
Chapter 23 - Sacred God Style

Upon hearing my father, I couldn't help but be excited to finally fight her and let my excitement be noticed so that they still think I'm a child.

"Papa, I didn't know you knew someone that was a sword king!?"

He turned up his nose proudly and let him have a taste of my admiration for once since his confidence was already defeated by my talent. 

"Hmph, your Papa is just that awesome. But don't jump to conclusions; she has not accepted you as her student yet."

I was confused at this since this isn't part of my prediction and tilted my head waiting for an answer from my father. 

"You see, the fee for hiring a Sword King is way too expensive, even if Ghislaine gave us a friends and family discount. But since you are so desperate to improve your skills to the point of being willing to go out and become an adventurer, so I found a compromise."

He gestures towards Ghislaine before continuing to explain his plans for me. 

"Ghislaine here is now working as the bodyguard of a young noble lady, whose family rules over our entire Fittoa region. I have worked out a deal with her employers – in exchange for serving as a bodyguard / magic tutor for the young lady, they are willing to fork out the fee for Ghislaine to take you as her disciple. The same employer is going to be tutored by your brother."

I nodded my head in understanding. So it would be like a work-study program. Ghislaine then stepped in. 

"Indeed. However, there is one condition. Since you will be working as a bodyguard for milady, I will first test you to see if you are capable enough to protect her. If you fail this test, then we don't need to discuss anything further. If you pass, then you will follow me back to Roa and commence your employment as well as your tutelage under me."

I glanced towards her having a clear understanding of her intention and this would test if my abilities to bodyguard her prove worth it.

"I understand. This opportunity to learn from a Sword King is extremely precious. I will not waste this chance Papa has worked out for me. I am willing to undergo your test."

She smiled, though there was a definite hint of ferocity in the smile.

"I have heard from Paul that you are already stronger than him. That is very impressive. Paul may have only achieved Advanced rank in the three sword styles, but he is proficient enough to combine them and achieve a Saint-rank level of strength. I have high expectations of you."

She narrowed her gaze unto me with the pressure increased for a bit as Ghislaine gave me some warning. 

"Know that even though you are Zenith's son, I won't go easy on you. The safety of the young lady is at stake, so I will have high standards. Are you ready?"

"Yes, master!"

I uttered these words with excitement getting closer to testing my [ Sacred style ] that I'm making and seeing how it fair with her Sword King rank style. 

"I'm not your master yet."

"Ah, my mistake. I was too excited."

"Fufu, no harm done. Shall we head into

the garden?"

We changed locations to the Greyrat garden. Paul, Zenith and Lilia stood at the sidelines, watching with mixed emotions. On one hand they wanted to see me pass the test and receive the tutelage of a venerated Sword King, but on the other if I passed then it meant I would be leaving for Roa. I took my place opposite Ghislaine, a fair distance away.

"Make sure to fight me as though you are fighting someone trying to target the young lady. Use every technique, ability and trick at your disposal. If you do not use your full strength, you will fail this test."

"Yes master!" 

This time she did not correct me. She only unsheathed theThis time she did not correct me. She only unsheathed the 

sword she had strapped to her waist and pointed it at me.

"Then we shall begin."

The next moment, a blast of killing intent was sent towards me. It was an aura that felt like an erupting volcano; an overwhelming presence that sought to suffocate me with just a glare. The pressure would have been assuredly overwhelming if I didn't have my experience from my previous life. 

Thus, I was able to calmly unsheath my sword while creating a replica in the other as my gaze remained unwavering that made Ghislaine impressed from my reaction. I let my mana erupt out as well, letting out a small shockwave centered on myself, as mana filled my body and enhanced my muscles.

"Good. You can resist killing intent. And it seems like you have also grasped Battle Aura. You have reached the minimum standard to apply as a bodyguard. But you have still yet to pass my test."

My grip on my swords tightened. I truly did not want to lose this opportunity that had been placed before me. One had to understand that above Advanced rank, there were only a handful of swordsmen with the titles of Saint, King and Emperor.

Spread across the Central Continent, Milis Continent and Begaritto Continent, the chances of encountering swordsmen above Advanced rank was way too rare. And the likelihood of learning from them was even lower.

Moreover, I was also extremely excited to cross blades with a Sword King. How strong are people of that rank? How amazing are King-rank techniques? How would my own techniques fare against those? These are all questions that I would finally receive the answer to today.

"Brace yourself, I am coming." 

Ghislaine let out a warning before she dashed towards me. Her movement was certainly quick but it was unfortunate that she met me and used the sword on my left to redirect her blade to the side then took the opportunity to attack her abdomen that was wide open but her instinct was quick enough to move to the side and easily evaded my attack. 

She was to take advantage of my vulnerable back side and was about to strike when I leaped into the air to dodge her downward diagonal swing and landed on my two feet. Once I got my footing back, I quickly planted my feet and dash forward spinning my body performing a dual slashed that instantly parried by Ghislaine magic blade. 

Afterward swung her blade to push me back and took a stance to pierce me toward my chest. My body was wide open after pushing my swords and I was in midair therefore couldn't move. I didn't expect that her speed and strength would be strong. 

