
chapter nineteen

chapter nineteen

"what?! "Daniel could not believe what Brandon had just said. His cousin would be coming to pay them a visit. He had talked about Brandon with so much pride that his cousin wants to see him, probably so he can find someone as perfect as Daniel since he was so damn competitive. Ever since his grandfather made him president of the company, randy had made everything a competition. He wanted to win him at everything at all cost. He had no problem showing off Daniel, he knew there was no way Randy could get him, Daniel was all his and he knew that. What he found disturbing was his boyfriend shaking severely, he didn't know what had just happened, he only told Daniel that his cousin was coming to visit him, he did not expect Daniel's reaction. He held his shaking boyfriend in his arms and placed a kiss on his head.

"what's wrong baby? "was he worried because this would be the first time he was meeting a family of his? Should he tell randy not to come over again? Knowing his cousin, he would still come over with a smug smile on his face. He wouldn't tell the omega that or he would grow more scared. He didn't want to do anything to hurt his omega. He loved him so much and would do virtually anything to make him happy.

"you don't want to meet randy?" he watched his boyfriend's reaction as he nodded his head slowly

"okay, I'll call him and cancel okay? So don't cry anymore, seeing you cry hurts me too much, pleased baby?"

"I'm sorry, I'm not just ready to meet him, give me a little more time" he wasn't ready to meet randy at all, he never wanted to meet him ever. He wasn't sure if he still had any feelings for him but he was already happy, very happy and he doesn't want anything to hurt or break their relationship. He was so shocked to hear Brandon talk about his visiting cousin. It felt like his heart was about to chatter over a million pieces.

Brandon picked up his boyfriend in a bridal carry, he got upstairs and placed him gently on the bed "get some sleep, my love… I'll wake you up for lunch okay?" Daniel did not say anything, he just nodded his head. He was so afraid that if he spoke, his voice would show his emotions. He was afraid that he would start crying and make Brandon worry, he wouldn't be able to tell why he was crying.

Brandon did not go to the office for two days, neither did Daniel. He was still worried about his boyfriend and going to the office would make him more stressed. Daniel was worried that things might get complicated at work, he was very new to the job but yet he got a free pass to stay at home. Nobody could say anything when the boss had approved of him staying home, but he was still worried that people at work would be suspicious of him. During these two days James had called him incessantly wanting to come over and see him because he was worried about him. Daniel could not tell him that he was dating the boss and leaving at his house at least not yet. He could only tell him "I'm fine, no need for you to worry yourself too much, ill return very soon" he had almost forgotten that his boyfriend told the secretary that he had fallen sick and had called him to take permission, ignoring the shocked sound coming from her. He spent the whole day, eating, sleeping and having sex with his alpha.

Meanwhile, a young alpha had just dropped the call on his cousin. He was surprised when he was told he shouldn't come over anymore. Was Brandon really hiding his boyfriend from him? Or was he lying about having a boyfriend? Oh that's something he had to know for himself. He was going to find out what the chairman's beloved grandson and president of the company was up to. Still deep in thought, his phone rang again. "did you find him?" the person on the other side of the phone was scared, he had done everything possible to find the man whom his boss had asked him to but to no avail, he had called all is contact, yet nobody could find this person.

"sir, we're still doing everything we can to find him. He is not an easy person to find"

"how hard is it to find one omega? I'm sure he's still in this country? He has no money and no family! The next time you call me to spew your incompetence, ill make sure you never find work in this world again!" he cut the call not waiting for the person on the other line to continue talking. really, how hard was it to find that omega! Why would he run away and leave him? He needed him, the only place he could find peace was with him, he would do everything in his might to find him. He wanted to kiss him, to hold his soft body again. If he found him again he would waste no time in making him his. He loves him, the only person who made every wrong thing in this evil world right. He hated himself for not treating him like the precious gem that he is. He had abused him, physically, emotionally and verbally. Ever since he lost at being the president of the company, he thought he had lost everything. He could only take it out on the weak omega. How he hated himself. He had paid the best private detective to find him but it seems like the omega had dug himself in a hole and left himself there. He only hopes that the omega was doing okay, he would kill anyone who laid his finger on the omega, he was going to bring them pain and sorrow, nothing but the worst punishment was he going to them.

Daniel giggled when his boyfriend placed kisses all over his body, this was their third day at the home, even though his boyfriend worked with his laptop, he knew he was needed at the office due to the continuous call he was receiving from the secretary for the past three days.

"we're going to work tomorrow" Daniel tells his smiling boyfriend, who was clearly smitten by him. He giggles again when Brandon kissed his stomach multiple times

"when do you think I'll score a goal, I should have scored a goal by now… wait, do I need to go to the hospital, do you think something is wrong with me?" he gets up to fetch his phone by the nightstand "…ill call Damian, ill book an appointment…hey, wait" Daniel pulls the phone from his enthusiastic boyfriend.

"stop! I only told you that we should go to the office tomorrow, how did we get to the point of calling a doctor? "he pulls the alpha to best "come to bed, we have to sleep early so we can get up to work on time"

"or maybe we can do something more interesting" he places a sensual kiss on the omegas left nipple

"oh no you don't, we've done it five times today, I'm tired and I'm sore…we're going to bed right now" not paying attention to the sad look on his boyfriends face, he switches off the side lamp before kissing Brandon on his lips.

"don't be sad, I promise we'll do it after work tomorrow okay?" Daniel watches his boyfriend smile sheepishly as he snuggles him to sleep.