
Elora hates me

a story about a young teenage girl who was assigned to turn an arrogant and bullying boy to be humble, will she succeed? let's find out

Authoress_Bella · 奇幻言情
33 Chs

Chapter Twenty-one

Narrator pov

Saturday day morning, Elora was helping out in the kitchen when one of the maids came over.

"Miss Elora, sir Marvin requests your presence in his room". she said and then left.

" I will be right back, nanny". She left for Marvin's room and saw him sitting on his sofa operating his laptop. "You sent for me".

"Yes, my bathroom is messed up, it needs some cleaning,".he said still paying attention to his laptop.

"But I thought I cleaned it earlier this morning," she said.

"I don't care, I have used it, so, clean it up". he said unlikely and Elora hesitated for a while before heading to the bathroom to clean it up.... a few minutes later, she came out all sweating and then went stunned to see the bed that was arranged before she walked in was already messed up beyond imagination, she went furious and stare at Marvin who was still busy with his laptop, feeling unconcerned.

" Did you do this?" she asked angrily and stared at him, but Marvin seemed to care less.

"is your punishment, so tidy it up". He winks at her and turns to his laptop.

" You are so annoying, What do you gain by doing all these?".

"Joy, I love seeing you like this, it gives me the benefit of you being below my standard because I can't stand you anymore ". he laughs.

" I hate you". she said and moved to arrange the bed.

A few hours pass and Marvin has been making hell for Elora, he makes her do all the unnecessary work in the house and nanny and the rest is surprised at him. Elora was in her room dressing up to go out with Nathan because he had already called to inform her that she would be there soon. Meanwhile, Marvin heard their conversation on the phone, so he went over and locked all the doors.

Elora pov

I was done dressing up myself, I stared at myself in the mirror to see if I was ready to go. I wore a simple short flowery gown with a tiny belt tied to my belly along with white sneakers and a little purse.

"I think I look great". I smiled at myself in the mirror and I made my hair fall to my shoulders. Then Nathan's text came up on my phone saying he would be here in a minute, I smiled and walked out of my room, I was halfway to the doorstep when a voice interrupted me.

" wow! Who do we have here," Kevin said from the stairs smiling gorgeously at me.

"Hey, Kev.". I said turning to him as he moved closer to me.

" Wow, you look breathtaking, I am sure that guy won't take his eyes off you". he complimented and I smiled.

"Thanks, Kev".

" you are welcome, I wish you the best of luck".

"Okay". I turn to leave when nanny stops me.

"You are ready, "she said as came over to me." You look beautiful".

"Thank you, Nanny,".

"Have fun," she said and I smiled, then Nathan's message came through.

"I have to go now, he is outside waiting for me". I said

" Okay, take care," they both said and I walked to the door, but to my surprise, it was locked.

"Nanny, did you lock the door?" I asked as I turned to her to see the confused look on her face.

"No, the door is not locked". she replied.

"But I can't open it".I said

"Let me see". nanny said and tried to open it, but she couldn't. " Who could have locked the door?" she asked confusedly.

"Maybe one of the maids lock it by mistake, you should use the back door". Kevin said and she turned to leave when Marvin's voice stopped us.

" There will be no need for that," Marvin said and we turned to look at him, standing upstairs with his arm on the rail.

"Why?" nanny asked.

"Because I lock all the doors in the house, to ensure nobody leaves". he replied with a grin on his face.

" Excuse me!" I said.

"You heard me ". He said.

" Why do you do that Marvin, Can't you see Elora is going out and the guy is already outside waiting for her," Kevin said sounding so serious.

"Then he should go back, This is my house and I have every right to choose who goes out or not".

"You can't be serious right now".I said thinking all this is a joke

"Son, give me the keys, Elora needs to go". nanny said.

"No Nanny, nobody leaves this house today and I don't care to know who the person is".

