
Her Opinion



The rest of the day for Scarlett was spent with Arsenio. They had three meetings that required them to move from place to place. It was one heck of a first day at work.

But she had to admit she was learning and gaining experience. Also, she saw how Arsenio handled those meetings. And how his words were taken into consideration and respected.

Sure enough, he wasn't just a CEO for nothing.

The remaining few minutes of work were in Arsenio's office. He had had work for her and apparently it was sorting files for him.

Then all of a sudden he asked her a question. "What do you think about the meeting with Mr Hart?"

Scarlett paused in her movement and looked at him. "What do I think?" She questioned instead of answering.

She was surprised that he would need her opinion on their last meeting. The other party, Mr Hart wanted some more time to think about their deal so another meeting was scheduled.

Meanwhile, Arsenio wanted to get her intake on it to not only test her wisdom in business but to also know if she has a different suggestion that will benefit both companies well.

"Yes," He nodded in affirmative.

"Oh, uhm..." Scarlett kept down the papers in her hands and faced him squarely. "In all honesty, I think we should not back down from our standing."

"You think? Why?"

"If you look at our imports and exports from the sea, there are risks in shipping due to the danger on the sea route. From the files I read before lunch, I noticed that 10 percent of the company goods are lost due to theft or what they call a pirate invasion.

Plus, the climatic condition of those routes is unstable. If a storm were to come up in one of our shipping, the loss will mostly be on us. Our ships may acquire damages and we will have to compensate for the goods that will be lost and the crew members that suffered from it.

Also, the cost of movement for a nearby rescue ship. So, I don't think it's fair to do the deal and split profits equally," Scarlett took a deep breath as soon as she was done.

She has said a lot. Now it was time for Arsenio to judge. And from the look on his face, she couldn't tell if he was satisfied with her words or not.

"Hmm," Arsenio sounded. "You seem to have done well in digesting those files this morning."

Scarlett wanted to smile but she refrained from doing such.

"Very well. We will stick to our decision," he nodded.

"A-Alright, sir."

"Contact Mr Hart and tell him that I want a response before twelve in the afternoon, tomorrow," Arsenio went back to the work on the computer on his desk.

"Yes sir," Scarlett nodded.

"Hmm. Finish those and we'll wrap it up for today," she heard him say.

"Yes. Thank you," Scarlett also went back to work.

It was time for closing hours and every employee was heading out of the company and going their different ways. Scarlett too left as Arsenio had permitted her to leave with the other employees.

She stood by the roadside waiting for Kayden to arrive and take her home when Ace walked up to her.

"Hey, Scarlett."

"Oh, hi, Ace."

"Uhm, how are you doing? I did not see you after you know... the cafeteria. So, I just wanted to know if you were okay," he inquired.

"I am fine. I got busy after lunch that I could not thank you properly. Thank you for the shirt and the dryer. Here," Scarlett stretched out her hand that hand the bag containing the hair dryer in it.

"Oh, you don't have to return it. I bought it for you. I mean to help you," Ace politely refused.

"Then I will repay the money to you? I can't just take them."

"I'm telling you there's no need."

Scarlett shook her head. She barely knew him and he had helped her in such a way. She was already paying for the favours Arsenio did for her. No more.

"Alright fine. If you really want to repay me, then buy me lunch tomorrow. No negotiations, Scarlett," Ace smiled.

"Alright. I can do that. Thank you," Scarlett agreed.

"Good. So... Would you like to hitch a ride with me or are you waiting for a cab?" He asked.

"No. I'm actually waiting for–"

"Scarlett," Kayden called from a small distance.

"Ayden! You are here," Scarlett ran into his open and welcoming embrace.

"How's my little secretary doing, huh?" Kayden asked with a smile on his face.

"It was okay. A little trouble but I'm fine," she answered after they broke off from the hug.

"Trouble? On your first day?" Jayden was rather surprised.

"You wouldn't believe it. I'll fill you in later. Anyway, this is Ace, also an employee here. Ace, this is my elder brother, Kayden."

"It's nice to meet you," they both said and shook hands.

"I should get going now that you are in safe hands," Ace said.

"Yeah sure. Thanks again, Ace."

"No problem. See you tomorrow, Scarlett," he waved and went off from there.

"What trouble did you have on your first day?" Kayden asked as soon as Ace was out of earshot.

"Can we get inside the car and on the road first? These heels are killing me," Scarlett grimaced a bit.

"Sure. Give me your bag."

While all that was happening, Arsenio watched them all from the floor-to-ceiling window in his big office. And as usual, he had an unreadable expression on his face.

*knock knock knock*

"Come in," he permitted without moving from where he stood.

The door pulled open and Ryker stepped in with a few books in both hands. On getting to the table, he gently dropped them on it

"I see that you are enjoying the view," he said.


"Well, come and take a look. I got what you asked for."