

After Messia and I finished kissing, I gave my other two adorable wives their own kisses. Of course, after I finished was about the time that I remembered where I was.

I looked around, about to be embarrassed, but every Weasel, Bee, and Ferret was studiously studying anything that wasn't the girl and me.

All except my cute little stinker, I smiled and walked to, giving her a kiss and rubbing noses. Then I pulled her back with me and waved my other Royal Wives over to stand with me so everyone could see us.

"So, for all that weren't present, or they just don't know what all happened, I am going to go over everything quickly, okay?" I asked the gathered two separated groups.

Both groups nodded, but neither group looked at each other. One group was sore from always being stolen from while the other group was embarrassed for their actions.

This could be considered cute if I didn't have to kill ten people to get here.