
capitulo 4

Naruto had to admit that there was absolutely no sense in denying that he was excited about tonight.

It was one thing to witness the beauty that was.watching Hinata and Himawari writhe beneath the Uchiha's massive cock. It was wonderful, the kind of thing that couldn't be replicated by anything else.

Yet, going along with what Sasuke had suggested, and what Naruto had thought of himself, might give him a chance to get a more...personal experience with it. It certainly was a different matter entirely from simply watching.

It had been years since he'd used the jutsu; Naruto felt like it was an old hero who was coming out of retirement. Dusting off his long unused costume, getting ready to come back into the fold.

It was true he was excited, and yet, he was nervous in equal amounts. In reality, he knew there was no preparing for what was going to happen—trying to plan things around Sasuke was impossible. He would do what he wanted, when he wanted, and really, Naruto was just along for the ride...as were Hinata and Himawari, it seemed. 

All Naruto could do was prepare mentally, and hope that was enough.

Still, he had the rest of his day to get through before then. And taking such a long lunch break had definitely set him behind schedule.

'I guess I'd better get to it then', he thought, cracking his knuckles and opening up his laptop.

After lunch, Sasuke told Hinata and Himawari to head upstairs to the bedroom and wait for him—"I've got some things I need to do," he said to the both of them. "It shouldn't take long."

In the bedroom the two of them sat, naked as the day they were born. And for the first time since the walk to Sasuke's house that morning, they had a chance to talk.

"How was it?" Hinata asked, putting an affectionate hand on Himawari's shoulder. "Do you still have the shudders?"

"Yeah," Himawari said, smiling slightly. "I want more, but at the same time, I'm feeling a little sore down there…"

Hinata laughed. "You get used to it," she said offhandedly. "Besides...I don't think you have any idea what he's really capable of. Not yet at least."

Himawari had to admit that the way she said that piqued her curiosity. She tilted her head to the side, big blue eyes thoughtful.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Himawari.

Her mom leaned back somewhat. She pushed her hair out of her eyes, and for a moment, Himawari was stricken by her beauty.

It occurred to her in that moment that Hinata was...her competition.

They were both vying for Sasuke's cock, after all.

Himawari had to admit that in even her wildest fantasies, she'd knew that there would be competition for Sasuke. Yet she had never considered it to be her own mother, who had the kind of body that men saliviated over.

She knew she was attractive. Himawari knew that the boys stared at her, even if they never dared to do anything, knowing full well that her father was the Hokage. But at the same time...side-by-side with Hinata, she didn't know who Sasuke would choose.

'I need to find some way to get ahead,' Himawari thought.

But for now, she would simply play nice. She had to get used to Sasuke, to the contours of his cock, to the way he would use her body with impunity. For now, she couldn't rival Hinata as she might want to—it would take time to reach that point. Thankfully, she had that in spades.

"Sasuke can be a little...shy," Hinata said, after giving it some thought.

Himawari snorted. "Shy?"

Hinata's ears turned pink. "Maybe shy isn't the best word to use," she admitted. "But what I meant is...he can take some time to get into things. We've only been going at it for a few weeks now, and I can tell, week by week, that he's getting more and more used to me." She looked rather pleased with herself. "He's getting bolder, taking liberties, really enjoying himself. It takes some time to get to that point...but when you do reach it, it gets even better."

She really tried to imagine it getting better—Himawari had already been on her back, feeling him hilted inside of her, an immense orgasm racking her body with such power as to practically knock her into a stupor. How on Earth could he top that? And yet, Hinata stated it with such conviction, 'it gets even better,' that Himawari had to believe her.

"Plus," Hinata added. "You haven't gotten c-creampied yet, either."

Again, confusion showed on Himawari's face.

"Creampied…?" she said, unfamiliar with the word.

Hinata had to giggle.

"A creampie is when...he holds you down and cums inside of you," she said, a dreamy look in her eyes.

Himawari remembered the cum that her mother had shared with her—it had been so much, so thick, so hot. Imagining all of that being unloaded deep within her core…

"Mmm…" Himawari groaned, rubbing her thighs together needily. "I want that."

"You and me both," Hinata said, that far-away look not going away anytime soon. "Though don't forget, we do have all day to spend. I'm sure both of us are going to end up creampied soon or l-later," she murmured, smiling, a flush on her cheeks.

