
Enchanted Heartbeats: Towel Tales and Scarlet Roses

In the heart of a costal town, where the ocean's gentle embrace met the shoreline, a story of love began. The town held secrets of romance etched into its very essence, tales of love that transcended time, whispered by the wind and echoed by the waves. Among those tales, there was one that would soon unfold, a story destined to be woven into the town's tapestry of affection.

Larecole · 现代言情
31 Chs

Chapter 31

God, she was undeniably adorable. Justin yearned for their lips to meet again, this time with intention, but his penchant for teasing got the best of him. His mouth seemed to have a mind of its own, and words tumbled out before his brain could process them.

"It wasn't intentional anyway," he remarked. "The first time was an accident, remember? It happened at that Vietnamese restaurant in Queenstown when you bumped into me. I had to silence your yelps, and the third time was an accident too. Clearly unintentional."

So that was it? She wasn't significant enough to warrant his kisses.

Amy, you fool. Why do you let this consume you? You've been with Kyle, yet you're fixated on Justin's kiss. You even fantasized that it was Justin who shared that night with you. You're truly pathetic. How can you feel like this about him?

She remained silent, not responding to his teasing. Had he gone too far? If he could retract his words, he would. Maybe he should ease up on the teasing; she didn't appear to be enjoying it at all.

"Amy... I..." He began to apologize, but he didn't know why. Perhaps he just didn't like it when she wasn't speaking or getting angry with him. This tension was different, and it seemed like she was genuinely upset.

"Amy... I..." he tried again.

"Just start driving," Amy shouted, then turned her face towards the window, avoiding eye contact with him.

"Okay," he replied passively, obediently shifting the car into gear. The engine roared to life, and soon they were in the fast lane, heading towards Central Chicago.

Justin stole a few glances at Amy during the trip. Occasionally, she would give directions while looking straight ahead. Most of the time, her gaze was fixed outside the window, with her back turned to him.

It felt odd. Maybe she was truly upset with him. This was not the Amy he knew. Perhaps her blistered feet were causing her pain; she did look rather pale.

That thought triggered his anger, causing him to grind his teeth once more. How could she have endured a thirty-minute walk in those torturous high heels? What a foolish woman! Who would subject themselves to such agony?

He decided he would ask the hotel receptionist for first aid supplies upon arrival. However, when they reached their destination five minutes later, Justin wasn't sure if he would muster the courage to approach the front desk.

Oh, no! "QueenHotel?" Had Amy given him the wrong directions? Who did she intend to meet at his family's hotel?

"Thanks for the ride," Amy said abruptly, then opened the car door and began walking towards the hotel entrance.

Justin suddenly snapped out of his thoughts, jumped out of the car, and left the keys in the ignition for the valet. "Where do you think you're going?" he asked, grabbing her hand just in time. He was utterly bewildered at this point and needed answers.

"Didn't I just tell you I have an appointment?" Amy replied, shaking free from his grasp, then slowly limped towards the grand entrance.

"You're not going anywhere in your condition," Justin stated, lifting her back into his arms.

"Justin, put me down. I'm embarrassed," Amy pleaded, her eyes darting nervously around the foyer, where numerous people were milling about.

"If you're embarrassed, then hide your face in my neck. That way, no one can see you."

"Just... just put me down. Please..." Amy begged, feeling unwell. Perhaps she should have rescheduled her meeting. She thought she'd be fine, but the exhaustion from dealing with Red and walking in those dreadful high heels left her feeling drained. Being carried in Justin's arms was anything but comfortable, and she felt on the brink of fainting.

"Say one more word, and I'll kiss you. Not a peck on the cheek, but a mouthwatering one," Justin blackmailed her. "Your choice, Avocado."

"You," Amy groaned softly, her energy depleted. She snuggled her face into the hollow of Justin's neck and closed her eyes.

Justin grinned like a Cheshire Cat. "Which floor?" he asked, attempting to curb his elation.

"Third," Amy replied quietly, her eyes still closed. It seemed like his lucky day – carrying Amy three times, and now he'd get to carry her up to the third floor.

However, his enthusiasm evaporated as he realized that just a few meters away, exiting the elevator, were three individuals who would undoubtedly spell trouble if they spotted him carrying a woman in his arms.

From a distance, Justin could see they were engaged in a heated argument. So, being the clever and mischievous Justin that he was, he seized this opportunity to escape before they could notice him.

"Are we there yet?" Amy asked just as he was about to make his move. The trio looked up, their eyes locking onto him. "Justin!"