

Go read the remake Equation Zero Battle/Line

RainyLiquid2020 · 武侠
102 Chs

The Metal Golems

Age 1991


The Organization member let out a small laugh as he made his way to a door. "Hey, Ben..." He called out kicking the metal door as hard as he could and leaving a large dent in the side.

"Finally!" Ben said on the other side of the door. "Where the hell have you been! Do you have any idea what they were doing to me? Those Enforcer bastards are just as bad as the Jester was. They tortured me for days, but I never talked! I never did..."

"Good for you," David muttered. He raised his gun up pointing it at the door. "Okay! Stand back. I'm going to blast the door down."

"The hell you are!" Ben screamed. "This room is tiny! You'll kill me!"

"That's a price I'm willing to pay..."

"Asshole! Just use your Attribute to get rid of the door. You can just drop it, and we'll leave!"

A moment of silence passed over the two.

"David! I swear to God! Don't shoot!"