As if he was summoned, the door opened just then and Sasuke stepped inside.

He looked at them, as naked as they both were, a smirk on his lips.

At the sight of these two lush and beautiful women posed on his bed, his cock rose up...within seconds, he was throbbing hard, twitching, so juicy and big that Himawari and Hinata couldn't have looked away if they wanted to.

"Shall we?" he said.

They both nodded, desperate to get started.

"Now…" Sasuke glanced between the two of them, a smirk on his lips. "Who am I going to start with?"

"Oh God! Sasuke!"

Thick slaps echoed throughout the room.

He had one hand on the back of her head, holding it down in the sheets. The other was on her hip, keeping her steady as he slammed his cock into her from behind.

God, was she was tight. Sasuke groaned, throwing his head back, relishing in the sweet sensation of being buried inside of a nice pussy.

Hinata could only moan as she was pounded, taken by the kind of ecstasy that she never could have imagined would come from something as simple as sex.

Himawari bit her lip, sitting beside them, her pussy so wet and puffy that it felt as if it were on fire.

And yet—this was of her own doing.

"You can start with mom," Himawari had said in response to Sasuke's question, negating the need for a choice.

She'd had her turn with Sasuke earlier, anyway. Her mom deserved a ride with the Uchiha.

Besides, Himawari had to study.

Maybe she could copy whatever her mom did...and improve on it, do it better, and in turn make Sasuke want her more. 

If she couldn't beat her mother in looks, Himawari thought, than she could beat her in ability. 

Failing that, she would do things even Hinata wouldn't do, anything to get a leg up on her. Trying to compete with someone as gorgeous as her mother without being willing to go the extra mile was a pointless endeavor. She'd have to do whatever it takes.

So she sat there, and watch her own mother get pounded by her bull. Pussy burning hot enough to put a hole in the mattress, Himawari bit her lip, and tried to imagine how she could improve on what Hinata was doing.

And needless to say...regardless of whatever ulterior motives Himawari had, Hinata was not complaining about being handed to Sasuke on a silver platter.

Sasuke grunted, pushing Hinata's head down further. He paused for a moment, with every inch buried to the hilt inside of her; he ground his hips against the firm cheeks of her ass, Hinata mewling and moaning as she did so.

"So it isn't an act," Sasuke said with a smirk, though he'd known that was the case all along.

"H-huh?" Her voice was muffled, but he could hear her just fine. 

It was a miracle that she could register his words at all—having watched Himawari get pounded had driven her into a frenzy, and she was so cock hungry by this point that even the lightest of thrusts had her ravenous.

"You being such a slut," he murmured, his voice low. "I was pretty sure it wasn't an act...but having it confirmed for me makes all of this much sweeter."

Himawari glanced between the two of them, deciding to stay quiet for the moment.

Sasuke thrust his hips forward, and Hinata moaned.

"Naruto isn't around," Sasuke continued. "And sure, you could be pretending for Himawari, but what would be the point in that?" He tilted his head to the side, thoughtful. "Part of me thought that you might have been hamming it up, playing the role of a cock-obsessed whore for your husband's benefit. But I guess that part of me was wrong. Do you know why I know that, Hinata?"

"W-why?" she stammered out, her head still buried in the sheets.

"Because here you are. Desperate for me to fuck you harder, deeper...so in love with this cock even though Naruto isn't around. It's not an act—you love this dick, don't you? Say it…"

"I love-"

He slammed into her, so deep that it made her eyes roll back into her head. She let out a shuddering moan, her entire body reverberating like a bell that had just been rung. 

"Say it," he insisted, his tone dangerous.

"Y-you didn't even give me the chance to…" Hinata mumbled.

He smirked. "My bad," he said, sounding about as apologetic as an Uchiha could be. "What were you saying?"

Hinata moved her head to the side; her cheeks were flaming hot. Her breath came hard and fast.

"I love your cock," she whimpered, almost fearful that she would be cut-off mid sentence again.

Those words hung in the air for a moment, accompanied by a pregnant silence.

Then Sasuke reached down, patting her affectionately on the head.

"That's what I like to hear," he said softly, with real pride in his voice. "Himawari, what do you think? Does she sound genuine?"

Himawari was in another world entirely—somehow, in that moment, she had come to realize something of the allure that her father must have had. Because watching Sasuke systematically conquer a woman was breathtakingly beautiful, and it had her so horny that she was gyrating in place where she sat, her pussy a burning nub of desire.

