
Angst = torture? Who knew?


Harry, Ron and Hermione had been separated from everyone else and had ran into the woods as Mr Weasley had told them. Harry himself can feel his blood boiling, he had briefly seen the robed men burning tents and torturing people as they marched past. He felt the need to do something but was escorted away by his friends and forced to flee into the forest like the rest of the wizards.

They continue to run through the trees but stopped when they hear feminine screams.

Ron "We should just run, we're also in danger here!" he says to an almost raging Harry and uncomfortable looking Hermione.

Harry growls "We can't just do nothing! Not when we're able to help!" he says reaching for his wand.

Hermione "Those are trained wizards! What could we do to stop them?" she says, more to convince herself than they others.

Harry "If I can kill a Basilisk and stop Quirrel then I can definitely deal with, with-" He says as he pats his pockets. "Wait, my wand, Where's my wand!" he exclaims, finally noticing the absence of his wand.

Ron "Mate, even if you had a wand going over there would be madness!"

Hermione "Harry, I'm sorry but we have to go!" she says as the screams get louder.

Feeling incredibly indignant, Harry shouts "Sod off and run then!", slapping Hermione's hand away and running towards the screams, picking up a large stick with a pointy enough edge to seem threatening. He ignores the shouts of his friends and continues further into the forest, getting small cuts and scuffs from the various foliage.

Eventually he reaches the treeline of a clearing where the screaming is loudest, looking inside he sees a single man laughing while pointing a wand at a girl, she looks familiar and seems about his age... The man repeats, "Crucio!" which causes the girl to start screaming again, this time more tired than before. "Half-Blood bitch! If you wish to blame someone, blame your blood traitor father! CRUCIO!" he shouts again, causing another bout of exhausted screams.

Harry isn't idle during this however, with the lack of his wand he needs to stop the man physically. Somehow, he isn't scared, the feeling of fear just doesn't seem like a valid concept to him at this moment, unsettled rage and adrenaline pump through his veins as he slowly approaches the back of the man.

The man stop casting at the young girl, causing Harry to stop in his tracks, worried that he'd been heard. It's only the sound of the man unbuckling his belt that eases his worries while making him more angry than before.

He waits as the man pulls down his pants, leaping out of the bushes as they sit around his ankles.

"Wha-" the man manages to get out before a large stick impacts the back of his head, his grip on the wand remains tight, even through the head boggling impact.

Harry lifts the stick to bash in the mans skull but is punched in the face, shattering his glasses. He falls to the floor as the man turns to look at him. His tongue flicks out of his mouth as a look of sheer excitement fills his face, "Potter? Oh, it's Potter! HOW EXCITING!" he says as he flicks his wand, causing the stick in Harry's hand to be forced out of his grip and thrown far away.

"How couragous of you to try stop me unarmed! Truly Heroic, however... This isn't one of those stories... You realise that, don't you Potter?" he says, the silence only causing the tension to rise further.

Harry "You're a monster!" he shouts, only drawing out more laughter from the man.

"Hahahaha! I guess I am, to you at least. But for Magical Britain I'll be a hero when HE returns! And I'll be bringing HIM you're head as a trophy" he says pointing his wand at Harry, who only now recognises it to be his own Pheonix Feather wand.

"Crucio!" he chants, causing Harry to scream as he feels thousands of needles shred underneath his skin, it feels as if his insides are liquefying into molten lava, all while he feels everything!


"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! CRUCIO! HAHAHAHA!" two screams echo throughout the forest, causing animals and people alike to run as far away from them as possible.

Barty Crouch Jr continues to torture Harry, the boys body reacting violently to each Crucio he casts. He hadn't felt this alive since the last Death Eater raid. Oh, how he would love to kill the boy here and now, but the Dark Lord still has plans for him. He was denied the opportunity to permanently kill the boy for some reason, his Lord must have future plans involving him, this however didn't mean he couldn't torture him. This was the least he could do for ruining his fun with the blood traitor.

Unknown to him, a shadow silently approaches behind him... It gets closer, and closer until Barty can feel a hot breath on his neck. Quickly turning he finds himself staring into Cat-like green eyes that seem to glow in the darkness. "Oh, David Tennant? Lucky I didn't cut your head off... But I guess I could leave you with a souvenir.." he says as he swipes a black blade, cutting off Barty's left leg below the knee, a wound that funnily enough, matches Alastor Moody's...

Reima doesn't forget to sear the wound closed as he knocks the wand out of the man's hand and throws him deeper into the forest, making sure he's out of sight and able to get away.

He looks down at the two young teens lying on the floor, a girl he hadn't met before and Harry Potter... The boy continues to writhe on the floor in pain, as if he's still under the torture curse.

Reima "Er, sorry for coming late?" he mutters, unsure if the chosen one can hear him.

Harry's a bit more YOLO than in the books and movies, maybe it's teenage angst?

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts