
Elsword Online

James, Mew, Troll, Kurloz, Jose (DKM), Brandon, FalkonLink, and TJ all love playing MMORPG games together. Now theres this new game called Elsword Online that the gang soon buy and play. But now everyone whose logged in cant log out. Join Mew and her friends as they fight to survive the online gaming world to stay alive and get home safely.

DarkMew122 · 奇幻言情
14 Chs

Chapter 1

James' POV

"Hey guys check this out!" I said to everyone running over to them holding the new game I had recently bought.

"What is it Sables?" Mew asked.

"Its the new MMORPG game of the year!" I exclaimed showing them the game.

"Looks fun!" Said TJ.

"Looks like it comes with a headpiece called a Nervegear and that it supposedly goes over your head like a motorcycle helmet." Mew said.

I loved my friends a lot. Mew was like a little sister to me. She was 16 had blonde waist length hair with strands of pink and purple, she was about 4'11, sky blue eyes, and was wearing white pants, black and pink flip flops, and a black shirt that had a Mew and Mewtwo on it.

TJ was her other older brother, he wore a black shirt, black pants, and black shoes. His hair however was really messy as if he didn't brush it this morning or any morning at that and had chocolate brown eyes. He was about 6'2 and slightly chubby.

The boy on the other side of Mew was named Jose, her boyfriend, and he had tall black mullet, and wore a black trench coat with a black muscle shirt, black pants with a chain belt loop on the left side, black shoes, and has black spiked arm guards. He was about 5'9 and slightly chubby and had silver like dragon eyes.

Next was Kurloz the boy who was behind Mew and beside TJ. He always wore a red shirt and brown cacky pants as well as brown shoes. He had jet black hair and was about 5'10 and chocolate brown eyes. A bit pale and skinny.

Then there was Troll as we name him, he has short light brown hair, sea green eyes, a bit overweight, wore a black shirt with a Darkrai on it, black pants, and was about 5'4 I believe.

Falkon wore a Link like cap except it was a black shade, he wore a legend of Zelda Majora's Mask shirt, black pants, and black shoes, he had blackish brownish hair that slightly went over his teal colored eyes and his height was 5'8.

Brandon however had brown hair like Falkon's, blue eyes, wore a plain t-shirt that had a skull with flames surrounding it, black pants, black shoes, and was about 5'7.

Then there's me, I had sea green teal colored eyes, wore a black shirt with a Sableye on it, black pants, black shoes, and had black hair that went a bit over my eyes but not enough to where I couldn't see at all. Slightly chubby and was about 5'4.

All of us were best of friends and we all loved MMORPG video games. And I found out that Elsword was an online game that everyone can play.

~Time Skip~

Mew's POV

Me and the gang exited the game store with out brand new game and nerve gear headset to play. We all began talking about how the game would be while we walked home. Soon all of us made our separate ways back home. Once I reached home I plugged the nerve gear in and put the game into the small system. I laid in bed after making sure the door was closed and locked, and that I had texted my mom that I would be playing my new game and had wished to not be disturbed.

I stared at the ceiling and took a deep breath then closed my eyes. "Game start!" I said and with that everything went black and soon I saw a white screen with rainbow colors flying past me in all directions. Til I entered a platform with the title of the game hovering over me.

Hello and welcome to Elsword Online. Please select the character you would like to become. Said the computerized voice. Soon 10 different people showed up in a small circle.

I scrolled a bit til I came across a red haired girl holding a sword and hazel brown eyes. I smiled and picked her to be my character by pressing the small blue circle icon that was in a small box that appeared in front of me.

Thank you for selecting your character. Please insert the username you would like to give. Said the computerized voice yet again.

Soon another small box appeared with a little bar to enter a name while all the characters went away the red haired swords woman stayed where she stood. I clicked the box and typed in my username I wanted to use. Then clicked the blue circle icon once more.

You have chosen the swords woman Elesis. Your username DarkMew122. Are you sure you wish to continue. Said the computer.

I clicked the circle again and soon I changed into the same red haired swords woman that was known as Elesis that was standing right in front of me.

You will now be transported to Ruben Village. Said the computer while the floor below my feet began glowing brightly and soon teleported me.

You opened your eyes and found yourself in a forest like village.

'So this is Ruben Village huh?' I thought while looking around. There seemed to be a lot of players as I looked each player had a health bar up above the top left side of their head with their username and health bar which were a grassy green shade of color. They even had a small triangle at the top of their head, some were orange and most were blue like mine was.

'Hmmm, so the orange must mean their in a party and the blue are solo players.' I thought to myself. I lifted my right arm up a bit then swiped my hand downwards making a small rectangular floating box appear in front of my right side. I checked my stats and saw they seemed pretty decent. I then check the time.

7:30 PM

'I have enough time for now at least.' I thought. I checked my equipment by pressing the sword icon. I scrolled down a bit and saw an item. I pressed it and soon it appeared in my hand. The weight of the sword was the right weight for me. I smiled and sheathed it into the sheathe that was attached to my back.

'Now I just gotta look for my friends.' I thought when I was looking around til I heard someone yelling my name. I looked over to the left and saw a boy with white hair, purple eyes, a purple scar like facial feature on his left eye, he wore a white jacket with a black shirt underneath it, white pants, and white shoes. He had electronic like machines floating behind him following him.

"Uhm do I know you?" I asked as he stopped in front of me. I took a glance and saw his name.


"Of course you do! It's me James from school!" He said smiling brightly at me. My eyes widened seeing it was him. "James?!" I exclaimed shocked. "What are you and what the hell are those things behind you?" I asked curiously.

"The character's name is Add and his weapons are called Dynamos. Pretty cool huh?" He said. I nodded and saw some others walking towards us.

One of them I quickly recognized by his name but the character he chose had red hair like mine a thick, flat red and white sword on his back while he wore brown shorts, a red tank top with lines going vertically, brown, black, and white shoes and gloves. He had hazel brown eyes like my character had. I smiled seeing his username.


I then spotted a boy with black hair and two orange strands over one of his eyes, he had a scar on his right cheek, his left arm was machine with claws. He had a long jagged like sword on his back and his hair was a bit spiky. He wore no shirt and dark brown beige pants with black shoes. He had a massive scar on his chest and his eyes were a orange brownish color. I looked at his name.


Next was a boy with dark navy blue hair that fell over his eyes slightly. He held two rifle like swords. He had elvish looking ears and wore a chain necklace that had a blue and white symbol shaped in stars. He had dark blue eyes and wore a blue trench coat, gray shirt underneath, blue and black shoes, and blue pants. His skin was pale white. 'Demon Hunt' I thought. When I looked at his name I recognized who it might've been.


There was a girl next to him. She had jet black hair and wore an orange and white Japanese outfit. She had orange eyes and her hair was up in a Japanese bun with a needle into it to keep it as it is. She held a large black, white, and orange spear in her left hand. Her name read,


Then there was another Add but his name was way too obvious though I couldn't say anything since I chose something similar to my real name.

FalkonLink was what it read.

Then there was a dirty blond haired boy wearing all white armor holding a large massive cannon with his right hand. He had sky blue eyes and slightly spiked hair that fell slightly over his eyes.

TacticalGod was his username.

"Well looks like we all made it. We should form a party stay together since we're in new territory." I smiled brightly at all of them knowing who each one was. They nodded and I swiped downwards bringing up my menu and adding each of them into a party.

"So where should we start?" I asked putting both hands onto my hips.