
chapter 2 (shelter)

Jack didn't know the first thing about childcare, as his daughter had passed before reaching this stage. Jack was a survivor though and he learned as he explored.

paying a merchant with runes for information was a waste, but Jack needed the information desperately. since he cared for the 5 girls, he wouldn't take the chance.

The merchant sold him a map of limegrave, which he bought for one thousand runes, which was better as this map was marked and showed him places he would be able to take a rest, or an area where the girls would be better off.

"careful with those girls or yours. they are infected with scarlet rot. if you are not careful you will find yourself walking calid like the other mindless beast in this land," came the merchant's final message.

Mary looked nervously at Jack, thinking that he too would abandon her sisters, but to her surprise, Jack merely smiled and he placed his hand on top of Mary's head and gave her a warm pat.

"Even if they are infected, I'm not going to abandon these children," Jack said.

"Now come on girls, we are heading to lime grave."


"Come on girls, we aren't far from where we will be resting," Jack said as he carried Anna on his back. The scarlet rot tried to infect him, failing every attempt.

This level of scarlet rot wasn't much of a threat to him, it was just like an annoying itch.

"I want my mommy," Anna said as she sniffled.

"Trust me, I'll help you find her... And I'll make her pay her child support," Jack said smiling at his joke, but doubting heavily being able to do what he said.

"Do we even have a mom?" Mary asked.

"everyone has a mom, even i. though you guys are a... special case,"Jack tried to say as softly as he could.

"you mean were are accidents?" Amy said as she looked at Jack with those pitiful eyes of hers.

Jack flinched before kneeling and wiping away one of her tears.

"never. you five are, and will always be a blessing. no matter what anyone says,"Jack said in comfort.

"Then why didn't our mom want us?" Amy said as she sniffed.

"Your mom... we don't know what happened to her, but even if she doesn't want you, I will always care for you five," Jack said.

"Are you our mom now?" Anna asked as she looked down at jack.

After contemplating whether or not to burst their bubbles, he decided he would roll with it. Besides, who said a war vet couldn't be a father?

"... yeah, I suppose I'll be your mother," he said as he sighed.

"Yesss," Anna cheered.


Melina didn't know how to appraise this man. He came into the church with 5 girls on him, and it was obvious he was tired, almost on the brink of exhaustion, but he was strong.

she could tell by his eyes, because he saw her. eyes met hers, before looking her up and down, as if she wasn't wearing anything.

He had weird equipment on him, but the most notable (in her opinion) was the dagger. the other... on his hip was not something she recognized, but she noticed his hand rested on it as he took care of the girls.

but to her, he was watching her with extreme caution, as if she was a potential threat.


his eyes were getting drowsy, he physically couldn't keep them open anymore. The last time he had gotten any sleep was when he was unconscious after fighting viper, and that was almost 2 weeks ago.

Before Jack's eyes fully shut, he looked to the invisible woman that was in the corner.

"protect them," was all he could mouth before drifting unconscious.



Jack awoke to the smell of fried bird, and one glance was all it took to see the invisible woman was teaching the girls how to properly cook bird legs.

Jack sat up, and noticed that the girls had tried (horribly, but still tried) to make a pillow out of leaves so he could rest his head.

"you're finally awake," the woman said as she looked at jack. the girl's head snapped to Jack, and Millicent was the first to pull him into a hug.


"Too rough there kiddo," Jack said as a soft smile grazed his face as he patted Millicent's head.

"You were asleep for almost 2 moons tarnished, but greetings are in order, I suppose. my name is Melina, and I offer you an accord," she said as she sat down, her cloak covering her.

Jack carefully pried Millicent off himself before looking at melina.

"No thanks," was his reply.

"But-" Melina was cut off.

"I don't have time, nor the energy for whatever your are requesting of me. I have children to care for, I don't have time to be an elden Lord or whatever it is you were going to request," Jack said as he began brushing Anna's hair.

"Why can't we help her," Anna asked as she turned her head to look at Jack.

"Because we already have something more important to worry about. Mainly keeping you and your trouble making siblings," Jack said.


Jack was now standing on top of the church and began looking around, and no merchant was in sight. Troublesome for sure.

Jack could see some soldiers walking around in the distance, and where the cliff was, there was a person in shining golden armor walking back and forth on a horse.

Overall it looked like the church was. Good safe house for now, but Jack wasn't naive enough to believe they could stay there forever.

They would definitely have to move at one point, but when was the question. The soldiers would be an easier target, but the golden person would be the main problem.

If worse comes to worse... Jack nervously rubbed the bracket on his wrist as he thought about if he would have to use that.

Although the arc wasn't here, the bracelet was still fully functional, and even stronger in this place.

"Neyh" the sound of a horse charging was heard, to which Jack saw the golden person riding their way here.

"Shit," Jack said before hopping off the roof if only to draw the attention of the tree sentinel to himself over the church.

Little did Jack know that this fight will lead the soldiers of Godric over to the church...

Poor bastards didn't know the hell they were about to face for taking one singular girl... Poor stormveil.

(End of chapter)