[ Sacred God Style - Flow Counter ] 

Putting all my weigh and forward backward to flipped midair the kick her sword that barely graze my face as I went under my feet then used the force that went into my body after kicking her blade letting the force flow through out my body then took a stance that seem to make Ghislaine take it more seriously. 

[ Sacred God Style - Heaven's Wrath ]

Ghislaine witnessed my arms seem to form an illusion of 2 arms that made her increase her strength even further than she initially thought. I didn't want to use any of my techniques and just see how my swordsmanship with the 3 style fair but her technique and strength was nothing to scoff at. 

Cling! Cling! Cling!! CLING!!!

However the speed of my swing was all parried by Ghislaine having instinctually knew where I would land and if she didn't have a faster reaction then I would have already severely wounded her. Once that was done, I appeared behind her and sensed an incoming attack, instantly twisting my body to parry her. My expression held a smirk, having firm grasp on where I stand but her evaluation is needed to confirm how strong my techniques and skills are. 

I then felt a kick into my chest that I barely was able to notice and sent me pushing several meters away from Ghislaine removing all the air in my lungs and saw my mother look at me worried but fortunately I was able to redirect the flow of the force to not receive any heavy damage. 

Both of us knew that we were severely holding back with her limiting her touki to safe level and not ending up killing me while I also didn't want to reveal my trump card nor do I want to cast magic since this is a duel to test my swordsmanship. You'd be wondering, how can someone like me be this careless but the truth is that this is just the first time fighting someone like Ghislaine. 

Even my status as professional assassin only fare on a peak human level and most of my work is in the shadows rather in the light where I have careful planning and understanding of my opponent. Her speed and strength as well the skill in sword god style only show how my sword is still in dire need of being refined. She had an expression of astonishment on her face.

"Amazing… I can see that you've been holding back quite a lot since I heard that you could be the same as your brother over there. Furthermore, that technique that you've showcased isn't something I am familiar with, if I have to guess it is a style you've created yourself?" 

"That is correct, Miss Ghislaine. I thought that by mixing the three sword styles that I could make my own style and create an entirely new one."

My father's face lit up hearing that I was actually creating a new style among the 3 known sword styles. The creation of techniques isn't something made because you wanted but takes talent and understanding of your intention for the style that could last for years. However I, on the other hand, showcase that I've started on the path of its creation. 

"If I only were to judge you purely by your swordsmanship without magic, then you would be stronger than most Advanced rank swordsmen in the Central continent. But your strength and speed is an entire level inferior to Paul at his peak. You are still young though, so that cannot be helped. However, what surprises me is that you are able to recognize and move in a way as if you've gotten years of experience before which I guess is a natural talent."

Her praise made me smile since a sword king isn't someone easily impressed and was giving me some pointers in my styles. 

"But if you add your magic into the mix…" 

Ghislaine pondered for a moment.

"Then I would say that you could already be as strong as an average Saint-rank swordsman."

That's where I stand huh? This is only based on her assumption since I haven't gone all out and adding [ Magia Erebea - Godspeed ] then my rank would likely increase quite a bit. At the very least, I could say that I am a Saint rank if I go all out with only using my swordsmanship. Her eyes sharpened.

"However, don't get into your head because despite labeling you to be an average Saint rank this is only the assumption of what you'd showcase right now. Frankly, you are too unpredictable and have all the qualities of the 3 styles and could easily use them in your sword style."

She then continued with a faint smile.

"Truthfully, though I can't firmly grasp you're standing from one spar alone. However, it is safe to say that you have already passed my test."

"I passed? YES!"

I jumped to act like I didn't expect it since I was confident enough to be at equal standing with Ghislaine if I was desperate when using my sword style. 

"So fast! You two have barely fought for a few minutes. And he didn't win."

Paul was surprised that it was already over before Ghislaine shook her head at his question.

"If he was able to win that duel, even if I was limiting my strength and speed to Saint-rank, that would mean he already reached the threshold of King-rank strength. That is still too far for him. My criterion for Reinhard to pass my test was top-tier Advanced-rank. In other words, around the level of a peak level S-rank adventurer.  He has surpassed that minimum standard already, so of course he passes. Your son could be an unofficial Saint rank. "

Paul stared blankly for a moment before laughing out loud, 

"My son is a Saint rank! HAHAHAH, you hear that, this son of ours that was taught by me is a Saint-level swordsman! Have I always been that awesome? I never realized."

I rolled my eyes at his proclamation. Though he did teach me a lot of things, his lessons consisted mainly of 'just do it like this' or 'use hyah and a hah and then whoosh for this technique'. He was a horrible teacher. 

If I wasn't as talented as I am, then I would have no idea what he was talking about. It was the constant sparring with him that let me improve the most, for which I was most grateful for. His teaching methods on the other hand…

"Do you have a name for your style?"

Ghislaine was curious about my style since this would one day dominate all the 3 styles but I won't be teaching anyone besides maybe my sisters. 

"Sacred God Style."