

Agatha ran and stopped again in front of Clyde.

"Okay, I agree."

Clyde already knew that Agatha would most likely agree.

He wasn't one hundred percent sure. But Clyde realized that the look on Agatha's face conveyed an urgency about something Clyde didn't know about.

This offer seems quite important for Agatha and her World Master friends.

"You may ask after you complete my Personal Request," Agatha said.

Clyde nodded. "If I don't finish it, I won't suffer any consequences, right?"

"Yeah, but you won't receive any reward either," Agatha replied.

Clyde shrugged. "I'm fine with that." 

Agatha felt a little uncomfortable with this situation.

Why does this situation seem to indicate that Clyde is the one who has the advantage to make a bargain with her? After all, he's just a Player.

But, Agatha realized that the situation was indeed true.