

A little girl goes on a first adventure to seek revenge for her grandfather and to discover her true identity in a world filled with supernatural beings and many dangerous things awaiting her journey.

hazalali · 奇幻言情
7 Chs


As the werewolves circled them around the tree, Flora could hear her own heartbeat beating fast, she never in her life imagined such creatures to exists.

She glanced to her left where one the werewolves suddenly jumped towards her, before he could get her the old man took out his gun.

BANG!! The werewolf fell down the tree, the rest of them now cautious started moving slowly towards the tree.

'Flora! keep climbing,The old man shouted at the girl.

"But... Gramps, I can't leave you here.

" GO! We don't have time to waste, I'll come after you, now go".

Without saying a word Flora kept climbing up the tree. The werewolves suddenly started changing as they grew in size. Flora shrieked at the sight as they were now were half human and half wolves.

The old man seeing the girl frozen took her on his shoulder and kept climbing the tree as the werewolves now able to climb the tree, were closing on the two.

One of the werewolves grabbed the old man's feet with it's claws causing him to slip and to drop Flora. The girl hit the ground hard.

Flora woke up felling dizzy as she looked around, she was close to a stream of water. Remembering the werewolves, Flora got up and instinctively searched for her old man. It didn't take her long, however what she saw made her heart stop as right in front of her was her old man laying on the ground bleeding profusely as he struggled to breathe.

Flora ran towards him.

The old man feeling her presence opened his eyes and saw the girl calling out to him in tears. He remembered all the time he spent with her and how he treated her like his own, he felt angry and responsible for the

situation they were in and for keeping her caged in the cottage. He raised his hand to signal her to get closer.

"Flora, I'm sorry this is all my fault, I should have let you go, please forgive me. Flora listen I don't have much time but please for my sake go out and see the world. Here take this it will help you on your journey ", he said as he gave her a small box.

She looked at it, and tears welled up in her eye's as she stood by the dead man's side.