
Drunken Trouble



Scarlett left the club without any trouble and it was all thanks to Arsenio for being her escort. That and the fact that the alcohol she consumed had gone far in affecting her system.

She staggered over every step she took and her eyes were dizzy and unfocused. She had to rely on him to move.

With her current state, Arsenio had to rethink his earlier decision of just getting her a cab. From the bits, he knew, she had a knack for getting herself into things she can't handle.

So he decided to take her home instead.

"Humans... Always troublesome," Arsenio mumbled.

He found it annoying that he had to take care of someone he has only met twice. He did not even know her name. But here he is... Wanting to give her a ride home- another place he has no idea about.

Despite all these, there was something else in the equation. It was not something Arsenio was looking to get deep into at the moment. So he shoved it to the back of his mind.

"Where do you leave?" He asked while looking down at the woman holding unto him for support.

"Huh? Where do I leave? Uh, I can't remember," Scarlett's answer made Arsenio frown and stare at her in disbelief.

'How many glasses of alcohol did she have that is enough to make her forget her address?' Just as those thoughts came to his mind, Scarlett suddenly exclaimed.

"Oh! I know where I live. It's far from here. I took a cab from..." She told him the address.

Arsenio almost rolled his eyes. He had contacted his driver to get the car ready. So it was not long until a black-tinted Maybach car drove to a stop before them and the driver stepped out.

Arsenio sighed inwardly. 'This will be over soon.'

Meanwhile, the driver was quite shocked to see his master with a woman. A very pretty hottie at that.

He had no idea his master was into red-haired cute chicks.

'Damn! Master got quite a catch for the night,' the driver exclaimed in his mind.

He would have never thought with how cold and intimidating Arsenio was, any woman would want to go out with him.

But it turns out that's not the case. After all, his master had the looks that could shame even gods and he was bastardly rich. Nowadays, just those two are enough to get women flocking over a person.

"Do I need to remind you to open the door?"

The driver jolted out of his train of thought and quickly got the door for his master.

"A-Apologies, Master Arsenio. Please step in," he bowed with an apologetic smile.

Asernio cast him a warning look before helping drunk Scarlett into the car. As soon as they were both settled in the back seat of the car, he told the driver the address to her house.

Within minutes they were on the road leading to Scarlett's home. During the drive, Arsenio learnt another thing about Scarlett.

Her behaviour when drunk can cause trouble. She is both childish and seductive in a cute kind of way. More or less, she is too much to handle.

Like right now, she was up on her knees, on the seat while staring outside through the window.

"Woah, I'm in a cool car. Look it gooo~"

"Sit down, woman," Arsenio called but he got no response but her giggles.

"Did she just ignore?" He mumbled to himself.

Clicking his tongue, he was about to scold Scarlett when the car came to a stop immediately. The car jerked causing Scarlett who wasn't well-seated to fall.


She fell backwards, unto Arsenio's arms. Their eyes met and locked. Silence ensued and the atmosphere was calm.

But it soon turned awkward as drunk Scarlett made a move. She lifted a hand and gently traced his face with her fingers.

Arsenio's breath seized at the contact of their skin. She was close. Too close for him.

"How can someone look this beautiful on earth? It's illegal to have looks more befitting that a god. He's dreamy too," Scarlett said in a low voice and licked her lips.

"And look at these muscles," she grabbed both of his arms, feeling his now tensed muscles underneath his clothes. "You must work out really well."

Just as her hands were getting comfortable in exploring his toned physique, Arsenio caught them in his before she went too far. It was at that moment the driver spoke up.

"Master, there has been a bit of an accident... The car got scratched," the driver informed his master with hesitation. "What should I do about the other driver?"

Arsenio's eyes dropped closed. He was dealing with one drunken trouble in here and another happened outside.

He didn't sign up for any of this. Humans!

"Just let them off and continue driving," he ordered.

"Yes, sir."

"And you," he returned to Scarlett. "Keep your little hands to yourself, human," he said through gritted teeth.

"Hmm... Handsome and hot but has a temper," Scarlett said and pursed her lips.

Arsenio's jaw tightened as he was trying to contain his temper. So without a word, he lifted Scarlett off him and kept her at bay on her side of the car.

He even belted her so that that little incident won't repeat itself. It took over twenty minutes before they got to the address Scarlett gave.

"Boss, we are here," the driver announced.

Arsenio looked over to his side only to see Scarlett fast asleep. It's no wonder the rest of the drive has been quiet.

"Wait in the car," were Arsenio's words as he alighted from the car.

He walked to the other side of the car and opened the door. He unbuckled her seatbelt and carried her- in bridal style. When he got to the doorstep of the house, he rang the doorbell.

He did not have to wait too long when he heard approaching footsteps from behind the door.


"Scarlett you better have an explanation for not picking up my calls and..." Kayden's words got stuck in his throat when he saw who was at the door.

"You?" He raised a questioning brow at Arsenio. "What are you doing–"

"Always keep an eye out for your family," Arsenio cut him off.

Kayden was confused at first, but when his eyes moved towards Arsenio's line of sight, his lower lip dropped.

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