
Chapter 53: Larkspur

"Brey! Stop being such a lay-about!"

Aubrey opened one eye and scowled at his sister. "What's the bloody point of a picnic if I can't be insufferably lazy? You want to run around in this heat, by all means. I am staying right here to wallow in sloth."

"You!" Carmilla said, and kicked him lightly one last time before running off to play badminton with Elisabeth.

Soft chuckles from nearby stirred him just as he was slipping back into a light doze. "You are being awfully lazy today, Master."

Aubrey turned his head to look at Ruthven, who was determined to make him commit yet another sin, dressed only in breeches that fit far too well, a white lawn shirt barely laced, and a pale green collar embroidered with apples.

He closed his eyes again. "So says the man who kept me up all night."

"I did not hear any complaints," Ruthven said, more than a little smugness in his voice.

Aubrey did not give him the satisfaction of a reply.