
Epic of Leviathan [REBOOT]

This is a Complete Re-Write of my original The Epic of Leviathan. You don't need to read the original one to read this. However, the story is going to be extremely different from the OG one. MC will have a different background and different powers. The CoverArt is provided by LordValmar and I really appreciate his help. This is a Fanfic... I don't own anything!!! All the characters except the MC and all the Worlds belong to their original owners ------------------------------------------------- A/N: First of all I want to declare that English is not my first language, so if you cannot overlook a few mistakes then this fanfic is not for you. I would have used the Neutral Evil tag if it was available, but it isn't. So, a fair warning, the MC will do pretty evil or Dark stuff. Don't complain in the Future. Last warning, in this fanfic some characters will have a different attitude from the canon or the original version so please note this warning before jumping into this. And finally, this is going to be a World Travel Fic... 1st World: My Hero Academia 2nd World: Yet to be Decided 3rd World: Yet to be Decided ------------------------------------------------- Thrust into a Fictional World, with no parents to support him. With enemies all around him, will he be able to survive, or will he be swept away? Will he be able to make a name for himself? Carve a place for himself in the cruel world or will he be remembered as nothing but a footnote in history? ------------------------------------------------- Discord Channel- https://discord.gg/zdUqAGKrkm

InGlorious · 漫画同人
38 Chs

Making A Name (IV)

"That was obviously not enough to take you down…" I groaned as I turned around and started walking towards him, but the walk quickly turned into a run, finally turning into a full-blown charge. I was a brawler… There was no denying it. There were no techniques in my moves, so why even bother? 

The man obviously tried to move out of the way but was way too slow… I felt like he was moving in slow motion. I smashed my shoulder against him before picking him up and smashing him into the building behind him. I smashed him through a few walls before finally letting him go when I realized that I wasn't doing much damage to him by smashing him against the walls.

However, when I finally released him, I noticed a slight dent in his chest and a smile bloomed on my face. "Not so tough anymore, are you?" I rumbled before I started to laugh and the building started to shake. The building was not that stable, to begin with, so it could only take so much before it came toppling down on top of our heads and that was exactly what was happening right now.

"Oh fuck…" I mumbled under my breath as I saw the roof collapsing on top of me.

"Fucking hell!" The metal screamed loudly before the two of us were buried under the rubble as the building collapsed on top of us. 

I could feel the weight of all the rubble on top of me, but it didn't bother me much. I would admit that while it was really hard to move right now, it was not impossible and with me still ramping up, it was only going to become easier to climb out of the rubble. The building was a five-storey building, so even though it was not in good shape, it was still extremely heavy.

It didn't even take me a minute to climb out of the rubble and by the time I was out, I was taller than any of the one-storey buildings around me. I looked around to see if the other goons were still lurking around, but much to my displeasure, they were gone. Now, there was only one person around me who could answer my questions, hoping he hadn't kicked the bucket yet.

Oh… Well. There he is. I mused as I could hear something making noise under the rubble, but the rubble was probably too heavy for him to remove the rubble from on top of him. I started to use my claws to dig him out and it didn't take me long to find him. "You alright there?" I asked as I picked him up and tossed him out of the pit.

Was it just me or was he really heavier than before? I jumped down from the heap of rubble and noticed that the dent on his chest was also gone… "I am going to ask you some questions and you are going to answer me" I said while slowly approaching him.

"You might be stronger than me, kiddo, but there is nothing you can do to make me answer anything" The man answered in a bored tone as he slowly stood up on his feet. 

"Is that a challenge?" I asked as I narrowed my eyes on him. I was tempted to kill him right away, but maybe, that was what he wanted. "Then I hope this changes your mind" I said as I jumped up in the air before bringing both of my hands on top of him. The asphalt under his feet cracked as I smashed him into the ground and I could swear that he felt much denser than before.

Now, I was certain that he was heavier than before, but I couldn't say anything about his speed as this time, he didn't even bother to dodge the attack… He simply stood there and decided to take it. I landed on my feet and raised both of my hands up in the air, bringing them down on top of his again. I continued to repeat the process until his back was sporting several dents.

