
Elysium: The mythology of old

After two years in prison, Isaac is given a new chance. A mission that is unknown to him, led by the Fahlian empire. It leads him to wake up in Elysium. Creatures of ancient lore, Angels depicted across every mythology, what will the end up being the fate of Isaac Eisenhower?

RexxyOnEarth · 奇幻
2 Chs


Isaac awoke in a feeling of pain. His throat was clogged in a still dryness that didn't seem to dim down no matter how many times he tried to soothe it with his saliva. The feeling jolted him out of the bed he rested in, desperately looking for a drink to fulfill his throats needs.

"Hey, I see you're awake now." It was Claire, the one dedicated to Osiris. Isaac stopped, staring at her as he was in the middle of his mission to ransack the room.

"Do you have anything to drink?" His raspy morning voice was worse today than ever before.

"Sorry, I'll be right back with that. Do you prefer Ambrosia? Or Sweetened Tea?" Both options sounded out of his world. Neither had a single reference to something he would have drank in his normal life.

"Either is ok." Isaac fell back down in the bed waiting for Claire. He felt the crest inscribed in his forehead, the mark truly felt weird.

"Here you go, fresh Ambrosia." She set down the smallest cup he had ever seen, regardless he drank it all in one gulp. Going down it was sweet, he felt it cure his dry throat instantly, but he regretted his decision almost a moment later.

"Oh my Atlantis, did you just drink all of that in one gulp?" She started giggling as she watched Isaac thrive in pain on the ground. The aftertaste of the Ambrosia burned his stomach and his chest and slowly spread like a wildfire to his limbs.

"What was that." The effects wore off, and Isaac felt entirely refreshed.

"Ambrosia? The God's Nectar? The Water of Atlantis? You're not from here are you?" Claire looked at him realizing the difference in clothing.

"Where are you from?" The question stiffened Isaac rather quickly.

"Where am I from? Uhh… I don't know how to answer that. I don't entirely remember much." Isaac scratched his head.

"You don't remember? So you're like an Amnesiac? Oooh, I've heard about this one from Jaco!" She ran out the door and pulled in someone new. "This is Jaco! He's the…"

"Can you please not give information like that. You know certain angels don't match well..." Jaco looked at Isaac's forehead. "Never mind, the name is Jaco, and I'm the Incarnate of Hypno. It's quite rare to see a man of fortune these days, can't recall the last time Fortuna has taken a warrior on, but Tycho on the other hand, He's a handful."

Isaac touched the symbol on his forehead again. "So this symbol; it identifies who I am?"

"It does more than just that. It's the pathway that connects your soul and the grace of your angel. It grants you power as well as gives you recognition in our city. Anyways, welcome to Memphis!" Jaco opened the tattered hide that covered the doorway to reveal a beautiful Greco-Roman city with temples To honor their Angels. The two left the room leaving Isaac alone for a bit to catch up on the situation. Isaac of course out of curiosity lost himself in the town when he did head out .

"If you need us, we'll be at the guild. Its a tall building, you can't miss it." They said.

"EVERY BUILDING HERE IS TALL!" Isaac walked around the city clueless of where he was going. Maybe I should check this building out. Isaac stood in front of a massive temple, in comparison to him, the temple was a mountain.

His steps echoed off the walls, the sandals that the two from before gave him were annoyingly loud.

"Hello there Sir, what brings you to the temple of Isis?" A priestess stood there for a second before bowing down. "I apologize, Apostle of Isis. Please forgive my rude behavior." Her head was on the floor.

"Oh no. Please don't be so formal. I'm Isaac." Isaac reached his hand towards the priestess, who took it to rise back up.

"Of course. Sorry, Isaac!" She bowed again.

"I said no formalities." Isaac lowered himself to the priestesses height. A faint blush was seen in her cheeks as they matched eye levels.

"Sorry. I don't know what to say." She covered her eyes and turned around.

"Are you the only priestess here?" Isaac was amazed by the massive building. The pillars from inside went up maybe fifty feet or more. They had a large diameter too, making them seem larger than they were. He turned at the priest to hear her answer after putting his arm on the pillar.

"No, I mean yes. The other priestesses are tending the orchards or rivers. I'm the only one in this section." Isaac walked a bit further till he found himself in the center of the temple. Small short steps led to a small altar.

"I hope I'm not bothering you, but what is this?" Blood marks stained the side of its bowl.

"That's the blood baptism. You give your blood to isis, and she cleanses it, if you drink it you will become anew." She sounded like a devout cultist. Isaac was finding himself tied to this in someway; feeling quite disturbed that worshipping could go this far.

"Well, I didn't plan to stay long, so I'll get going now." Isaac hurried his way out of the temple hopefully not finding himself there again to face the devout cultists of Isis...

"I'd be delighted to see you again." He had just noticed, but her eyes were dull. They had no color to them. They screamed for something to long for. Isaac turned around and left the temple, unsure of how he felt about his standpoint on the societal hierarchy.

