

Hooria_Tayyab · 武侠
6 Chs



It was the next morning, I was at library with Lia 'cuz she wanted to find a book and just here to convince her

that lets go and eat something, honestly saying I love to read books but the I love more than this is food. "yes! I found it", she jumps excitedly like she won a lottery or something, " It means we can go and eat something?", I said With hoping eyes but again I know she's gonna deny I can't go alone bcz it will be hard for me ignore Chris bcz of his acts, he's really annoying and all though I don't want to face him after what happened last night, "Nah, I'm gonna read this now" I sighed while she just sit there and read her book. "Signs of being soulmates, you really believe in soulmates?", I was shocked like we ditched food for this shit, God! " of course, you know it's really amazing, if you read this you'll love it", she said bragging and I just roll my eyes but there was not another option for me except reading this shit with her, "Oh God! really it's so awesome!", I was reading boringly when suddenly she screamed making me flinch a little, " Can you just talk a little slower 'cuz we are in library" , "Sorry", she said laughing awkwardly, "But did you read this", she pointed at line " what is in it?", " it says that you can also feel the pain if your soulmate gets hurt and you can feel their heartbeat too if they are any close to you", she said smiling,. "WhAt?", I whisper yell at her not believing on what she said, "what do you mean by what?" she said looking at me confused " Is it really true?" , if it's true than it means I have a soulmate, "yes of course it's true".


I was walking through the corridor about to go home, I couldn't stop thinking about what Lia told me, "They can feel each other's pain, they can read each other's mind, they can hear each other's heartbeat if they any close to each other" these words are recalling in my mind again and

again I couldn't even focus on my lecture. If it's really true than who would it be? I thought walking, when suddenly I heard that heartbeat again which increased mine, does it mean he's close? I again thought, it started increasing whenever I step forward, And then Chris pop out, and I can hear clear sound of heartbeat.

*To be continued*