

"How come early in the morning and look in the mirror?" Tomorrow is New Year's Eve. Qin Wuhua released the city defense team and the guards for three days off. They did not use morning exercises for these three days. Qin Wuhua rarely accompanied Wu Ye to bed, and got up at 11 am. In the impression of Qin Wuhua, he did not enjoy it even at a very young age. Because the father and grandfather are both military, the mother is always in strict accordance with the standards of the military when teaching him. In the past, I only enjoyed this kind of treatment when I was injured. I felt very impatient at that time. I lay down and had a headache. Now I am holding a loved one. I can't wait for the time to stop.

Wu Ye left the small mirror in his hand and was a little depressed and lying on the bed: "Nothing."

Qin Wuhua didn't believe him. He turned over and grabbed his waist. He began to scratch his head. Wu Ye was the most ticklish, and smiled directly. He screamed again and again. "Ha ha ha, okay, I said, I said, Don't let go, hahaha, I am jealous of you..."

Qin Wuhua also had enough trouble, holding his head in one hand, smiling at Wu Ye, and the other relative shaved the nose of Wu Ye: "Frankly wide."

Two less slammed, patted his claws, muffled: "I will be 24 years old in two days."

Qin Wuhua poked his slightly swollen cheeks and said: "And then? What does it have to do with your mirror?"

Two less hatefully glanced at him with a masculine face, the sly little eyes, Qin Wuhua suddenly understood, could not help but laughed: "Aye, how are you so cute."

Two less fried hairs directly rushed up: "Cute your sister... ah... bastard..."

The system automatically and standbyly, the rabbit boss silently climbed back to the bottom of the bed, sitting on the ground and licking his fat head, began to think with his clever little brain: Is the exchange of saliva really so fun?

The big ashes were at the door, silently listening to the corner for a few minutes, and took a steady step downstairs. Well, still go to the next door for breakfast.

More than an hour later, Qin Wuhua came up with a bowl of fragrant dumplings from the downstairs. Several chicken-flavored dumplings successfully caught Wu Ye from the bed and fed it while asking: "You also have Chinese New Year." ?"

Wu Ye nodded and swallowed the dumplings in his mouth and said, "Of course, I promised that I would like to accompany him. Wu Erxiao suddenly noticed that the temperature in the room seemed to be lower. Then, see Qin Wuhua licking his lips and his eyes lost. Hey, what is the taste of sour acid in the heart? What is he dreaming of?

Struggling, struggling, after two seconds of confrontation, the second one did not know how to make up for a while. After the death of Daqin's family, the q version of the three-headed Xiaowu was sitting alone next to the big table, and the slender phoenix eyes were deep and deep. Lonely, like now...

Two less decisive did not resist the white flag: "I will not leave you alone for a holiday, do you?"

Qin Wuhua put down the chopsticks and smiled at Wu's hair: "You go back to your parents and Ah, I'm going to spend the same time with Qian Xin. But remember to record a video in advance and broadcast on the New Year's Eve. Going can improve morale and strengthen your reputation."

After sweeping through the entire Qingyi County's supplies, Yucheng finally opened the city's Zhinao LAN. Now it is not only possible to call in the city, but also to access the Internet. Li Minsheng personally fought and made a homepage of the Yucheng portal, which is mainly divided into three sections: trading, inquiry, and task.

Survivors can trade, buy or sell goods directly through the trading section. Online transactions are unified with credit points as the settlement currency. Since credit points cannot be reversed, more people will only display their materials through this platform, and the transactions will be transferred through the crystal core and gold account in the trading area. Of course, the goods display platform is not used by hunters. There are only 5 free booths in each registered account. For each 10 booths, you need to pay 1 credit per week. The price is absolutely low. Many hunters. In order to make the goods more cashier and sell at a better price, the team is willing to pay for this credit.

No way, it takes four or five hours to travel to Qingyi County every day. During the daytime, everyone can't wait to split into two points. If they are afraid of good things, they will be robbed by others. Who has time to stay in the city to sell things? Really want to sell cheaply, no one can reluctantly, after all, those materials are all returned by everyone.

Therefore, the materials are hung on the Internet and come back at night. Customers who are willing to trade will look at the transaction square to see the goods, so that they can sell things at a good price.

For the foreign caravans, time is their money. They are optimistic about the goods online, trading at night, and leaving the city the next morning to go to their sales location. Save time, enough for them to run one or two more is to earn.

Professional caravans are very smart. In order to make more money, they will not take the empty car to pick up the goods. They will usually carry the shortage of materials in the city, such as grain, gasoline, ammunition, and even some processing raw materials - such as the saltpeter mine that produces bullets. , metal mines. There are also coal mines, crude oil and so on. These things are very cheap in industrial settlements. Of course, they can't make much money when they pull to Yucheng.

