
Elder Scrolls True Daughter of Skyrim

Riley has been plagued by recurring dreams of a snowy land stained with blood and fallen armored soldiers. In these dreams, she is Ellehish, a princess of the snow elves who escaped from the Nord army with her guards, only to be targeted while at sea. As their boat is about to be attacked by magic, a necklace splits her soul, sending one to Earth while the other remains in her original world. After dying in a truck accident, she returns to her world as a 16-year-old snow elf named Ellehish with white hair and pale skin. Her ultimate goal is to survive and one day reunite with her people, but her strong hatred towards the Nords may lead her down a dark path. Ellehish possesses the potential to become a great force for good or evil, with her small build and perverted tendencies hiding her true power. She has the ability to steal traits and powers from other races, as well as elder blood powers from the Witcher series and alpha powers from Teen Wolf. As Ellehish navigates the dangers of Skyrim and other realms, she uncovers mysteries that test her strength and resolve. With the help of her friends, she fights against her enemies and becomes stronger and more capable than ever before. I don't own Skyrim.

Iros · 游戏衍生
58 Chs

Whispers in the Garden

The days after the healing ritual passed slowly. I often found myself lost in thought, grieving the loss of Awalion. Her memory haunted me, and the pain of her absence was a constant ache. I could only be glad that Arnovia wasn't there at the time. I didn't want to lose her as well. And the fact that some of the members of the subjugation team survived as well. I might be able to bring forth a Deadra and get information about what happened in my home world, but there would be the chance that they would inform their Deadra lord. So I want sure on how to move forward.

I spent much of my time resting in the tranquil gardens of Rivendell, surrounded by the beauty of nature. While I didn't have access to magica that would come from the stars and sun, I had managed to slowly fill my magic back up by taking small amounts of energy from the earth. Thanks to what I had learned from Awalion as a green lady. It was almost as if it had been boosted her in Middle Earth. The fresh scent of greenery and the soothing sound of running water helped to ease my mind if only a little. Arwen often sat with me, and while she did not press me to speak but simply offered her silent support. I had ended up sharing a bit with her about Awalion, and she had called her a wonderful friend, which I couldn't agree more too. That was a few days ago as she had gone somewhere. 

One afternoon, as the sun cast dappled shadows through the leaves, Lord Elrond approached and sat beside me, his eyes filled with a mixture of concern and curiosity.

"Ellehish," he began softly, "I know that you have endured much pain that much is evident. but I wish to learn more about the source of this dark magic that afflicted you. The one you called Mannimarco."

I looked at Elrond, feeling the weight of my experiences pressing down on me. "Mannimarco is a necromancer" I explained. "His power over the dead is honestly unnerving. He has a cult of followers who also practice that dark art. In my world, he is a powerful threat that few would be able to even face"

Elrond's brow furrowed slightly, a hint of skepticism in his eyes. "From your world?" he repeated. "Are you suggesting that you are not of Middle-earth?"

I took a deep breath, realizing that this revelation would be difficult for anyone to believe. "Yes," I said. "I come from a land called Tamriel, specifically from a region known as Skyrim. I am a Falmer, a snow elf princess but that doesn't carry much weight anymore."

Elrond's expression remained skeptical, though he listened intently. "It is a difficult claim to accept," he said slowly. "Middle-earth has its own share of dark forces, but to speak of another world entirely..."

I nodded, understanding his doubt. "I know it sounds unbelievable, but it is the truth. I possess a rare bloodline, called the elder blood. It allows me to travel between different realms, though I have little control over it. When I was almost killed by Mannimarco, I wanted so desperately to find somewhere I could be saved and I ended up near your lands just outside your city. If not for the arrival of the elven killer Id most likely dead"

Elrond studied me carefully, his eyes searching for any sign of deceit. "Elder blood, you say? Such an ability is unheard of in these lands. Do you have any proof of this claim?"

I hesitated for a moment, then raised my hand, channeling a small amount of my remaining magicka. A faint, ethereal light enveloped my fingers, casting a soft glow. I focused, and a delicate snowflake formed in the air above my palm, shimmering with a pale blue light. It was a spell I had been trying to creature for less than noble reasons, As it was made to spicy things up with Arnovia. but I wouldn't be telling him that. However, he still didn't seem to believe me so I vanished in a puff of red smoke and appeared much further away from him before reappearing next to him.

Elrond's eyes widened slightly as he watched the display. "This is... remarkable," he admitted. "Such magic is not known to us here. But it does not fully prove your origin."

I nodded, understanding his caution. "I can show you more," I said, my voice steady. "But I need time to recover my magica as I am cut off from the source."

Elrond's expression softened with compassion. "Very well," he said. "We will give you the time you need. Your magic is indeed unique, and I will not dismiss your claim lightly."

I managed a small, grateful smile. "Thank you, Lord Elrond. I appreciate your understanding."

As we spoke, my gaze was drawn to the ring on Elrond's finger. It glowed with a soft blue light, resonating with an energy that intrigued me. "Your ring, Lord Elrond what is its significance?" I asked, unable to contain my curiosity.

Elrond's eyes softened, and he raised his hand to show me the ring. "This is Vilya, the Ring of Air," he explained. "It is one of the three Elven rings of power."

I nodded, fascinated by the connection between Elrond and the ring. "It is beautiful," I said softly. "And powerful. I can sense its energy, could I hold it?"

