
El Mago De La Independencia

Very good people, the truth is I am new to this subject of writing but I would like you to read a little of what I am currently writing I would like to get an honest opinion of what you think about this work and if you like it I promise to put a lot of effort into this work that for the moment it will be somewhat short, I also apologize currently I only have decided the name of the protagonist so these parentheses "()" are the names that I have not decided yet I can hear opinions about what name they would like me to put to these heroes and villains and above all also a good title for the work without further ado I hope you like it, I am attentive to your opinions Muy buenas gente la verdad soy nuevo en este tema de la escritura pero me gustaría que leyeran un poco de lo que estoy escribiendo actualmente me gustaría obtener una opinión sincera de lo que piensan sobre esta obra y si os gusta prometo poner mucho empeño en esta obra que por el momento será algo corta, también pido disculpas actualmente solo tengo decidido el nombre del protagonista así que estos paréntesis "()" es son los nombres que no he decidido aun puedo escuchar opiniones sobre que nombre les gustaría que pusiera a estos héroes y villanos y sobre todo también un buen título para la obra sin más que agregar ojala les guste, estoy atento a su opiniones

Mario27919038 · 奇幻
2 Chs

Chapter 1 "The legacy of hero"

Under the darkness of a forest you could see a man trying to escape a guard who was trying to hunt him down

-shaken voice-

Voices of the persecutors

- you will not leave this forest alive sorcerer

That man kept running but as he left the forest you could see that he was carrying something with him, it was nothing more than his little son who had just been born just a few weeks ago

-the voices of the soldiers could be heard who did not intend to allow him to escape

-He is escaping along the banks, go after him

-sigh! I just misled them, I don't think they take long to realize that they are chasing an illusion, what do you think yuudai those bastards have not made it easy for us

With a tender voice his little son who was far from understanding the situation released a few words with his sweet voice


Smiling says Yuudai's father

Son I would have liked to be able to spend more time with you and your mother I hope that after doing this your mother will not scold me for leaving you to your fate if I see her again in the afterlife, there are so many things I would like to tell you but the most important is that I hope and when you grow up you can free this people that lives under the yoke of the king, these people will need you but I know you will not be able to do it alone so I will leave you a gift, this magic necklace will be the proof of who your parents were It was a gift that your mother gave me before leaving this world, son this will not be easy, from now on it will be difficult for you, I do not know what the future will hold but I hope you realize the injustices that are being committed here and above all that you become a good man, people are not to blame, living so long enduring this kind of thing has clouded his judgment, no one should be enduring this kind of treatment, I know that asking you this may be too much since inc luso I could not do much, son, finally I know that you will suffer on the way, or one day you will wonder what your goal is in this world, sometimes you will want to give up but let me tell you that those feelings are the proof that you are still Human, those who believe that their goals are worth more than a life must make them see that they are wrong since in this world there is no greater joy than feeling alive

When the soldiers finally discovered where the magician was, they shouted

-There they are, catch them, don't let it escape

- ice ring! Become a good boy yuu, I'll be watching you from now on

And with a sweet voice far from the river the little yuu spoke


With tears in his eyes for having heard his little boy call him papa and facing the soldiers, he saw a father determined to protect the future of his son

Come cursed! I will not let anyone get close to my son

Suddenly that subject who had just said goodbye to his son radically changed his appearance from sadness to complete anger, even changing the color of his eyes to an intense red

Mental devastation!

The soldiers frightened by his sudden change screamed

Don't look him in the eye! -they will enter an eternal nightmare if they do, that spell plays with their minds to the point of leaving them on the verge of madness or even wishing for death

Even so, the soldiers were determined to carry out the orders that were entrusted to them.

Kill him! If we let the king escape he will kill us anyway

You could see the bravery and determination with which () he faced the king's army, the brutality of the events would have perplexed anyone, while the soldiers were amazed that a single man faced an army.

- ghostly feathers! - ice ring! -

Blinding spell! Invocation - arrows of the phoenix!

() faced a tough battle, although he did not suffer injuries, his body looked tired from the great magic power he was using to defend himself

The astonished soldiers said to each other

-It's impossible how we have not done anything to him, despite looking tired it seems that he will not give up so easily

While some others said to each other

What did you expect from who is considered the best magician

Some others after hearing that statement said

You are right currently he is the best magician this nation has ever seen even better than Mr. (), that is why he is the greatest enemy of this empire, we have to end him

Do not be distracted by that magician we cannot take our eyes off him

With a serious look and drawing his swords () he had tired of games and decided to go for the commanding officer

Hm enough of games (), come out at once and face me, or is it that you plan to continue hiding in the shadows

Under the darkness of the trees and in the rain you could see that man they called (), he was a tall man, the only thing you could see was his hair, his whole body was wrapped in a kind of cape and his face was covered by a mask.

-It has been a while since the last time we faced each other, hasn't it ()?

() amazed by the change that () underwent said

-Well, if you look different, I almost can't recognize you, tell me well, why are you wearing that mask

() lets out a little laugh

Do you not remember our battle 13 years ago in the capital?

() taking a mocking attitude answers

Ooh! I remember haha! That day I remember having a little fun with you

() expressing a bit of anger said

You are beginning to irritate me (), this time it will be different, one of the two will not get out of here alive that I can guarantee, pay attention soldiers, no matter what happens no one gets into my fight this is a pending issue between him and me

-Got it sir-

Meanwhile () using a telepathy spell gave the order to intervene if things looked complicated

You know things don't have to end like this, well, once we were brothers, come on let me see your face, my brother's face

() putting his hands to his face begins to remove that mask, you could see a young man with blue eyes and with all the beauty standards

Seeing the face of his younger brother () he continued saying

At what moment did your interests change, the town suffers well, we both know the injustices that I know that I live day by day in this city, I know that there is still hope, but freeing this town is not something I can do alone, help me finish with the government and the fear that people have of being assassinated for not following the orders of the nobles

- () I am moved by what you say, really, but I already made my decision, since the era of our ancestors it has always been known that only the strongest and fittest survive, what I have only done has been to choose the winning side , accept it () you are finished

I really would have preferred this to end in another way, I do not want to kill my brother, but I will not allow you to continue damaging the town, so, I hope you are prepared

As both parties prepared for the fight, the sky began to cloud and in turn the roars of the sky could be heard

From both sides a deep breath was heard as they drew their swords and when they exhaled the combat began between the 2 greatest magicians that the earth was known

On one side was () who mastered spells of all kinds, both basic and advanced, in addition to being trained in close combat

On the other hand, there was () that he also mastered all kinds of spells and hand-to-hand combat but () he had an ace up his sleeve

-Let's start at once

Both parties moved with a speed and dexterity that astonished all the spectators, the sound of clashing swords was heard while also casting spells.

Ice ring!

() defending himself against said attack summons a shield

-Fire ornament! , you should already know that by mastering all kinds of spells our battles are unpredictable

() serious about the situation says

-So you think ()? There are a couple of tricks I learned after our last meeting

() quickly cast 2 spells to combine

Phoenix feathers! Splitting ray!

() tried to protect himself from the impact but still suffered some damage

¡Glass barrier!

-Shouts of pain aaagh! Even after activating the shield I received some damage

() surprised at the situation says

Hm you're not the only one with a couple of new spells

And with a straight face () he performs his spell

Supremacy of evil spirits!

What! But what is this, some kind of illusion magic?

Sword sounds!

Screams of pain! Aaahg! Ha! So it was just a distraction huh

() clarifying the situation says

You are wrong () it has not been any illusion, those ghosts can materialize when making an attack, that is why you have received damage

() making gestures of pain says

() I think it's time to get serious


Ghostly feathers!

(), there is something in which you are wrong, the objective of power is none other than to make people obey your will, in this game that we call power there will always be those who will wonder how the ideal government should be, but that is there Where the problem is, exercising power does not always have to do with the ideal, it is always about how much you are willing to sacrifice for your interests, if you try to understand how current governments are governed, you always have to see the interests of others , because in the end they are the ones who decide how long you govern the laws of power transcend any human law, because in life we all have goals and obstacles that we have to face to achieve our ends, the laws are only made to limit our actions in this game, laws are created by people with power, in order to get what they want ,, "PANEM ET CIRCENSES", you know, it's an old Roman saying, usually e It was used by the rulers to keep the people away from the decisions of the political circle

() You are insane how could I, a hero of justice abandon the town where I grew up, this is not the life they deserve, they should be free to choose how to live their life, understand it () a world where corruption rules, that is prosperous

-Don't say stupid things, in a world where being kind only brings you misfortune, because it would have to be saved, although it is hard to admit it, that's how human nature is, people betraying each other, murders everywhere, robberies, abuse of authority, this world is rotten understand it, the only way to save it is by submitting it

() it's a shame that we can never understand each other

You're right it's a shame

Soldiers! NOW!

Sounds of swords!

Aaaahg! What the hell

Surprised by what happened () says

My arm was completely cut off

With a mocking laugh at what happened

-Hahaha I can't believe how easy you are to cheat

Continuing with the attacks () he did not give his brother a break on the brink of death

Gusts of wind! electric shock!

Despite the unbearable pain of having lost his arm and relentlessly receiving the attacks of (), () he was in his last moments

Wow It seems that in truth this will be my end