He picked up where he left off at, walking down the city streets examining each of the miniature buildings. Most were shops holding armor, weapons, food, jewelry, or magic items. The worst one he ran into was a slave trade. They whipped their slaves even though they look no different than them, maybe some different features of skin or other body features, but to Isaac they both looked human. Isaac wondered why they would even go as far to damage something they would call 'property'. It didn't seem entirely right in the mind to do something so cruel.

Isaac stopped in front of a literal skyscraper of a building within the city center, "this must be the building" he muttered underneath his breath.

"The building it is. Look at its exquisite features, perfect symmetry, and beautiful height that shows its dominance over the rest of the city. This my friend is not just any building, it is the one and only Guild Tower!" An enthusiastic man came from the crowd of people, somehow hearing Isaac when he mumbled.

"The Guild Tower? Like getting paid for bounties?" Isaac felt closer to an rpg every minute he stayed in this world.

"Bounties? Oh no. It gets better. You're paid to have journeys, ever hear about Jason the Argonaut?He came from this very tower. I even met the fool once, of course I was a young lad when that happened and he was quite the immature bunchkin. I like folk like him, no control, all killing. It's great for your spirit to be around them." The old man was more visible now. He had a mark of a hammer on the back of his right hand and he couldn't stop smiling about the history of this tower.

"Say, would you know a Claire?" Isaac thought it would be wise to ask questions if he wanted to find his destination.

"Claire? Claire.Hmmm, It doesn't ring a bell. The god she aligns with?" He scratched his forehead continuously for a couple minutes. Oh man he really is an old man, Isaac thought.

"It's O-" The old man sparked at the letter 'O'.

"The Osiris Girl. I'd stay clear away from her, she can be quite scary. Definitely not a girl you'd want to get to know, if you know what I mean. But of course, you're still young. You young people have it so easy now a days, nothing to fear sitting inside the walls protected like celebrities." The way the old man spoke to Isaac only added wood to the fire of questions he needed to ask.

"Would you know where she would be in this building?" Isaac pointed at the building. He realized it was kind of a dumb question because of how large it was.

"No, but you could take it up with someone inside. Them fellers always know everything. The Champs don't forget a single thing somehow."

"Thank you for your company sir, but I really should be going." Isaac waved him off, happy to know that some people were normal and not crazy god loving cultists.

"Have a good day! I'll see you again sometime." Isaac secured some distance between him and the man;entering the doors to the tower. An instant pressure between two forces pulled Isaac to the ground. It froze him in place instinctively spreading fear throughout his muscles.

"You'll never be as strong as me." A ginger standing tall and muscular flexed with a crowd of supporters behind him.

"Strong? Please, maybe if you could use that walnut of a brain you had you would have real strength." Another man, medium height, short, and lengthy, adjusted his glasses in a weird way.

"Walnut of a brain? I'll show you!" The Goliath of a man collapsed his fists in on the normal looking man.

"I told you, strength is not all force. It's how you use that force." The normal looking man was now behind the giant, blood splattered from the giants back. In one agile attack, the giant was wasted.

"That's the descendent of David for you! Just like his old man!" The crowd cheered from their side of the room. The other crowd looked disgusted that they followed the giant. They picked him up, and escaped the shameful defeat.

"Over thousands of years, and my lineage still stays on top. Keep your family problems to yourself Goliath." The descendent of David taunted the man as they were making their escape.

The descendent of David then realized Isaac near the door, "Oh my, a man of fortune? Lady Luck truly does favor my family.". The descendent was quick to wrap his arm around Isaac's neck. "The name is John. I've never seen you around, you a new recruit?" John was a smooth talker, he obviously deserved the crowd around him.

"Yeah, I guess so. I just actually arrived in town." Isaac looked at John's smiling face.

"Well let me show you around the guild tower. It's home to all the Heroes and their followers."

"I guess it doesn't hurt to know learn the layout." He took that as a, 'plz show me around' because he quickly walked Isaac into another room on the first floor.

"This is the tavern, nice place to drink and meet some buds, but most the people who hang around here are ancient men trying to recollect their days of old." They moved on up a floor with an elevator that was pressured by wind.

"My favorite room, the resort. Massages, Swimming, and anything you can think of that will help your mind at ease is capable here."

"Like anything?" Isaac's thoughts on females travelled through his mind, he was a twenty years old still holding on to his virginity. His mind couldn't help but ponder on the idea.

"Yes, anything. I like that thought process, it proves that you'll be useful." John gathered up what Isaac was saying just out of his expression.

"You'll like this next floor." The door beeped at a ravenous party that seemed too crazy to get out on.John had to raise his voice due to the loud music,"This is the party floor where you can find free alcohol, drugs, and maybe pick up a used slave.The sex slaves on this floor get pretty damaged though, I wouldn't mess with them.". He pushed the button for the next floor.

"And the rest are floors for rooms. This is my penthouse." After walking down the hall for a bit, he opened a door that revealed a bigger space than the width building. "Ah, I know what you're going to say. But when you have a mighty magic builder like hephaestus, anything's possible. Incredible isn't it?"

Isaac wasn't at all surprised. Instead he sort of suspected this type of magic. "It's amazing. Would I-" Johns pride jumped ahead of Isaac.

