
Servile Slaves

A pale man with yellow irises and black scleras sits comfortably in a room watching over the port city of Pont Vanis through a tinted window... He sips a goblet full of what looks like wine and scowls, "I may own this land, but it isn't "mine", is it?" he wonders aloud.

A maid standing behind him dutifully goes to answer but hesitates, deciding to stay silent...

The Elder Vampire Roisin presents his empty goblet to the maid and she gives a sigh, holding her wrist over it and cutting deep enough to draw enough blood to fill it. Once full she rubs something over it and covers it with cloth...

The door to the room is almost slammed open but someone, causing the girl to jump in surprise...

Roisin sighs, "Vasile, I appreciate you don't care for my property, but if you break another door I will tear your arms off." he states.

Vasile walks over, pushing the maid so hard that her head hits the wall and she falls unconscious. He places his hand on the backrest of Roisins chair and looks down at his fellow Elder, "If it's made by mortals, then it holds no notable worth."

Roisin "The mortals themselves do however, it isn't easy to get willing premium servants like that one." he says gesturing towards the maid. "You've already killed three thus far, if anymore vanish then you can stay in someone else's territory... I won't allow it."

Vasile frowns, "You're acting more and more like those mortals every day, it sickens me."

Roisin "What do you want?" he asks, wishing for this fool to leave him alone.

Vasile "I want to use some more of your servants, my new acquisition is difficult to break, I was thinking some different techniques would be more suitable."

Roisin "I refuse, you're lucky I'm letting you do as you please within my region Vasile."

Vasile "I just need a few Roisin, I think she'll finally break with that."

Roisin slams his fist on his armrest, rendering it wooden splinters, "Do you have no shame Vasile!? First, you fail to take control of your designated territory, and now you come here constantly asking for things... Stop your obsession with the mortal and go claim that territory!" he exclaims.

Vasile scowls, "You don't understand, there's something different about that mortal, I've never seen anything like it."

Roisin "And? What is this "something" then!?" he demands.

Vasile "I don't know, that's just what I feel. They must hold secrets, secrets that could possibl-"

Roisin "Enough! I refuse to give you anymore of my slaves just so you can kill them off, torture that mortal how you please, but do so without causing me trouble. Now, begone." he says, waving his hand at the door.

Vasile growls and walks out, muttering curses towards Roisin as he does so. "Damn fools, they don't understand what I am working towards. None of them understand!" he shouts as he walks through the mansion...

Margarita notices this and pales, following the man as he enters the basement which hold the prisons cells... In the distance, she could hear the sounds of *thuds* as the Vampire brutally beats Ciaran again.

She hides nearby and enters after Vasile exits, running down and checking on Ciaran... Within the cell she's as bloody and bruised as last time, at least Vasile had held back and not killed her. "Ciaran, can you hear me?"

Ciaran slowly nods as she looks up at the ceiling, still lying on her back, body screaming in pain.

Margarita "Is there anything I can do to help you?" she asks, feeling immense pity for her fellow captive.

Ciaran shakes her head, "We need... Information..." she mutters.

Margarita nods, "I'll keep working on it... Just try and survive until then..." she says, almost pleading.

Ciaran chuckles, "Of course, I'm not dying... Anytime soon." she says, she shifts her arm and continues, "Go, you've been visiting too often, they might be onto us."

Margarita nods and leaves, heading towards the slave quarters where all the captives sleep and keep their personal items...

Opening the door, she's greeted with a familiar room, beds crammed next to each other like some sort of military barracks... No one is present as they're all working or accompanying their "masters", she walks over to her bed and looks underneath it, slowly sliding out a box and opening it to reveal many gems of varying sizes, along with some cutlery she'd managed to steal under the Vampires noses. "This should be enough..." she mutters, wondering if any of the Vampires would notice the gems missing from some of their jewelry and artworks.

Pocketing them all, hiding the box and standing, she heads towards the kitchen next... It was busy at this time, which was surprising as she'd not thought that Vampires had to eat. She'd asked the servants about it, and apparently they didn't, they just enjoyed the taste...

She ducks her head to stay inconspicuous while walking towards the storeroom, but someone shouting causes her to jump in surprise...


A slave hits the floor hard as a furious looking Vampire glares down at her, "Damn mortal! Why are you all so useless! The Elder wanted the Mansion completely cleaned, and yet the window are still FILTHY!"

"B-but we-we're not allowed t-to leave the M-mansion! H-how can we clean the w-windows?" she stutters out, cowering on the floor .

"Did I allow you to speak!?!" they shout, slamming a fist into the young girls head.


The girl slumps to the floor with blood pooling beneath her, no one else even attempts to help the girl who's left on the floor...

Margarita tries to bite her tongue and ignore this, but is unable to as she finds herself crouching down to check on the girl... "Her skull's been split..." she mutters in a sorrowful voice.

The Vampire glares at her, "So useless, she even dirtied the floor! You!" they point at Margarita, "Clean this mess up and then get back to work, or the same fate awaits you."

Most Vampires are douchebags :/

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts