
Chapter 3: First-Kill Benefit Card • The 1st Miracle Card (Support the New Book)


After careful inspection, Gu Ran found that there were a total of six card slots on the card album, but at the moment all these card slots were empty, and he did not know what their actual function was.

When he focused his attention entirely on the card album, it suddenly trembled lightly, and then a flash of brilliance passed before his eyes, revealing a virtual interface.

[Name: Gu Ran]

[Race: Human/Card Master]

[Age: 21]

[Level: 0 (2/10)]

[Native Card Album: 0/6]

[Miracle Card: None]

[Card Points: None]


"Is this my character panel?"

A sense of surprise rose in his heart, but it was quickly replaced by a flood of confusion.

He remembered that the mechanical voice had indicated he had already earned 10 card points, and it seemed there was also a Miracle Card, but now there was nothing on the character panel.

It wasn't until he stepped over to the body of the creature that he finally understood.

The creature's entire skin was grayish-green, and its body seemed to be covered with an unclear mucus; it was unknown what kind of creature it was.

Above the body of the creature, two gray orbs were floating, and through the outer halos, it was possible to clearly see that each orb contained a card.

"Loot drop?"

In an instant, numerous scenes of monsters dropping treasures from games flashed through Gu Ran's mind.

Shaking his head lightly, to dismiss these muddled thoughts, Gu Ran carefully picked up the two cards.

He didn't rush to check them and first collected all the arrows from the unidentified creature on the ground, dragged the body to a corner of the stairwell, and cleaned up the sticky liquid on the floor to avoid affecting subsequent actions.


Back in his rented room, "click," the sound of the lock echoed as the door was secured, and only then did Gu Ran's tense body finally relax.

Meanwhile, he swiftly took out the two cards from his pocket.

[Card Points Card*10 points]

[Note: This card does not occupy a card slot, and will disappear after use.]

Having read the card in his left hand, Gu Ran's eyebrows raised.

Instinctively, he thought of the native card album in his mind, and as this thought crossed his mind.

The next second, the card points card in his left hand disappeared directly, and when he looked at his character panel again, the card points had indeed changed to 10.

"So it's controlled with a thought!!"

Having figured out the so-called card usage method, Gu Ran's gaze moved back to the other card in his hand.

The card points card was obviously just an addition; the remaining card in his hand was the key.

[First-Kill Benefit Card, please choose one of the following three Miracle Cards as your first-kill (non-humanoid) reward. You have 20s to choose; if no selection is made within the time limit, option A will be chosen by default.]

A: [Green Stone Card•Goblin Standard Wolf Fang Club]

B: [Green Stone Card•Eye of Insight]

C: [Green Stone Card•Forest Walker]


His eyebrows twitching, Gu Ran looked at the three options that had popped up but did not decide immediately; what was listed were merely the names of the three cards.

What Gu Ran needed to compare, however, were their specific attributes.


With a few taps on the virtual interface before his eyes, the specific attributes of three cards were sequentially listed in front of him.

[Limestone Card•Goblin Standard Wolf Fang Club]

[Quality: Green Stone One Star (Common)]

[Passive: Equipping this card enables you to summon a standard Goblin Wolf Fang Club as your weapon at will. (Note: Passive abilities do not consume card points)]

[Active (Skull Crush Strike): Consumes 2 card points, your next attack with the Wolf Fang Club will deal 15% more damage, with a 10% chance to stun the target for one second. (Cooldown time: 10 minutes)]


[Limestone Card•Eye of Insight]

[Quality: Green Stone Two Stars (Rare)]

[Passive: Equipping this card grants the ability to inspect the attributes of a specified creature. (Note: Passive abilities do not consume card points)]

[Active (Soul Capturing Spirit Eye): Consumes 4 card points, condenses a vertical-pupiled Spirit Eye in the void, which emits a beam of soul-capturing light at a designated unit, immobilizing the target's soul for 0–2s depending on the enemy's soul power.

Note: If the enemy's soul is too powerful, the user will be counteracted and an additional 4 card points will be deducted.]


[Limestone Card•Forest Walker]

[Quality: Green Stone One Star (Common)]

[Passive: Equipping this card provides a 20% movement speed bonus in forest environments. (Note: Passive abilities do not consume card points)]

[Active (Forest Stalker): Consumes 2 card points, merges your presence into the surrounding forest. (Moving or attacking will dissipate the stealth effect)]


Pressed for time, Gu Ran skimmed through the properties of the three cards without missing a single detail, and after a moment of contemplation, he quickly made a decision.

[Selection complete, you have chosen option B and have received the "Limestone Card•Eye of Insight".]

As the mechanical voice rang in his ears, a card materialized in Gu Ran's hand, the very Eye of Insight card he had chosen.

The reasons for choosing this card over the others were simple.

Firstly, its quality as a Green Stone Two Stars (Rare) was obviously higher than that of the other two.

Secondly, considering the environment he was currently in—a modern city built of reinforced concrete—this alone ruled out option C, the Forest Walker card, which required a forest environment to be fully effective and was basically useless in the short term.

As for the Goblin Wolf Fang Club card, being a weapon card, it was also somewhat unnecessary for Gu Ran, who already possessed a Mechanical Compound Bow.

After considering these factors, Gu Ran firmly chose the "Eye of Insight" card in his hand.

His gaze lingered on the card he held, his thoughts racing.

The powers these cards bestowed were akin to individual superpowers, unimaginable before the mutations.

This brought to Gu Ran's mind the various celestial beings from novels he had read before, soaring through the skies and traversing seas, defying the ordinary lifespan; the thought that such myth-like abilities were within reach set his heart ablaze.

But it was unknown how difficult it would be to obtain these Miracle Cards; if there were Green Stone One and Two Star cards, could there be Green Stone Three or Four Stars as well?

Were there cards of even higher quality than the Azurestone Cards?

Were those hundreds of falling lights from the sky also various different Miracle Cards?


While pondering, Gu Ran approached the window again, looking out to the green space by the highway in front of him.

One of the hundreds of lights that had fallen earlier had landed right there.

He struggled internally, but upon seeing the skeletons one after another on the street below, he reluctantly pulled his gaze away.

With a thought, the "Eye of Insight" card in his hand vanished abruptly, and one of the six empty slots in his mental card book filled up instantly.