A normal high school student named, Makoto Ami, who was having the quietest high school days of her life---not. She was her school's cold-hearted Ice Queen. Sending cold glares to every she meets, giving out orders to what she called clods and infuriating minions. Being in the student council she had to maintain order every day. However, Makoto Ami, has been reincarnated by a God who didn't give a single shit about her and made her the new queen of a kingdom lost in barren snow. She was killed in a sort of accident when she tried rescuing a kid who was about to get hit by a huge red truck. Upon reflex, she pushed the kid away and she was killed instead. The god that caused her death, the accident- mocked her for trading her fragile mortal life for another. Not only that, it was revealed that every single horrible moment in her life was made by the same god. She cursed the deity swearing for revenge. I truly wonder what will happen to our Heroine as she unexpectedly reincarnated in another world! Art is made by the artist Myka I commissioned! Revised story: January 20, 2023.
Chapter 70: Fiancé (II)
Elizabeth's POV
We were on our journey back to the capital city, saying goodbye to the village and province- we went with the same path.
Hunting for food, building our own fire and camp but this time I have a friend my age to talk to about random things.
"Hey, princess. You see this herb? It's really good when you put this on toast and egg." (Katia) hands me a few basil leaves and I smile, taking them to be part of our ration for dinner.
She taught me a few more plants we can eat safely, which part to leave and what to do right after.
Katia hasn't learned how to fish, so I asked for a route where there's a nearby river to catch them.
"Throw the net and pull!" I shout, Katia throws the net into the running river water and starts pulling it. She grits her teeth fighting against the waving current of the river, taking off her shoes she wrestled with our dinner. "I almost got it!"