
Elusive Miracle

Legends foretold, the spark of light Fallen from the heavens to bring delight Those who follow in her goddess's light Shall be brought to lands that heavens compare Darkness however knows they won't fare Against this gracious sunbeam's shimmering might Snuff this ember before ruin is brought upon the dark Go forth, my faithful beast of darkness! Engulf the spark before it destroys us all! _ One of heart, one of mind, one wish that made the heavens open their pearly gates. A miracle, born to lead the world into a new age of peace for the light elves. Unfortunately, that would mean the end for the dark elves. The crimes of their ancestors were pushed down through generations. The new age of peace has no place for half-demons, someone must put an end to the newborn Messiah. Unfortunately for Philomel, this death sentence of a mission was pushed to her, courtesy of the Chief's son, Asclepius. Asclepius, an ambitious, short-sighted dark elf, determined to bring the dark elves to their former glory. A person Philomel made the mistake of pissing off. Dragging along the oblivious entrance guard, (Amon) they begin their emotional rollercoaster of a journey. Daggers in hands, can they become the villains their tribe so badly needs, or will the guilt finally drag them under? _ A voice bellowed and screeched from all around him. It sounded like a million cries through the echoes of a cave, that shrieked as it spoke. The shadows reach out toward the blood-red sky, forming a huge dark figure, the figure of a roaring dragon. Its eyes shine through all the darkness, one a brilliant blue, the other a golden yellow, slits of black in the middle, when the dragon blinks, it blinks sideways. From the corner of the eyes to the other corner, rather than one eyelid to the other. " Was anything but pleasant." The distorted voice of his father reminded him as the dragon stomped around. Each stomp crushed the homes of many and killed screaming villages. " Is this what you wish for? Is this what your heart desires?" The disfigured voice questioned. __ " I win." Philomel smugly whispers to Lenny. Completely pleased with herself before noticing Lenny's heart rate beating against her own, matching her speed but was off her pace. It felt like her heart was pounding at an unnatural speed which felt scary but at the same time interesting. She barely noticed Lenny's hazel eyes sparkling as his shocked expression slowly melts into a blissful goofy smile. Her attention finally returned to Lenny when his chiseled jawline moved closer to her. Lenny's head leans forward kissing Philomel on the cheek as he stares at her with such soft eyes. Philomel instantly blushes as she gasps at the sudden kiss. Her lips trembling trying to think of something to say but her brain malfunctioned. Lenny let out a deep chuckle as he ran a hand through his mahogany chestnut brown hair, extremely happy at Philomel's cute reaction. _ There will be romance but it would be slow-paced since it's friends to lovers. No smut scenes. There will be battles and tons of emotional trauma. Super in the middle can go both ways. This book is experimental writing. It shall be written in script format, detailed, and have a rhythmic beat/freestyle poem to certain scenery descriptions. The story shall also have switched target audience, where certain chapters are tailored to male/ female readers. There will be a notice to inform which chapters are which. Female Tailored Chapters (FTC) will have more cute scenes between characters. Male Tailored Chapters (MTC) will have battle based on the Dungeon and Dragon format where the victory or defeat of a match is based on a dice roll. Upload Every Saturday I will also be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com and Inkitt. ______________________________________________

Metztli_Night · 奇幻言情
161 Chs

V5 Chapter 148 Split Objectives

" Mel, you sure about this? It's not that I don't think you can handle it on your own but ... it's Darzirak... You know how he is."

Amon whined trying to convince Philomel once more as he follows her down the stairs that led towards the bar of the inn.

" Please. I know how to deal with him. He did help me to steal from that rich lord while you were sick. Don't worry too much. I won't fall for any of his tricks."

Philomel reassured as kept adjusting Amon's shirt that was folded and tied to fit Little One's body. Thanks to Philomel's skills with a needle the shirt looked like a white night gown upon Little One that had thick folds here and there that looked like design. A night gown that could easily turn back to Amon's shirt with just a few stitches removed.

" There's no reason for you to be going by yourself. We could all go together and I can handle Darzirak. "

Amon suggested, not wanting Philomel to walk through the mist and fog with Darzirak as a guide and return to the creepy catacombs by herself.

"I'm sure with my convincing Darzirak would be willing to watch Little One."

Amon added as he quicken his pace just to turn to face/ block Philomel at the bottom of the staircase.

" If you come along to help me set up traps then how will Little One make friends? We don't know what gift the King of Alryne would gift Lenny and Estrella. What if he gifts them a speed potion? Or a racing stallion? They could be here, in 2 days time. Which makes it much wiser for Little One to make as many friends as he can here so that when we celebrate his birthday tomorrow. It would be a more joyful event. "

Philomel pointed out as she walked around Amon and took a seat at one of the tables. Little One suddenly pointed across the inn at Doctor Storm who was snoring in a drunken stupor. His body slumped to the side against the fireplace as his arms cradled an empty liquor bottle. Amon sped over to Philomel's side, bending down to meet her eye level.

" But!"

Amon began and received a warning glare from Philomel, instantly silencing him. Doctor Storm's snoring became irregular for a moment before returning back to it's steady pace. Philomel gaze flicked from Amon to Doctor Storm, indicating for Amon to keep his voice low.

