
Unexpected visitor

Olivia's pov

"you are just my assistant ,don't you dare forget your place "

Those words hurt me right in the heart.it took everything in me to to break down there and cry.

"I Known my place you don't have to remind me of that ".I replied back with a calm voice .

He gave me a hard look like he was trying to look through my soul but eventually gave up and went back to his seat.

"I will let you go this time "his voice came with authority

"Thanks you sir"

"Keep your thanks to  you to yourself ".he sounded angry .

I kept quiet and just stood there waiting for his next order .

"You may leave ".his voice came with command .

I immediately left his office and went to my desk .I brought out a file and start  working  on it. I tried to focus on the documents in front of me but I couldn't concentrate .I sent for a coffee to relieve my nerve but it still wasn't working .I felt tears threatening to fall down from my eyes but I quickly wipe them off .I cried because of him five years ago and I wont do that again. I was still in thought when the telephone on my desk started ringing

"Hello "

"Is the Anthony's office line ".the lady on the phone asked 

"Yes ,you are speaking to his assistant ,"how may I help you ".I asked with a calm voice 

"I don't have his personal line that's why I'm calling this "

"Alright,"how may I help you "

"I wanted to return his tie back to him ,"he left it at the hotel room yesterday and it's looks expensive ,"so I thought maybe I should return it ".

"Give me a minute ,"I will get back to you ".I told her with a calm voice so she won't notice my anger .

I ended the call and took a sip of my coffee

 To calm my nerves.

I walk straight to his office and knock on it 

"Come in "

I walk in and stood at the front door so that our distance was  far from each other .

"What is it"

"Someone was on the line asking if she should return your tie you left yesterday at the hotel ".I spoke almost in a whisper so he won't notice the hurt in my voice .

I saw how uncomfortable he was on the chair and how his mood changed.he was quiet and refuses to talk .

"Should I tell her to send it in".I asked 

"I don't care ".he replied back with annoyance.

I left his office and went back to my desk .I decided not to call the lady and let the matter slid.

Few minutes later someone walk towards my desk .she was tall but not that tall ,she has a very white skin that could be seen even at night ,I was really jealous of her and her skin 

"How may I help you "I asked with a polite voice 

"I'm the lady who called few minutes ago "