

He was a thief, a hero, a warrior and a criminal. It's a story about the man who wants to live his life how he wants... for now.

KAABS · 漫画同人
8 Chs


Hello there! Ehem, sorry for dropping the previous book. I had a little big 'family' situation, and I have to move, found a new job, etc.

So, well. I had forgotten the things I've planned. I remember the basic storyline I have created, but. Well, that novel makes me remember some bad times.

Now, I have a new novel with a little more experience. I hope you like it.

Bad news I can only post a chapter on Sunday(Probably). Since I also work on Saturday for a full day. Umm... That's it.


"He's there! Get 'im, lads!" yelled a voice along with loud armor sounds.

"Bloody hell," sighed the man. "I can't even sleep peacefully," he said with a yawn.

He looked at the room he slept. "One door, one window. I can probably run from the window, but..." he said.

With one hand move, a red portal opened next to his head. He pulled the sword and stood up.

"Well, I might've to miss Katie if I run, no?" he murmured with a smirk. "Also, they probably surrounded me anyways."


(5 minutes before)

"Lads! That bastard was the one who assaulted our boss's daughter!" the man yelled.

A woman was standing next to him was frowning deeply. She took a step and yelled with pure rage. "Shut up, William!"

"Do not kill him if you can. I have some unfinished business with him," she said.

With a swift move, she pulled her sword from its sheath and pointed towards the inn the man stayed. "Go now! I want him before noon!" she ordered as the men went.


The man could hear loud sounds of armors. The noises stopped when it reached the man's door.

With a scarred voice. "Hel-Hello, who's there?" the man said a husky voice.

"Break the door!" William yelled, and one of his men slashed the door into two pieces.

Six men, along with William, went inside and surrounded the man.

"Ah, prat! You didn't fell for it," the man said with an irritated expression. He wanted to play with them a little, but they had no patience for it.

With a sigh, He looked at the men who surrounded him before he held his swords firmly. '6 men here, probably more at outside,' he thought. 'I need to distract them.'

"Well, where is Katie? I missed her alluring smell already," he said sarcastically.

William, who heard the man's sentence, yelled. "You bastard! Who do you," he couldn't even finish his sentence as a sword pierced towards his skull by the middle of his eyes.

Remeaning men startled to the thing that happened just before. The man they went to kill, killed their head warrior William in a flash. They didn't saw him nor hear him. Everything happened way too fast.

The man's eyes started to wander around them. Piercing scarlet eyes looking at them with a fierce expression. His golden-colored hairs were covered in blood by the man he just killed.

"Who do you think you are... Guess that was the thing you were about to say," he said sarcastically. "I am Ejder, Ejder Draken."

"Remember it well if you will live."

That was the last sentence in the room for the night.