before massaging it.

He could feel Emma moan from the sudden contact but continued kissing her as he got addicted to the touch of her melons. They were soft and easily malleable, yet were firm and springy. Thanks to her size, Noir's hand wasn't able to grab all of it as some flesh was visible to be seen, but it was fun to play around with and hearing her reaction.

As for Emma, she wasn't just standing there on the receiving end as she began rubbing his fully erect cock. Once she felt it hard enough, she pulled his pants just enough to get his eager member out, exposing it to the natural air and stroking it.

Noir could feel what Emma was doing and when he was getting low on oxygen did he finally separate from the kiss. What he saw soon after was Emma with a red face, out of breath and with dilated pupils. Seeing her like this made him want to tease her a little.

"Though I'd like to see every side of you," He whispered into her ear before taking a small nibble from her earlobe. It was soft and felt delicate under his tongue, but he knew it was one of Emma's weak points in the main series. While doing that, he began feeling her back and her thighs.

"Wait Noir, that's~ Haaa~ ❤"

"You're so cute right now."

Noir said as he kissed her again before she could retort. Endorphins were kicking in as Noir felt more confident with his actions with every touch he felt.


Get cucked, no more horny. Jk, the next chapter carries on the horny.

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We're 7 chapters ahead so far. If you help me out it'd motivate me to write more chapters :)