It took her a moment to realize that Sasuke was talking to her.

"...yeah…" Himawari mumbled. "She sounds genuine alright."

The truth was: she did.

Her mom always had that look in her eyes whenever she was telling an undeniable truth. She had it when she told her and Boruto that she loved them; she had it when she told her dad that she loved him too.

...and of course, sure enough and plain as day, she'd had that same look in those piercing white eyes when she'd openly admitted to being in love with Sasuke's fat cock.

Sasuke reached a hand over, placing it on Himawari's shoulder.

"You know what? I think you're right," he said, chuckling slightly.

Her mouth went dry—even such a light, casual touch had electricity sparking through her body.

"I do feel bad about leaving you on the side lines here," Sasuke continued, making eye contact with her. Slowly, he pulled out of Hinata, much to the former Hyūga's chagrin. "So I think I might change things up a bit."

Hinata flipped over, slowly sitting up. Side-by-side with Himawari, the two women looked astonishingly beautiful, all flushed and naked. Sasuke couldn't help but lick his lips as he looked between the two of them.

"...what did you have in mind?" Himawari asked quietly, her gaze glued to that gorgeous, bobbing cock.

Sasuke offered the both of them that ever-common smirk of his.

"I'm just going to pull a trick out of your father's sleeve, that's all."

Naruto looked at himself in the mirror.

Wetting his hands with warm water from the faucet, he splashed the liquid against his face.

He liked to call this place the executive executive washroom—it was for his use only, technically. They really did like to treat the Hokage like royalty, Naruto thought, as he gazed around the bathroom in astonishment for the thousandth time.

It was simple, but beautiful, with smooth marble and perfect porcelain. There was a nice shower, a full length body mirror, a small closet stocked with towels and shaving cream, razors and soap. No matter how many late nights he spent at the office, Naruto never had to worry about going unkempt. It was a little decadent, sure, but he had a reputation to uphold, and a lack of personal hygiene was not going to do him any favors in the political department.

Plus he wasn't about to complain about the privacy.

He was about to leave...but then he paused.

Naruto stepped in front of the full-length mirror.

Slowly, he formed a hand seal.

Smoked engulfed the room—when it cleared, the person who stood in front of the mirror was perfectly visible.

Blonde hair, long and silky. Perfectly rounded breasts, combined with an amazing body that would make any man drool. Big blue eyes, endearing and sexy in equal amounts. All of that, packed into a tight little package that seemed too good to be true.

Naruko stared at herself in the mirror for a few moments.

Then, she smiled.

I think Sasuke's going to like what he sees, she thought.

Naruko undid the jutsu, and soon, she was Naruto again. Plain old Naruto.

He sighed, opening the door to the washroom and stepping out. Passively, he had to wonder what his wife and daughter were getting up to...surely, they were having a good time right about now.

Taking out his phone, he decided to send Sasuke a text.

'Having fun?' the text read. He expected a picture or a video or something in response, but that would have to wait until later. For now, he had to get back to work.

Sasuke's phone buzzed, but it went unnoticed, unheeded.

And that was despite the fact that there was two of him that could have seen it vibrate.

Hinata moaned, wrapping her arms and legs around Sasuke's body, her pussy throbbing pleasantly around his shaft as he thrust in and out of her.

And Himawari groaned just as loudly, an equally endowed Sasuke thrusting in and out of her right beside them.

Yes, Sasuke really had taken a page out of Naruto's book. The Kage Bunshin jutsu...a forbidden technique technically, definitely not meant to be used for this sort of application, and yet, Sasuke figured it would be nice.

It definitely seemed as if the mother-daughter pair that he was currently fucking didn't seem to have any qualms about it.

"What do you think?" asked one Sasuke to the other, as he buried himself to the hilt inside of Himawari.


"About how we should finish them off," Sasuke said.

"Well," Sasuke murmured. "I'd never say no to creampieing them."

The two Sasukes smirked at each other.

"Great minds think alike," Sasuke said.

"Shall we?" Sasuke said.

With a nod, both of the Uchiha went about their set task.

Naturally, that meant absolutely dominating the two sexy women that they were buried inside of her.

"Oh God!"

"Oh my God!"

