
Enjoying the victories

Captain Theseus praised the tactics used during the simulation. This particular scenario was not really designed for victory; the chances of that were slim, but rather to force the cadets as much as possible in an attempt to flee or escape from the enemy fleet.

But Eneas had achieved it brilliantly, and the rest of the groups of cadets visualized in their respective classes the operation carried out by Eneas as an example to explain different tactics and issues. The entire academy was aware of the feat. Even Director Kronos sent the high command the videos of such a spectacular feat by a cadet.

However, Eneas was not aware of all this repercussion; he limited himself to inviting his classmates a few drinks and having fun in the canteen. Although life seemed to want to put him in charge of saving the world, he was still a young cadet. Enjoying life before the war came that he knew for sure would come. In the near future they wouldn't have many moments of celebration, it was better to take advantage of the current ones.

He used the excuse of inviting another round, so at one point when he approached the bar to order, old Jahve told him the news about his court-martial.

Old Jahve seemed very satisfied with himself and with the outcome of the court; not that he was one bit worried about losing his stripes, but if what Eneas had said was true, and everything seemed to be so, it would be better to continue in the army for when the war came.

Eneas laughed thinking about the humiliation that his grandfather Zeus and the rest of the great admirals had received by belittling Jahve. They had it coming. Deep down, it was a relief to know that he could continue to count on an ally like Jahve in the academy, who, although lacking power, had all the experience in the world to be able to guide him in that complex mission that was to save humanity.

Eneas returned to the table with more drinks for everyone.

"How did you think about infiltrating the battleship?"

"Well, it's not that strange... in truth, the mechas were designed precisely for that: to assault starships when their defenses were too solid for ranged attacks. What happens is that due to their mobility and firepower, in the end, They have ended up being used out of habit as anti-mob turrets."

"It makes sense; I think now that you say it, there is some battle in which the old cyclopes were used for that"

"Yes, it was in Palion Five during the gigantomachy..."

"How can you remember that Telemachus?"

"Nahhh it's not merit; it's boredom. Not only do I have the data loaded in my neural system, but when I can't sleep, I start reviewing military history..."

"Look at least Eneas isn't the only weirdo..."

"By the way, have you seen the issue of the plague of frogs in Lake Nil? Look..."

Nestor put the screen projector in the middle of the table, and an illusory flat screen projected the video in which the lake was so full of frogs that you could barely walk. With that excess population, most of them were moving to other areas in search of food.

Screen projectors had been in fashion as a complement to personal assistants until a couple of months after the beginning of the academy, a small company called Altis Ilusión launched a portable three-dimensional projector, even smaller than the device it carried. Nestor and most of the cadets. The success was such that they had to end up selling part of the patent so that other companies could manufacture it.

"Give me a minute, I'll go to the bathroom."

Eneas got up from the table and went to the service, although the truth is that he did not particularly want to empty the bladder.

"Ogmios, look at how many shares you can buy with our capital in the company Altis Ilusión, save only enough for this month's payment for the star cruise."

"Right now, you can buy 49% of the company; the rest of the shares are blocked by the founding partners. The value of the transaction would be approximately 30,000,000,000, which leaves you a lot of room to make payments in the coming months.

"Proceed to purchase Ogmios, update the value of the shares in the next two months"

If that part of the story was not affected, that company would skyrocket from its current size to what it would reach within a month, at which point everyone would want shares of the company and their price would skyrocket on the stock market. It was a guaranteed profit.

Eneas returned to the table with a smile on his face and the feeling of doing things well, however after a few hours of being in the canteen, he received a worrying message from his mother.

"Eneas, your grandfather has already discovered your identity; be careful. I don't think it will take long to try to put you in his network. Be careful, my son..."

How had his grandfather found out about him? And how could his mother be so aware of everything? Did he still have old acquaintances among the military leadership who were loyal to him?

At that moment, Director Kronos entered the canteen and, looking at the groups of cadets and officers there, quickly discovered the bustling group of Eneas and his companions.

"Cadet Eneas, Grand Admiral Zeus has been surprised and excited by your great performance in the simulation. He wants to meet you, so you will be at the academy in less than an hour. I would appreciate it if you could go change and put on your dress uniform to be able to receive the grand admiral properly."

"Of course, Director Kronos, I'm going to change right now."

At the table everyone blamed the nervousness of Eneas's expression on his face, although in reality it was the tension of meeting his grandfather, and what was responsible for his father's misfortune, and his mother's pain.