
Emperor of the music industry.

System? past life? wait wait wait. I have a system and memories from another life in another world. And I was satisfied with being a mere idol in a group? fuck that, I will be the whole industry. The Emperor of the music industry.

killzoldik · 都市
15 Chs


The studio room was full of energy, a sound engineer joined the team to help out, and the three started working on the song.

"Which part do we start making first?" Nico asked.

"Let's work on the hook since it's the easiest." Noah replied.

The engineer was ready, and Noah entered and started singing.

"I... shoot the lights out..."

Noah's voice is strong. He can work high and low, but in the original song, the hook was Noah favorite, the creepy why the original artist chose to sing that part was great.

Noah decided to make it powerful and show his mastery over every part.

"How was it?" He asked.

"Perfect! Move to the next line." The engineer replied.

"Hide til it bright outside."

Noah didn't stop but finished the hook in one go. He noticed the satisfaction in the engineer and Nico's faces.

He came out of the recording booth and listened to the hook again.

Vocal : 32

Lyrics :30

Noah was surprised, but pleasantly so. "I guess the hook is done." He commented.

"Damn, Noah, are your old agency blind? How can they fire someone like you?" Nico commented.

Noah just smiled and chuckled, they wouldn't if they heard him sing this well, but back them he was a coward so he never shows his best in any meeting, only gis follow trainees knew how good he was.

"Alright, let's work on Nico's verse."

Nico got ready, and they started working.

"Say it like this; first thing first. I want it aggressive."

"More aggressiveness on the last part, please."

"Again, this isn't the version I wanted."

"Sing this part like you are mocking them. Make it petty."

"Alright, that's enough for the day, we will work on it again tomorrow."

Noah was harsh on Nico this day, but she never complained because every time she listened to his advice, the song became better and better.

The engineer was flabbergasted after today's session. Usually, the rookie will be lectured all day long for his mistakes, but the rookie is giving direction and advice to the pro today.

He could help but admire Noah's abilities. Nico took a pic of her and Noah on the studio and posted it. She tagged Noah and even praised him for his efforts.

Noah, however, was too tired to notice the increase in his followers or the messages from his sisters and friends about the pic.


"Wow, brother, are you working on something with Nico?" Malak asked.

Malak is Noah's little sister. She is 14 years old and loves K-pop so much. She is the angel of the household, as her name suggests. And also her brother's biggest fan.

"Yes, I met her a few days ago. If this went well, your brother would be famos." He laughed.

"You are already famous. You have 20,000 followers without even releasing a song."

"I know trainees who had 200,000 or even a 1 million. I'm nothing." Noah finished his breakfast while talking on the phone with his little sister.

"Anyway, are mom and dad still mad at me?" He asked.

They were mad at him for ignoring their calls because they just wanted to send him money or convince him to come back to morocco.

"No, they are always worried, but if you call them, they will act mad, you know them, hahaha."

"Yeah, anyway, say hey to them and also take care of yourself."

The following week was the same, just Noah making sure the song is the best version.

"The recording is done. Give me the day to master it, and I will give you the song tomorrow morning." He assured.

"Alright, I'm so tired. If this song didn't make me an A-list celebrity, I would kill someone." Nico shows her fangs to treathen Noah.

Noah laughed, "Don't worry, I'm also counting at this song."

Nico left, and Noah started working alone. The song now is still raw and needs some special effects, and also, Noah needs to tone some parts so it flows perfectly.

Monster: 25.

He wasn't satisfied with this result, so he worked more on it.

Monster : 27.

He knew he could puch it more. By the end of the day, he was finally done.

Monster : 30.

He smiled. It's still ranked uncommon. But it at the peak of that rank.

He made some copies and exits the studio in a sorry state. "I need a shower, I need to sleep, I need to eat. Ugh." He complained all the way home.


16th October.

Kim ji-eun, Nico, and Noah all sat down as the song was about to start.

The beat was engaging, kim was happy with it, it had a profound impact, then the magistic voice of Noah as he opened the song with a strong voice.

Kim looked at Noah and smiled to herself, 'not only a great song writer and rapper, but he also has a killing vocals.'

After the hook was done, the first verse started, Noah slow yet entertaining flow hooked Kim and Nico immediately. He shows his technique and word smith but also keeps the verae simple and understandable.

The hook started again, but this time, it was faster and less creepy.

Lastly, the part that everyone was waiting for, Nico's verse. And the waiting wasn't for nothing.

Nico's rap was strong, aggressive, new, and bold. But she also kept the words simple. Moreover, the blend between the English and Korean styles was perfect.

The song was finished with the hook again, but by now, everyone was satisfied with the song.

"Unbelievable, unbelievable, Noah, I have underestimated you. And you, Nico, if you have this ability all along, why the hell you never rapped that way?" Kim was all praises today.

She called her assistant, " Immediately start promoting this new song, and prepar for a music video."

"Music video?" Noah was surprised.

"Of course, this is a hit. It won't go without a music video."

Nico was happy and even more excited about the music video than kim.

Noah, however, didn't expect it, and I wasn't sure how he should approach this problem.

Kim and Nico noticed his unusual behavior, " What's wrong?" Nico frowned.

Noah noticed his blunder and blushed a bit, "Nothing, I'm a bit nervous about the whole thing, that's all."

Kim and Nico laughed, "Don't worry about it, It won't be hard." Kim assured.

"If you say so, Ceo-nim, so what's the idea of the music video?" He asked.

"Hm, I will talk to the director about it, for now you have 2 days off, so enjoy yourself."

Noah nodded and left the room immediately. He indeed needs some time to finish some important matters.

He sent $20,000 from his $70,000 to him dad, with a message that said. " Use it to have a vocation. your son is starting to earn some money."

His father didn't respond, probably busy, but Noah didn't dwell on it.

He also went shopping, he spent the whole day buying clothes for different occasions.

By the night he resive a call from his dad. So he answered nervously.

"Good evening, dad!"

"Brat, are you squandering money?" His father opened with this statement.

Noah didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "Uhm... no, no dad, I only sent you a bit, I promise. It is also an apology for ignoring your calls lately."

His dad was silent for a while. "How are you doing lately? Do you eat well?"

The sincere words broke something in Noah's heart, he startes crying, "had it rough dad, I...I was fired and thought my life is done for, but luckily I found something that kept me strong, but now I'm on the right track again don't worry. But... I miss you all."

He thought he wasn't affected, but it seemed he was overstamting himself.

His dad didn't respond but listened silently after his son was done he said, "you are a strong man Noah, like isn't always fair and joyful, but remember you still have a home to come back to."

Noah smiled hearing those words.