It didn't take long for things to kick into high gear. Not with not one, but two Sasukes going to town on poor Himawari, and poor Hinata.

Himawari cried out, high and clear, her entire body convulsing as Sasuke positively drilled her. Hard, fast, deep thrusts that rocked the both of them back and forth, Sasuke grunting into her ear, his arms hooked around her torso.

And Hinata seemed to take it as a personal challenge that Himawari even thought she could moan louder than her.

Hinata was moaning loud enough that it bounced off of the walls—and the louder she got, the more it spurred the Sasuke fucking her on, until he was frenzous, hammering in and out of her so quickly that his hips were a blur.

Still, when it came down to who held out the longest…

Hinata lost by a long-shot. It wasn't her fault—she'd already been subjected to quite a bit of pounding by the well hung Uchiha. But that was merely an excuse, and as she clutched and clawed at Sasuke's back, crying his name and cumming her brains out, Himawari thought that at least she'd beaten her mom in something.

And then, not much later, Himawari proceeded to cum on Sasuke's fat cock. She came just as hard, if not harder than Hinata had, fingernails leaving red streaks down Sasuke's back.

It was something that Naruto would have paid to see—watching both his wife and daughter, together as one, bonded in harmony as they were fucked relentlessly by his best friend.

Hinata looked over to Himawari, her breathing hoarse, her face flushed. "Honey…" she cooed, as Sasuke continued to thrust into her, making her moan in-between every word. "You're going to get your first creampie..!"

Himawari couldn't help but offer her a grin in response to that.

"Yeah, I am," she said, grin widening.

It was heartwarming, all things considered. Hinata had been there for her first words, her first steps, her first day at the academy…

...and now she'd been there as she lost her virginity, and now, as she got creampied for the first, but certainly not the last time.

Heartwarming indeed, Sasuke thought.

Sasuke looked to Sasuke, and they both smirked at each other.


"Yeah," Sasuke said. "Let's be fancy about it—how about on three?"

Sasuke laughed. "Sure."

They both thrust now, harder, faster, deeper than ever. Both girls knew what was coming...but Hinata knew full well that there was no bracing for what was to come.

"You two can do the countdown," the Sasuke fucking Himawari said, giving her a gentle slap on the cheek. "Whenever you're ready."

Himawari swallowed.

"One," she gasped, as he hadn't stopped thrusting into her hot core for even a second.

"Two," Hinata said, moaning, tossing her head from side to side, damp hair falling in her eyes.

"Three," both Sasukes said at once, as they bottomed out inside of the two girls.

Simultaneously, they grunted.

Together, in unison, they creampied the two girls—mother and daughter unified in getting a nice big load dumped straight into their wombs.

Himawari bucked and shivered, her vision turning white; a woman's first creampie was always a special thing, and to receive it from a man like Sasuke was something else entirely. She was in heaven, filled with bliss...and with cum. It was truly a moment she would forever cherish. Like her mother before her, she threw her head back, let out a long, lingering moan, and fell into a semi unconscious state.

Hinata purred as she was filled up, Sasuke jerking his hips back and forward, ensuring every last drop was deposited inside of her. To this day, despite how many creampies Sasuke had given her despite them only having slept together a few short weeks, she was astonished by just how much he could fill her up. In a few weeks, he had pumped her full of more cum than Naruto had in twenty years of marriage.

Both Sasukes groaned.

With the task done, they both fell back. The clone dissipated, leaving the original there, cock still hard, panting slightly.

The two women laid on their backs, legs spread, puffy pink pussies looking more than satisfied. As if on cue, his cum began to ooze out of both of their holes...they both moaned and mewled, his hot liquid like nectar to them.

Sasuke yawned. It was still early in the day, but two creampies could really take it out of a guy.

He stood up; there was a light at the top of his phone, blinking, telling him that he'd gotten a message. Sasuke picked it up—when he saw who it was and what it said, he couldn't help but smirk.

Sasuke perfectly lined up the shot: a nice little photo of Himawari and Hinata laying side by side, their pussies oozing massive creampies. It was beautiful, really.

He took the picture, and sent it to Naruto, with the caption-

'Yeah, we're having fun.'

With that, he made to leave the room. Just as he was about to though, a voice called out to him.

"W-where are you going?" asked Hinata, who sat up, groaning as more of his cum continued to ooze down her thigh.

