
Yin Energy

"That was really spooky. You heard a voice said 'Hello!' too right Rebecca?"

Rebecca took a bite into her sandwich and licked her lips before replying, "I know spooky things happen in the hospital but is this the first time you experienced this?"

"You really shouldn't talk with your mouth full. Who will understand what you just said." Meifung gestured her chopsticks disapprovingly.

With a gulp down her slender throat, Rebecca continued, "I said, have you experience something similar before?"

Meifung locked her eyes with Rebecca's through her slightly fogged eye-glasses, "Yes." She used her fingers to pushed up her glasses, "There is a spot in the morgue that is extremely cold and no one knows why."

"That must be the energy ball", Indigo muttered to himself. "And how do I get rid of this screen? Can I just logout?" The screen flashed and showed "logging out in 5 seconds." "What! This is too sudden!" The poltergeist shouted. The girls felt goosebumps down their spines as if they both heard something. The screen ignored everyone and continued its countdown.






The poltergeist felt a knot in its stomach and saw its eyes shutting down. A force tugged it, dragging the spirit forcefully into a dark space.

Indigo opened his eyes but saw nothing except darkness. He felt cold and naked and trapped. His hands extended stiffly to feel his surrounding. A plasticky sound rustled as his fingers touched it. He felt his blood gushing back and heart beating rhythmically. His insides felt rearranged. He was in stitches but the wound healed itself almost instantaneously.

It took a while but Indigo realised he is back in his body. His memories were muddled but he knew he has to get out of the hospital. His instincts told him his life is in danger. Locating the zip, he unzip the bag and climbed out of it. He took the doctor's overcoat and started to stealthily escape.

With his memories all over the place, he had no idea where to go. "Who am I? What am I? Where can I get help?" A sharp pain coursed through his head and the familiar screen appeared in front of him, "Quest completed: yin energy captured. Proceed to teleport home? Yes/No"