
Empress of the World

Book is COMPLETE and FREE. From a young age, Aurora wanted to be different than her domineering mother, Empress Zephyra. When Aurora unexpectedly inherits the throne, she is left behind with two words: be better. And she tries. But just as things seem to have settled, Empress Aurora of Valiant receives a vision: the entire world will be destroyed. Along with her friend Devrim, Aurora makes the bold decision to travel to the Fates in the land of magic to find the answers she seeks. To be better, the new Empress must place her own life on the line to stop the coming doom.

NobleQueenBee · 奇幻言情
702 Chs

A New Concern

The road to the military outpost was difficult. The soldiers and their captive kept running into sheer walls of rock or canyons that were not marked on their maps. What should have been a day or two of travel stretched into a week. Gandr was completely unhelpful. He alternated between a vicious grin and groaning in pain from headaches as he felt Junayd's emotions. Every time Gandr stopped, Nurlan threatened to pick him up and carry him. It was enough to force the little gnome onward.

After the fifth dead-end wall that morning, Junayd turned to Gandr, "You are the one doing this, aren't you?! The only place I've seen cliffs like these is west of Oblivion and we are nowhere close to them." Junayd pointed backwards. "And behind us, there is only flat, beautiful ground. I swear that ground to the left was a canyon not fifteen minutes ago."

Gandr smiled but it did not reach his eyes. "You must be mistaken. I see no canyon."

Nurlan shoved the gnome. "I think you are onto something, Junayd. Didn't the Empress say something about gnomes having rock power?"

Gandr was offended, "Of course I have earth powers, you fool! Just because I cannot use magic on you, does not mean I cannot use magic around you. You just cannot see me do it."

"Why is that?" Junayd was genuinely curious. He did not like the gnome, but like Aurora, he felt sorry for him.

Gandr thought about his answer, "I suppose because for you humans 'seeing is believing'. Everything else is faith. It is easier to explain away something you have never actually experienced. It is all slightly more complicated than that though. I could give you a full history of time and the evils of human jealousy if you like…"

Nurlan stopped him. "If humans are jealous ones, then why do gnomes want our land?"

"We used to live where you do. We just want it back."

"What about wanting to kill or rule over humans?" Nurlan asked.

Gandr gave a lopsided grin. "It a nice consolation prize, isn't it?" Seeing the men's faces, he shrugged. "Well, if that is jealousy, then we learned it from you humans! Looks like the student will become the master..." The gnome cackled at his own joke.

They ran into another steep drop-off. It was not crossable. They would have to go around, which would cost them more precious time. "Agh!" Junayd fought the urge to curse, "I can almost see the outpost over there. Stop it with the ground-moving!!!"

Gandr shook his head, "I will keep blocking you as long as I can. The longer you are away from the Empress, the easier it will be when they find her."

Nurlan spat on the ground and grabbed the gnome by the collar. "If anything happens to Her Majesty because of you, I will rip you limb from limb personally!" The gruff soldier had developed a soft spot for the Empress. She had been eager to learn everything he taught, and he had become a doting tutor because of her effort.

Gandr laughed maliciously, "Did I hit a nerve? Ah, it is far too easy to make you humans angry." Nurlan wound back his arm to punch the gnome, but Junayd caught his shoulder.

"The gnome has a death wish. Do not give in to him." Junayd warned.

Nurlan took a deep breath and gave a lopsided grin. "But he also said he will not stop blocking us. If he is unconscious, he cannot use his magic and we will be to the outpost by nightfall."

"He is not wrong," Gandr agreed. A nap would be a welcome change from these tiresome humans.

Junayd sighed. "Very well, have it your way. Nurlan?"

Nurlan pulled back his fist a second time. "With pleasure! Sweet dreams, gnome."


Gandr woke up inside a cell with his hands untied. His shoes made of stone were gone from his feet, replaced with soft fabric ones. He removed the footwear and slung it to the wall. Gandr instinctively reached for the ground only to realize the floor and walls of the cell were lined with wood. The door opened and Junayd and Nurlan strolled in. They were clean and had changed into fresh clothing. Obviously the gnome had been unconscious for some time.

Nurlan looked down at Gandr. "The guard told us you had woken up. We have come to bid you farewell. We hope you like your accommodations."

"They are lovely, but I cannot help but note the lack of stone walls and dirt floor." Gandr glared at them.

"Ah yes, you are far more heavy and solid than we realized when Nurlan knocked you out. He nearly broke his hand on your chiseled jaw. Fortunately we ran into a farmer with a cart who was able to transport you here. In addition to having power over rocks, you must be made of them…" Junayd said.

Nurlan smirked. "And that got us thinking. If your shoes are made of stone, perhaps you need to be touching stone or earth to use your powers. So we lined this cell with wood just for you."

They had guessed right. Gnomes needed to draw power from the earth. No earth: no power. Gandr chuckled. "You have out maneuvered me. If only I knew something you did not…"

Junayd and Nurlan had a sinking feeling. "What are you not telling us?" The younger soldier asked.

Gandr was pleased to have their undivided attention. He sat up proudly and smiled evilly. "That day I attacked you in the forest, another magical creature was there too. I never saw them, but I could sense their movement along the ground. I haven't been trying to stall you so the gnomes would find the Empress, although that would be wonderful. The elves seem to have found her. And once they get their hands on someone, they never let go."

Nurlan's blood ran cold. His face hardened. "You will be transported in a wooden carriage to the palace. You are Chief Zan's problem now. I hope you rot." The older soldier left the room with Junayd closely on his heels.

"Do you believe him?" the younger man asked.

Nurlan's gaze narrowed as he stomped down the hall. "Unfortunately, I do. We need to get to the Empress. We have lost too much time already."

The two men came out of the building into the open air. Two horses laden with supplies were waiting for them. "Everything is prepared, Sir," a man beside the horses said. He handed Nurlan and Junayd the reins. "Safe journey."


Inside the cell, Gandr waited until he was sure he was alone. From a hidden place in his clothing, the gnome removed the second of the magic mirrors. When the humans had searched him, they had not found it. Even if they had, there was no way for them to know its real purpose. He lifted the glass in both hands and began his message, "Brother, I have good news and bad news."