
the keeper of remembrance

Kael's smile grew wider. "Oh, we gain everything. With

your memories locked away, you'll have to rely on us to guide you."l

Lyra's fiery passion blazed. "Never! We'll find a way

to break free!"

But the Forgetters just laughed, vanishing into the shadows,

leaving the four warriors bound and helpless.

Emilia struggled against the restraints, her earthy powers

straining to break free. "We have to work together," she urged.

"Combine our powers to shatter these binds!"

Ava's windy curiosity swirled around the restraints,

searching for a weakness. Elijah's watery empathy flowed through the group,

sensing any hidden patterns. Lyra's fiery passion blazed, infusing the others

with determination.

As they focused their energies, the restraints began to glow

brighter. The Forgetters' laughter echoed, "You'll never break our


But the warriors persisted. Emilia's earthy stability

anchored the group, while Ava's winds whispered secrets to Elijah's watery

heart. Lyra's fiery passion ignited a spark within the restraints, and they

started to fray.

Suddenly, the restraints shattered, releasing the warriors'

memories in a flood. They gasped, recalling their past, their powers, and their


"We remember!" Emilia exclaimed.

"And we won't be fooled again!" Lyra added, her

fiery passion burning brighter than ever.

The warriors stood united, ready to face the Forgetters and

reclaim their destinies.

With their

memories restored, the warriors turned on each other, their past conflicts and

rivalries rekindled.

"You fooled us once, Lyrien!" Emilia accused, her earthy powers summoning a

boulder to hurl at the Forgetter

"Ah,but that was just a test," Lyrien replied, dodging the attack with ease.

"And now, you'll pay the price!"

Lyrien manipulated

them which made the four warriors to face each other by fighting themselves.

Ava's windy

curiosity swirled around Emilia, creating a whirlwind that sent her stumbling


Lyrien and

Kael laughed mischievously at them "Not so fast!"


watery empathy flowed through the group, sensing the turmoil. "Stop! We

can't fight each other!" Elijah tried controlling them"

" And you

Zara, you betrayed the forgetters, you will have to pay for it" Lyrien said

Zara got

scared, her hands shaking, she knew what the forgetters are capable of doing.

" I will

give you a last chance if only you kill Emilia right now then I will forgive

you". Lyrien said while kael laughed loudly. They are really enjoying the show

But Lyra's

fiery passion burned too bright. "You're just trying to protect your own

skin, Lyrien


hands trembled, her eyes darting between Lyrien and Emilia. "I-I can't do

it," she stammered. "I won't hurt Emilia!"


grin twisted. "Foolish Zara. You think you can betray us and escape our



chuckled, his eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure. "She thought she could

leave the Forgetters and live a life of peace?"

Zara's face

contorted in anguish. "I didn't want to kill anymore! I wanted to be



fiery passion burned bright. "You're not going to hurt anyone else, Zara.

Your killing days are over!"


earthy powers solidified, her gaze steady. "We won't let you harm our



watery empathy surged, trying to calm the group. "Stop, please! We can

resolve this without bloodshed!"


eyes flashed with malice. "You're no longer one of us, Zara. You're a

traitor. And traitors must be punished.


Forgetters raised their hands, and a dark energy enveloped Zara. She screamed

as her body began to fade away, her form dissolving into nothingnes


Emilia shouted, her earthy powers surging forward. "You can't just erase

her existence!"


grin twisted. "Oh, but we can. And we will. Zara will cease to be, a

forgotten relic of a forgotten past."

As the dark

energy consumed Zara, Lyra's fiery passion blazed bright. "We won't let

you get away with this!"


watery empathy surged, trying to reach out to Zara. "We won't forget you,

Zara! We'll remember!"

But it was

too late. Zara's form vanished, leaving behind only a faint whisper of her


And as the

Forgetters turned to leave, Lyrien added, "And as for you, warriors...

don't think you've seen the last of us. We'll be back, and next time, you won't

be so lucky."

As the

Forgetters disappeared, the warriors stood in stunned silence. Emilia's earthy

powers trembled with rage, while Lyra's fiery passion burned bright with

determination. Elijah's watery empathy flowed with sorrow, and Ava's windy

curiosity whispered questions


can't let them get away with this," Lyra said, her flames dancing with



have to find a way to stop them," Emilia agreed, her earthy stability



how?" Elijah asked, his watery empathy searching for answers.

Ava's windy

curiosity swirled around the group. "I think I know someone who can help


As Ava

spoke, a figure emerged from the shadows. "You're talking about me, aren't

you?" said a mysterious voice...

I hope you enjoy it

Johnson_Joy_2981creators' thoughts