
Emperor of the music industry.

System? past life? wait wait wait. I have a system and memories from another life in another world. And I was satisfied with being a mere idol in a group? fuck that, I will be the whole industry. The Emperor of the music industry.

killzoldik · 都市
15 Chs

My cheats.

Noah starts going through the system to understand it a bit. After a while, he understood most of it. There are 4 parts of this system.

First, the library. There are book songs videos of songs from the dream world Noah saw. But most of them, if not all, have a story behind them, so you can't just copy songs you need to make them unique, put some effort into stealing at least.

The second part is achievement. Noah liked this part because it gives rewards for the work you put. It's random, so Noah couldn't predict what's coming.

The last two parts are the more interesting, but since he couldn't test them yet, he stopped thinking about it and went back to sleep.


Nico finished visiting her friend and went directly back to the company.

She entered the room of the CEO without knocking, "I found it, I freakinh found it." She yelled.

CEO kim was shoked, she stood up from her seat and helped the exited Nico to sit and calm down. "Found what?"

"The song is a great song."

"Oh! So you wrote it in the hospital?" She asked. Artists usually have weird places where they get inspiration.

Nico looked at the CEO with a weird look, "CEO-nim, are you alright in the head?"

Kim boped her in the head playfully, "Shut up and tell me."

"So there is this trainee, he was fired from his agency because he got into an accident."

"Heartless scum." Kim commented.

"Yeah, anyway, I felt bad for him so I visited him, we talked for a while and I liked his vibe he made me open up a bit, so I told hom about my problem."

"Ohh, I didn't know you are easy, brat."

"Oh wait till you meet him, I doubt you will remember your husband after seeing him."

"Oh! Is he that good?" Kim is a CEO of an agency responsible for making idols and artists. She saw her fair share of beauty.

"The best I've seen." Nico praised.

Kim was surprised.

"Anyway, after I told him, he start rapping the song, it like he was preparing for it, his style was perfect for me, the lyrics were bold and gangster, I think it the song for me."

Kim listed to everything Nico said.

"I will see if your praise is accurate after meeting him and listening to the song. If what you said is true, then I will do my best to get it for you."

Nico smiled, "today is the 27th of September. He will probably be out of the hospital by the end of the month, and I will prepare the studio for that time."


28th September.

Noah woke up and stretched. His body still hurts, but he feels better. He had a good night sleep yesterday and woke up energetic. The first thing he did was go to the mirror to test his 3rd system fanction.

Noah Neemr.

Cute: 43 vocal: 65

Cool : 78 dance : 21

Sexy : 87 Rap: 60

Pretty : 91 smarts : 77

He has great potential. He will waste it if he lived like before.

Noah was first shocked by the stats, they look like nothing impressive but Noah knows that the system standards are too high, he knows he has a killing voice, and he knows his self in dream was a killer rapper, but he didn't expect his lookes to be this high.

He remembered that when he went to the auditions in his ex agency, they accepted him without a second thought, but he was too anxious and nervous to show his talent thus he was only the visual of the group he was part of and rarely got anylines.

But after the dream, his personality changed. It was a mix between two people, one too shy and the other too bold, it perfect.

Noah also focused on the advice lifted by the system. If he lives like His self in the Dream, he will end up with the same faith and nothinh more.


Noah was discharged this morning. He stood in front of the hospital lost. He still had an apartment, but he didn't have food to eat for the rest of the month.

Noah took the bus to go home, while in the bus he starts thinking of his future, he needs to start somewhere, but he needs to keep his independent and do whatever the hell he wish for. Also, he needs to start learning everything. Even though the memories from himself in the dream have some knowledge, it wasn't enough for him to be great. Because he has a great helper, and the two of them created masterpieces.

But now, he is on his own, and with his system, he prefers being on his own to make sure the music is perfect. He needs to work on every part himself.

Noah arrived. His apartment wasn't spacious, a bedroom and a living room, with a small bathroom to the side and a kitchen that only fits one person. It was all he could afford. His family is still back in morocco. The living there is cheaper. Even though his family isn't struggling, they aren't rich either.

Noah lay on his couch and started texting his friends from either school or the agency, telling them what happened and saying his goodbyes.

He took a lazy selfie and posted it on insta, just his looks, gave him 6000 followers. And a few girlfriends, he had his fair share of night stands even though he was never the person to call shots, he was too shy to even speak but he never refused the advances of people. but he vows now to never again. He will be strict and work hard to achieve his dream.

Noah spent the day listening to songs and comparing them with the once of this world, there are some differences of course, he them selected 3 songs and decided to work on them and make them his, in the future he will have to make a debut, Now he has something to for on.

Noah also starts rewrite a verse and A hook for the monster song, his plan is to convince Nico to let him be with her in the song, he wants to use her so he can get some light on himself.

After he had an idea of the verse, he now needs to call her so he can confirm that the corporation is still valid.

He decided to text her insted.

[Good evening, Nico-nim. I have recovered. Are you still interested in my song?] Ding!

He waited 3 minutes and she answered.

[Of course, let's meet tomorrow to draw the contracts, I'm so excited I didn't sleep well, haha.]

Noah smiled. [Sure, good night.]

[Good night;)]