" Sadly no, I am a great warrior portrayed by Athena herself. But maybe with time, you could arrive at such a beautiful penthouse proud of your endeavors!" John seemed strongly attached to his own upbringings.

Isaac walked around admiring the beautiful medals and artwork John had attained from his travels. He stopped at a head surrounded by glass.

"You my friend have fabulous taste. That's one of the gorgon sisters, my grandfather James killed her. Oh, it was a beautiful tale, and a just as beautiful heirloom..." John paused and looked at Isaac, "Say, you don't talk much and I like that. You seem to think before you say something, and as the apostle of Athena, I think it would only benefit me to hold onto your wisdom. Would you like to join my party?". John approached Isaac with a badge, it had the face of Athena on it. " This will show you are one of the Athenians."

Isaac pondered on the thought for a second, yet it didn't seem exactly right. "I'm sorry, I'm going to have to turn you down; no disrespect or anything. I just have to acquire the lay of the land first to understand everything."

"Yes, what a fabulous way to term that. You are indeed a partner worth working beside. Well, if you change your mind, this offer won't be budging."

"Well thank you for the offer… Would you perhaps know where Claire Osiris might be?" Isaac hoped he didn't jump into another family feud.

"Oh the newcomer? blonde? quick to anger? Yes, I think I'd know her. She's two floors up getting ready for the emperor's inauguration. Actually, I should probably get ready myself. Try room 306." John walked into his room to get ready.

Isaac walked into the elevator, so I'm on floor4? Then she's on floor 7. He clicked the button 6 and the doors revealed a dark hallway, nothing like floor 5.

306. Room 306. Isaac kept saying in his mind as he scanned each door. There! room 306. He knocked on the door three times. Mostly because it just felt most comfortable that way.

"I'm coming!" Claire opened the door in a black dress, it had a mini skirt ending at the middle of her thighs and the straps covered most of her shoulders. A little cleavage was still visible.

"Oh I'm sorr— were you in the middle of…" Isaac backed up from the door.

Claire pulled him inside. "Where do you think you're going? It took you hours to get here. I have your suit in my room, now go get changed." Isaac was thrusted into her room.

Why so gloomy? Isaac looked around the room. There was no light, and the bed was styled like a coffin. Chains hung from the ceiling in a creepy dungeon fashion. On her bed was a golden toga with a white shirt and shorts to wear beneath it. I'm supposed to wear this? Isaac picked it up looking at it weird. He could only imagine the awkwardness following with wearing it. He looked in the mirror in front of him. He only now acknowledged that he was still in his pure black prison tight pants and shirt. His hair all frizzy in a short Afro, and his skin was more like an olive brown.He put on the toga and looked at himself again. He felt uneasy about it. It just didn't fit his personality.

"Come on hurry up!" Claire barged into the room. "Oh you're done. Well we need to get going." The sweet side of him he saw when he first met her was totally invisible. He could no longer see the 'are you ok' from her.

Isaac dragged himself along with Claire to the capital building. A huge crowd gathered outside waiting for the emperor to take a stand. They walked past the crowd into the building.

"Can I scan your marks please." The person at the door ran her hand over both of our foreheads. "Alright, Osiris and Fortuna, you are good to go." Claire continued to drag Isaac along, who had no idea what was actually happening. He understood the basics like the emperor was being inaugurated, but that was about it. They arrived at a room with five other apostles who stood heavily dressed. Isaac happened to be the only one in a toga. I knew it, I look ridiculous...

Isaac labeled them 1-5 based on their presence.

1- He was wearing a white cloak that covered his face. He wore leather armor over the cloak for protection, and had black gloves that seemed rough from using the bow he had on his back.

2- He was most likely a noble man. He wore jewelry and kept his hair nice and neat. He had a similar symbol to Isaac, except his had extra symbols in between each of the limbs of the symbol.

3- She was uhm... She looked creepy. She had a vivid purple robe followed with tight black under garments.

4- A small boy, most likely 17, stood against the wall wearing commoners clothing. He looked rather out of place.

5- She looked like a wild card. Wolf ears sprouted from her long gray silky hair, and her fangs communicated that she was not someone to be messed with. She wore revealing clothing, keeping her bottoms and too secured from the public eye.

They stood awkwardly inside the silent room for maybe another ten minutes until the emperor himself walked in. "So you're our new recruits. May god help us... Hey, Golden Boy, fix the hair a bit. You're going to stand in front of thousands of people, at least attempt to look presentable."

Isaac stiffened straight up like a plank. Why did he have to mock my outfit? Isaac was mentally crying. He was unready for the celebrity business they were trying to throw him into. Isaac slowly combed his hair down so it wasn't sticking out like a lion's mane.

The emperor opened the door that led to the balcony that stood before the spirited crowd."Now, follow me. I wont accept mishaps, just stand there and represent respectful champions. You lot are our new generation, take responsibility and pride in that." Isaac's next step would mean an indefinite change of his life; without a further thought,Isaac stepped forward opening a new path that he never before thought he'd see.