" But... "

Amon began again but this time with a softer tone as he took a seat next to Philomel.

" Surely you would need help setting up all those traps. Darzirak would definitely show you the way there but I doubt he would be in a good enough mood to stay back and help."

Amon pointed out as he took Little One from Philomel's arms and bounced the toddler on his knee.

" Must I remind you? I am the current best scavenger - "

" Thief."

Amon corrected her under his breath making Philomel stick out her tongue at him. Amon glared at her, wondering how could she be so childish during such a discussion.

" It's scavenger which means I am also the best at making traps at efficient speed and therefore I don't need anyone's help. Thank you very much. "

Philomel reminded in a huffy manner as she crossed her arms with her nose held high and turned away from Amon- having more than enough of his constant useless correction. Amon frowned, feeling slightly annoyed but seeing that there was no way to convince her when she was being like that, Amon had little choice but to agree. No matter how much Amon wanted to disagree, Philomel's reasoning held much weight and he did want Little One's first birthday to have much impact.

" Fine, then. I'll just stay here and help Little One make friends."

Amon reluctantly agreed.

" Friends? Well if your just looking for that then you definitely find one, in me. "

Aella appeared from the staircase behind them, punctuating her last words with each step. One hand trailing along the handrail of the stairs while her other was trailing across her collarbone, pushing her hair over her shoulder and giving Amon a clear view of her low neckline bar traven dress.

" Feel free to ask anything of me, friend."

Aella added as she sauntered her way to Amons side, trailing a finger from his left shoulder to right, drawing his attention to her face.

"And I mean anything."

She purred into his ear with a huge smile. Amon stared into her cat like eyes as he felt the hunter within him begging to luge at her. Already planning to push her blunt bangs away from her eyes and smother her with a kiss. A plan that he had zero intention to carry out especially with Little One happily pulling at his fingers.

" And good morning to you, I see that you're still taking things a little too direct Miss Aella."

Amon grinned.

" Can you blame me? It not often a hunk like yourself, comes strolling by. Gotta trick my competition if I want my treat, right?"

Aella says with a wink before giggling and moving towards the bar counter.

" Next time you want the room all to yourself, let me know."

Philomel leaned over Amon's shoulder to inform. Amon jolted at her breath against his ear.

" So guys what will it be? Our breakfast menu consist of toast, pie and pancakes but if you're all are up for something else. I'm sure I can whip it up."

Aella informed as she wipes down the bar counter.

" Pancakes with butter would be perfect."

Philomel chimed.

"* snap snore and sharp breath* Double shot of whiskey!"

Doctor Storm ordered as he suddenly sprang awake and almost drop the empty liquor bottle in his arms.

" Storm! It's 8 am! Bars closed! Go home! I'm sure my mother had already cut you off last night."

Aella grumbled the last bit under her breath as she scrubs the counter harder.

" Aye, she did. Where is your mother anyway?"

Doctor Storm questioned as he placed the liquor bottle on the table.

" She's upstairs taking a snooze. She woke me up for my shift before she did. "

Aella informed as she watched Doctor Storm hobble towards the door doing his best not to fall flat on his face.

" Remind her to stock up on brandy before dusk. The good stuff not the cheap water down crap. I'll be back for it."

The man mumbled as he gave a wave before leaving the inn.

" How much does that guy drink? And how can he afford it?"

Philomel wondered out loud as she watched the Doctor sway his way down the street.

" He's the only shaman... doctor in the village and we are lucky to have him. Not many villages have be gifted with a healer and even if they have, most would be tempted to try out for the big league in the kingdom. We're lucky we don't have to send a messenger or rush a person to the nearest kingdom for a healer. That's why the Village Elder wants to do all he can to keep Doctor Storm here. Even if it's giving him coloured water in a liquor bottle everyday."

Aella shook her head as she cleared Dr Storm's table. A moment of silence passed by as the travelers slowly digested the tale.

" What? Color... coloured water?! Coloured water can do that?!"

Amon exclaimed with a pointing finger.

" Well... more like that and a little bit of Poppy power, makes his body numb and drowsy. He'll be right as rain with just five hours of sleep or smelling salts. He lost his sense of taste decades ago. I'm not sure how he lost it bit it's definitely gone. I mean we all feel kinda bad tricking him like this but it's better he stays in a happy illusion here than face reality that the liquor he can't even taste would cost him all he has left. At least here, he still can afford his room and food."

Aella shrugged as she continued to stir and add more ingredients into the pancake batter.

" Wait if he lives here... then where's he going? Should we go out and bring him back?"

Philomel questioned with a worried expression.

" Oh no! He doesn't have a room here. He lives with the village head and Gale. Don't worry, he'll turn up at the door with Gale and breakfast waiting for him before sleeping the day away and coming back here at dusk."

Aella waved away Philomel's worries before tasting the pancake batter and smiling.

" The first and probably last doctor I'll ever meet in this world. Heck probably the last of his kind and this is how the man spends his time. Really makes you wonder how he became like this?"

Amon could only wonder out loud as he thought of the many possibilities.
