
Finding An Ego In The Most Unexpected Of Places




Apparently, things were not so normal here in this dungeon. I had thought things were empty, but the Egos guided me into something. Apparently, there was another Ego here! But how?! I always assumed they were my invention and they just came out of my own creation… But can they manifest outside of creating them? Are there "natural" Egos? Or maybe my own power made them? Well, I might as well check around to find out. Nothing to lose with being more extensive with my search.

Which ultimately led me to something thanks to the guidance of Aquamarine, White, and Black. It was a faint glow I noticed in the upper left corner of the room. Sol was looking at us curiously while we walked there. When I reached the place, my three Egos were telling me this was it.

"This is it! This is it! This place, mama… I think this is where another one of us is located!" Said Aquamarine.