
Chapter 33

" and that's how I was turned to a maid in my Best friend's house" Ariana said in tears.

" Sweetie, you're way too emotional" Mariana said with a pity smile on her lips.

" What do you mean by that and how do you know if you're....." Ariana was interrupted by the trio ( Mrs Lambert, Casey and Santiago)

" Don't ask" Casey, Mrs Lambert and Santiago yelled at once..

" I'm glad you asked.I present the 10 signs you're too emotional." Mariana said.

" You should leave the kitchen and I'll handle the food. Casey, Santiago, make sure to listen to what Mariana has to say" Mrs Lambert said and they left the kitchen. She smiled of relief as they left. She wasn't ready to listen to one of Ariana's lectures.

" How lucky is mum to be mum?" Santiago thought aloud.

"1. You just can't say 'no' to anyone without feeling guilty. You care too much and love too much.

2. You cry when you're alone but you don't tell anyone because you're afraid of what people would think of you.

3. You're quick to think that everyone is a friend. You do things for every temporary person in your life .

4. You're extra- nice with people. You treat everyone with kindness and expect the same.

5. You don't know when a person is taking advantage of you because you can't do it to others.

6. You can't intentionally hurt people because of how soft hearted you are.

7. You can't express your emotions without breaking down.

8. You're so sensitive that you can notice the slightest changes in people's behavior towards you- the way they talk to you, the way they act towards you - but you don't Do anything about it.

9. You feel too deeply for people, you always put yourself in people's shoes and try to be there for everyone, Literally, Every single time.

10. You're the problem fixer. You can't afford to lose people , but in the end, you're still left alone. Just like always.

Dear you, you're too emotional." Mariana said but by this time, Ariana was already half asleep. Casey was fast asleep and Santiago was playing games on his phone.

" Hey, are you even listening to me" Mariana yelled.

" Yes, yes, bravo, bravo" Ariana clapped.

" You didn't listen to a single thing she said right?" Santiago whispered to her.

" I sure didn't" Ariana said.

" You fell asleep didn't you?" Cassandra asked.

" I sure did" Ariana said and chuckled.

" Breakfast is ready'' Mrs Lambert walked out of the kitchen.

" Yay, breakfast" Mariana said and rushed to help her mom.

" Thanks sweetie" Mrs Lambert said as Mariana helped her set the table. " Ariana, I hope you've hard your drugs? I'll be upset if you haven't"

" I'll go have them" Ariana said and left

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm glad to announce to you that from now on, I'll be updating at least one chapter daily.

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