
Two(I don't have anything)

"...That was quick, how did you find a taxi so fast anyway?" Miss Lin asked as Mia handed her coffee.

"Oh I got lucky, One Mr. Colin shared his ride with me, and turns out we were both heading to the hotel."

"Well, you got lucky today." The woman told her nonchalantly as she sipped her coffee.

Mia nodded, staring at the older woman. Miss Lin was in her early forties and Mia secretly thought that she was too old to be a 'Miss.'

She had a brown shade of eyes, her bleached blonde hair looked tired and unhealthy. Mia could tell that she hadn't cared for it in a long while. To her, Miss Lin was openly single, but she had little or no time for herself.

She was slender and delicate. Her pale skin made her look even frailer and fragile but she wasn't, she was a strong woman who was dedicated to her work and Mia looked up to her though, she found her bossy and quite annoying.

"So for today, you're going to be stationed on the fifteen floor, making beds, tidying the floors and all of that you do, got it?"

"Mm." Mia nodded,

"Great, don't piss the guests or do anything stupid, alright?" She gently patted her shoulders before walking away.

Mia went up to the fifteen floor to carry out the routine duties of the guest room attendant.

She had been working here for nearly a year now and she did her job with professionalism. She had the job of cleaning the guest rooms, cleaning the bathrooms, making the beds and changing the linens and the corridors.


"....Oh my God, it was so embarrassing when I spilled coffee on him. And to make things worse, I stood there staring at him like I was dumb." She told Betty in the hallway, Betty worked as a floor supervisor and Mia worked under her. They weren't formal with each other, since they had known each other a while before Betty helped her.

 Betty laughed out loud as she held her stomach.

"Why are you laughing? I made a fool of myself". She complained.

"Hello! You did. I didn't. Why would you stare at a man like that? Haven't you seen one before?" She teased.

"You probably dropped out of outer space and landed on Earth. Well, welcome to Earth, Mia where the really handsome species are called males, boys, and men. Get yourself one, Mia". She said.

"Get yourself one, Mia". Mia mimicked terribly.

"Like there's a store I can just waltz into and say 'Hi. One boyfriend please'". She retorted making Betty laugh even harder.

"All I'm saying is that you should get out more, you have no time for these things, all you do is work because of your aunt and I know Miss Lin keeps bullying you—"

"It isn't bullying, Betty! It's getting on her good side so I can get a promotion."

Betty chuckled,

"If you say so, Mia."

"I've got to go now, before—"

"Before I catch you two lazing around instead of being at your duty post!" Miss Lin snapped, "Talking about getting boyfriends!" She added with annoyance,

"We're sorry Miss Lin." The ladies mumbled,

"And you! How can you be like that, don't you want to get married and have kids!" Miss Lin snapped.

"Do you really not have a boyfriend?" She added,

"…Y…Yes Miss Lin." Mia stuttered while

'Miss Lin was really on our discussion.' Mia thought as she listened,

"Huh?! Mia, how can you not have any idea of these things—"

"I do. Although, I haven't experienced it first hand, but I read in novels and it's really beautiful". Mia smiled sheepishly.

"Ugh! How pathetic. Let me guess, you haven't gotten your first kiss yet, right?"

"NO!!" She said in defense,

"Jesus! Mia, you're a hopeless romantic!" Miss Lin sighed as she rubbed her forehead and then mumbled something about Mia ending up like her.

"I'm going to set you up with my nephew, Brad, you two would make a lovely pair."

"Miss Lin, you really don't have to do that—"

"But still, I'm in charge here—"

"Miss Lin—"

"Tch!" She tutted then suddenly turned to Mia and gave her a sharp look.

"Hey! What the hell are you two still doing here!"


  Later that evening, Mia got to her apartment and found all the lights where out. She managed to find the switch and turned it on. The sight in front of her was really irritating.

Her pathetic aunt laid lifeless across the messy room. On the coffee table was a display of empty beer bottles and cigarette butts. The room had a strong stench. It was probably the alcohol mixed with Marijuana.

Mia let out a small sigh and walked past there.

".... Mia.... Is that you?" Her aunt suddenly drawled.

Mia rolled her eyes,

"Hi, Aunt Megan." She replied as she marched to the fridge.

"What's for dinner?" She asked in her drunken state but Mia ignored her.

"Did you get anything for dinner?" She questioned further.

"No." Mia replied calmly as she searched the fridge looking for something edible.

"Don't you have money?" Aunt Megan asked.

"No, I don't."

"But it's November. Next month is December. Aren't you saving up for Christmas? Can I borrow out of it? I promise I'm going to pay back."

"Aunt Megan, I don't have any money to spare right now. Besides, what's the use of saving up for a celebration that's not worth anything? You know how much I despise Christmas!" Mia said angrily.

"Oh, I do. It's the month you lost the..."

"Shut the fuck up". Mia replied then angrily stormed off to her room.

"Not my fault, Mia! Not my fault."