
Endless Infinity Gojo Satoru x OC

You may think that the life of sorcerers is a life everyone wants. But, the more closer you look, the deeper you dive into this world, the more you realize the darkness this life carries. Betrayal, death, loss, broken hearts... Amati Tanaka has learned that the hard way. Little did she know when entering Jujutsu High, that the life she loved, the moments spent with her friends, would one day vanish by acts of betrayal and death. Alone, she leaves Jujutsu High, travels away and builds her own life. But, she couldn't stay there permanently. About ten years later she returns. The only person left for her in Tokyo was Gojo. And little did she know he needed her, all these years. Just like she needed him. _________________ I DONT OWN JUJUTSU KAISEN. This is merely a fan fiction. This story holds everything. Action, entertainment, and romance. Hope you like it!

Anime_dreamer2324 · 漫画同人
18 Chs

Chapter 15

Amati Tanaka.


She searched for him everywhere, but couldn't find him. She couldn't even sense his presence.

He cant do this...

She turns around.

He cant. He cant leave. What's going on...

Then, a sense of Cursed Energy hits her, strong and powerful.


She turns around.

He's standing right there, black shirt, black pants, hair lose. Hands in pockets.

Suguru Geto.

She tries to compose herself. Tries to breathe evenly.

"Is that true?" She asks, hating how her voice cracks. The wind is strangely strong and sharp today, making her hair fly behind her.

Suguru smiles. "I was hoping you wouldn't know."

Amati glares. "But I know. You couldn't hide it from me."

"Well... why are you here?"

"Isn't that obvious?" She growls, hand on her blade.

He smiles and looks down. "You're here to execute me?"

"Ha." She pulls her blade out. "I'm here to fight some sense into you."

"You think you can just take me back with you. I'm sorry, Amati, but I decided on my upcoming life." He looks at her. "And you aren't in it."

It's ice everywhere. Everything becomes black and white. Cold.

His words are like blades, each one penetrating different angles of her heart.

Her eyes tear up and her grip tightens. "YOU BASTARD!" She screams, charging at him.

He dodges her attack. "I know all your moves. You can't win this one."

She grits her teeth and surprises him with a kick to his face. "You think you know all my moves, but you barely spent time with me to even make sure!"

She swings her blade, but he blocks it with one of his Cursed Pets.

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!" She yells, making for another swing, but he grabs her arms and pulls her close so that their noses touch.

"To make the world better. To make all shamans live a safer life." He whispers.

"You're a fool." She growls, head butting him, catching him by surprise.

She jumps in the air, using her Gravity to aid her. She charges at him in full speed, hitting her sword into his shield—a Cursed Pet—making dust blow around them at the force.

He frowns. "You aren't using your Technique. The technique slayer."

"You really think I want to destroy your Jujutsu?" She says through her teeth and spins in the air, landing a harsh kick to his shoulder before his Cursed Pet could even move to shield him.

Geto stumbles back.

"What about us, Suguru." Amati says as she steps on the ground. "What about Shoko? What about Satoru? What about me?" A single tear slides down her face. "Are you ready to leave everything behind?" She smiles painfully. "Forget all the plans we made? Forget all the years like they meant nothing at all?"

She narrows her eyes. "Now it makes sense. The nights you made us stay up, the kisses you stole, the 'goodbye' you said at the end. You wanted me to enjoy the last moments as if those moments can feed me through all the days I won't see you."

"That's the only thing I could do. For the sake of my goal."


"If you're going to kill innocent people, the only thing I can do is this." She releases Cursed Energy through her blade.

He smirks. "You do know though, that your technique doesn't work in the same way with every other technique. You can't dispel my Technique by killing one of my Cursed Pets. My Cursed Pets are Cursed Spirits. You kill them as you kill normal Spirits. It does not affect me."

She frowns.

"Try." He nods to a Cursed Pet near her.

She's reluctant. But he's confident.


Her blade slices across his Pet and it disperses.

Suguru raises his hand, and another of his Cursed Pets circle around him at his command. "See?"

She knew it. She knew her technique didn't work on every Jujutsu. Not that it doesn't work on every Jujutsu.

Stopping a technique and killing a technique are two different things.

You can stop a technique by merely touching the person or his/her Jujutsu. Either with a Jujutsu of your own, or a Cursed Tool like the one Toji used.

Meanwhile, if you are aiming to kill a technique whole, you must find the main thread connecting the person with his Jutsu, and slay it.

So the Cursed Pets are not Suguru's main thread, and that makes it all worse.

She grinds her teeth and charges at him, and he bends backwards, grabbing Amati's arm and pushing her behind him that she stumbles.

And then—


Amati's eyes widen, her breath sucked in. She sees white and black dots in her vision. Stars.


She screams.

Her screams echo through the streets, shredding her throat raw.

Her arm...

When the Cursed Pet untangles itself from Amati's cracked, broken and crushed left arm, she falls to her knees, her arm limping beside her.

She clutches her left shoulder and sobs through the searing white pain.

"I didn't want to do this." Suguru says. "But you wouldn't leave me otherwise. Goodbye Amati. And this time for good."

She closes her eyes. He cant do this. He cant... he just cant...

"SUGURUUUUU!" She screams.

And everything around them bursts.

The glass shatters, the metal bends, the trees fall over, the doors break. The people scream and fall, the children cry, scream and wail. Dogs bark, and cars let out their emergency sirens.

Her eyes glow white as she screams his name, as her Energy bursts from her like nuclear energy.

And then, it all falls.

Everything spinning around in the air clatters to the ground, all that's left is the aftermath of her Energy explosion, destruction, mess, confusion, fear.

She pants, clearly losing all her strength. Her right arm feels week and she lets go of her left shoulder.

"What... what did you just do..." Suguru asks.

"Leave before I do it again." She says through her teeth, looking down at the ground.


"LEAVE BEFORE I DO IT AGAIN!" Her head shoots up to him and her eyes give a glow of white.

Suguru stars at her one more time.

One last time.

And he does leave.

And that was truly the last Amati has ever seen of him. Of the man she loves.



Satoru Gojo:

Everything is... in chaos.

Glass is on the floor, people have abandoned the place, dust clouds conceal his view.

But the thing that stands out mostly...

Is the stench of Cursed Energy.

The whole area reeks of it.

"Amati..." he runs and calls her name. "Amati!" He puts his hands around his mouth. "AMATI!"

After staying silent and listening carefully, he hears someone weeping.

He rushes towards the voice and finds her slumped against the wall, head resting on her knees, her left arm bent at a strange angle.


She weeps harder. "Satoru..." she looks up at him, her tear stained face clouded in despair it hurts to even look her in the eye. She's clutching her necklace close to her chest. "He's gone... he's truly gone..."

Gojo looks down, angry at himself, at Suguru.

"I know..." he whispers. "I know."

And the silence between them grows even wider, widening the empty space of his best friend. And her former lover.


✨ A/N:



No author note cuz I don't even know what to say after this:')

Well... except that I'm sorry?

Be sure to⭐️💬⬆️ :')