
Embracing Destiny

Eli possess a power that no human ever possessed and he try to uncover the truth about his power and fate will bring him Love, family, friend and adventure that his heart yearn throughout his existence but he need to embrace his destiny

JD_Dandelion · LGBT+
8 Chs

We can't live together?

"Are you mocking me? I know that what I told you is hard to belief but it's true" I feel like crying I know it's really good to be true. "Because your name is Lucifer it doesn't mean that you can make a joke about it" I can feel my eyes blurry I try to blink my eyes then I realize that I am crying when a droplet of water coming down from my eyes to by cheek.

"No no No baby no don't cry please, it hurt me seeing you like this. I believe everything that you said and please believe me I am not lying either I never lie to you baby; I am Lucifer the King of Demon realm. "Look into my eyes E and I will bring you to my realm, I will show you who I am"

When I look into Luc eyes our surrounding suddenly change. "Welcome Eli this is Hell my home"

"The weather here is like summer but it's all year around, and there is no plant here only rocks and soil much like Desert. But inside the mansion the temperature is just nice." Luc explained

"We have four parts here in hell, here is call the Centros which is the center of hell where I reside and oversee the Realm, the other two is the Zhfiri and Vederci. Zhfire where all the soul are taken to be purified of all evil where Vederci is the place where all corrupted soul that's can't be purified received their punishment and eventually vanish.The last part is Sivile this is where all civilian Demon reside is like a city much like in human world"

"Others realm also can visit here in Sivile to do business or just have a good time, there is the only one entrance to the realm which is here in Centros the portal located not far from this castle. the portal is secured with tight security is like an immigration. they have to have valid identification to be able to enter. likewise others realm they also have their own security"

While Luc brief me about the Hell, I am still pulling together my thought as I still can't believe that all of this is real. I am always thinking that I am weird but this is weirder. Yeah I am still shock but I do believe Luc

"E, I will tell you further about me and Hell but we need to get back to our body"


"Yes E, I bring only your soul here as your real body cannot survive here and it dangerous for human soul to be here. When you are in Hell you will age faster as a minute in earth means an hour here in Hell same as other Realm. Likewise I cannot stay at earth with my real body that's why I born as an human in order for me to live there"

Luc hold both my hand and asked me to close my eyes, suddenly I feel so cold and at the same time i am shivering. I open my eyes and we are at the verandah and its already dark outside.

"I am sorry E" Luc says while pulling me for hug. " i should bring you inside, where its warmer before bringing you to hell"

"I am sorry E"

"You are shivering come inside and take a warm bath then we continue our talk. Come..." Luc said while pulling me inside and bring me to my room."

"Sit down here while I prepare your warm bath" Luc pushing me down gently at my bed and cover me with blanket then he goes to the in suite bathroom. Few minute later he come out and opens my closet for towel and pajamas as he brings it for me and asked me to take the warm bath.

"E go take your bath I already prepare for you, I will wait for you here. Remember to soak only for 10 minutes E otherwise you will catch cold"

I walk to the bathroom and close the door without replying Luc. I take off my cloth and enter the bathtub. When we back at the cottage I feel so numb I don't know what I am thinking, I feel so restless hearing him says that I cannot live in hell and he cannot live in earth. So why he asking me to be his Boyfriend if we cannot be together, I will be all alone again when I thought of losing him I feel my heart squeezing hard that it hurt to breath. My tears flowed nonstop without realizing it. A knock on the bathroom door bring me back from my thought.

"E, you been there for 15 minutes come out. I don't want you to catch cold" Luc shout from the door

I take a few deep breaths to calm me. I come out from the bathtub and take a warm shower to get rid of the bubble soap, I wash my face to get rid of the tears before wiping my body dry with towel and put on moisturizer lotion I wear the pajamas that Luc pass to me. I open up the bathroom door and come face to face with Luc, he been waiting outside of the door. When I look at his face my heart start to beat faster.

"E? Baby what happen? You been quiet when we arrived back here and you been crying? Baby please tells me are hurt somewhere?" I just shake my head and hug him which calm my heart a bit and the tears start to flow again"


I hug him more tightly. A few minute later Luc lift me up bridal style and sit down at the bed and me sitting in his lap still hugging him.

When I calm down, "s so sorry…"

"No need to apologize to me baby, tell me what bothering you?"

"Just before we come back to earth, you tell me that I can't live in hell and you can't live in earth, so that's mean we can't be together? Then... then why you ask me to be your boyfriend if we can't be together?"

"ahhh baby… as long as I live I will never leave you. I will always be by you side baby…I forget to tell you one thing. You are my soulmate, you may not feel the pull but being away from you will hurt me. Not physically but emotionally, you are my beloved my other half"

"me?.. Your soulmate? Even though I am human? Then how we can live together if either of us can't live in both worlds I mean realm?"

"Yes Baby you are my soulmate. Don't you worry I will find a way for us to live together and I don't care if you are human. I love you" "I have so much to tell you but its already late and I know you are tired you already yawning a few time."

Luc, lift me up and lay me down to my bed and rearrange the blanket and pull it to my chin.

"Hmm Luc…?"

"Yes baby"

"Can you cuddle me tonight? I don't want to sleep alone"

"off course baby, I will do anything for you…but I want to asked you if you agreed to be my hmmm… boyfriend?"

I nod yes then bring blanket over my head I can feel my face warmed up. I hear chuckle and feel the bed beside me dip and feel Luc move under the blanket. I close my eyes tight and suddenly I feel him kissed my cheek, bring down the blanket and gather me toward him. Now I am lying down with my face on his chest and both his hand is around my midsection. Hmm he is so warm that lulled me to sleep and before i am deep in my sleep i can feel Luc kissed my forehead.

I am back guys, really sorry for the delay. i will update regularly from now on at least two chapter per week. hope you guys can give me comment on my writing so that i can improve. what you guys think of the story flow? let me know.

Thanks lovely people for Reading!

JD_Dandelioncreators' thoughts