
Elora hates me

a story about a young teenage girl who was assigned to turn an arrogant and bullying boy to be humble, will she succeed? let's find out

Authoress_Bella · 奇幻言情
33 Chs

Chapter Seventeen

Narrator pov

two days on, Elora was looking for a way to apologize to Marvin for accusing him wrongly, but she was never given the chance to because Marvin was avoiding her. She sat at the library reading when Nathan came over and sat beside her.

"hey,".he said smiling.

"hi".she replied Paley

"Are you okay?" he asked noticing her mood.

"yeah ".

"but you don't look like one, is everything alright?".he asked again feeling concerned and she let out a sigh.

Marvin pov

I was working out in the gym and a lot of things have been going through my head since my last fight with Elora, I haven't been myself lately, and a part of me is telling me to stop the fight with her and be friends instead. sometimes I feel jealous and angry when I saw her laughing and chatting with that new friend of hers, I wish I was the one she is laughing with, I wonder why how I suddenly get this feeling of wanting her to be safe and not get bullied by other students. I needed to stop feeling this way, that's why I went to spend some days at my parent's place, but instead, I still feel worried about her, I worried if she's home early, I sometimes call nanny, not to ask if Elora is home but hear from the way she will sound on the phone when she answered me freely and happily, I will know Elora is home.

"gosh! Where are all these stupid thoughts coming from? This is not you Marvin, why is your hatred towards her becoming so soft and tender".I muttered to myself angrily and continue my workout, just then I heard footsteps towards me, I am the only one who gets access to the gym at this time, and no one dares to come in until I am done. when I turn around, I noticed it was Elora, she looks so pale and calm and it melts down my anger towards her, at the moment I was wanting to voice out if she is okay, but the inner ego in me deprived me, instead, I turn to her with a frown face "what are you doing here?" I asked frowning and she let out a sighs

"I didn't mean to interrupt your workout, I just came here to say something to you,".she said calmly and my angry look was becoming soft and calm.

"what do you want to say? Say it, I don't have all day to waste with you".

"am here to say I am sorry, I am sorry for accusing you wrongly the other day, I have been feeling quilt for what I did, so I need to clear my mind, that is why I came here to apologize,".she said with her head bow to the ground and could feel the sincerity in her apologize, at that moment I wanted to make things right between us but the ego in me stop me from doing so and then I smirk as a deal came through my mind and I pull a little closer to her.

"Really? you are sorry for what you did right?"I asked and she nod."okay, I will only accept your apologies on one condition".I said and she raise her face to me surprisingly.

"What condition?"

"you are going to be under my control for one week and you will do anything I ask you to do".

"What? Are you joking right now?" she voices out.

"do I look like I am joking"?

"I can't do that".

"then your apologies are not accepted"

"fine! I don't care if you accept it or not".she yelled and walk away and I smirk staring at her.

Elora pov

I lay on my bed pondering on what Marvin is asking me to do

"How dare he give me such a condition, who the hell does he think he is anyway".I hissed but still felt guilty for accusing him..next morning, I was already dressed up for school and I came down to see Marvin in the dining having his breakfast he raise his face to me giving me a smirk and I ignore him to join him on the dinning, nanny came over and serve me my breakfast.

"hurry up, so you won't be late for school". nanny said and walk away, I stare hard at him as he was busy enjoying his meal... a few hours later, during lunch break, Nathan and I sat down to have our lunch.

"Did he accept your apologies?" he asked and I roll my head." why?".

"There is a condition to it".I replied with a sigh.

"What condition?"

"he wants me to be under his control for a week before he can think of accepting my apologies".

"what? that's unfair," he said."do you want me to go and talk to him?" he asked.

"no, don't worry, I can handle it".

"Are you sure?"

"yes, I will accept his offer, is it just a week? I will let him have his way".

"Okay, whatever decision you take, just know I will always support you,".he said smiling and smiling back at him.

During the free period, I went over to the gym to see them sitting on the chair operating his phone, sometimes I wonder why he made here his favorite spot in school and loves coming here whenever it was Free period or lunch break.

"hi".I said as I walk a little closer to him, he raise his face to me.

"why are you here?" he asked unlikely and I scoff knowing fully well he knows why I am there but just pretending.

"am here to make the deal with you".I said throwing my face away, he went silent for a while and then spoke.

"I know you will come back, hold on a sec,".he said and pick up his bag and brought out a piece of paper, and hands to me ." here is the contact, you can read the rules and regulations and then sign,".he said and I glance through it carefully." read it out loud let me hear you". he added and stare hard at him before turning my gaze to the paper in my hand and started reading.

"rule no 1, no delay when I need your services..rule no 2, no grumpy, insult or try to fight back..rule no 3 ".I sigh and continue." you will always be on my side,24 hours a, and do whatever thing I ask you to do, what? You can't be serious, aren't you?" I said angrily.

"That's my rule, do you have a problem with that?"

"You don't expect me to hang around you for 24 hours, I got a life you know".I complained.

"do I look like I care, it's your punishment for lying against me".

"I wasn't lying, I was only stating the fact at that moment because all evidence was pointing against you". I yelled.

"Well, apparently, you have to earn my forgiveness for that,".he said rudely and I was feeling like strangling him, but I couldn't." are you signing it or not?" he asked and I hesitate for a while and let out a sigh.

"you can do this Elora, is just a week with this wizard," I said and I signed on the paper, he took it from and glance through it, and then smirked. "you will pay for this".I muttered and walk away.