He was still alive, I could tell that, but he was not in good shape… So, I picked him up and pulled him out of the crater. There were no signs of distress on his face, so I started to wonder if he could even feel pain in this form, or if he could heal himself just like me… I took another look at his back and no, the dents were still there. However, his body was much stronger than any metal I had seen in this world. 

If he was just as strong as iron or steel, then I could have already broken him in half. I was almost as strong as Rikiya in his 60% state and I could barely dent him… 

"Are you going to tell me who you work for?" I asked even though I could already guess his answer.

"Do your worse" For the first time since the fight, the man looked anything but bored. The challenging look on his face irked me. I growled loudly as I decided to do my worst. He might be goading me, but I wanted him to know that there were consequences for every action. So, I grabbed one of his arms and started to twist it. My claws dug into his arm before his arm finally started to creak under the pressure, but he was looking completely relaxed.

I realized that he could either ignore the pain if wished or he didn't feel any pain at all… I think it could be either, but I no longer cared… Now, it was obvious that I could not use physical pain against him to get the answers and I had no idea how to cause anyone mental pain, I didn't even know how to start, especially when I knew close to nothing about the guy.

He seemed awfully protective of his boss, whoever the man was, but I don't think I could use that… So, there was only one thing I could do now…

"I see… So, you don't feel any pain" I muttered under my breath as his arm finally started to come apart. The man simply gave me a shrug before shrugging. "I could have used you, but your loyalty lies in the wrong place" I shook my head as I slowly lowered him to the ground… "Such a fucking waste…" I sighed and I saw his eyes grow wide at the implication, but I was no longer looking for answers.

If was worried about his life, then he should have cooperated and if he thought that he couldn't be killed then he had another thing coming to him…

"Wai-" That was all he was able to say before flames spewed out of my mouth. "Wait! Wait!" The man continued to scream as he started to melt. He could not feel any pain, but he could surely feel the horror. I took another deep breath and another stream of flames came out of my mouth. This time, I felt his body melting out of my hands, and now I could only hear some gurgles.

"Such a fucking waste…" I said as I shook my hands to get the molten metal off my hands.

"That was sick… That was fucking sick, kiddo!" I heard someone exclaim and the voice sounded quite familiar, so I turned around to find Ito with a mobile in his hands. Was the dumbass recording the fight? 

"You were still here? I thought you ran away?" I asked with a frown as I finally started to become smaller. The fight was over and there was nobody in sight except for the two of us, but it wasn't like I could sense people around me, so I decided to keep myself ramped up even though I was powering down. 

"Well… I tried to follow you into that building when you ran off, but you were just so fast that I gave up and then I saw you coming down with these guys, so I decided to wait and see" Ito started to explain as he put his phone away. "I wanted to see what would happen, so I followed you guys and then boom!! The two of you started throwing punches! It was so epic!!" Ito cooed with stars in his eyes.

Yeah… That's kind of creepy… 

"Do you know who he worked for?" I said while pointing at the sludge of iron lying in the middle of a pool of molten tar. I could see something resembling a face and a hand on the top, but that was it and now I could confidently say that he was dead. 

"Oh, yeah… I know" Ito eagerly nodded his head. "He used to work for a loan shark off the 2nd street" Ito revealed with a grin. "His boss is going to be so mad at you when he learns what happened here" Ito chuckled. Maybe, he was just high and the drugs were messing with his head. Yes, that must be it.

"Take me to him" I ordered and Ito seemed to cheer up at the idea.

"Sure, but promise me you will finish him" Ito requested, sounding awfully eager.

"Do you know him?" I asked even though I could guess already.

"Hell yeah! The two of us go way back and we do have some unfinished business" Ito admitted with a grin on his face. "Come on, my car is just around that corner and I can tell you all about his Quirk and the rest of his forces on the way" Ito started to lead me towards his car. I realized that he was probably using me to get his revenge, but I was fine with it… If I could earn his loyalty with this, then it was completely fine with it in my books…


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