Sasuke offered her a slight smile. "I've got some more stuff I need to get done," he said lightly. "You two rest and take a shower; I'll gladly fuck you some more in due time."

Hinata pouted. "But I want more now," she mumbled.

He had to laugh. "You'll be fine," Sasuke assured her.

She pressed her lips together.

"I guess so…" she said bashfully.

Sasuke rolled his eyes. "Don't act like that," he said. "I filled you up nice and good, didn't I?"

"Yeah, you definitely did." Even she couldn't deny that—she reached a hand down, spreading open her folds, even more of his seed spilling out from that tight little hole. It was certainly an attempt to entice him...good thing he wasn't that susceptible.

"Take a shower," Sasuke repeated, shaking his head slightly. "By the time you're done, Himawari should be back with us. I'll be downstairs."

He left it at that.

They still had quite a bit of time to kill before Naruto was going to get off of work—but, well, the agreement was that Hinata was to be Sasuke's slave for an entire day. That didn't necessarily mean that he had to fuck her all day long, even if that was definitely what she would have preferred.

Sasuke was a beast who was more than capable of taking care of the two girls...and he could very well spend all day doing nothing but pounding Hinata and Himawari. But he had things to do, and plus, he just wanted to relax a bit as well. 

So they decided to compromise.

"Ever since I've been back, Sakura and I decided to split the chores in the house," Sasuke said to a freshly showered Hinata and Himawari, both of them adorned in towels and standing in his living room. "And well...she's been at the hospital. I've been spending a lot of time over at your house. Things have been getting a little—neglected."

The two girls looked around; all things considered, the house looked...fine.

Sure, it could use a little tidying, maybe a little dusting here and there. The kitchen certainly could use a bit of organization. But it wasn't dirty by any means.

But well...maybe they ought to hear what he was offering.

"So, here's the deal: if both of you clean up the house, I'll treat you to some more creampies tonight."

Okay—now he had their attention.

Hinata glanced around, a small smile on her lips.

"Where do you want us to start?" she asked.

The day went by quicker than either Hinata or Himawari could have imagined.

It wasn't as if they were unused to cleaning anyway. Hinata was meticulous in keeping their house clean as it was—and Himawari had always helped out when she could. The actual cleaning part as a result wasn't anything out of the ordinary...it was business as usual, albeit with a different house.

Though both of them had to admit that the 'reward' that came with the cleaning was well, well, well worth it.


Himawari grinned mischievously, a twinkle in those big blue eyes of hers as she licked and lapped away at her crush's member. It was her turn to take a spin with it—and now here she was, settled in underneath the desk in his study, alternating between blowing him and sucking him off, or both. 

For now, Hinata was nowhere near by. She was upstairs, tidying up the master bedroom. Himawari had Sasuke all to herself...but even if she ought to use this time to talk to him, get to know him, get an edge up on her mother...she couldn't help her infatuation with that cock of his. She was powerless when faced with it, and she felt compelled to give him the best blowjob she could muster.

She knew time was running thin, though; Sasuke had gotten a text from Naruto, letting him know that the blonde was wrapping up at the office. That was why Hinata was upstairs, prepping the master bedroom and cleaning it for tonight's activities.

Despite knowing that the clock was ticking…

Himawari couldn't have stopped herself from doing anything but sucking him off if she tried.

He sat at the desk, sifting through God knows what, it didn't matter to her, so long as he stayed right in that chair and let her go to town on his cock.

She wanted to be better than her mother—she wanted Sasuke's attention all to herself; she craved it.


In all honesty, she was happy with just a sliver of his attention. Even just a few minutes alone with him filled holes in her heart (and other places) that nothing else could. She was content like this, knowing that she had to share him with her mom, so long as she always get her fair turn with that cock.

She still wanted more...and she would get more. But right this second, Himawari thought, as she happily deepthroated him, she was happy with what she had right here and now.

And she was about to be even happier in a second.

Sasuke groaned.

He paused in what he was doing, setting some papers down. Calmly—as if he were simply adjusting him in his chair—he reached down, slipping his fingers into Himawari's indigo hair and holding her close. "Cumming," he grunted, and cum he did, right down the girl's throat.