"Are you alright at all? What right do you have? If I can remember clearly, we both have equal rights in this house, How dare you lock all the doors and prevent people from going out, You have no right at all" I yelled angrily and he scoffed.

"Son, let me have the keys," Nanny said

"No". he said and left for his room. I grunt angrily and try to move toward him, but nanny stops me.

"No dear, let me talk to him ".

" but nanny, am late and Nathan is outside waiting for me". I muttered sadly.

"I know, try to tell him why you are keeping him waiting and he will understand". she said.

" Nanny is right, call and explain to him". Kevin said, I sighed and then left for my room.

Marvin pov

I lay on my bed working on my phone when nanny walked in without knocking.

"You have to stop this madness and open the door". she said and I could feel the anger in her voice.

"No Nanny, my words still stand, nobody leaves".

"why? Can't you see you are hurting her,"

"I don't care, she should be happy that I am stopping her from leaving, It's 6 pm already and it's late for a young lady like her to go out with a guy at this hour". I said.

"Since when do you start feeling concerned about her well-being?" Kevin interrupted from the doorstep. " You should go and open that door and let the poor girl go out, except you want me to believe what I think about you is true". he said and I turned to him quickly, knowing fully well that I understood what he meant, I stared at him, "Don't give me that look, You know I am right, but your stupid arrogance and ego won't let you". he added and nanny stared confusedly at both of us.

" What is going on? Is there something I need to know?"

"Yes, nanny, I will tell you the reason why Marvin is doing all this, h- " I cut him short.

"is nothing nanny, the reason why I am doing this is that I want her to serve the retribution of daring me". I said and Kevin scoff

"You and I know that is not the point".

"Will you be quiet, if I can remember, this is my house". I yelled.

"But preventing her from leaving the house, is not right,".nanny said and then we heard a sound from the window, I rushed to take a look including Kevin and nanny and we were surprised to see Elora walking towards the gate. "Elora!" nanny called and she turned over in that direction.

"I managed to get out through the window, I will be back before you know it". she voices out and I could see the smile on their faces.

" Okay, be careful," Kevin said and she waved at them, and they waved back before she disappeared from our sight. I moved back to the bed and sat down angrily.

"How did she manage to do that?". nanny said

"She is smart" Kevin replied and they moved away from the window.

"I hope she never comes back here, how dare she break my rules". I said angrily.

"What stupid rules, you and I know there are no rules in this house... you are just doing this because you are jea--" I didn't let him complete the sentence for. as I threw one of my pillows at him and he rushed out quickly, laughing, then nanny left. I grunt angrily.

"How dare she disobey me to be with that good-for-nothing guy," I said

"You are jealous". Kevin said quietly from my doorstep and I was surprised to know he had been standing there.

"Get out Kevin". I yelled and he shut the door. I stared angrily at one spot...... some hours later, I was feeling restlessly unable to sleep, I kept tossing around my bed, I sat upright on the bed and checked the time on my phone it was 9 pm Already and there was no sign of her coming back. I felt worried and I kept checking the window to see if there was any car parked outside or someone walking towards the gate, but none. I came out of my room to the bar, sat down, and served myself some wine.

"What are you doing?" Kevin's voice startled me.

"Gosh, don't scare me like that again". I yelled and he scoffed.

" Sorry I scared you, I was surprised to see you here at this time when you are supposed to be sleeping or are you worried about Elora that is not back at this time?" he said as he took a sip from the wine.

"Why should I be worried about her? I don't care about her".

"Really? Are you sure?".

"Don't Kevin, I am not in the mood to have this discussion with you, Allow me to enjoy my wine in peace". I said as I took a sip.

" Sure, I know you too well cousin, you are not good at hiding what you feel... but anyway, let me ease your worries, Elora won't be home tonight, she called nanny to inform her that she is spending a night at the guy's house". he said and walked away leaving me surprised.

"What? Is she for real? How dare she spend a night in a guy's house on their first outing?" I said and gulped the wine and stormed to my room.