
Elsword Online

James, Mew, Troll, Kurloz, Jose (DKM), Brandon, FalkonLink, and TJ all love playing MMORPG games together. Now theres this new game called Elsword Online that the gang soon buy and play. But now everyone whose logged in cant log out. Join Mew and her friends as they fight to survive the online gaming world to stay alive and get home safely.

DarkMew122 · 奇幻言情
14 Chs

Chapter 5

NiteTwist's POV

It's been 6 months since we were trapped in this game. The guild is still together but lately no one has been hearing from anyone else. None of us had messaged each other and I'm beginning to worry for my little sis. We all kind of went our separate ways. Maux and Mew left together as a married couple, Tactical has dueling and pvping nonstop, Noxidus mysteriously vanished with no trace of what he is currently doing, Falkon has been helping anyone he can by partying up with them, Troll stays at the guild waiting for our return, and Frenzy is somewhere in Elsword.

None of us had talked to one another since 6 months ago during our fight when we got back to the guild.


"What the hell were you thinking Tactical!?!? Mew almost got killed you dumbass!!!" I yelled at him. Mew lay silent in Maux's arms.

"Will you two just shut up!!! We have to help Mew or else we'll lose her!!!" Snapped Noxidus. "You shut up you have no right to talk cause you deserted us and went ahead!!!" I snapped back glaring at him.

"Enough!! All of you stop this right now!!!" Yelled Frenzy. "Why don't you make me asshat!!!" Tactical retorted. This made Frenzy angry as he tackled Tactical and began punching him. I growled and hit Frenzy away with my dynamos, Noxidus then knocked the wind out of me with her spear causing me to fall holding my stomach.

"Don't you ever call me that again!" Noxidus yelled at me. Troll tried to stop but was hit into the guild wall by Tactical knocking him out cold. Falkon tried to hold me back but I punched him into Frenzy. Soon an all out fight broke out in the guild.

"ALRIGHT ENOUGH!!! WHAT KIND OF FRIENDS ARE YOU IF ALL YOUR DOING IS FIGHTING!!! ALL OF US ALMOST LOST MEW AND ALL YOU CARE ABOUT IS WHOSE AT FUCKING FAULT?! IF ANYTHING SHE ISN'T SAFE WITH ANY OF YOU!!!" Maux yelled at all of us making us stop realizing what we had done. With that he left the guild with Mew.

Flashback end

Ever since then I hadn't heard from Mew or anyone really. I walked alone in the rain towards a small little house in the forest. I had bought this home for myself a while back when I had enough ED. I entered my home and closed the door locking it. I then got in bed and laid there staring at the ceiling in complete silence.

Maux's POV

I entered a small home I recently bought for me and Mew so we could live here. As I entered I laid Mew in bed and put a wet washcloth on her head. I then walked onto the porch and saw the lake view.

'Don't worry Mew, it'll just be me and you from now on. Least...until you wake up.' I thought to myself. I then went back inside the house and stayed by Mew's side til she woke.

Tactical's POV

"Lets do this!" I yelled as I fired cannonballs at another player. (Play song now :3) The player's name was airManLinku. His character was Elesis but his class was the Pyro Knight. He was fast like Mew but I had good defensive skills. He swung rapidly as I dodged them. I then hit him with my cannon and then threw several grenades jumping into the air as they explode. I smirked but it soon faded when he appeared from the smoke with scratches and bruises everywhere. He swung but missed me by a hair, I took the chance a fired several shots at him causing him to hit the ground hard. The PvP screen showed Link's health was in red while mine was in the orangish yellow. Showing that I had won once again.

'I won't give up on getting stronger!' I thought to myself clenching my free hand into a fist while my other gripped my cannon tightly.

'When I'm strong enough I will fight you NiteTwist. And I will win!'

FrenzyCrow's POV

I had finally finished the quest for my job change. I sighed in relief finally becoming a Weapon Taker class. I headed back towards my home and came across Falkon. We looked at each other for a bit in silence. "Nice to see you again Falkon..." I said mumbling slightly. "Same to you Frenzy.." He said in the same tone. Soon we walked away from each other heading our separate ways once more.

'I will be the strongest there is and soon I'll show them whose the asshat.' I thought.

Falkon's POV

After running into FrenzyCrow I kept walking towards the hotel I was staying at after the long day doing dungeons. I entered my room and closed the door locking it. I laid in my bed and thought about poor Mew and the fight that had broken out 6 months ago.

I sighed and tried to take my mind off it by attempting to sleep.

Troll's POV

I sat in the guild hoping everyone would come back. But for the past 6 months, no ones showed up once. During those 6 lonely months I began doing quests alone. I then did my class change and became a Royal Guard/Noblesse. Since then all I've done is help the guild out. More and more players have died during those 6 months too. Which made me start worrying more and more for Mew and the others. 'I hope their ok.' I thought to myself.

Noxidus' POV

"Finally I changed my class to Little Hsien. Now I can obtain more skills!" I said to myself. I began doing missions, quests, field quests, side quests, and pvp on my own since 6 months ago. I will admit I was worried for everyone but I knew well enough most of them could take care of themselves. Though Mew couldn't that's what worried me even more. I sighed wondering and thinking if she's ok. I shook the thought off my mind and headed into town to repair my gear.