Her eyes were wide—she felt the pleasant hum of his cock shooting that gorgeous load into her gullet. So thick, so tasty. She took as much as she could, but it was an incredible amount, and some of it seeped past her lips, dripping down her chin and down onto her exposed bosom. Her oxygen supply was running low. But she didn't want to pull back, not until her man was spent. She just kept taking it—gulp. gulp, gulp—until finally, he let go, and she was allowed to breath at last.

"Let me see," he asked quietly, putting a hand on her chin and tilting her head up. Obediently she opened her mouth to show that every last drop had been swallowed. "Good girl," Sasuke murmured. "Now go help your mom finish cleaning. I want that room spotless and both of you ready to get fucked by the time your father gets here."

"Yes, Sasuke," she said dreamily, as if getting bossed around like a slut was a dream come true—which it was. She crawled out from underneath the desk, scooping up the cum that had dribbled onto her tits, spooning it into her mouth as she made for the stairs.

Sasuke exhaled, a soft smile on his face. She's a good kid, he thought, returning to his work.

It was a short while later when a knock sounded at the door.

He stood, naked as the day as he was born.

Just in case, he peeked through the door. On the off chance it was a neighbor or someone else, Sasuke figured it was worth looking to see who it was, lest he open the door in front of old miss Hikari who was coming to return something she had borrowed. But it wasn't anyone he wasn't expected.

Sasuke opened the door, smirking at Naruto. "About time," he said, ushering the blonde inside.

Naruto laughed. "I was working while you were here getting blowjobs and slacking off. Don't give me that," he said, as he took off his cloak.

"I was working," Sasuke insisted. "But as for the blowjobs...can't deny that. I did just make your daughter swallow one of my loads not ten minutes ago."

"And I didn't get a video?" Naruto said, seeming offended.

He couldn't help but smirk. "I'm sorry—weren't you working?"

"Hey, a hard-working man deserves a treat or two," Naruto replied.

Sasuke had to chuckle at that. "If a treat is what you're after, then I'm sure you'll enjoy what's waiting for you upstairs."

"I definitely will," the blonde said. "First thing's first, though...are you really sure you want to go through with it?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Are you?" asked Sasuke.

Naruto exhaled. "I've been asking myself that question all day," he said. "And you know what? Fuck it—let's do this."

He gave him a nod. "Okay," Sasuke said. "We don't have any time to waste, then."

"No, we don't," Naruto murmured.

The blonde blinked—and then carefully, he formed a hand sign.

There was a puff of smoke.

A minute later, the two made their way up the stairs.

Himawari and Hinata lay atop the enormous, king-sized mattress that dominated the master bedroom, deep in conversation about this and that. They were trying to pass the time—even when Himawari had come to help, Hinata had more or less been finished tidying up the room. It was spotless, pristine, immaculate. Now with nothing to do, the two gals had saddled up on the bed, ready and waiting for their shared lover to come up and give them a nice rough fuck.

It was hard to believe how far their relationship had come in a single day: just that morning, they'd been awkwardly walking side-by-side, unsure of what to speak about.

Now they laid side-by-side on Sasuke's bed, naked from head to toe, openly discussing just how amazing the sex had been. They'd gotten fucked together, they had moaned together, they had even gotten creampied together.

It wasn't exactly ordinary as mother-daughter relationships went...but it was still something truly incredible. Even if Himawari felt compelled to try and compete with her mom, she couldn't deny that she enjoyed having a companion in this wild mess she had ended up in. And Hinata was just happy that she could finally talk about her addiction to Sasuke's cock with someone other than Naruto.

Their conversation came to an end, however, when they heard the two coming up the stairs.

A tap was heard against the door. "You girls ready?" came Sasuke's steady voice.

Hinata and Himawari glanced at each other—was he serious? Of course they were ready, what hot-blooded woman wouldn't be when they knew what was in store?

"Yes, we are," Hinata said after a moment, a hand clutched against her bosom.

The door slowly opened.

"I want you two to meet who's going to be joining us tonight," Sasuke murmured, and they could hear the smirk in his voice.

Hinata's eyes widened—Himawari looked more stunned than anything.

"Oh you didn't," Hinata whispered.

"...yeah, I did," a quiet, high voice said.

Uzumaki Naruko offered her wife and daughter a smile—with her clothes having been left downstairs, she was naked from head to toe, utterly stunning with her unbelievable curves.

"Dad?" Himawari murmured.

"Not today," Sasuke said, closing the door behind them. "Tonight, it seems you're going to have two moms, Himawari."