
If you value your life, go back

Aria climbed on the boat and threw away the rope which was fastening it to the land. As soon as she did this, the boat began to move.

Aria settled down on the boat and looked left and right. After a few minutes, she heard some noises.

Aria scrunched up her face as she was falling asleep. She was tired and had used too much bending which was a strain on her little body. Aria sat up and her eyes widened in horror as she realised that the noise was coming from the people of the fire army who were chasing her.

Aria found a paddle and began to row so as to increase the speed of the boat. She could faintly see the outline of the dark forest. If she escaped there, no one would follow her. But the army was already catching up. In the dark night, their fires could be seen from afar.

Soon, Aria was getting targeted as many beams of fire began coming towards her.

Though tired, Aria was at an advantage. She was in the water. Aria tried to cover the boat with water but she was just too tired. But nonetheless, she pushed her body and did it.

But the barrier was weak. It blocked the fire of many soldiers, but the fire of more powerful ones broke into it. Seeing that there was no way, Aria removed the barrier from the whole boat and tried to protect only her body.

It seemed to work. But Aria could no longer row. The boat was moving slowly towards the dark forest as the attack on her was getting fierce. Finally, a sharp beam of fire broke into her little barrier. Aria tried to counter it with the river water but she had no more strength. Her body was going lump and vision blurry.

"No. I cannot lose consciousness at a time like this. Damn." Aria thought as her head blanked out and her limp body fell into the water.

Just when the soldiers thought they had her, a miracle happened. The water seemed to be taking shape as the river water formed into a woman. A woman cradling Aria. The earth in front of the soldiers trembled and they looked in horror as it changed into a fierce looking man with a long beard.

Most of the soldiers were scared out of their wits, but some of the brave ones tried to bend fire to reach for Aria. But they were dumbstruck when they could not bend any fire.

Their very own fire took the form of a man, with wavy hair. And last but not the least, fierce wind blew out the dark forest and slowly changed into a little girl with hair upto her waist. She stood beside the man made of fire, holding his hand.

The soldiers realised in horror, these were the elements. The spirit of elements. They stumbled back as the fire man said, his voice thundering across the sky, "If you value your life, turn around. And never come back."

The soldiers ran with their tails between their legs as the water woman carried the unconscious Aria into the forest, along with the other three.

Aria knew nothing of what happened that night as she had fallen unconscious before all this happened.