

The message reads, "It's me Rebekah your high school friend, you are not in any of our high school friends groups so I had to reach out to you individually. Our classmates voted for us to have a high school reunion, It is taking place in three weeks. 

"This is an invitation inviting you to come, everybody said they are coming—so it wouldn't be nice if you are the only one absent. Thank you for reading the message, your friend Rebekah."

My brain was numb when I finished reading the message, a hurtful sensation went through my entire body. I was forced to recall my high school days and the one figure that dominates them is Yamada. My high school boyfriend. 

He ghosted me after we graduated from high school, he did not even let me know whether he had broken up with me or still loves me. He is my first boyfriend and the first person to show me the bliss found in love.