What they are looking at is the goodwill point that Yucheng gave them.

The goodwill point is a kind of point policy that the city has specially proposed for the registered caravans. As long as it is the corresponding materials on the list of the reputation of the city, the city will give them a certain proportion. Tax exemption. As long as the caravan has been registered with Dna in Yucheng, the amount can be accumulated for a long time and has been effective. The maximum tax credit can reach 100%.

The materials on the goodwill list will be announced with the expiration date and the purchase price, and the caravans can fully operate the time. For them, anyway, selling what is sold to Yucheng, the goods on the list of goodwill can be dismissed at the fastest speed, and it also gives them a certain amount of money to make money. The tax on the tax credit is simply white. Earn, why not? Another point, after the high value of goodwill, you can directly trade with the official of the city, not only the goods are better, there are more concessions on the price. How can the merchants who are born by profit get a chance to make any money?

The inquiry section is specifically for population enquiries. In the end, the pro-ion is too common, and there is no end to finding a way to go. Special home-seeking windows have been opened in many settlements, but the efficiency is low and there is a charge. The query section of Yucheng directly imported the identity information of all permanent residents in Yucheng, and supported image query and dna query. It was completed in one minute and completely free. Now there are not many survivors in Yucheng, the effect is not obvious, and it will have a huge effect in the future.

The task section is directly connected to the mission server of the hunter's union. Now, at home, you can pick up tasks, send missions, and register hunters. Each message only costs 1 credit, and the others are completely consistent with the hunter's union. There is no need to wait in a long queue, which is more efficient. There is also a real-time team list, which faithfully records the contribution value, force value, and wealth value of the top 100 hunter teams in Yucheng. The team of hunters who can go to the official list is more likely to receive tasks, one is particularly arrogant, and the gasp is louder than others.

The top ten teams in the rankings contracted Beiyun Street, and each time they earned a lot of money and smashed 11 long distances.

Wu Ye's pro-guard team was registered as a hunter team, but privileged to participate in the rankings. Many self-informed hunters are speculating that a pro-guard team will be richer than a top-ranked team. The data is released, and others are not eye-catching?

The rumors that Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua are fourth-order abilities have spread in this many months. On the homepage of Yucheng's portal, Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua have a five-minute battle video. The total number of abilities in Yucheng is only 100,000, and the number of clicks on the video has reached more than one million. Many people are looking over and over again, just like the devil. No way, when you raise your hand, you will freeze a zombie into an ice sculpture, and a few thunderous woven into a unpredictable grid to turn over a group of zombies. Whether it is the thickness of the ability or the control of the ability, it exceeds the low-level ability. Too many.

The current abilities are still relying on hot weapons to hunt zombies. Most of the time, abilities only play a supporting role in the battle. Like the abilities of the abilities, most hunters have barely seen them.

Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua let the hunters open their eyes, but also faintly become the trend of being a national idol.

Wu Ye's face is still the face of Wannian baby with baby fat, but the suicide in the battle kills (intentionally) (installed) (forced), making him look more tough and cold, to a large extent Make up for the momentum that is weakened by appearance. In addition, his face is still very beautiful, the facial features are exquisite, the skin is fair and radiant, and the idol stars before the end of the world are not lost. It's a matter of strength, and having a group of fans in the last days is simply a matter of justice.

Qin Wuhua's face with Yi Rong mask is very square, just as a serious man is the most handsome, a man with strong force to seriously kill zombies can stand out from the passers-by. Compared with Wu Ye's too beautiful face, Qin Wuhua is obviously more able to give people a solid and reliable feeling. It's too much to find a man to live. It's too handsome.

Wu Ye is about to talk, and his eyes suddenly flashed a white light: "... Rabbit boss! You steal the food of Laozi!" Nima, even if you eat one, take the whole plate, bastard!

The rabbit boss hides under the bed and happily licks the dumplings. He said that he is embarrassed to understand.

The system that has been rebooted and functioning for the first time produces similar emotions and regrets. It is known that the rabbit boss is as unreliable as the stupid host, and it does not guide the stupid host contract (它). One or two are pit system goods (╯‵ □ ') ╯ (┻━┻

In the afternoon, Wu Ye personally handed over the first batch of contracted beasts with Feng Yu. Eighty large and small semi-finished contract beasts that have formed a beast nucleus. These beasts will be transported back to Beijing for sale in the New Year. I can imagine these contracts. What kind of storm the beast will bring.

In addition to the contract beast, Feng Yu also carefully selected a number of scarce materials. Half of the materials were from Qingyi County, and half of them were shipped from another plane, with a total value of more than 3 million. Translucent crystal.

Wu Ye raised his hand to stop the hand of Feng Yuzhen's fixed amount of crystal card, and smiled: "Feng Ge, you should know best that we don't need the fixed crystal card. We will talk about a business."