Elrond's expression grew cautious. "Vilya is a powerful artifact, and its magic is deeply tied to my own. It is not something to be handled lightly."

"I understand," I replied. "But perhaps if I could study it, even briefly, it might help me understand more about the magic of this world and how it interacts with my own." That and I was so curious about what it did.

Elrond considered my request for a long moment before finally nodding. "Very well," he said, removing the ring carefully. "But only for a moment. The bond between the ring and its bearer is not to be taken lightly. And none may use it unless gifted to them."

He placed Vilya in my hand, and I felt a surge of energy flow through me.

Vilya, the Ring of Air

Artifact Type: Ring

Weight: 0.3

Value: 500000

Description: Vilya, also known as the Ring of Air, is one of the three Elven rings of power forged in the ancient days of Middle-earth. It is said to possess immense power and is deeply tied to the essence of the wind and sky. Worn by Elrond, the Lord of Rivendell, this ring helps protect and preserve his realm, providing strength and healing to those in need. Its magic is pure and potent.


Restoration Amplification: Restoration spells are 50% more powerful. Healing spells restore twice the amount of health.

Magicka Regeneration: Increases Magicka regeneration rate by 150%.

Protection of the Winds: Grants a constant effect of 5% resistance to all elemental damage (fire, frost, and shock).

Aura of Serenity: Generates an aura that calms nearby enemies within a 20-foot radius, making them less likely to attack. (Effectiveness increases with Restoration skill.)

Boon of Vilya: Once per day, the wearer can invoke Vilya's power to completely restore health, magicka, and stamina, and cure all diseases and poisons.

Lore: Vilya is more than just a ring; it is a legacy of the Elves' ancient power and wisdom. Crafted by Celebrimbor and empowered by Sauron, its connection to the One Ring is both a source of strength and vulnerability. While its magic can rival the might of Daedric artifacts, the wearer must remain vigilant, for the influence of the One Ring still seeks to corrupt and dominate all other rings of power.

Holy shit this thing was amazing! I couldn't help but think as it rested in the palm of my hand. Elrond watched me carefully, his eyes filled with a mixture of curiosity and caution. "You can feel its power, can't you?" he asked softly.

I nodded, awestruck. "Yes, it's incredible. I've never encountered anything like it."

He took the ring back, placing it carefully on his finger. "Vilya is a powerful artifact,...."

As he was speaking, a hurried messenger approached us, his face pale with urgency. "Lord Elrond," the elf said breathlessly, "Arwen has returned and she brings with her a hobbit that has been wound by the Morgul blade. Your immediate attention is required."

Elrond's expression immediately shifted to one of concern. He rose swiftly from his seat, his earlier calm replaced with focused determination. "I must attend to Hobbit at once," he said, turning to me briefly. "Ellehish, we will continue our discussion later." He didn't even give me a chance to reply as he left quickly. I watched them go, So Frodo was here now, which means I had arrived around the start of the lord of the Rings fellowship of the ring.

He would survive that I was sure, but for now, I would gather information about what had happened in my home world. 

Mp 110/ 480

I had just enough to summon a Lesser Nature Deadra, Let's hope this one didn't have a master. I stood up and found a secluded spot in the garden, hidden by tall trees and thick bushes. Taking a deep breath, I focused my remaining magicka and began the incantation. The air around me shimmered with energy as I summoned the Daedra.

A swirling vortex of green light appeared before me, and from it emerged a Lesser Nature Daedra. Her form was eerie, more tree than humanoid. And from what was Humanoid it had some feminine features. She stood about three feet tall, her body composed of intertwined vines and branches. Her skin was bark-like, with leaves and small flowers sprouting from her limbs and torso. Her eyes glowed with a soft, emerald light, and her hair was a cascade of ivy that rustled gently in the breeze.

The Daedra looked at me with curiosity and interest. Her voice was like the rustling of leaves in the wind. "You have called me forth. What is it that you seek?"

"I need information," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady. "What has happened in my home world, Tamriel? Have the Oblivion Gates been closed? Is Mundus safe?"

The Daedra tilted her head, considering my questions. "The Oblivion Gates have indeed been shut," she said. "The realms of Oblivion have been closed off from Tamriel. Mundus is safe, for now. The forces of chaos and destruction have been held at bay."

I let out a sigh of relief, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders. But I needed more details. "What of the Emperor? and the other's that had helped him?"

The Daedra's glowing eyes flickered with recognition. "The Emperor hat to sacrifice himself to become a dragon to face Mehrunes Dagon. The two females that had helped him, have vanished from Tamriel after some time after entering a portal into the shivering Ilses.

My heart pounded as I realized who the Daedra was referring to. "The females, are you speaking of Arnovia and her sister Lyra?" I asked, my voice trembling with urgency.

The Daedra nodded, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Yes, Arnovia and Lyra. that is their names. They entered the portal willingly, into the Shivering Isles."

A wave of fear that stupid idiot. "Are they safe? Do you know anything about their condition?" I pressed, desperation creeping into my voice.

The Daedra's form began to waver, the energy sustaining her summoning fading. "I cannot say for certain. Their fate is intertwined with the whims of the Daedric Prince Sheogorath."

Mp 1/480

I sank to the ground, There was no way I'd be strong enough to even gain entrance into that realm. I'd need to start training again.